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[color=darkslateblue][size=1]Finally got a reply up. Sorry it took so long.[/color][/size]
[color=white][size=1]As Summer sat up, she saw something that wasn't right in the least. Ezekiel lay on the ground, his usually dark skin looked bleached a pale white, his hair thin and tussled, his eyes open but unblinking. He lay there as his body began to contort into strange positions, most of which were humanly impossible. It was like something had turned him into a doll of realistic clay and begun to mangle him. Smash him out of anger, contort and break him. However, in Ezekiel's reality, he couldn't tell that was happening. When Summer had collapsed on his lap, he had kept trying to wake her and see if she was alright. As he'd went on, he slowly realized that the world was losing all colour. The deep shades of green dripped off of the trees and left the brances and leaves as a dull, colourless husks. Ezekiel blinked his eyes and looked at the trees again, before looking down. Ezekiel had to keep from yelping as he saw that Summer was nowhere to be found. Growling, Ezekiel forgot about his fear and turned that fear into something else. Anger. The kind of anger that got you ready for a fight and wouldn't let you go until your lust was satisfied. He stood, pulling his fingerless gloves back on and flexing his fingers tightly, walking up to the black and white trees. The rest of the world was melting away in front of his eyes. The world dripped off of the fabric of reality as wet paint off of a fresh canvas, pooling at the bottom. The puddle of the world writhed and twisted and then fell still in front of Ezekiel's deep eyes. He looked down and noticed two things. One, he was the only thing still in colour, and two, the puddle had begun to take a definite shape outside of the restrictions of reality. Ezekiel nearly fell to his knees at the sight. While he was a person of strong will, seeing this, this that defied and challenged the laws of nature right before his very eyes as if it was a natural occurence that happened nightly, it nearly drove him to tears. Was the world all a fake and shoddy canvis after all? Able to be torn down and melted and reformed at whoever's whim? No. Out of the puddle, a figure rose. In the abberation, the first thing that Ezekiel saw was in fact the rough outline of serpentile, bone-ridged wings. Narrowing his eyes, he could see the outline begin to take shape and form, tracing deep outlines and carving the ornate markings as if an invisible artist of inconcieveable skill wrote across this painting, giving it depth and reason. When Ezekiel blinked his eyes, he came face to face with a handsome young man and the reality as it had been minutes before, but without colour. Instead, it seemed like all of the colour had drained into this man before him. Long brown locks framed and covered a thin and sharp face that hid a secret grin. His hair was twisted back like - or covered up - twisted upwards horns. His attire was a melange of red and teal, deep and grandeur designs traced throughout. A tail lay between his strong and yet thin looking legs, whipping softly with boredom as he looked at Ezekiel. [b]" 'Ello."[/b] The figure said simply, and Ezekiel felt like this was someone he knew, but lost contact with as time went on. The man flexed his crimson and bone-white coloured wings, the world moving in extreme slow motion around Ezekiel and the handsome man in front of him. [b]"Er...hello to you too. Now, I want some answers, and I want 'em quick, and I want them straight. No beating around the brush."[/b] Ezekiel said it with force, even though his anger had been overcome with an overpowering feeling of awe that shook his very reality to his core. [b]"Eh, seems fair 'nough. M'name's Aufgermacht, and you're Ezekiel, and I'm you, 'n you're me. Simple 'nough?"[/b] The figure produced a cigar from his strange clothing and offered it to Ezekiel. He paused and looked at him. [b]"We like cigars, and don't worry, it's not real. For you, at least. And me? Well, let's just say I'm not worried about dyin' of cancer anytime soon."[/b] Slowly, Ezekiel look the cigar and placed it between his lips. Aufgermact leaned forward and flicked his fingers, the tip of the cigar bursting into flames. To his surprise, the cigar was almost like one of those cinnamon flavored toothpicks that he usually chewed whenever he had them. However, the cigar was a bit thicker with an even stronger taste. Ezekiel felt extremely strange. It wasn't every day that you were confronted by someone who claimed to be you that gave you a cinnamon-tasting cigar. Or any day, for that matter. [b]"...What do you mean?"[/b] [b]"It doesn't matter. Oh, don' chew that cigar, the taste is a littl' strong. I'm surprised yeh accepted it, as I checked, you're not 18. Meh, it doesn't matter, I guess, it's not even real."[/b] Aufgermacht muttered to himself, loosing attention in Ezekiel. However, the poke of a burning cigar held in Ezekiel's fingertips against his warm flesh alerted him. [b]"Anywho. All I have to say is...you know me, more than you know anyone else, even that pretty littl' girlfriend of ours. Yes, ours. I'm Ezekiel and you're Aufgermacht, and yet you're Ezekiel and I'm Aufgermacht at the same time. 'Sall really confusin'. Anyway...I've come here for a reason."[/b] [b]"...What reason...?"[/b] Ezekiel stared at him, twirling the cigar in his fingers. He might have to get some of these from the creature - or rather, this thing that claimed to be himself and Ezekiel at the same time - as it was pretty good. Maybe the creature wasn't lying. [b]"To give yeh yer gift. Give me yer right hand, 'Zeke."[/b] Aufgermacht held his own right hand out for his. Slowly, Ezekiel gave him his right hand and instantly, he saw the flesh and muscle and bone melt off of his shoulder, dissapearing into drops of colour that rejoined the canvas of the world. In a wreath of smoke and flame, Ezekiel's arm had grown back, but with a new addition. A reddish orange, metal plated fighting glove that extended up his arm. As it was right now, it resembled the left arm of the devil that stood before him, and Aufgermact's right arm was Ezekiel's. [b]"Dun worry, it's just a glove. And it won't always look like that. When yer not in trouble, it'll look like a normal, maroon coloured fingerless grip glove like you wore today. And you can take it off when ya wish. Yer new arm however, might take a little time to settle in with the skin tone. I'm not as quite as dark as you are. Your body will slowly began to gain my properties. Like I said, I'm you, and you're me."[/b] With a wave, Aufgermact dissapeared in whisps of colours and smoke, the cigar bursting into a green flame that trailed off and rejoined the trees as colour. When Ezekiel came to, Summer had his head on her lap, and was biting on her lip something fierce. A droplet of blood splashed on his forehead and he stirred, looking up at her. She'd worried her lip into a raw, red mess. [b]"Ey...it's okay, Summer. I'm okay. Are you?"[/b] He looked at her, his deep eyes stained with worry as he leaned forward and hugged her close, kissing her to stop her teeth from biting right through her lip, and to comfort her. [/color][/size]
