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[color=darkslategray][size=1] [center]35th of Estembre, 5:30 pm.[/center] Kristos' placid face split into a smile as he stood up, flicking his long black hair over his shoulder. He looked at Aizen with a sly smile. Leon with his brashness. [b]"Follow me, Leon."[/b] He stood, shrugging on his icy blue and white silk robe, materializing Zenjiga out of midair from ice, roses of ice shattering from it and falling to the floor. He led Leon out to the courtyard where the hummingbirds sang and danced in the flowers. Kristos took the first step and threw up panes of ice all around to prevent damage to the school. [b]"If you're so damn eager to fight, come, Leonheart. Show me the anger of the lion and I'll show you the power of the dragon."[/b] He smiled, settling into a eased combat stance. Leon was surprised. Last time, Kristos was all bristling anger and hatred. He tapped his foot impatiently as he looked around the arena. [b]"And you're a worthless little shit, Leon, for dragging an innocent into the fight. I'm not a good-doer myself, but I know what certain lines not to cross, that THAT is one of them. Even a skirtchaser like I respects women."[/b] Leon was pulling his gunblade away from Aizen's throat. What happened next amazed even Leon. Kristos's back erupted in an explosion of ice and blood, two large wings carved out of solid white and red ice stretching from his back. With two powerful sweeps, he rose into the air and dove straight for Leon with a kick that at impossible speeds.[/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] That is within the range of Kristos' powers, as he can manifest ice from any part of his body. =D
[color=darkslategray][size=1][center]34th of Estembre, 5:25 pm.[/center] Kristos looked at her before he sighed and sat down. [b]"Listen if you want to. I don't care anymore..."[/b] He started and grabbed a strange device, putting it on his finger. It was a small spike that was attached to a ring. The base of the spike was adorned by a ruby. He stroked his arm, tracing something on his arm and letting the blood drip onto the plate. he pulled his sleeve down before she could see. [b]"I killed my own parents. They raped and used and beat me. They let others use me. I used a piece of glass to slit their throat. I smiled as the blood splashed on my face and I vowed never to get into a relationship again so I couldn't get hurt, or be hurt. I'm fine being friends with people, but...I don't feel like being anything more. I've been hurt too much."[/b] Kristos said, playing with his blue and white silk robe that he'd pulled on. He stroked his hair into tameness. [b]"You...you killed them...?"[/b] Aizen was still sobbing. He nodded and sighed. [b]"I killed them. That's how I was found by this academy. They know that I have the ruthlessness to kill those that raised me, and therefore, anyone. Though, I've only killed twice since then, and that was when they sent me out of the academy, supposedly on "Medical leave." I killed a world leader and his vice president, Aizen. My parents and a world leader."[/b] He sighed at her and shook his head. [b]"I'm sorry. I said that I can't be with you so fast because I didn't want to hurt you by you saying what was on your mind and being rejected. I'm sorry."[/b][/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] Short, I know, my apologies.
[color=darkslategray][size=1][center]34th of Estembre, 5:18 PM.[/center] Kristos turned to her and she realized that his hair wasn't white anymore. It was stained black with his blood. He'd had Sam come in and die the rest black. He looked at her, his scar not black but a crimson red. It had become a scar. He looked at her and nodded. She noticed his hair was much longer. She wondered what the hell happened. [b]"Aizen."[/b] He said back, stroking his long black hair over his ear and laying back in the bed. He sighed and stroked the rest of the hair out of his eyes, looking at her and tracing the large X scar on his forehead. He sighed again. [b]"If you hadn't called my name, I could of ended it, killed him if I wanted to. Thank you."[/b] He spoke finally as Aizen was almost ready to collapse into tears. [b]"Wh...what?"[/b] She stuttered at him. looking at him as she chewed her lips. Kristos' deep eyes stared into her's. [b]"Thank you. You made me realize that I'm not everything, that I can't do everything, that I'm not a god. I am the strongest ice student, and I know I can take Leon. But I had to let my ego get in the way."[/b] He said softly and finally, forming a small soldier out of ice. He didn't stop until he made an entire army. He smiled and shattered them all. [b]"Kristos...I...I'm sorry for calling your name...but...I don't know how to feel."[/b] [b]"Aizen, I'm so sorry, but I can't be with you. I can't be with anyone. I don't...I don't want to be with anyone. I want to be alone, because then I can't hurt anyone."[/b] He slung an arm around her and kissed her cheek. [b]"Fuyu no Hanabi."[/b] He lay back in his bed.[/color][/size] [color=Deepskyblue][size=1][b]OOC:[/b] Kristos' new appearance since somehow in the hell DH and I used the same picture for our new appearances: [url=http://img464.imageshack.us/img464/4966/smogoe5.jpg]Smong by Heise, copyright Heise at Deviantart.[/url] Fuyu no Hanabi means Fireworks of Winter.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]The world faded in and out, as he stumbled down the hallway. Kristos almost blacked out as he was strewn onto the infirmary bed. He looked down at himself. He nearly sobbed, but that would of been too painful and passed him into the threshold of unconciousness. Teeth lay across his lap, his nose was broken. Blood stained his clothes and his lips and his hands. His own blood. He felt his hair with a ry finger and it became slick with dark blood. He couldn't bear it. He broke down and sobbed. [i]I'm not....I'm not good or fast or strong enough....I failed....I'm the only one that got their blood shed. My face is smashed into ugly town. God knows I won't ever be liked or respected again. Fuck. Give away I1, I don't deserve it. Give me I100, reserved for the worst Ice student. I failed to a fire student. I'm a failure. I'm a monster.[/i] He spat blood onto his black shirt, not caring anymore. [i]Monster...how should I feel? As I lie here, staring through glassy windows...[/i] He sang in his mind, as his body slipped out of conciousness and asleep. ---- He awoke to find his face fixed for the most part, and himself naked in a hospital bed with only his boxers on. He had a very long scar in the shape of an X on his nose and forehead. He looked around. No one even left a card. [b]"I feel....fine, now...but I still failed. I'm going to kick Leon's ass. I MUST redeem myself."[/b] He spoke to himself. He'd beat Leon. He'd become....become his own strength. People didn't need him, and so this annoyed anti-hero, with his skirt chasing antics and general cool in any situation, would become his own anti-hero, saving only himself until he showed people that he would overcome what beat him once. Leon would pay for this.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]If you want to compare it to Matera, think of FF:AC. I think I remember Kadaj drawing the materia into his body and pretty much making it unsteal-able. Meh. He drew it into his forearms.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][center]34th of Estembre, 5:10 pm.