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[color=darkslategray][size=1]Gin smiled broadly as he walked down the street, hands crossed behind his head. He was obviously happy about something, but with that damned goofy smile, you'd never know about what. Two dextile fingers found his cellphone, and he plucked it out, holding it in a quite strange way-by the top of the phone with two fingers, so that it hung by his ear. After a short little chat, Gin flicked his wrist up and the cellphone closed. Gin was estatic. He loved fighting almost as much as he loved his drinks. An aura of pure...[i]joy[/i] seemed to buzz around his head. They had found a member of the Illz a week ago. Mino. He refused to speak at all, so they decided to give him a chance to escape. Beat Gin, and the kid could escape. He took the offer. Gin had just been informed of this turn of events, and was extremely joyful. A chance to kill something was always appreciated, kid or not. Mino was unhappy. He was more than unhappy, he was depressed. In an effort to help the Illz, he had been sneaking around one of the Virus' hangouts, trying to find information about anything. He had picked up money and weapons and even a small bit of that information that was valued above anything else. But he was eventually found by a member. Her name was Misha and he personally thought that she had quite a nice body. That wasn't smart to say around Misha, and he had gotten smacked around a few times. It was actually quite comical to watch. Gin approached his building and the motorcycle that was outside. Gin, nonchalant as always, swung his leg over it and inserted a key, turning it as the engine revved. His foot feell down and the bike sped down the road, filled with potholes and debris. However, his quick reflexes made sure that the obstacles didn't provide problems. Making a quick right, Gin's motorcycle hit a piece of debris tilted at just the right angle to make him fly into the air and into the "arena" for the battle. Swinging himself off of the motorcycle and turning it into a graceful, arcing flip, Gin landed and let one hand rest on his katana, Shinsou. Mino was lurking in the shadows as dust billowed around. Gin let out what seemed to be a giggle and spoke in a taunting manner. [b]"Ain't da littl' kit-cat gunna come outta da bag...?"[/b] Bending at the waist, Gin rose one finger and waggled it from side to side, clearly saying, "Nope." Mino was obviously a kid roused by taunts, as he moved from the cover of the shadows and into Gin's view. Giving the young man a look, Gin pulled out his cellphone and tossed it to Mino. [b]" 'Ere yeh go, fer bein' so gutsy ya get to call yer friends."[/b] Gin pulled out Shinsou and put it behind him, before leaping into the air and standing on the hilt of it, driving the blade into the ground as he stood on it. [b]"Ya's gots till before I fall off ta call yer friends, bud."[/b]Gin could stay up there as long as he liked, as his balance was no problem. This would be quite fun, indeed...[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Satori: Not bad. I like it, because it's not overly complex, and yet it's not too simple. The use of semi-bright colors is useful, but not nessicarily...eye catching, I guess. But my eyes are attracted to bright colors. [b]Avatar:[/b] 8.0 [b]Banner:[/b] 7.5.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][b][Name.][/b] Izlandi Rac'zah. [b][Sex.][/b] Male. [b][Allegiance.[/b] Dragonheart, loose ties as of late. [b][Location.][/b] The city of Hearthglen, located near Milan. [b][Apperance.][/b] [url=http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/7346/albelsan9br.jpg][Click.][/url] He lost his left arm in an accident concerning another Dragonheart lord. [b][Personality.][/b] Izlandi will not hesitate to put you down, and spit on you. He's got a rough exterior that none can penetrate besides Eranikus, his dragon. Izlandi will call you maggot, scum, anything of the sort if you don't impress him. Most say that his ego has gone to fuel this, but others speculate that he's insecure, and the truth? He wants to make sure that the world sees the truths. He has been known to not show mercy in battle, and seems to live for the fight. One has seen his kind, loving side, but the reason that no one has in recent memory is because of her death. He's become rock hard to stop others from becoming close to him, and lose their life. [b][Weapon / Skills.][/b] Izlandi has become a master of the blade, his speed and strength incredible. With one blow, he can cleave a rock in two, quite cleanly. The metallic arm he wields is used in combat as well-as a channel for his magic and a fist to fist weapon. Izlandi has become rightfully able to call his blade the Emerald Dreamer, able to put anyone he cuts twice in the same spot into an endless sleep, filled with nightmares and shades. [b][Power.][/b] Izlandi and Eranikus' power is quite unique. Eranikus has been called the Tyrant of Nightmares and the Shade, and the Dreamer. Izlandi can weave together nature's wildlife and the nightmaric power of a mind to make things to use in combat. Once, it is said, that he combined a nightmare of another dragon with cruel, sharp, black and firey spines and powerful wings with an oak, creating a creature that no one knows how to kill, but eventually expired itself. Izlandi can wield shadow-element powers and nature-element, in both combat and healing. No one, save Eranikus and Izlandi, knows exactly what he can do. [b][Writing Snippet.][/b] Coming up soon.