[quote name='Ezekiel]Also Ijizawa Mai [Kitty']. I wanted you in but you couldn't fit in a cell. DD: So sorry![/quote] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]That means that she got in, but she couldn't fit her into a cell due to the number of people that signed up. Look up at the very top, Matt. =3[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[color=darkslateblue][size=1]Alright, Matt told me I could start the fight, so my post is offically up. =D[/color][/size]
[color=white][size=1]Zeke's lips split into a thin smile as he rummaged through his locker, allowing his smile to grow wide enough for his teeth to be showing. Slowly, he pulled his messenger bag out from his locker and draped it over his shoulder, stuffing his various assignments into the bag. [i]Lesse...I got French homework tonight...and some other stuff. I also...oh yeah, that fight with Zed. Meh, I'll make it quick, that little crap-shoot won't be able to stand after I'm done with him. I can't exactly stand people that act like that, so pointless.[/i] His fingers reached into his pocket, frowning softly as he retreived his headphones from his pocket. slowly, he applied the small white earbuds to his ears, using the touch-scroll of his iPod to search through his consortium of songs. After a few scrollthroughs, he nodded and picked one of his favorite albums, and the first song from it. Striding out the door, he tapped his fingers along to the beat on his messenger bag. [i]Bow down before the one you serve[/i] the fight would be easy. Zed looked like the type that would swing with all of his power and have somewhat lacking balance. Ezekiel would just have to watch his movements a little more careful than usual. That guy wouldn't get him, not today, not ever. [i]You're gonna get what you deserve[/i] But something troubled him. Summer always encouraged his fights, because she knew he could win. What was so dangerous about this little blue haired tattoed biggot? Ezekiel had never lost, not once. He wouldn't start losing now. [i]Head like a hole![/i] He still had time before the actual fight. Maybe it'd be kind of smart to drop off his homework and start warming up a little and think about the fight. Think about how to get into his opponent's head and use his fears and weaknesses as a weapon. Fear was a valuable weapon and destructive in the right hands. Zeke smiled as he remembered one of his favorite re-run TV shows, Stargate SG-1, and a quote from it. [b][i]"This is a weapon of fear, it's ment to intimidate the enemy. This is a weapon of war, this is ment to kill the enemy."[/b][/i] Right now, Ezekiel had need for both, to make sure this fight would work. [i]Black as your soul![/i] The sidewalk narrowed into the road before him. Quickly, he ran accross the road, crossing and weaving through the parked cars as he stopped off at the front of the apartment building that was his house. Slowly, he opened the door and looked around. [b]"Mum, dad?"[/b] He walked into the house, setting down his messenger bag and looking around. [i]Zeke- We're out of town for a couple of weeks, your Aunt Isen had to be hospitalized. There's money where it always is, and food in the fridge and freezer and cabinents. XOXO, Mom.[/i] Shrugging, Zeke looked through the pantry and eventually pulled out a box of granola bars, retrieving one from the package. Zeke grinned as he looked at his Chocolate sitting in a small pocket in his "Nine Inch Nails" messenger bag. Maybe Summer would pick up if he called her. Making his way to the table, he fished out the phone and hit the first speed dial, listening to the phone ring. [b]"Summer?"[/b] [b]"Hm?"[/b] [b]"I'll be there a few minutes early. We still have time, so I'm gonna do something, okay?"[/b] [b]"Okay. I'd ask you not to get in trouble, but you always do anyway, so try not to get into too much trouble?"[/b] [b]"I won't, I won't, I promise. 'Love you."[/b] He smiled into the phone and closed it after she replied with the same. Zeke sighed and jumped up onto the counter, sitting and staring around the room as he chewed on the granola bar, the flecks stuck in between his teeth. How to hurt Zed? --- The sunlight began to dim, but the lights around the park illuminated the soon-to-be battle stage. Everyone was already waiting, much to Ezekiel's surprise. Ezekiel wore only two black fingerless leather gloves, a pair of black baggy South Pole Jeans, and a white button up shirt. He approached Zed, who stood there with his arms crossed, wearing a sarcastic smirk on his placid face. [b]"So, yeh decided to show up."[/b] Zedidah said with a sarcastic tone. After all, it was several minutes before the fight was even supposed to take place. [b]"Yeah, I just thought I'd annoy you first."[/b] [b]"Whatever. I think I'll just beat the crap out of you and go home."[/b] [b]"You've got a very wild imagination, you should sign up for creative writing."[/b] Before the bickering could continue, someone stepped in the middle and grinned a not-too-friendly smile. [b]"I say that we make some stakes for the loser here. How about, the loser has to wear a dress on the next Midterms day, the entire day?"[/b] Ezekiel grinned. [b]"I'm up for it, but he doesn't have the legs for a dress, so let's ask him."[/b] Zed went blank for a moment before smiling back. [b]"Only you would know, crossdresser."[/b] And with that, the fight had begun. Zed ran at him without warning and Ezekiel barely had time to move. Damn, this kid was fast! Ezekiel ducked low to avoid the high aimed punch and quickly but fludily turned on his left heel, bringing his right foot up to Zed's head. Howeever, it was just barely met with an arm, blocking it and sending Ezekiel slightly off balance, causing him to jump back onto two feet. [b]"C'mon, Zeke, you think I'm that slow?"[/b] Zed ran at him, leaping into the air and pulling his foot back for a kick. Zeke feigned boredom with a yawn and brought his right foot up into the air, taking Zed's foot and using his momentum in a sweeping circular arc to bring Zed down to the ground. Zeke placed his hands on his hips and grinned down at Zed. [b]"You call me a freak, and yet I'm the one with the most wonderful girlfriend ever, and here you are, on the ground like a little weaseal, all alone. You freak."[/b] [/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] Note: Lyrics "Bow down before the one you serve / You're gonna get what you deserve / Head like a Hole! / Black as your soul!" are from the Nine Inch Nails song, "Head like a Hole", from the album, "Pretty Hate Machine."