[/center] Kristos' anger slowly flooded away as he sat back and looked at Cassandra. [b]"One condition. We'll investigate together, you can tune my clothes, but only if Cassandra keeps her temper and silly accusations under control. She's brilliant, I know that much, but she is a little on the...lacking self control part."[/b] Kristos looked at them and got up before Cassandra could retaliate. [b]"So, what'll you have to drink, if anything?"[/b] He smiled at them both. Finally, he was getting somewhere. He moved into the kitchen, looking around the pantries. He found several cans of soda, some herbs he could make tea with, coffee, and a few other things. [b]"Do you have any ginger ale?"[/b] Circes asked him hopefully, obviously relieved that Kristos wasn't angry anymore. Kristos gripped a can of ginger ale and within seconds, it was at a perfectly cold temperature, just right for drinking. He thew it to Circes, who barely caught it as he wasn't paying attention. [b]"...any tea?"[/b] Cassandra spoke after a few moments, slightly fuming from what Kristos had said. [b]"Warm or cold?"[/b] He spoke back, and grabbed a few herbs out of his cabinent, putting them into the water and stirring it with a long needle of ice. [b]"Warm, your quater is really too chilly."[/b] He raised and eyebrow and shrugged, putting the tea on the burner for a few moments. He came back and gave Cassandra her drink, sitting down on his sofa and looking at them. [b]"All I know that is from the form of the cuts and from the lack of any other wound, it must of been an Air student. That's all I know. I think it might of been Issac's gang. And Circes?"[/b] Circes looked up at him from his drink. [b]"Whaddya wanna look at or change about my clothes?"[/b] He smiled back at Circes.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][center]34th of Estembre, 5:00 pm.[/center] That was the last straw. To ask him questions about this was perfectly fine, but accusing him? They'd gone to a place they wish they hadn't. He closed his eyes and tried to will his rage away. Instead, he had to freeze the entire floor of the room, watching Cassandra slip and fall back into her chair. [b]"Alright, you don't understand, I knew no one ever would. I've known her ever since I was six and came here. She showed me kindness, symathy, she listed to what I had to say whenever I had a problem, and then she graduated and became a nurse here. Yeah, I'd cripple my best friend. I think your mystery novels have gone to your head."[/b] Kristos looked extremely pissed. He looked at them with piercing blue eyes, drilling into their soul. [b]"But you were the last one to see her before the accident!"[/b] Cassandra accused again, trying to find some ground to stand on. [b]"After the thing in the lunch room, I'd cracked three more ribs, I already had two cracked. I had to go back to the infirmary, and she was the nurse that came out. We talked for a bit, and I asked her to let me be healed with magic. She didn't want me to, for my safety, but when I said something about the finals, she agreed. I got up after giving her a bright smile, that she returned, and dissapeared into the operating room,"[/b] Kristos paused. [b]"You think I don't feel bad enough? If I'd refused the magic treatment, I'd of been able to kick his ass and she'd be fine."[/b] He looked at them and sighed, rubbing a hand through his white hair to relieve the tension. He made a mental note to go to the battle arena as he quipped at her silently. [b]"If you two would accuse the guy going on a crusade trying to find whoever did it, I'd say I am talking to imbeciles."[/b][/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][center]34th of Estembre, 3:40 pm.[/center] Kristos's hair hid his brilliant blue eyes, that were still glossy and glazed from his bloodrage and sadness. He turned his head to look at the twins, another icy tear slipping down his cheek and splattering on the floor in a brilliant sprinkle of snowflakes. He turned his head back down. [b]"The fight...was fine. Some people are too stupid to realize some of the inevitable things going on around here. And they're too dumb to understand human emotion."[/b] His voice was layered with seething anger and the urge to scream. To help with that anger, his hand closed and opened slowly and jerkily. [b]"Uhh, yeah...-"[/b] Circes began before Cassandra jumped in front of him and started talking. [b]"We heard about what happened to Carolyn, and we wanted to ask you about it."[/b] Kristos's expression shifted. He leant his head down and nodded softly. [b]"Yeah, sure. Follow me. You'll have to wait for a while. I've decided...I've decided to take a new lease on life."[/b] He said cryptically, leading them along, up to I1, that he'd been granted as the most potent ice student in the school. [b]"Go in there. I'll be back in about an hour, okay? There's a mini fridge, music, and TV in there, along with a bed and some games. Knock yourself out. There's several sketchbooks in there, too."[/b] He left them with the key, leaving seemingly calm and without a word. He rounded the corner and dissapeared from sight. Kristos entered the room of I12, looking around at the artistry propped up around the wall. This was the place that, if you wanted a new appearance, you got it. The student in here was one of Kristos' aquantences. The place was a hair salon and a tatoo parlor in one, along with a few other things, such as a clothing shop. The student in here was authorized to do this, but had to turn over half of the profits to the school. Kristos sat down in the chair and looked at him. [b]"What'll it be, boss?"[/b] Sam asked him. Sam referred to him as "Boss", as Kristos was pretty much the head authority besides teachers in the Ice wing. [b]"I want my hair bleached completely white. And I want a tattoo on the left side of my face. Like this."[/b] He took a piece of paper out of his pocket and sketched something down, showing it to Samael. [b]"Sure, Kris. Anythin' else?"[/b] He asked as he stood, moving to his sink to grab the bleach and hair treatment products, along with the tattoo needle and the piece of paper with the design. [b]"Yeah, a black button up shirt, a pair of white slacks and a white scarf."[/b] Kristos told him, wiping the icy remains of his tears off of his face and putting them in another sink to melt away as he lay back on the operating chair. As he pulled out the cash to pay for it, Sam shook his head and smiled. [b]"Naw, bro, I watched the fight from my window. From the asskickin' you were gonna dish out, you get this for free, bossman."[/b] He grinned and Kristos shook his head. [b]"Then it's a thanks."[/b] Sam just shook his head and smiled before setting to work. --- [center]34th of Estembre, 4:40 pm.[/center] Kristos came back to his room looking quite different. his hair was shorter, Coming down lightly just to his ears and eyes. His eyes were much more prominent, and he wore a black button up shirt with white slacks, that was complimented by a long white scar draped around his neck. A tattoo covered the left side of his face, twisting and twirling intricately. He opened the door. [b]"What're we talkin' about, then?"[/b] He asked, smiling. He was taking a new lease on life. Today had taught him something after all. He'd washed away the old Kristos, hiding behind his hair and flashy clothing, now showing nothing but the bare him. Though, he wouldn't stop his skirt chasing or asskicking any time soon. He took a seat by Circes and Cassandra[/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] Hope that's okay.