[/color][/size] [color=darkgreen][size=1] [b][Dragon's Name.][/b] Eranikus the (Shade, Tyrant of Nightmares, Dreamer, Soulflayer.) He goes by many titles. [b][Apperance.][/b] [url=http://img30.imageshack.us/my.php?image=eranikus4fc.jpg][Click.][/url] [b][Personality.][/b] Eranikus is quite sarcastic at times, favoring the venom of words over brute combat. He loves to insult along with his master, and even though he seems quite rude, he can become refined within seconds if he only applies himself.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]DNAngel360: I like it. For Dark, the purple is quite...astute. I can't tell if you're using premade brushes, but I know that there is an image of Dark in the background, along with the foreground. Maybe if you had a little more substance or definintion to the background, it would be better. Then again, simplicity is beautiful. Enough of my ramblings. 7.5/10.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][b][Name.][/b] Gin "The Fox" Montergra. [b][Codename / Nickname.][/b] Fox, Rum. Prefers the name Gin. [b][Gender.][/b] Male. [b][Age.][/b] 29. [b][Gang.][/b] The Virus. [b][Weapon of Choice.][/b] Gin uses a simple sword. The saya is laquered with red, and the blade itself is a bloody red splashed with the normal steel color. A small rune is etched in continuation along the blade's length, varying by one or two extra lines. Deceptively simple, Gin has used it for years and years without being killed, and the blade not being damaged beyond repair. He calls it Shinsou, which in japanese means, Divine Spear. He has also studied seveal forms of martial arts, and had an operation in which he had parts of his bone drilled out in his hands, and metal stubs inserted that had spikes on the tips that make his punches deadly as a heavy blow with a finely-crafted mace. If he leaves the stubs out, the bone and the skin will reform within mintues, and can be opened again quite easily upon a simple word, due to the special nature of the procedure. This, however, slowed his recovery time on everything else and takes him approxmiately twice as long as the normal human to recouperate. Shinsou uses one of his most special abilities, however... [b][Speciality.][/b] Gin "The Fox" calls one of his special abilites the Dance of the Snake. Shinshou becomes immensely flexible, and becomes like quicksilver, able to cover any distance by elongating itself. The blade seems to permenately stay in this for for as long as it wants to. This is an incredibly useful technique. Another one of his skills is to "Teleport." Gin wills all of the particles of his body to a location he has seen, and he moves there. This drains a minimal amount of power, almost too miniscule. If he uses to go too far though, he has to rest before attempting to move again. [b][Personality.][/b] Gin has two reasons for being called The Fox. The first is his "Teleportation", which leads him to be extremely cocky. And his face...it seems to be stuck in a permenant smile. What he is smiling about is always secret to most, but he's happy and cheerful at all times, and not even death of friends will wipe the wide smile off of his face. The only thing that can deter his cheery look on life is if you either take away his blade, or you take away his drinks. Then Gin can get ruthelessly violent until he gets them back, in which he reverts to his normal, overhappy self. This has lead most people to think that he's bipolar, but he simply smiles and tells them that it isn't so in his wonderful drawling accent. One thing that he loves along with hard beverages and swordplay is women. They find him adorable, and he's taken this as inspiration to become a skirt-chaser and a romanticist. Indeed, Gin "The Fox" deserves his title, and is a very complex man. [b][Apperance.][/b] [url=http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/9581/ginken3wv.jpg][Here.][/url] Gin is the one on the top left, with the smile. The man below, Ken, was killed years ago in an accident. Gin wears most things that he owns as two styles: Simple and elegant, with a touch of comfort. Around the house and his fellow Virus, his robes are his most chosen attire. When going out in public, he trades in the comfort for casual, donning a white undershirt and a black button up shirt, leaving the top at his neckline open. Along with those shirts, he wears dark blue jeans with a pair of Vans shoes, tan in color. [b][Biography.][/b] Gin Montergra was born in not where you'd think, exactly. He was born in Japan, but soon was exiled at the age of 14 for killing a man after the accident that took his friend's life. His last name was different, but he changed it upon entering the united states. He had been studying english from the age of 5, when he was learning Japanese at the same time. He's rather proficent in both and his accent made them ask no questions when he was coming from Japan, and told the airport security that he was a tourist returning from Japan. In the city of New York, things were brewing in Gin's insidious mind that were just wrong, from drugs and fights on the streets for more drugs, becoming a hired assassin at arms, to the occasional woman that he made time for before she was killed by another man to deter Gin from his job. However, he had an unwavering loyalty to his clients, and he soon gave up the drugs to better protect the women he had loved-and himself. Many guess it's at this time that his joyful personality kicked in and he became the man that he is today. From New York, a job brought him to Bolest City and the Epidemic. They accepted him with open arms, and he was moving through the crowd quickly, establishing himself as the one that would never be shoved down. However, he began to see the flaws in their system, and how they were tearing the city apart too fast and with too much wild abandon. He tried to leave but was hooked in until he commited the ultimate treason and killed one of the old members, and was soon kicked out. From