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Sean ran a hand through his teal-blue hair and gazed around watchfully, looking for someone who could of possibly been Roland. Of course, the females were quickly eliminated. Sean breathed a sigh of relief, rubbing the right side of his face slowly. At least his roommate wasn't Ben. He seemed like the suave kind of guy that would get on his nerves quite quickly. With a sigh, he leaned back against the french double doors. It'd be best to watch the people separate into their pairs of roommates. Slowly, Sean began to tap his foot to an invisible beat, watching everyone walk past. Several of them stopped to ask his name, but he smiled and shook his head with a simple, " 'Name's Sean." and gave them a simple wave as they went off to find their roommate. This was probably the most irritating part about this, the whole separating into roommates. It lead to much confusion and frustration. Finally, a rather middle-aged man with a finely pressed jacket and the jovial smile that you'd expect to see from a warm father, approached him with a flute clutched loosely in his fingertips. Sean sat up and smiled, looking around. This must of been his roommate. Taking the first action, Sean extended his hand and spoke with his sharp German accent. [b]"My name's Sean, Sean Enttausch. Pleased to meet you, Mr...?"[/b] Sean had been a master of courtesy, and actually managed to enjoy the warm handshake given back to him by the man with the flue. [b]"Well, Sean, my name is Roland Peters, but you can just call me Ry. And I, am your roommate."[/b] Ry brandished his flute at him benevolently, and it was Sean's turn to give him such a kind smile as he'd first recieved. [b]"I take it you're a musician, Mr. Pe....Ry?"[/b] Sean had visibly reddened at his slip up and bowed his head in a soft gesture of apology. [b]"Indeed, I am. This flute has been my best companion over the years and I couldn't part from it. And don't worry about the name thing, kiddo. Anyway, what do you do for a livin'?"[/b] [b]"Heh, I'm 24, I didn't know that still qualified as "kiddo." But, anyway, I'm a storyboard writer and artist for a company called Blizzard North, we make video games and stuff like that. It's quite enjoyable as long as I'm not swamped with demands, and even then, it's still kinda fun."[/b] Sean was easily warming up to this man. He radiated a type of comfort. [b]"Oh? Well, what courses did you take in college, then? You did go through college, right?"[/b] Ry listened patiently for his reply as Sean decided what to say. [b]"Well, I went to a college in Germany. Our frat parties are much better than the American's,"[/b] Sean allowed himself a joke, it was always nice to be able to laugh. [b]"But I took courses in 2d and 3d art, creative fantasy and realistic writing, and musical composition and preformance. I'm actually somewhat of a singer myself, but I never preform in front of audiences."[/b] [b]"Well, perhaps, Sean, we can pull you a bit out of that shell! Tell you what. You should preform tonight at dinner, I'm sure we'd love to hear your voice."[/b] Sean's eyes went wide and he laughed. [b]"I'll think about it. Should we head to our room?"[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] [b]OOC:[/b] I really hope this is okay. >_<
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][b]Name:[/b] Ikorose Suigintou. [b]Age:[/b] 15. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img87.imageshack.us/my.php?image=zekezh2.jpg]Ikorose.[/url] Suigintou is in most aspects, serious about his appearance. In his mind, if you look like some third rate fool, your allies will treat you just like that. Often, he wears the simplest of clothes; slacks and a long sleeved shirt. It doesn't exactly matter the color of either, but all that Suigintou owns are blue, black, white, and dark beige loose slacks, with a variety of shirts that are most often blue, white, black, or a maroon-ish red in colour. At the request of his mother, he's started wearing the thin mesh underneath his most favorite shirt, which is more of an upper-torso wraparound vest instead of a shirt. More than not, Suigintou makes room for his rings and earrings, the most prominent of rings being the one inlaid with a dark garnet. This bear's his family's insigina, and his birthstone colour for the month of January. Suigintou has an unorthodox habit of playing with his hair at almost all times, which is more of an annoyed response than anythign else. To the deep disdain of his parents, Suigintou has a small tattoo on his left side, which [b]Rank:[/b] Chuunin. [b]Personality:[/b] Suigintou is more like a big brother and protector than anything else. While he does work for his own goals, if someone needs his help, he'll drop whatever he's doing to rush to their aid. Suigintou's belief is that through helping others, they'll come around to return the favor. His appearance makes him seem unapproachable, but if talked to, Suigintou is more than eager to hold a conversation. However, he does have a proud side, as he's a rather capable fighter. While his pride isn't easily hurt, Suigintou does acknowledge it's a downside to his personality at times as he'll never back down from a challenge, no matter how dangerous. Suigintou has an inferiority complex, in which he feels like he doesn't ever do enough for anyone, and often forgets about his own wellbeing. [b]Equipment:[/b] Suigintou doesn't exactly carry much. More of a minimalist when it comes to this part, he carries only a number of exploding tags, 5 kunai that hang from his belt, a spool of thin razorwire, and a pouch of shruikens. However, he's more than happy to pick up his enemy's weapons and accessories in battle, or after their defeat. [b]Main Weapon / Technique:[/b] Suigintou's full name, "Ikorose Suigintou", means "impailing mercury/silver moon." With the Ikorose tribe, the bloodline limit is different in the fact that the ability manifests itself based on the given name of the child. If someone named their child Ikorose Sakura, they might use thick vines and sharp petals and leaves to do battle. Suigintou's ability is much more extreme than that, however. His catalyst for this ability is the blood-garnet ring he wears on his middle finger on his right hand. When activating this ability, Suigintou focuses his chakra into the ring and it begins to glow brightly, before becoming whatever shape Suigintou wishes it to be. If he's looking for a fast method of a kill, a ray of silver-white light will leap from the ring and twist and weave, approaching his enemy. Suigintou can grip this ray of light in his hands without fear of being harmed and use it as a tool that easily severs flesh and bone. However, if the fight seems to be more drawn out, Suigintou can manifest the Ikorose Suigintou into different shapes. His favorite is a large Ji, which is a halberd with a slot that can trap an opponent's weapon and disarm, or possibly break their weapon with a single flick of the wrist. His other most commonly used weapon manifestation is a pair of bladed tonfa, which extend several inches more than traditional tonfa. Each weapon manifestation is a silverish color steel with gold markings and a single maroon red line running down the hilt and blade. Ikorose Suigintou can also launch small blades of chakra that resemble slivers of glass in a pure snow-white color, almost eliminating his need for traditional kunai and throwing weapons. When Suigintou summons his Ji, it uses up a larger amount of chakra than the inital whip, or the tonfa, or the so called "Suigintou Shards", as this weapon is larger and requires more chakra to form. However, the Ji seems to be sharper than many other weapons, and has on more than one occassion sliced through the blade of an opponent's. [b]Writing Snippet:[/b] The morning sun sat high and lofty in the misty sky, with a dark haired, serious looking young Chuunin underneath it. The dark green vest of a Chuunin lay beside him, obviously not what he considered to be comfortable or needed. The youth leaned up against the tree, scratching an itch with the help of the bark skin of the oak tree. [b]"Ginmaru, get your butt out of that tree before I have to come up there and drag you down myself. We're in Kohona, no one is gonna attack you. Besides maybe the following of obsessed young women you've got following you around."[/b] Suigintou laughed and stood, bending his knees in order to jump up and wrestle Ginmaru from the trees. [b]"...They're followin' you, too, Suigintou."[/b] Came the response from the tree that was obviously trying not to laugh as Suigintou stood frozen still, looking at the group of seven slightly younger Genin eagerly trying to search out the pair of Chuunin. Without a second throught, Suigintou scrambled up into the tree and sat next to Ginmaru, patting him on the shoulder. [b]"Eh, thanks for that, I guess. They're so annoyin', I swear, they need to teach [i]restraint[/i] at the academy nowadays I guess."