[color=darkslategray][size=1][center]34th of Estembre, 3:25 pm.[/center] Kristos growled against the air, his mind hazed over with bloodlust. He threw a pannel of ice up that rooted itself firmly into the ground with the moisture in the ground, standing solid. The wind ceased around him, and he threw up an entire wall of ice to stop the wind. [b]" I wanted to kill him, I could of done this."[/b] Kristos smashed his fist into a section of the wall, a large spire of ice jutting out from his palm, having punched a perfect hole in the wall. [b]"You wouldn't understand any of it. Some wind magic bastard snapped my friend, the nurse Carolyn's back in half. I came here to find someone strong who could help me. Not kill someone. You think I'd kill someone? You think I don't know that two wrongs don't make a right?"[/b] His voice was very calm, but everyone around could hear the strain in his voice to keep tears back. [b]"You...you all wouldn't understand. I grew up an orphan, damnit! My family was killed for the "government's sake"! I grew up alone, always trying to do the right thing so someone would like me someday, and when someone finally did, I changed. From the "study hard, work well, be nice, keep your tounge in line" to "I can finally be well, i can finally have someone that at least knows my name." And now she's been hurt, probably as revenge for me taking back the stuff that was stolen in the first place."[/b] Kristos punched another hole in the wall of ice, the wind coming through. He sighed and fashioned two thin pannels of ice into aerodynamic wings, latching them to his arms with ice. He Smashed through the wall, taking off into the air and swooped over the constant geyser of air, landing behind Aizen and shucking off the wings. [b]"Do what you like with me. It's evident that I can't help, nor would you let me do anything to help her anyway."[/b] Kristos flicked his blue hair off of his eyes, and even as it moved back into place, he leaned against the wally, hiding his face to avoid showing the teardrops that solidified into ice as they fell from his face.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Kristos took the time while Syrus was yelling to run at him. Syrus ran back, angered and ready to strike Kristos down, but at the precisely right moment, Kristos leapt up into the air, freezing a pane of ice under his feet and jumping twice. He grinned wickedly and formed a series of stairs from the panes of ice, walking up on all of them slowly. [b]"Oh, deary me. What're we going to do with you? You burned my hand. If we were mortal enemies, I'd of sliced your throat with one of these shards already. I HATE IT how all of you stupid bastards underestimate me because I'm younger than you, because I'm different. You don't get it, I wouldn't expect you to!"[/b] Kristos whispered, his voice rising into a yell. Suddenly, he dissapeared from Syrus's sight as thousands of countless panes of ice flashed up around the entire arena, encasing each and every one of them. [b]"Launch a fire attack, I dare you!"[/b] Oh hoh, this was bad for Syrus. When Kristos got angry, Kristos threw away his rules of using only what you need to to survive, going to whatever would either severely wound or decimate an enemy entirely, no matter the risk of harm to himself. Kristos's thin face split into a sly smile as Syrus launched a blast of flame at a section of ice panes. They were slightly melted, but new ice immediately reformed. [i]"What...the hell? My fire should be hot enough to melt that ice without a problem..."[/i] Syrus thought, losing his concentration for just a split moment. It was then that every single thousand pane of ice shattered into ice shards, circling around Syrus. [b]"Thank you, oh so much, Syrus. This is what happens when you fuse the most basic spells of Support magic, like Regenerate, with a stationary attack. You're really talented, really, I'll give you that. But do NOT underestimate the top student in the Ice magics!"[/b] Syrus scowled and began to build up a blast of fire, ready to launch off another Flame Viper at him. The blast was absorbed by the pannels underneath Kristos as he looked down at Syrus seriously, muttering something under his breath. As the millions of shards began to rain down, a barrier of ice formed around Syrus, and they all slipped in, stopping one milimeter from his skin. [b]"Give up, or be defeated, Syrus! You were a good opponnent, but such a fighter like you should know when he's outmatched! And when I get fuckin' angry, I get fuckin' angry, and I've been agitated ever since some snotty Air magic bastard snapped Carolyn's back in half!"[/b][/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] I hope this type of using the panes of ice is alright. It's still using the ice, but as platforms in the air and such. And the little combining Support and Ice magic just seemed...cool. =3
[color=darkslategray][size=1] [center]34th of Estembre, 12:20 pm.[/center] Kristos looked at the floor and shook his head. [b]"It's nothing. Just something I have to do by myself, and it'd be bad for you to get caught up in it."[/b] Kristos said, turning on his heel before she could reply, moving into his Dance class. He stripped off his jacket and looked at his chest, realizing that he still wore clean bandages out of habit. [i]Carolyn...if I'd listened to you, you'd be fine now...I...goddamnit. If I'd let myself heal naturally, you wouldn't have to be healed. I'm gonna get them back for you, I'll beat them so close to death, I might...I might...[/i] He trailed off in his mind, and slowly unwound the bandages. He'd wear the bandages as trophies now, and as a promise. He spat in a trash can and stripped down to his white slacks, fixing his azure-blue hair. He walked out and steeled himself. Today he danced angrily, furiously, fast. He moved dangerously and quickly, and if he'd had a blade in his hands, limbs would of been lost. He felt not sad, but angry and guilty. The peroid ended soon and he threw his jacket and bandages back on, leaving without a word. Kristos rounded the corner, moving to the sparring class. He knocked on Instructor Shaver's door as calmly as he could, his eyes narrowing into slits. Guy Shavers opened the door to see an angry and confused Kristos standing in front of him, pushing his rose-tinted glasses back up the bridge of his nose. [b]"Yes, Kristos? This is a free peroid, what are you doing here?"[/b] [b]"I need...I need to practice. Please, get your strongest student here, now."[/b] There was an enforced note of seriousness in his voice and Guy nodded, stepping into his office as Kristos went to sit in a small waiting room, drawing lines of attack patterns and strategic points on the floor in a sheet of ice. He needed the practice, and to relieve the stress. Relieve the guilt.[/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] Anyone can be the student, I don't care. =3
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Kristos sat down in the infirmary, stripping off his shirt-jacket and hopping up onto the medical table. One of the nurses on duty tsked her tounge as she watched him unwrap his own bandages. Small beads of blood rolled lazily down his stomach, coming to rest on the last bandage. He winced softly. [b]"Master Kristos, you know you shouldn't be running around with that stomach wound. You do know that you crushed another three ribs due to your little stunt, don't you?"[/b] [b]"That was really sort of evident when I spat up blood in the shower, Scrubbie."[/b] Kristos teased the nurse back. she was only two years older than him, but they'd know each other since he'd gone to the Academy. He stretched out and yawned, wincing again softly. [b]"You're going to have to relax, Kristos, you can't be running around with nearly half your ribs crushed. You're staying in the infirmary tonigh-" "No, Im not, and you know that. Just let me see the head nurse and she can magic my ribs back together good enough for me to continue my classes normally. or even better." "Kristos....it's better to let them heal naturally, your body might become dependant of the magi.'[/b] Concern saturated her voice. Kristos sighed and looked at her sternly. [b]"I've never been healed by magic, not once, you can allow it this one time. You owe it to me, I helped you with your exams, Carolyn."[/b] He said back softly and calmly, looking at her and taking off the last bandage to show the one rib that was partially sticking out of his stomach. They said the only way to get it back in was by magic, otherwise, when they put it back in, it would detatch and float around. [b]"C'mon, Carolyn...the Final Exams are coming soon, I really can't afford to fall behind now."[/b] He whispered softly to her as she bit her lip and sighed. [b]"Okay, Kris..."[/b] She sighed softly and sat down beside him. He looked at her and smiled before getting up and thanking her, moving into the main medical room. --- Kristos came out of the operating table to find Carolyn strewn out on the medical bed, shivering and spasming slightly. he looked at her eyes, turning glassy. He went frantic and called out for the head nurse as he tried to stitch the flesh back together. When he was called in minutes later, his fingers were gripped shut and tears streamed down his eyes. The person that cared for him in this school had been hurt, badly. By air magic. Her back had been literally snapped in half. She'd recover in time. She'd never be able to nurse again, however. Kristos stroked her hair, fixing the part, before leaving the room. It was time for revenge, and he had a place to look. [/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] Ooh, drama.