[/b] Suigintou took one look at Ginmaru and sighed dramatically. [b]"What're you up here for in the first place, anyway? Training to become an ANBU?"[/b] Suigintou laughed and gave him a playful shove on the shoulder, which was returned with a slight bit more force by Ginmaru. [b]"At least I have the skills to become an ANBU, unlike you, Mr. Moonlight."[/b] Ginmaru mocked back smugly, even though the two knew the other was just joking. As the branches stretched their limbs up to reach for the sun and hold it, Suigintou gently tapped Ginmaru on the shoulder. Without a word, Ginmaru nodded slightly and stood up, with Suigintou following him. The two took to the trees, making only the slightest ruffle in the branches as they passed, which would be attributed to the wind. Dropping down from the canopy, Suigintou looked at Ginmaru and smiled warmly, before holding up his right hand and closing his eyes, his chakra becoming visible in the garnet ring as it wrapped around his hand. The white light lengthened and thinned into a Ji, a type of halberd that was used by the most decorated officers of battles past. Suigintou grinned at Ginmaru and brandished his spear, looking at the other Chuunin. [b]"This is always the best part of the day."[/b] Without another word, the two close friends ran at each other, engaging in combat that was close enough to real to leave the two with scratches and cuts and scars. But these scars were the kinds that created good memories, these were the scars of friendship, as volatile as it might be. [b]Extra Notes:[/b] Suigintou and Ginmaru are close friends, and often are assigned to the same missions. Suigintou's mother and father were never formally accepted as Genin, but strongly encouraged him to become the best shinobi he could be. This sign up was rather fun to imagine and write.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[color=white][size=1]Ezekiel laughed and sprinted through the halls, slowing down enough to let Summer catch up and throw her arm around his neck, rubbing the top of his head roughly with her knuckles. He slipped his head out of her arm and laughed, putting his arm around her head and returning the favor. They were, however, interrupted by the footsteps of another student quickly approaching them. Ezekiel unwrapped his arm from her neck and let Summer stand up straight. Ezekiel expected it to be somebody he didn't know and simply didn't want them to get the wrong idea. After all, even though they'd known each other forever, they weren't going out or anything. However, the person that came up to them made Ezekiel visibly tense. Daniel smiled at Summera and gave a brief nod to Ezekiel, proceeding to ignore Zeke. He was tall and sandy-blond haired, handsome and gifted with the personality that attracted people. Ezekiel's hand closed into a fist as he stayed directly by Summer's side. [b]"So Summer, how yeh been?"[/b] He smiled at her coyly as Zeke held back from hurting this guy. They were still going out. Daniel would end up hurting her and breaking her heart like he had several times before. Ezekiel sighed inside of himself and tried to push back that kind of thought. After all, it was her free will to date and be with who she liked, right? [b]"Eh, I'm okay, you?"[/b] She asked, biting her lip in just that cute way that would drive Daniel crazy. Zeke was too absorbed into his own thoughts to realize that he was being leaned on heavily by Summer and that Daniel was walking off. He wanted her to be safe, even though he harassed and played around with her every day. By the time he was brought back to reality, Summer was leaning up against him and Daniel was nowhere to be found. [b]"...What happened?"[/b] [b]"He...said that I didn't really mean anything to him after all. He said it was fun for a while..."[/b] Summer sounded quite distant. Warning signs went off in Ezekiel's head and he gently pulled her aside into an unused classroom. He sat her in one of the desks and looked at her for a while. [b]" 'Ey, Summer?"[/b] [b]"Mmm?"[/b] [b]"I've always really really liked you and stuff and y'know, and you're my friend, and I and...ummm..."[/b] Ezekiel was soon interrupted by the rather loud PA system, demanding Summer and Zeke in the office. He looked at Summer, who was still brooding over what had been said to her by Daniel. Slowly, the pair made their way to the office. A kindly woman in her 30's greeted them and allowed them to head back to the principal's office. As they entered the small room and sat down, they realized they would be alone for a bit as the secretary said something about a Northwest Allen County schoolboard meeting. Ezekiel chose the seat that was closest to the desk, and Summer took the seat right next to him. After chewing vigorously on his lips for a while, he watched the clock. He really did care about her. This time, he wouldn't be interrupted. Slowly, Zeke turned to Summer. [b]"Summer...you're a very special person, and he didn't deserve yeh in the first place. I knwo that won't exactly make you feel better, but I just wanna ask something."[/b] Ezekiel stopped for a moment and then slowly continued, trying his hardest not to trip over his words. [b]"Summer...will you go out with me?"[/b] [/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] whee for drama? x3
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Sean sat in his one bedroom, spacious apartment. He sighed and curled up on his couch for a moment, reading a printed out copy of the e-mail over and over again. Moving his deep teal-coloured eyes up to the clock, he saw that it was nearly time to be going. Standing, Sean approached the mirror and pulled a comb out of the desk to comb his hair straight back, leaving a few strands to fall forward for personality. He smiled and looked at the blue tattoes around his eyes. There was something about being different that enthralled Sean to no end. Moving quickly and with purpose, Sean tapped his fingers against his side while humming a song, picking up whatever he needed. Carelessly putting things into his suitcase, he grinned as he moved about. This was what he'd been living for. This was his calling. Sean came back to his suitcase and looked at it with a melodramatic sigh, before taking everything out and fixing it. Days of playing tetris came back to his mind, enough to make Sean make soft little "beep beep beep" noises. For being so intelligent and artistic, Sean was allowed to be a dork at times. Smiling, Sean made his way to his computer, sitting down at it and opening up iTunes. Connecting his black iPod video to the computer, he downloaded several new songs onto it, and a few videos. He yawned and sat back in the chair, allowing himself a moment of relaxation as he tapped his right foot along to the song. He couldn't get through a flight without music. It wasn't long before Sean sat next to a businessman wearing a stuffy suit and working on his laptop on a Bowing 747. He tapped his foot along to the beat of the song, the businessman becoming increasingly more annoyed with every tap. Needless to say, the business man made a deal out of it by rudely coughing and making otherwise interrupting sounds, but Sean didn't care. He tapped his foot up and down and even took a pencil out of his pocket and began to play the drum beat, much to the disdain of his companion next to him, the distraught businessman. --- The car rolled up to the mansion, grand and lavish before Sean's deep eyes. He looked down at his clothes, the black South Pole pants hanging against his legs and the white button up cotton shirt clinging to his chest through the force of gravity and static eletricity. He smiled as the driver opened the door, letting him out to stretch his legs. He stood up fully, and breathed in the clean air, enjoying the crisp taste. Several people were already here. Sean looked over the head of the driver at everyone and picked out a place to stand and wait. Grabbing his luggage, he made his way up to stand next to a woman gazing up into the sky and stood next to her. He smiled and turned to her, offering a hand. [b]"Name's Sean."[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[color=white][size=1]Ezekiel sat in front of a girl with orange-reddish long hair as he scribbled down notes when needed. He yawned and stretched out, bumping the girl behind him when Ezekiel noticed that she was quite asleep as her body rose and fell and her hair lay spiraled out on the desk. As he went to write notes again, he heard a soft little thwack. Muttering something, Ezekiel turned around to see a piece of paper fall from the desk and the head of the girl rise up from the desk. As Ezekiel looked at her face, he managed to put a name to it. [b]" 'Ey...Ana, put your head back down. Yeh look tired. 'E's just talkin' about his bikes again. Mr. Terrell always does this."