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Kristos smiled as Issac rushed at him with wind encircling his palm. This type of moment was what Kristos had been waiting for. Everyone thought it was rather like a turn based battle, if they hadn't noticed that kristos was judging the exact attack time for the most critical damage. Issac flew through the air at Kristos with frightening speed. He'd brought the fight into an empty area into the cafeteria, where a stage was. The crowd began to form again as Issac rushed Kristos. However, he crashed into a pane of solid ice and fell on his back, cringing in pain. Kristos smiled coldy. [b]"You all might want to back up before I do this. Then again, only those of you in my Ice class have ever even heard of it."[/b] Kristos allowed himself a little time in the limelight as Issac reeled in pain. The crowd took a step back as ice exploded from his palm, throwing up countless panes of ice all around Issac. He shrieked in fear, wondering what Kristos was about to do. Kristos' face flashed up on one of the panes. [b]"Surrender my stuff and everyone else's and I won't horribly mangle you. I could smash you, you little asshat, with this ability. You're a liar and a theif and a disgrace to this academy, along with all of your nobody friends."[/b] Issac looked torn. Everyone on the outside had heard the little speech of Kristos'. All part of the theatrics. Issac responded simply. [b]"Hell no, you think I'm going to let a little fun house stop me?"[/b] Kristos smiled and the room shattered into thousands of ice shards. Kristos brought them all together and pulled out Zenjiga, covered in a blue tint of ice. [b]'You don't deserve an honorable defeat like that, you little whelp."[/b] Kristos spat before rushing at the defenselss Issac with his blade raised high, ready to go for the kill. He stopped right at his neck, drawing a tiny drop of blood and letting it flow down to the hilt. The whole crowd watched in suspense as Issac fell backwards, having fainted out of fear. Stooping, Kristos pulled out several things and held them up for the crowd, before taking back his own stuff and planting one foot on Issac's stomach lightly.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Kristos was shocked as he lightly held her in his stunned arms. He lost his chool and gently patted her shoulder, not knowing what to say. He realized that it must be making him look rather sappy and weak if anyone was looking, so he unwrapped his arms. [b]"Gonna be okay?'[/b] Kristos asked softly and smoothly, pushing his hair back out of his eyes to watch it fall back into place. He pulled his jacket shut over the bandages. He'd been hurt in an accident two days ago and crushed several ribs. It still hurt when he breathed. However, he'd hid the bandages from his Dance and Combat teacher, wanting to keep up in the sparring and dancing to stay at the top of his game. [b]"Y...ye...yeah, I think...I'll be fine."[/b] She spoke slowly, regaining her balance while leaning against the lockers. He recrossed his arms, before holding one hand out slowly. [b]'Kristos."[/b] His voice was chool and smooth, and it wrapped around her senses and commanded their attention. Her cheeks flared red and she held a hand back out and shook it softly. [b]"A-Aizen."[/b] She responded softly. He looked around and looked at her again. Kristos pointed to the people in the cafeteria waiting for her, his mostly uneaten food already taken by someone as their own. [b]"Your friends are waiting. See you later...in dance class."[/b] He gave a short bow before he walked away, enjoying the effect he had on women. However, the way she pressed against him made him tingle and blush. He had a score to settle up anyway, and Kristos was quite sure where he'd see him. Taking off slowly down the hall, Kristos slid two small ice spears out of his palms, leaving them embedded in the skin. Of the two men that were harrasing Aizen, one of them had been Kristos' "friend" that'd been stealing school supplies. He'd stolen a platinum-golden dragon pendant that Kristos held dear, and a ring with his birthstone in it. Stretching his long and elegant legs around a corner, he casually began to pick at his teeth with one of the cones of ice projected from his hand as he fired off a volley from his other hand. His target barely whipped around to avoid it with a blast of air, knocking them the other way. As soon as the ice touched the floor, it shivered and moved to float around Kristos. [b]"Oh, come on, you really think you can take me, Issac? Just give me my necklace and ring back and I won't have to kick your ass."[/b] Kristos yawned softly and stretched out, closing an eye and firing off another volley without waiting for a reply. [b]"I'm not giving into a punk that's a year younger than me!"[/b] Kristos kicked off the wall to avoid a blast of air, replying by throwing the ice shard he'd been picking his teeth with right at Issac's heart. Barely having redirected it, Issac was hit with fear as the cafeteria scrambled out to watch the fight unfold. [b]"Fight, fight, fight!"[/b] Alex noticed that one of Issac's friends was holding a longsword, a X-105 model..[/color][/size]
[quote name='Doublehex']Hey, what happened to you leaving the boards, with your internet being taken away?[/quote] [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]It wasn't off when i came home about an hour ago. I dunno how long it'll be on. I'll keep posting though, I'll use the library or something.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][center][b] Advanced Elemental Magic II:[/b] Instructor Instructor Zees, Jacque ? Ice Elemental Instructor. [b]Advanced Support Magic II:[/b] Instructor Urasaki, Ichigo. [b]Dancing Instructor[/b] Setliff, Lisa. [b]Combat Instructor:[/b] Shavers, Guy. [b]History Instructor:[/b] Morris, Arnold.[/center] Kristos thought about his scedule as he gracefully stretched his limbs out and began his dance. When he first started taking the dance class, everyone around him laughed and said it was for girls. He only smiled and said that he'd show them a thing or two that you could learn dancing in the Combat classes. He stretched and flowed easily, having taken this class since he was six. It wasn't long before his eyes locked onto a fellow classmate, watching her own, slightly inexperienced body move. He shifted closer to her and she looked him up and down. his thin lips split into a small smile as he continued to dance. She stumbled, having watched him too closely. Kristos smirked to himself. She wasn't able to keep up. the class was dismissed to the mess hall for lunch. The girl strode up beside him, looking quite flustered, before she was pulled off by friends. it looked like she'd been ready to say something to him, he mused, as his soft fingers brushed soft blue hair out of his eyes that fell right back into place. He strode into the cafeteria, demanding the immediate attention of everyone, even the 18 year olds. He was in the same classes as them, but a year younger than most. People said he was extremely intelligent. Slowly, calmly, and gracefully he strode to the line, getting his food and sitting down at a table alone. As charming as he seemed, he didn't have any friends at the military school. He stretched out by himself in a chair and ate casually, trying to ignore the laughing at the table next to him as two people yelped a simple, "Owch!"[/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] Sorry about the shortness...ess ness. The girl can be someone if they'd like. rawr.