[/b] He said, smiling at her softly before leaning over in his seat and picking up the paper. Uncrumpling, he studied it fully and looked around for someone with the same paper. He found seven different people, but the most likely was a dark blue haired man with a small smile pasted to his white face. Ezekiel studied the kid for a moment, tracing the tattooes with his eyes. Again, he managed to remember his name. Zed-isomething. He was usually just called "Zed", and was a horrible troublemaker. Slowly, once the teacher took a break to let them write notes, Ezekiel rose up to his feet and approached the trash can with the paper in hand. Instead of throwing it into the trash, he slipped it onto Zed's desk and walked back as the teacher turned back around from his coffee to begin teaching again. As he scribbled the notes down, Ezekiel mused about how, with that much caffeine intake, the teacher could still be as boring as hell. Mr. Terrel prattled on about the state of equilibrium between the language of math and the language of the rest of the world, coming off track again. When Zed opened up the note, he saw something scribbled in rather neat handwriting. [i]Are you really that bored to throw paper in the classroom at someone sleeping?[/i] Zed seemed to smile at the comment as Ezekiel started to draw on his paper. Leaning down, the blue haired tattooed teenager wrote a rather interesting reply and managed to get it passed back to Ezekiel. [i]Are you really that bored to complain about it?[/i] From there, the note was passed back and forth. Ezekiel used a deep red ink pen while Zed scribbled in a dark blue pen. While writing a comment back, Ezekiel managed himself a soft chuckle as he linked the color of Zed's hair to his pen. [i]Meh, wouldn't it be more interesting to throw them at people who are awake and could throw back? Anyway, talk to me after class. Just look for the guy with white hair.[/i] [/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] Mr. Terrell was the name of my 8th grade Algebra teacher and wouldn't shut up sometimes. XD
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Abelia stretched her lithe limbs out and then began to eat slowly and softly. She didn't seem too interested with the food. Her eyes wandered back over to Lex and after a moment, she put down her utensils and began to speak again. [b]"It does make me wonder, really...why would they put men on the ship and not tell us about it? Why put men on the ship at all? We're perfectly capable of doing this all on our own. We've done it for years."[/b] [b]"I dunno, maybe it's some head games or something. Maybe they're not real."[/b] [b]"Bleh...they're real. They have to be. I bumped into one in the hall. Name's like...Neron or Neero or something. Men sure do have strange names. Who would name their child Neron?"[/b] Abelia wondered out loud, playing lazily with her food. She was reminded at her mother's soft reprimand at such actions and smiled. Lex seemed to enjoy doing the same, neither exactly interested with their food for the time being. [b]"What did he feel like? Was he different? Did he smell different?"[/b] Lex asked, her voice spiked with interest. Abelia shrugged and poked a hole through the mashed potatoes with her fork. Abelia couldn't help herself and giggled. [b]"He felt like plush cotton clothes, he seemed larger than us women, and he didn't exactly smell like anything. I don't sniff people, much less...men."[/b] Abelia said, still trying to get used to the idea of having [i]men[/i] aboard the ship. [b]"Why do you think they're on the ship, Lex?"[/b][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[color=darkslateblue][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Sean Enttausch. [b]Age:[/b] 24. [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Location:[/b] Berlin, Germany. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9591/grimmjowdl1.jpg]Sean.[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Sean is carefree and springy most of the time, just looking for an enjoyable moment. His large eyes often show curiosity and playfulness, instead of seriousness or fear. He seems to take pleasure from the fact that people often don't know how to have fun, and instead are stuck in their own little world of small cars and work ties. Most of the time he's leisurely, but he can be serious, and an excellent leader if motivated. However, nothing up until know has been exactling quite as motivating. [b]Bio:[/b] Sean was born and raised in a small town outside of Berlin, and was brought up with family values. These values; love for your fellow man, respect for your fellow man, kindness, and compassion, and the willingness to listen above all else, have influenced many of his life choices. Early on, in elementary schooling, Sean exhibited signs of motor and mental skills of children above his age. However, his attitude towards work was less than could be hoped for. At the age of 12, Sean was kicked out of his junior high for refusal to do a simple thing such as homework. Although his homework was always incompletes, his test and quiz grades were flawless, and at the young age of 12, already had a post high school reading level. Sean never went back to school formally, but began to learn on his own and was accepted into a college based on the fact that he offered to show everyone at the administration his skills and came back the next day with a 1,500 word report on why he was supposed to be accepted into the college. Upon reading the report and making him take a few simple tests, he was let in. Sean has recently graduated college with a degree in creative professional writing and journalism, digital and traditional art, and musical composition studies. Currently, Sean leads the development team of the Blizzard North storyboard team, combining his writing and artistry into one job. Sean has more than shown himself to be a capable leader, while still keeping his cool and enjoyment of fun and leisure. [b]Greatest Desire:[/b] To have others recognize his abilities and to be cared for by someone again. [b]Greatest Fear:[/b] Going out of the world without a bang, failing horribly and not being recognized for his skills.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Abelia wandered down the hallways slowly, twirling on her feet while long slender digits dragged along the metal flesh of the Obsession. Her mind was a confused mixture of surprise, anger, joy and awe. The ship was amazingly large, and she was more than happy to be upon it. However, it almost hurt to not be told that there would be [i]men[/i] on the ship. Sighing, Abelia turned right down the hallway and into an open doorway. A room bustled with life, women chattering all around as several prepared food and set it out. It looked like it'd be time to eat soon. Gently and gingerly, Abelia explored the hallways of the ship, taking her sweet time to get to the hangar. She continued down a hallway until she bumped into someone. Looking up at who it was, the apology already left her lips when saw it was a man. Her teeth grit in anger and it took all she could for Abelia not to shove the man out of the way, or down to the ground. However, she slowly hissed and let the air pass through her full red lips before she put a hand out tenatively. [b]"Abelia."[/b] That was all that Abelia could manage right then, her other hand wringing the side of her dress. Slowly, the man stretched his hand out to take her's gently. Her eyes locked onto his spectacles and she blushed momentarily, realizing they shared the same problem. [b]"...Neron."[/b] They shook hands, not letting to for a while. Abelia faltered. Were these really demons, when they looked so similar, felt so similar? She shook her head mentally and grit her teeth on the inside of her lips. They were demons, they had to be. If that's what the government taught, then that is what it is. [b]"I'm a Volker pilot."[/b] She said simply, not wanting to get into too much detail. Looking him up and down, she analyzed that he was probably someone of mediocre to high importance to the ship. [b]"I'm the ship's doctor."[/b] Neron replied, looking at her over his glasses as she wrung her hands into her dress. Abelia was staring back just as intently. To anyone watching, it must of looked like they were about to exchange blows.[/color][/size]
[color=white][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Ezekiel Kraskinov. [url=http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/1619/kdashfh6.jpg] Zeke. [Changed picture.][/url] [b]Age / D.O.B.:[/b] Sixteen / April 3rd, 1994. [Senior.] [b]Persona:[/b] [url=http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/6531/beldemonav4.jpg]Aufgermacht.[/url] [b]Blood Weapon:[/b] Ezekiel wears a strange glove at all times, made of leather and reinforced with metal. He doesn't ever take it off, not even when in the gym showers. This has led to much speculation on what's underneath it. When, on the very few occassions he does talk about it, the words "Blood Weapon" and "Shinsou" are mentioned. [The glove is seen in the picture of him.] [b]Snippit:[/b] The morning sun gazed down on the earth below, but soon hid it's face behind a veil of rainy clouds. Ezekiel looked up at the sky and mused over this, thinking about how the earth had been messed up pretty bad by humans. No wonder the sun didn't wanna shine. He leaned back on the park bench, lifting a small bottle of indeterminable brand and origin to his lips. A smirk played across his thin lips as Ezekiel watched the people walk by, worrying about all the things that they had to do that day. from the way one was wringing her hands, Ezekiel guessed that she was worrying about the man on the fifth story building and the affair that she was having with him. At least, that's how he'll tell you he knew. Actually, Ezekiel simply overheard her conversation. Tipping back the bottle again, he yawned and straightened his tie, his black hair pressed against his face softly. Usually taking to simple jeans and a t-shirt with his signature orange sunglow tinted glasses, he did take to a suit rather well. However, a groan, slow and low at the beginning heightened into a full blown utter of dispair. Out of all things, Ezekiel hated three things the most. Rapists, murderers, and job interviews. Ezekiel sure isn't a rapist or a killer, so it's obvious to see that he's going to a job interview. Gripping the resume in his hand, he stood up as he sighed, moving back into the building. Part time jobs were NOT his thing. The door closed behind him, the hydrolics pulling it shut as he walked down the hall. The hallway itself wasn't very bright, and the light flickered several times as he went under it. He grumbled something along the lines of, "crappy third rate part time job" and opened the door, moving into the main waiting room. The wallpaper peeled from the walls in places and the ceiling was cracked and had water damage. Upon taking a look at the first of the other applicants, Ezekiel whistled, waved, and promptly turned around to the door, exiting as calmly as he could. How could so many crappy jobs need so many workers? Ezekiel told himself mockingly, slamming the door shut behind him. This was the fourth interview that week he'd turned down. He absoultely refused to work in a rundown place that can't put out the money to take care of it's building. Sighing, he stripped off his buisness jacket and sat on the sidewalk for a moment, wearing a pair of pressed black slacks and a white dress shirt. Slowly, he made his way back to his feet, as his afternoon classes were about to begin. His hand slowly dipped into his pocket, pulling out his orange sunglasses and putting them on his face, walking back to class. "Just another day in the dandy life..."[/size] EDIT: Changed picture, persona, and blood weapon, and editied snippet accordingly. EDIT 2: Woot template. [/color]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Abelia clutched the paper loosely in her left hand, well manicured fingernails gripping the paper lightly. She chewed her lips raw, worrying herself over nothing. [i]I was accepted, after, all, I don't have to be worried, right?[/i] Next to applications, she feared social rejection, which led to her becoming a fighter pilot in the first place. She gripped the note tightly in her slender fingers and folded it up neatly, slipping it into her bag as she walked slowly through the building. [i]What should I bring...maybe a book or two for enjoyment and maybe music...fresh clothes and my hairbrush...and these.[/i] She stopped the incessant chewing on her lips, turning around into the mirror and holding up something to her eye, blinking a few times before doing the other eye. Abelia smiled at her reflection, blue eyes shining softly in the reflected light from the mirror. Placing a few more items into the suitcase, she shut it and made sure it held, before picking it up and testing it's weight. Abelia's slender arms easily held it and she turned around in time to grab a small box on her dresser before looking over the entire room. Taking a last look at her room, Abelia closed her eyes, turning around and stepping out of the door, shutting and locking it behind her. She walked confidently, her head held high as the soles of her shoes slapped against the floor softly, her golden wavy locks framing a slender face and deep blue eyes. Looking down at her suitcase, Abelia smiled as she shrugged it over her shoulder, moving out of the building and into the streets. In the bazaars around her building, various shops sold various things, from food to volker parts. Turning on her heel, Abelia broke into a run as she remembered something. She had to pick up her flying licsence from the mechanic shop! She thrust open the door and bounded inside, skidding to a halt at the service desk. [b]"My name is Abelia Ondore, I need to pick up my licsence, please."[/b] [b]"That'll be just a minute, and we'll have your bill to you in a moment."[/b] The receptionsist replied rather cooly, turning around on her high-heels and stooping low to run throught he file cabninents, looking for the papers and the bill. After a moment, she placed them in front of Abelia who quickly supplied the money and her signature in exchange for her licsence. Without enough time for a thank you, she bowed her head and took the small identification card and made her way to the western gate.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1] Tounge stretching out over full lips to lick away an invisible stain on her lip, Abelia played nervously with her fingers. She was a strong woman, able bodied and warm to most, with an iron will and fierce deterimination. She wouldn't stop at anything to help someone, or to further womankind's goals. But if there was one thing that wracked her steel nerves, it was applications. Slowly, she strode into the building with a sign somewhat akin to, "Obsession applications filed here." The soft tapping of her heels on the tile floor rang quite clearly through Abelia's mind. It seemed to permeate her thoughts, sink into her mind. [i]Tap tap tap.[/i] She was brought back to reality while pondering the name "Obsession" for a ship by the receptionist. [b]"Ma'am, the desk for applications is right here."[/b] Abelia faltered in her step, almost falling over before she realized it was indeed her the receptionist had called over. [b]"O-of course."[/b] Abelia managed to stutter, taking the pen and paper with a clipboard from the woman. She sat down in a sparsely populated part of the overcrowded room with the scent of every woman's perfume permeating the air and hazing her mind. Quickly, Abelia shook her head and picked up the pen. [center] [b]Name.:[/b] Abelia D-[i][b]Numerous scribbles cross out the word[/b][/i].Ondore. [i]Shootshootshoot, I messed up. This is why I hate pens and applications...[/i] [b]Age:[/b] 23. Third Generation. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [i](Curious people...)[/i] [b]Position Aboard:[/b] Ship fighter. [i]Believe it or not, I'm not a muscle bound hulk either...[/i] [b]Reasons for Application:[/b] Um, well, I really want to help out this mission because I feel like I can bring a much needed skill to the team; firepower. I was born and raised a "normal" girl, though I was always interested in the stars. Never joined a team or the military, but it was and it always will be neat to me. Well, I...yeah, that's about it. I want to explore. I want to see the universe, I want to watch the stars while right next to them, not millions of miles away on the ground. I wanna fly.[/center] Slowly, she stood up, her fingers curling around the paper, wringing it without her knowledge. She blushed and bowed softly to the woman, handing back the pen and the slightly curled paper. Abelia kept her cool until the door, at which she frantically bolted out to a safe distance, the fear of applications, strange people, pens, and rejection behind her.[/color][/size] [color=darkslateblue][size=1][b]OOC:[/b] Abelia: [url=http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/8377/abelia2qj.jpg]Clicky.[/url][/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][b]OOC:[/b] I can't exactly begin to imagine how to think like a woman. I'm not very feminine. So I'll be playing a male. [b]IC:[/b] Belias stalked down the hallways quietly, twirling a small coin in his fingertips as he looked up long enough to stare at the man holding a long thin pen at the registry. He flipped the coin into the air and caught it, slipping it into his pocket. Running a hand through his snow white hair, he fidgeted with the ring on his right hand as he approached the man. His eyes were cold and focused on the slender, wry build of the seemingly scared man in front of him. [b]"I'm here to apply, so make with that application."[/b] Belias stated, annoyed. That was the only reason that this room was open, for applications. He saw men stretched out all over the furniture, scribbling on pieces of paper. He took the paper and a slim pen with a heavy dark color that wasn't quite black, but more of a deep purple. Taking a seat, Belias ran his fingers over his white scarf, tracing it absently. His slender fingers ran down the material to the split ends that were colored an azure blue. [center] [b]Name.:[/b] Belias Ondore. [b]Age:[/b] 26. Third Generation. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [i](Wait, what the hell? This is such a stupid question...male male male. God, I think someone had a retard attack.)[/i] [b]Position Aboard:[/b] Ship fighter. [b]Reasons for Application:[/b] Because I'll enjoy blastin' the crap out of things in the sky? I don't really know. I'm just...intrigued. I've got a strong urge to fly, but I've got nowhere to fly to. I need to get away from the stifles of civilization. To tell the truth, I don't know why I came down here to sign up. There's plenty other of fighters, and I'm somewhat of a minority, because I'm betting some military men are signing up. Me? My experience is Ex Fighter-Corps. Why Ex? Because every officer was stupid. They didn't know how to fly, just how to keep us iron birds caged. Yeah, I'm gettin' all philosophical here. But like I said, I've got a strong urge to fly.[/center] Every i dotted and t crossed, Belias stood up and handed the pen and the application sheet to the timid man that was handing them out. Digging his hand into his pocket, he pulled out the coin and started to run it through his fingers, before throwing it up and bringing his foot up to the cold small steel coin, sending it flying over a couple of rooftops. He was disturbed by this application. Gender? Reasons for application? Why'd they need that...? THen again, this whole thing was out of whack. Sighing, Belias stroked the back of his neck with his fingertips, running along the dog collar that was located on his neck. His lips split into a thin grin as he walked on.[/color][/size] --- [color=darkslateblue][size=1][b]OOC:[/b] Picture of Belias: [url=http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/5584/whitesnowwo9.jpg]Copyright Heise@deviantArt.[/url][/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]I suppose you're right, forgive me for trying to be "deep" at 3 am in the morning with coffee in my system. And I thought I saw a documentary saying that some fears are naturally ingrained into a species. Meh.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Many classic horror icons share common characteristics. Pale skin, dark, sunken eyes, elongated faces, sharp teeth, razor claws and the like. These images inspire horror and revulsion in many, and with good reason. The characteristics shared by these faces are imprinted in the human mind. Many things frighten humans instinctively. The fear is natural, and does not need to be reinforced in order to terrify. The fears are species-wide, stemming from dark times in the past when lightning could mean the burning of your tree home, thunder could be the approaching gallops of a stampede, predators could hide in darkness, and heights could make poor footing lethal. The question you have to ask yourself is this: What happened, deep in the hidden eras before history began, that could effect the entire human race so evenly as to give the entire species a deep, instinctual, and lasting fear of pale beings with dark, sunken eyes, razor sharp teeth, and elongated faces?[/size][/color]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Sean sat in a spinning leather chair, scribbling something in a notebook bearing no special marks except for the color. His pen moved erratically and stopped for a moment, tapping his lip before he started again. The white tips of his dark black hair brushed down against the paper as he finished it. [i]Dennis Szeckilov- Hit by a speeding mail car at 6:47pm.[/i] Sean leaned his head out of the window and something appeared beside him, putting his hand on Sean's shoulder and looking down at the street with him. [b]"Striking again against the petty theives, my young master?"[/b] Zaijian drawled teasingly. When he said master, he ment apprentice, as in someone young. Neither would admit it, but they had a deep respect for the other. [b]"I suppose you'd call it that, 'scept this one is a bit more serious than the others."[/b] Sean was smiling as he looked on, reaching up to grab an apple from the mini-fridge sitting on the table beside him. He handed it to Zaijian, who lifted his mask slightly and began to eat it. Shinigami seemed to love apples. [b]"How so?"[/b] Zaijan said in between bites of his apples. Sean had never seen the face underneath that mask, as he always tipped the brim of his armored helm down. It wasn't too much of an issue, just something that intrigued him. [b]"He date raped some girl and beat her up pretty badly. But, we get to see him splattered on the sidewalk, and that's what matters, eh?"[/b] Zaijian allowed himself a large chuckle as he finished his apple and threw the core into the trash can. [b]"Indeed."[/b] Sean cheered as Dennis was smashed into a bag of meat and bones and flung off the front grill of the mail truck and onto the side walk. [b]"Score! Germany wins the world cup."[/b] He laughed and looked over at Zaijian, who'd replaced his mask. Somehow, the smile seemed a little less evil and a little more enthused. His hand hadn't ever left Sean's shoulder, the large bone gauntlet resting comfortably on the white shirt. [b]"Your customs are indeed strange, Sean. But I find them rather...enjoyable."[/b] Sean looked up and put his hand on the gauntlet, playing with it with his fingertips in a seminterested manner before nodding. He stood up slowly and moved over to his computer, closing the Death Note and bringing it with along the way. He ripped a page out and looked up at Zaijian, before putting it in the pocket. [b]"We're going out on the town, Zai."[/b] Sean spoke with finality, rearranging his ring and his necklace before moving to the door of his room, opening it up and moving out into the hallway, the Shinigami following closely.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][B]Name.:[/B] Sean Cogle. [B]Age.: [/B]17. [B]Gender:[/B] Male. [B]Origins.:[/B] Born in Germany, moved to the US. (Indiana.) [B]Appearance.:[/B] Sean is black and white, to put it literally. He has a moderately tanned complex, with deep blue eyes and thin, soft red lips. His hair is rather long and straight, very thin and silklike. The hair at the back of his head is tipped a rather pure white. He washes it almost twice a day to keep his hair perfect. Moving down, he usually wears a black or a white button up shirt with the neck button undone and the sleeves rolled up. His stomach is finely toned from his years of conditioning for wrestling and tae kwon do. On his left wrist is a rather small tattoo, consisting of an eastern style dragon running down to the middle of the underside of his forearm. He wears a ring on his middle finger with his birthstone, a garnet for January, on it. Sean wears either white or black cargo jeans, or black acid washed or faded jeans. Sometimes he'll wear a just a black T-shirt and a white pair of slacks. His shoes are pure white running shoes. Around his neck, Sean wears a dog collar and dog tags that no one else has ever read. [B]Personality.:[/B] Sean is a very laid back young man. He doesn't really care about anything but his artistry job and his musical career. It seems like he doesn't have anyone or anything special in his life. He writes about the easy things in life that often lead to the most stressful situations, or occasionally, a great war epic turned rock song. He focuses mostly on Chinese and American culture when writing. He is quick to help people, but not so quick to let someone help him. Sean feels like he has to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders alone, and get rid of those that would try and hurt those that were only trying to be good and helpful. [B]How he aquired the Death Note.:[/B] Sean picked it up along with his poetry and song notebook in the local library. [B]Other Information.:[/B] Sean owns a guitar signed by AFI, and has thirty seven notebooks filled with ideas and random songs. He owns a laptop and an LG White Chocolate phone. Sean also does art commissions for various people, and that is his main source of income. However, he could pick up a job at any time if he'd like. People used to pick on him for his strange black and white style, but Sean fights the urge to pick them off every time they bring it up. --- [B]Name and Title of Shingami.:[/B] Zaijian, the Masked Warrior. [B]Appearance.:[/B] Zaijian is covered head to toe in armor laquered a soulful red made of bone and sinew. His face mask seems to be a light white with two single red lines running down underneath each eyehole. His eyes are a glowing emerald green, and his true appearance isn't known. Zaijian's armor looks rather eastern in appearance, similar to samurai. Two large wings made entirely of bones and rotting flesh hang on his back, and they flap for asthetics whenever he flies or floats. The mask he wears is twisted into a deep and evil grin, and he has a deep and somewhat raspy voice. --- [b]OOC:[/b] /hopehopehopehopehopehope I get in.