[color=darkslategray][size=1][center][b] Advanced Elemental Magic II:[/b] Instructor Instructor Zees, Jacque ? Ice Elemental Instructor. [b]Advanced Support Magic II:[/b] Instructor Urasaki, Ichigo. [b]Dancing Instructor[/b] Setliff, Lisa. [b]Combat Instructor:[/b] Shavers, Guy. [b]History Instructor:[/b] Morris, Arnold.[/center] Those are Kristos' class. It's really not a bad idea to take Dance class because I know that football players take ballet. Being strong AND quick on your feet is an advantage. =3[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]I don't know where else to put this. So I'll put it here. If I gets deleted and locked down, okay, at least someone saw it. Goodbye, everyone. My internet and phone are being shut off. I dunno where else I'll be able to get phone and net service. Maybe comcast. But for now, this is goodbye. As you may know, this is going to especially hard on me as I've developed a long distance relationship with a person on here. The next few weeks / months are really going to suck. Take care.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][b]Name.:[/b] Kristos Einsamkeit Enttausch. [b]Age.:[/b] 17. [b]Student Template:[/b] The Annoyed Anti-Hero. (Free Template. =D) [b]Weapon.:[/b] Katana, affectionately named "Zenjiga", or "Goodbye." [b]School of Magic.:[/b] Elemental. (Ice.) [i]Minored Magic.:[/i] Support Magic. [u][i]Shattered Reflection.:[/i][/u] Kristos creates a huge pannel of ice in front of himself and then all around the enemy, trapping them in a sort of artic house of mirriors. After the celing is pieced together, Kristos shatters the ceiling into millions of large shards that rain down with frightening speed and accuracy. if desired, Kristos can shatter the walls, too. [u][i]Cold Heart, Colder Hands.:[/u][/i] This spell allows Kristos to freely spout ice from any part of his body, though he mainly emplores it from the palms of his hands after a palm strike for a fast kill. He's also able to encase his weapon in ice. [b]Personality.:[/b] Witty, sarcastic, and scathing, Kristos is as cold as ice and sharp as the steel of his blade. Easily irritated, however, he hides it with a snappy remark and a sly grin. He seems to be more interested in women and his own personal interests, but he will do the right thing when the time calls for it. However, don't expect to see kristos prancing around and helping everyone out that needs help, as he's just as quick to cause you trouble if you're being particularly...stupid. [b]Physical Appearance.:[/b] [url=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/39233570/?&q=Zexion&qh=boost%3Apopular+age_sigma%3A24h+age_scale%3A5]Kristos. [Copyright superspacemonkey @ deviantart.com][/url] (When not in school he wears [url=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/25794950/?&q=uryuu&qh=boost%3Apopular+age_sigma%3A24h+age_scale%3A5]this, [Also done by superspacemonkey @ deviantart.com][/url]. However, he usually always sports the eyeglasses. [b]Snippit.:[/b] Kristos gazed around, forming a small ball of ice in his palm and rolling it around with his fingertips to keep himself amused. As boring as ever. He blew a jet of ice from between his lips, smiling softly as he pushed his blue silver hair out of the way with one long, dextile finger. Life was...boring for now. he needed excitement, amusement. Taking off his glasses, he threw them up in the air and watched them fall, before splashing out a large jut of ice from his wrist, in which they caught and slid down easily. Putting them back on, he looked around. Most people didn't dare come near him. he was seriously dangerous if angered and otherwise sarcastic and cold, like his element of choice. As fierce as a blizzard at one time and as face stinging as a cool winter wind the next. casually, he moved his head to the left to avoid a woosh of solid air, aimed at his head. It blew past his hair, messing it up slightly. Pushing it back into place, Kristos turned around with a subartic smile and a hand with a large spire of ice jutting out. The attacker looked at him warily. "So, we have a little dumbass here that thinks it's smart to pick on random people. A bully, perhaps? Or just a really stupid punk trying to assert himself? Though, I suppose there isn't a difference..." The attacker, sporting blond hair and a slightly rounded face stumbled back faster than his feet would move, and he fell over and onto his backside. Kristos came up to him easily, pointing the very sharp tip of frozen water at his attacker's face. "Would you like any piercings, sir? Perhaps your ears?" Two shards of ice slid out of his fingers and plopped into his palm. "Or, perhaps, your lips? Your nose, your throat, your eyebrows? Though, if I try your eyebrows or your throat, I might miss. Very tricky procedure." Kristos laughed on the inside as the kid scrambled away and fled down the hallway, the ice melting into nothingness. That kid was supposedly the one that had stolen weapons and supplies from the academy, as Kristos would find out days later. At least his "enjoyment" helped to return several supplies and scare him into not doing anything but his studies and training for the next few months. There was always something good in fun and enjoyment, Kristos mused several minutes later in the cafeteria, turning his hot tea into ice tea instantly.[/color][/size]
[QUOTE=White][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DimGray] [b]I'd also like... ah who am I kidding, I really just want Wii games and Wii accessories. That's it. And maybe some clothes.[/color][/FONT][/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkslategray][size=1]I remember when I was a little kid, I was like, "...Clothes? Dangit!" But now I really love getting clothes because whoever buys them knows what I like. This christmas, I'd like a MacBook and a White Chocolate cellphone. And music. And clothes. =D[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1] [quote=Tekkaman]Would you rather: Die without pain in the prime of your life? or Live forever?[/quote] Live forever. Even though you would never die, you'd be able to experience the world as it evolved into fruition. Though, Zasamael from SC3 doesn't quite enjoy it. =p Would you rather... Go bald for the rest of your life OR Be forced to eat nothing but salads from McDonald's for twenty years?[/color][/size]
[color=#DB4C4C][size=1][b]Name.:[/b] Brother Einsamkeit Zaijan Enttäusch. Often called "Brother Ein." [b]Age.:[/b] 29. [b]Gender.:[/b] Male. [b]Race.:[/b] Human. [b]Alliance.:[/b] Section XIII. [b]Description.:[/b] [url=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/20444390/?qo=22&q=by%3Aheise&qh=sort%3Atime+-in%3Ascraps]Einsamkeit. (Copyright@Heise on Deviantart.)[/url] Einsamkeit. A sharp face framed by medium short, pitch black hair. He looks looks Chinese and yet he doesn't. He looks German, and yet he doesn't. If you were to take one glance at him, you wouldn't be able to pin an ethnicity on him. Brother Ein enjoys the the guessing game people play with him, asking where he's from. With a flick of his finger along his hair, he'd shrug. A moderately strong physique accompanies him, and he isn't overly muscular or overly lithe and small. His skin tone seems to fluxuate depending on the light shining him, though in the pure sun he looks slightly tanned, if a little pale around his hands. Preferring to dress casual, none would suspect him of being a member of Section XIII. However, if the occassion calls for it, he does wear a black pinstripe suit and pants mix with a crimson red silk tie. Ein also wears two silver earrings, one on each ear. They're nothing fancy, just small, silver hoops. Along with these earrings, he wears a ring on his middle finger that was a gift from his fother, Schtauffen. On his right hand, he wears another ring on his ring finger given to him by his mother, Zenjiga. And, at last, Ein wears a necklace with two amethyst hanging off of it. These are for his birthmonth, Feburary. [b]Weapons.:[/b] Ah, the very special reason that Einsamkeit's fingertips and arms are so pale. His weapons are, in fact, white leather, knuckless and fingerless gloves with five extentions sticking out to where his fingertips reach. On the end of the extentions are what appear to be rusted, serrated surgical blades. The extentions are hollow, and have a small opening in which poison can be applied to the blades. Their cutting power is extreme and the tips are reinforced with amethyst to make it stronger. Also, Ein wears special shoes with blades on the heel and all around the base of the shoes. They have the same poison mechanism, and are collapsable back into his shoes. Ein's fingerblades are extremely useful for a quick kill by a stab to the heart, or silver injected into the hollows of the blades can cause death over a long peroid of time, and is incredibly debilitating and painful. But, Ein has been slinging around another vampire-killer since he started. On his back, a large zweihander is strapped up with a black leather cord. The blade isn't long and thin like other zweihanders, no, the blade is in fact very fat and thick. Indeed, it looks more like someone took a gigantic slab of metal and carved a blade out of it. Chinese symbols accompanied by German translations flow down the blade, each as new as the day they were inscribed. The sword is nearly 22kg, but Ein swings it around with one hand at times if he needs to. This is his most favored weapon, as it requires brute strength and finesse. The finesse? Being able to guard, spin, kick, jump, attack, move fluidly from a thrust to a heaving strike. Ein's zweihander is called Rosenrot, or 'rose red.' The reason for the name is that the sword carries a distinct light red hue from the amount of bloodshed it has caused. [b]Specialist Skills.:[/b] In addition to being a quite capable fighter, Ein is an information gatherer second to none. Able to blend into society if he dresses for it, he can poke around for information on the movements and actions that aren't known to the Section. In troublesome situations, Ein uses his fluidness and dexterity to evade enemies, or confused them and kill them without the messy effort invovled. [b]Personality.:[/b] Einsamkeit was always cocky upon growing up. However, most people would say those that are cocky are also loud and obnoxious. Ein is soft spoken and a listener, but if he wishes to say something, a smile will imprint on his face and he will say it in the calmest voice and manner. Which, to his delight, can be quite troublesome and annoying to those that are too strong. He believes that he won't let anyone ever hurt him again, and though he can be silent, he is sometimes preoccupied with his thoughts and by the time he realizes someone was speaking, they're already gone. Ein is also imbued with a crusader mentality, wanting to protect everyone he can. Einsamkeit doesn't especially mind authority, and is actually quite influential on matters that are brought up to him. [b]Short biography.:[/b] Einsamkeit Enttäusch. Born in Feburary in a small rurual town outside of London to his German father and Chinese mother. He was their pride and joy, they said. He would carry on the family name with a new respect for everyone and have a happy, peaceful life. As with every mother tells their child that they are special and the world, parents lie. Shortly after his fourth birthday, on which he recieved the family rings and a necklace, his mother and father were killed in a "freak accident." He stood still at the news, his small eyes widening as his limbs went limp. He was at a loss of emotion and became socially reclusive. Years later, Ein would learn the truth behind his parent's death. They were supposedly members of the Section XIII, and were killed by the Second Order. However, they were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time as they were travelling through a battlefield. They were the furthest from either side, they were just young lovers who wanted to see a sunrise and bring their child back flowers so he could decorate his room. They were in the springtime of youth. He felt betrayed and disgusted and his recluse turned to understanding and begrudging acceptance. Ein was a devout Catholic, and he trained night and day to swear to avenge his mother and father. A child's asperations would be furthered when he was approached by those of the Section XIII, which his mother and father were rumored to be in. They saw potential in him and brought him in as their own. He would grow to understand many more things about the conflicts with the world, including more about the vampires. [b]Notes.:[/b] Ein's name means "lonliness." He's also quite fond of german chocolate cake and reading. Enjoys several types of music, and playing around with stupid people.[/color][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1]Name.: Sol Badguy. (AKA, Dr. Frederick Angheiz.) [b]Age.:[/b] Over 150 years old. Aging has stopped due to becoming a Gear. [b]Gender.:[/b] Male. [b]Nationality.:[/b] Birthplace; Germany. Raised in; America. [b]Personal.:[/b] Sol Badguy lives up to his name. Cocky, confident, determined. Relentless in his goals, he keeps his sarcastic sense of humor about him and is actually quite lazy. He never trains, nor does he seem to care about people around him much at all. However, when he is drunk, he may ease up, and in certain cases, let information slip. He only has one real goal in life; the destruction of all Gears. However, he has been seen cooperating with a few of the Gears that have broken off. Overall, he is sarcastic, cocky, playful, and extremely lazy. The true anti-hero. [b]Physical Appearance.:[/b] Though, however lazy, Sol is the epitome of physical condition. His body is well defined underneath his mesh shirt and crimson vest. His brown hair is a wild mess of spikes, and though may not notice it as it hides behind his back, his hair is extremely long. His face is either an expression of sarcastic amusement or pure laziness. See here. [url]http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/2961/solfireycx7.jpg[/url] [b]Weapon of Choice.:[/b] Fuuenken, but is now using a large zweihander that seems to be carved entirely out of stone. (From his Holy Order days.) Will be replaced with Fuuenken shortly. [b]Innate Magical Ability.:[/b] Fire. [b]Preferred Jinki.:[/b] Fuuenken. (Sol and Anji Mito (reserved for 'Zeke, though it's only a maybe) are the only two that get their Jinki back, Ky surrenders his to a person, as seen in the story. (Of my jurisdiction.) ) [b]Biography.:[/b] In 2016, the Gear Project came to fruition. Dr. Frederick offered himself for the project, and became the first Gear, Type 000. Overnight, the Gear Project dissapeared, and Frederick escaped. It seemed like That Man thought that the project was a failure, as Frederick still had his mind and free will. An army of superhuman soldiers was the true goal after all. Disgusted by this, Frederick took his escape and went on the run. Years later, he would save the six year old Kliff Undersn from a Gear attack. War had exploded out from the reborn Gear project, That Man's "dream" realized. However, it had gone awry, as Frederick had launched an attack after his contstruction of Outrage. The attack placed Justice in a biomechanical Battle Suit from that day on, that would be scarred into the mind of humanity in the attacks that followed shortly. Frederick dropped his name and became Sol Badguy, dedicating his existance to hunting down and destroying Justice and all of her Gears. he was recruited by the man he had saved, Kliff Undersn, into the Knights of the Holy Order. However, it would lead to a fierce rivalry between himself and Ky Kiske, and regaining one of the Jinki. One night, during a training spar, things went much farther than that. Leaving a defeated Ky on the ground, Sol Badguy escaped with his Fuuenken in hand, and left the Holy Order. The Crusades raged on, and eventually, it came down to a final battle. In a place that was once a city, and is now a grave, where the heavens can be seen in their scorched fury, Sol and Justice made their final stands. Having been freed by Ky's Ride the Lightning, the Angel of Death easily defeated Sol. However, she freed him from his Cell and the two converged once again in battle. It was long and hard and perilous, but Justice won. However, Sol was saved by a man who called himself "nightwalker", and Ky escaped with Fuuenken and Fuuraiken. Sol's first order would to be to get his Fuuenken back, and the second would be to gather a group of strong warriors-human or not, it mattered not at this point-to gather the Jinki and destroy Justice.[/color][/size]
[COLOR=Darkred][size=1][i]'When science goes too far, and the world teeters on the edge of destruction, who do we blame? We can only blame ourselves.'[/i] [b] [Center]Guilty Gear: Rebirth of Outrage[/center][/b] [b][u]Magical Science[/b][/u] In the early part of the 21st century, scientists discovered a new source of power, which promised unlimited, pollution-free energy for all. It was labeled ?magic.? There were four types of this magic, based off of the primal elements of nature: Fire, Lightning, Wind, and Water. These were the elements officially recognized as being part of Magical Science. However, there was a fifth element, the element ?Ki.? Very few people had the ability to use it, most of who were of Asian descent. The abilities and powers of Ki cannot be duplicated or harnessed by machine; so while Ki is one of the types of magic, it is technically not part of Magical Science. In the years after its discovery, Magical Science quickly proliferated, becoming the ultimate technology. The old technology?the crude machines that raped the earth and threatened to turn humans into nothing more than fleshy cogs in a giant machine?was banned by most of the world, labeled as ?Blacktech.? However, Magical Science would end up unleashing a horror upon the world that eclipsed anything ?Blacktech? had done. [b][u] Gear Project[/b][/u] The original purpose of the Gear Project is unknown, lost in the fog of war and the shadows of time. These Gears were supposed to be a means to further evolution?in that they are not themselves a separate species, but an altered one. An existing being can be transformed into a Gear by binding Magic to its DNA, or those Gears can be created from scratch. Gears can be created from