I posted right before you, and I can't really think of much to post. XD
[color=darkslategray][size=1][center]35th of Estembre, 6:35 pm.[/center] Kristos looked at her and sighed deeply, stroking his cheek thoughtfully as he played with the ruby on the fingerspike. [b]"Liberated."[/b] He said, before going on to tell her about how his parents did so many things to him when he was young, and that he was a drug child, and often had trouble concentrating in class. However, his extreme intelligence allowed him to overcome it with hard work. Aizen bit her lip and sat back after a while. [b]"I see..."[/b] She said softly, thinking about what he'd told her. He looked out at the shifting sky, casting a lance of ice from the fingerspike and watching it splash across the lake, before he traced a word in the lake with the laser thin ice. He smiled and pointed out on the lake for Aizen to look. The word was written neatly and with painstaking care. [b]"Hyouri."[/b] Without another word, Kristos turned around and left her there, walking off and flicking his long black hair over his shoulder, adjusting his blue and white silken robe and tying Zenjiga to the sash. He passed by a room, hearing a glimpse of the conversation. [b]"Hey, Kristos is ranked number 2? Hm, why is he always saying he's the number 1 ice student then?" "Ha, the hell should I know. Probably because he's so full of himself. What's with that new look anyway? Does he think it's going to make him stronger or something?"[/b] They were interrupted as Kristos popped his head in the door and looked at them. [b]"A few things. Don't leave your damn door open, and I'm the number one ice student because he doesn't go here anymore. And the new look? My hair was singed, my clothes ripped and torn. This is medically grown hair. Then again, you weren't the one with the smashed in face and broken nose, are you?"[/b] Kristos wheeled out of their room angrily, moving to sit down in lounge chair in the fire section. After defeating Leon in one on one combat, no Fire student dared to approach him to knock him off their grounds.[/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] When Doublehex gets around to posting Kristos' character page on the CAF website, you can read about his past there. And I think DH will be shoving us forward a week. /NUDGE DH. =p
[color=darkslategray][size=1][center]35th of Estembre, 5:50 PM.[/center] Kristos smiled. Leon was far too arrogant for his own good. The thousand ice pannels that had been surrounding them shattered and took their place in front of Aizen, absorbing the blow as Kristos threw up a group of ice panes around her while moving in for the finishing blow. Leon's eyes went wide as Kristos' fingerspike stopped about an inch from his throat, Aizen only coughing from the smoke and the flames. Kristos delivered two kicks to Leon's stomach and shoved him onto the ground, shifting out of the Fuyu no Hanabi and shatering his wings. He held Zenjiga on his throat and brought it down, leaving a small scar on Leon's neck that suddenly ran down his chest and scarred a red dragon on his chest, the invisible blades of ice melting away. [b]"This is a sign of your defeat, and arrogance. Leon, you are powerful, so powerful. But you're untamed. My defeat yesterday had tought me that. Come with me, and I'll teach you what I know. "[/b] Leon looked up at him as the blood traced the intimate scar. He looked up at Kristos and grabbed Kristos' hand, the fire running up his arm and scarring a lion on his chest in return. [b]"...maybe you can teach me something."[/b] He told Kristos as Kristos helped him to his feet. The bruises were already beginning to form on Leon's body. Kristos smiled and leaned him up against the wall, moving over to Aizen. He put his arms around her and hugged her close. [b]"Gomen ni. I'm sorry for having put you in danger...Aizen. Please come with us to the infirmary?"[/b] He asked, his voice thick with worry at the smoke inhilation. She smiled and nodded, following him over to Leon. The three walked to the infirmary as Kristos looked up to the sky to breathe a simple phrase. [b]"Sekai wa Sude ni Azamuki no Ue ni...The world is born upon deceit."[/b] He walked no with them and sighed, smoothing his hair back and stretching his arms out over both of their shoulders.[/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] ZOMG, possible plot spoilers for Kristos' intentions? =D
[color=darkslategray][size=1][center]35th of Estembre, 5:35 pm.[/center] Kristos smiled at the blazing, angry Leon. He arched his ice-wings once more, taking off and settling on the ground and wrapping his wings around him as the voices enveloped him, calling him into their grasp, to re-learn what he'd learned in his slumbers. The ice Magi drew out of his arm and five more joined it, spinning around Kristos wildly, too fast for Leon to track. Kristos' ice wings shattered, raining immaterial ice down on the field. [right][i]Real power isn't inheritied, it's earned.[/right][/i] [center][i]Real power comes from within, weak at first, but blossoms and builds like the coldest winter.[/center][/i] [left][i]The dragon soars ahead, mighty and free, unbound by human law.[/left][/i] [right][b]Become the dragon.[/right] [center]Become the dragon.[/center] [left]Become the dragon. Shatter the world and rain down your fury and passion on those that would disbelieve.[/left][/b] When the ice show ended, Kristos was different. His long black hair was twisting in the invisible artic wind. He was surrounded by a blue and white glow as four wings shot out of his back, two on each side, made of white and red ice. His eyes weren't just blue, they would pierce the sharpest night. His spike on his finger was focused straight on Leon's head. [b]"The winged dragon-Seraph versus the mighty Lion. Let us see how this goes, my friend. Fuyu no Hanabi!"[/b] He roared, his very scream slicing the winds and sending a wind of lacerations at Leon. He grinned and launced into the air, firing a beam of ice from the spike that went incredibly quick. He grinned, keeping his cool this time. He never battled well when he was angry. Strafling around in the air, he fired beam after beam, before pulling Zenjiga off of his back. He swung it down and a cresent of ice slashed toward's Leon's feet, at the last moment, pulling up to aim at his head.[/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] New spell learned: [b]Fuyu no Hanabi.:[/b] Kristos gains four wings and increased stamina and speed after using this, and since he's learned it, his finger spike can fire beams of ice regardless of being in the fuyu no Hanabi form or not.