any animals, be they lions, whales, dogs... or humans. In 2016, the first true Gear was created. A scientist by the name of Dr. Frederick Angheiz, an American, was turned into the prototype Gear. Afterwards, the Gear Project mysteriously shut down, its researchers and facilities vanishing overnight. The now-Gear Frederick disappeared, and his exact fate is unknown (at least as far as official records go). The Gear modifications imbued Frederick with enormous, seemingly infinite power, as well as stopping his aging process. However, shortly after Frederick?s disappearance, stories began to circulate about an extremely powerful and skilled bounty hunter who seemed to appear from nowhere, as suddenly as Frederick had vanished. And all thoughts of Gears were dispersed in the silence following the Project. [b][u] Outrage[/b][/u] Among the head scientists on the Gear Project was a man known only by the name ?That Man.? In 2073, Frederick received word that the United States of America was restarting the Gear Project, in secret, headed by ?That Man.? When Frederick learned of the reborn Gear Project, he began work on a massive Anti-Gear weapon: the Outrage. The only person who knows what the Outrage is truly capable of, however, is Frederick himself; its creator has been the one person to see it in its true form. The Outrage was created in eight separate parts, the Jinki. Each of these Jinki, or tools, was designed to amplify the magical powers the user possessed. The eight Jinki are: Fuuraiken (Thunderseal Sword?Thunder Element) [Sword] Fuuenken (Fireseal Sword?Fire Element) [Sword] Zessen (Stopping Fans?Wind Element) [Fans] Senga (Flashing Tooth?Water Element) [Sword] Ekitoku (Increasing Fervor?Fire Element) [Battleaxe] Kojouhaku (White on the Lake?Water Element) [Trident] Senhoshiken (Thousand-Star Sword?Wind Element) [Sword] Getsu no Kuroi (Black of Moon?Thunder Element) [Whip] However, the Outrage?s true potential is unknown, as it has never been used in its ultimate form, save once... [b][u] Justice[/b][/u] The purpose of the new Gear Project was different than that of the original. This time, the purpose of Gears was not to provide a means of furthering evolution?but to act as bioweapons. In order to ensure that the Gears would follow orders, they were designed to have no free will, to run on instinct, to be completely obedient. The production model Gears?those that were mass-produced under the program?were successes in this regard. They would obey without question, not caring about themselves or about any aspect of life other than fighting. However, they were just production models, all the same, all inferior to the Perfect Gear that had come before them. This Gear was named Justice. As the first True Gear, Justice possessed more power than practically all the rest of the mass-produced models combined. The power of Type 01, as she was code-named, was absolute. Yet Justice was different from the mindless puppets that came after in more ways than sheer power. Whether this was intentional on the part of ?That Man? who created her, or whether it evolved within her naturally is unknown, but it is a fact that Justice came to possess free will. She was the first Commander Gear, the most powerful. The Command-Type Gears would be able to give the lesser Gears around them some semblance of free will, to direct their power towards certain ends. Through her power, Justice transformed some of the more powerful non-production models into Sub-commanders. They too had a form of free will and could control the many lesser models, yet they were but relays in a chain. Justice had the power to create them all, and she had the power to control and override them all. Without the Sub-commander Gears, normal Gears would relapse into their obedient state; without Justice, the entire chain would collapse. Whether Frederick knew of Justice?more specifically what she was capable of?or not is also unknown. It is clear that Frederick, wielding the Outrage, attacked the research facility in an attempt to kill ?That Man.? The Outrage?s one and only use was here, where it delivered a powerful, near-fatal wound to the newly born Justice. The attack failed, and the Outrage was split into the eight Jinki once more, which came under the custody of the United Nations. Yet Justice did not escape unscathed. The immensely powerful attack weakened her so badly that she only survived through the aid of a powerful, mechanical battle-suit, which she wore from that point on. That battle-suit would become a feared and hated image in the mind of humanity from then on. Justice rallied all the Gears that had been created, and led them in rebellion against humanity. And thus began one of the darkest periods in human history?the Crusades. [b][u]Crusade[/b][/u] In the year 2074, Justice?s forces struck quickly and powerfully, unleashing their might upon an unsuspecting world. Their first act of war was to attack the island nation of Japan. Those few who witnessed the carnage and survived to tell the tale were forever scarred, unable to put those horrible images into words. Japan was all but obliterated. The cities fell to the might of the Gear onslaught, crumbling into burning rubble. The few Japanese survivors were placed in camps, to prevent the extinction of their race?which had been all but wiped out already. That initial, crushing attack will always be remembered as the most vicious of the Crusades. Humanity was unprepared for the tide of war, and they were overwhelmed. Yet the humans refused to succumb without a fight. Resistance sprang up, eventually forming cohesive groups that warred against the Gears. By far, the most famous of these groups is the Sacred Order of Holy Knights. It was founded in 2113 by the legendary blademaster Kliff Undersn, who is the only non-Asian to fully master the use of Ki. At a young age, he had been saved from a Gear attack by an amazingly skilled anti-Gear bounty hunter. Kliff resolved that he would one day save people in need like the mysterious bounty hunter had done for him. So he created the Sacred Order to fight the Gears. And the Crusade continued, a cycle of destruction. No one was left untouched by the sorrow of the great war. Kliff Undersn?s stepson, the Holy Knight Tesu Undersn, was captured during a raid... he was never heard from again. Yet the now-aged swordsman refused to let the despair overwhelm him. The war raged on... It was the year 2174. If there was good news for the human side, it was the presence of two new powerful warriors in the Sacred Order. One was the young yet brilliant swordsman Ky Kiske, the Frenchman who even at the young age of 14 was appointed as Kliff?s second-in-command. The other was the enigmatic, taciturn former bounty hunter who went by the name Sol Badguy. [b][u]Ky and Sol[/b][/u] If there was one thing that the young Frenchman despised about Sol Badguy, it was his nonchalance. Ky himself trained and studied the use of magic for hours upon end each day; it was through these rigorous exercises and his own considerable talent that he managed to attain his impressive power in battle. The blond teenager was highly charismatic and intelligent, a master strategist?those qualities, along with his loyalty and morality, were what caused Kliff to select him as his successor. While Sol was no less intelligent than Ky, he simply didn?t seem to give a damn. The bounty hunter frequently bordered on insubordination, rarely following orders. He never trained, never sought to increase his power. But what infuriated Ky Kiske more than anything else?even though Sol never studied nor trained, even though Ky worked daily to become a better fighter... Sol was always more powerful. Whenever the two fought, Sol would inevitably end up walking away, leaving a defeated Ky on the ground. Sol never took him seriously, which caused Ky?s rage to build. Since it was the most official faction representing humanity in the Crusades, the United Nations gave the Sacred Order two of the treasured Jinki?the Fuuenken and the Fuuraiken. Kliff Undersn wielded the Thunderseal until his retirement as the head of the Holy Knights. The ancient swordsman received the massive Dragonslayer blade, and passed the Fuuraiken as well as the leadership of the Sacred Order to the then-16-year-old Ky Kiske. Shortly after the leadership passed to Ky, a fight between Sol and the Frenchman escalated past what was considered normal for a training duel. That night, Sol Badguy left the Sacred Order, taking the treasured Fuuenken with him. [b][u]Sol Badguy[/u][/b] The theft was not a theft per se, however. Sol Badguy was merely stealing back what was rightfully his property in the first place. Shortly after his initial transformation into a Gear, the scientist Frederick took to wearing a band on his head. This band contained a device known as a Gear Cell, which suppressed Frederick?s Gear form, allowing him to remain in a human state. It also sealed away the vast majority of his power, yet he was still far beyond any other, even in his sealed state. Sometime after the beginning of the Crusades, Frederick took on the name Sol Badguy, and devoted his life to the hunting down and killing of all Gears. It was he who had saved the young Kliff Undersn, and it was he who had been recruited by the same Kliff Undersn into the Sacred Order. With the Fireseal Blade, which he himself had created in the first place, Sol Badguy left the Holy Knights. [b][u] The Fall of Cliff: Testament[/b][/u] One of the problems with the Gear forces, as Justice saw, was that they lacked true free will. The Gears took orders from the Sub-Commanders, who in turn took their orders from Justice herself. If any major change were to take place in a battle plan, it would have to come directly from Type 01. While the Gears had the advantage in terms of sheer battle power, this lack of versatility was one of their biggest weaknesses?one that led to several defeats. To remedy this, Justice decided to create a new class of Sub-Commander Gear. These Gears were either created from humans who had been captured, or were created using genetic data gathered from corpses of fallen warriors. These Gear/human hybrids had power far greater than that of the normal Sub-Commanders, as well as possessing greater free will than any other Gear save Justice herself. If there were a flaw in this plan, it became readily evident. Several of the new hybrids rebelled, breaking off from Justice?s forces and forming their own faction. The ultimate goal of these rogue Gears was the destruction of Justice, yet they were not averse to attacking humans?and humanity rarely held back, even against the Gears not allied with Justice. While the presence of this new faction troubled Justice slightly, the Queen of Gears still had many of this new breed of Sub-Commander Gear on her side. One of which, her right-hand man, had been created from the captured Holy Knight Tesu Undersn?Kliff?s son. This new Gear, who went by the name of Testament, became almost as feared as Justice herself. When rumors of Testament reached the ear of the ancient blademaster, Kliff knew that he had to stop what had become of his beloved adopted son. Ky Kiske found out about what Kliff was planning to do, and set off to assist his former master in any way possible. Although he was utterly unconcerned with either Ky, Kliff, or Testament, Sol Badguy realized that this was the best time to strike at Type 01. And so, the five warriors?Ky Kiske, Kliff Undersn, Testament, Sol Badguy, and Justice?converged on an ancient battlefield. [b][u] The Fall of Cliff: Grave [/b][/u] What purpose the monument served in the days when Japan was a living country is now unknown. After Justice?s forces swept through the city of Kyoto in that initial onslaught, however, its purpose changed. It became a tomb. The endless stairs that climbed up to the scorched sky were still stained with blood, were still scarred from the battles that had taken place there. Nothing lived in that godforsaken path to hell, which made it a fitting place to die. It was there that Kliff Undersn, the strongest warrior humanity has ever known, met his adopted son in combat. Testament was Justice?s second-in-command, and had every ounce of the power that would be expected as such. The battle was fierce, forcing both parties to call upon every ounce of their courage and strength. Forces that cannot be explained with mere words shook the sepulcher. The battle raged for the better part of a day, with neither of the two gaining the upper hand. However, in the end, even the might of Testament succumbed to the power that Kliff held within. The powerful Gear fell before the man who had been his father... and yet, Kliff spared his life. The aged warrior had not seen the desire for humanity?s destruction on Testament?s face. A burning pain lurked within the young Gear, the power of Justice?s command. Rather than kill his adopted son, Kliff turned his sights on Type 01 herself, who had been watching the entire battle from the top of those battle-scarred stairs. Kliff and Justice had fought sixteen times over the course of the Crusades. They were equally matched in power. However, the master swordsman was weakened from his fight against Testament... There, upon the tomb that led to the scorched skies of heaven, among the ruins that were once a city of hundreds of thousands... Kliff Undersn fell. [b][u]Meet Again[/b][/u] Maddened with grief over the loss of his mentor, the young Ky Kiske charged Justice, yet even the brilliantly skilled swordsman was no match for the Queen of Gears. Ky?s final, desperate, Ride the Lightning was interrupted by a powerful energy blast from Type 01, and the young knight was downed. Yet the current that young Kiske had channeled had shorted out the battle suit that Justice had worn?and the control along with it. Before Justice could kill the unconscious human, though, she was stopped by a figure from the past: Sol Badguy. Then, she shed the armor in which she had been trapped in for a century, and the Angel of Death spread her wings. The full-power Justice was easily able to defeat the Corrupted Flame, however, as the bounty hunter knelt at her feet, Type 01 realized that his power, too, was sealed. With a swift blast of electricity, Justice broke the Gear Cell on Sol Badguy?s forehead, releasing the Perfect Flame once more? Type 01 met her prototype on the battlefield. After an eternity of combat, the Angel of Death was victorious over her demonic counterpart. Yet before she could finish the job and kill Sol, she was interrupted by a stranger, an elegantly dressed man smoking a pipe. The man, calling himself ?nightwalker,? halted all of Justice?s attempts to wound him, yet did not retaliate. He informed Justice that this was not the final battlefield, and it was not the final confrontation between Alpha and Omega yet. Justice retreated from the Grave. Likewise, Sol staggered to his feet, intending to kill the ?nightwalker.? However, the old man retreated, leaving Sol with a simple haiku. The next to awake was the knight Ky Kiske, who had watched the entire fight from a semi-conscious haze? realizing that Sol was a Gear, he climbed to his feet, lurching at the wounded Sol, intending to kill him. Even in his weak state, Sol was able to defend himself from the wounded Ky. Sol left the young boy with the message that he alone was the hope of humanity. He alone was the hope of the world? and then Sol left, and Ky promptly passed out. [b][u]Aftermath: Dizzy[/b][/u] When Ky Kiske awoke, there was no one around him. There was nothing living around him, and there was nothing dead around him. Even the body of Kliff Undersn had mysteriously vanished. Despairing, Ky managed to stagger back to the world of the living... Justice, under the cover of the fog of war, had retrieved the unconscious body of Testament, as well as the corpse of humanity?s greatest warrior. She returned to her hidden sanctuary, where she proceeded to nurse her own wounds as well as those of her second-in-command. Justice constructed a new armor based upon the one she had previously shedded, except without incorporating the Gear Cell into the design. She harvested genetic material from the body of Kliff Undersn, and used that material?combined with some of her own DNA?to create another Sub-Commander Gear. This one, unlike all the others, contained some of Justice herself. So as one might expect, the new Gear was impossibly more powerful than any other?save Justice herself. This, Justice?s ?daughter,? also had true free will. She was not merely a Sub-Commander, she was, like Justice, a true Command-Type Gear. Justice named this new creation Dizzy. Dizzy?s first act was an attack on the most heavily defended structure in the world?the United Nations. The sight of the winged Gear shrugging off attacks that would have killed practically anything alive will forever be burned into the minds of those who survived. In that attack, the six Jinki still in the possession of the United Nations were lost. They were scattered across the globe. Thankfully, none of them fell into the hands of the Gear forces... Ky Kiske returned with the Fuuraiken and the Fuuenken that Sol Badguy had left behind. They are absolutely necessary to ensure the survival of mankind. [/color][/size][color=darkslategray][size=1] It's been over a year, my friends! After it crashed, I've decided to bring it back. We've all got a little more experience under our belts, so it'll hopefully be even better! [B]Name:[/B] [B]Age:[/B] [B]Gender:[/B] [B]Nationality:[/B] [B]Personality:[/B] [B]Physical Appearance:[/B] [B]Weapon of Choice:[/B] [B]Innate Magical Element (Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning):[/B] [B]Preferred Jinki:[/B] One of the ones listed [B]Bio:[/B] Explan in detal what happened to your character. Please, PM me with questions. Ja ne.[/color][/size]
[color=#AFF7234][size=1]If there's one place I could be, for the rest of my life, I'd really love to be in Minnesota right now. You're thinking, "What the flux, Minnesota?" Well, that's where the love of my life is living, and I don't think I've ever needed her more than I do right now, due to some really jacked up circumstances that has to do with my being stabbed with a pen twice. So yeah. If someone sends this little lovesick guy to Minnesota on a stroke of luck, I'll lick your shoes after you step in dog crap.