there, Gin wandered for what seemed like ages, using his incredible funds from his Epidemic days to sustain him and his hotel rooms that he rented. Whispers of an organization called the Virus, formed of Ex-Epidemic, reached his ears after a while. The prospect at bringing Epidemic appealed to him and he soon joined. Since those days, he's become much more strong, and slightly more inclined to drink. [b][Writing Sample.][/b] [i]They were all around, eyeing him with poison filled glances. Gin just kept smiling. With his eyes upwards as he smiled, it looked like he wouldn't be able to see a thing. The deep and audible roar of gunfire echoed around the walls. Was it the Illz, was it those one guys...the Professionals, was it some underlings hired by someone else? Either way, he'd kill them all. It was a simple exercise for him as he stood there. Hell, Gin even sat down on a bench and pulled out a small thing of liquor, taking a drink as one of them decided to strike.[/i] As they brought the makeshift weapon down on Gin's head, he drew Shinsou and easily blocked it, as upon impact the blade flashed and elongated to a distance over 4 feet long. He took another drink and set it on the bench, turning his gaze upwards to the attacker. That damn smile was permeated on Gin's face, and it would be etched in the mind of the man that tried to kill him for as long as he lived. [b]"So, kid...who's ya leada' n' all that?"[/b] The accent of Gin's must of surprised the young kid, because his face froze up for a second and then he scowled, aiming a kick at Gin's kidney. Gin giggled and threw the kid up into the air a short ways, and letting him fall to the ground. Before picking him up, Gin reajusted his shirt and pants as they had gotten slightly discomfortable from the sudden action. He picked up the young man and asked again. [b]"Kid, c'mon, jus' gotta tell me who's ya leada'. Not 'dat hard, y'naw?"[/b] The young man before him seemed determined as he twisted himself up, locking his legs around Gin's arm and snapping back suddenly. Gin dropped him and the kid smiled triumpantly. [b]"Auden's my name. I'm the leader."[/b] Gin had a classic look of, "What the ****, mate?" on his face. He shrugged and blinked, and the smile never left his face. However, the kid lept at him, pulling out a hidden and obviously not imitation, kunai. He nicked Gin's side. Gin opened his eyes then, showing them his crimson-colored eyes. He didn't stop smiling though, no. He pointed his finger at Auden as he grasped Shinsou and the blade shot out, tracing up his arm. Gin had lined it with poison he had made earlier that day. Gin looked around at the group of high schoolers before him. One of the girls cought his eye, with three necklaces and a white ribbon in her brown and black, laquered with random blond, hair. He closed his eyes again and sheathed Shinsou as it melded itself into a small pocket knife. [b]"What's yer name, littl' girl? I's think I recognize ya from's somewhere...black arms deala', mebbe?"[/b] [b]"Syris."[/b] She said rather silently and Gin turned his foot, laughing on the inside as his lips curled even more into that sadistic [i]smile.[/i] If the Illz were this weak, but had an arms dealer with them, this could be fun...much more fun than he had though. Bringing a hand through his silver-white hair, he retired for the day.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]"I suppose a beer won't be the kind of drink you're talking about, Leila." He laughed softly, Manji tickling his side as he moved. The locks of silver hair drifted along his face, teasing his bloody eyes. "Not at all, Kashi. Though...it would be nice to wash the kind of drink I'm talking about down with." She had that sly, sleek smile on her face as she spoke, moving closer to him. She pressed closer, their middles touching softly. Kashi's mind went semi-frozen. "Two vampires just materalized out there. You do know that their blood is much more filling than a human's, right...?" "Yeah. Are they friend or foe?" "I'd think they were enemies...or they'd use the front gate. Think about it, Kashi." She was still straddled up to him, pressed against him lightly. The wind made Leila's hair whip out across his face and along his own hair. He pulled away slightly. "Then let's go," Kashi was partially relieved to be away, but mostly he was dissapointed. "Don't want to make Keitha mad at me, end up making me something less-than-desireable." He added, explaining why he moved away. She had a pouty sort of look on her face. His expression told her, "Later, not now." That seemed to surpress her taunts-for now. "I'm hungry, too. So let's get on with this." He jumped up on the balcony, the black coat billowing out from behind him and slicing the air softly. He drew Manji, letting the obsidian blade trace through the air in complex patterns. From each pattern jumped thousands of cherry blossoms, until there was innumerable measures of them. He lept off of the balcony, the cloud of razor sharp pink blades following him. He hit the ground with a soft thump, waiting for Leila to join him. She was soon on the ground with him. He saw the two vampires were nowhere in sight. He sighed. [b]"Great, we're too late, Leila-chan...we'll have to hit the town and find a littl' bit to drink. I'm sure they've got some great clubs here."[/b] He looked at her, his rosenrot-colored eyes gleaming with pink and silver in annoyance at what happened. She approached him and nodded softly, a snap from her kimono going off. Kashi made his way to his car, the blossoms forming into a key to unlock the door. He opened the door, waiting for her to slide in to the seat. Leila perched herself for a moment on the driver's seat before slowly moving to the passenger's seat. Kashi followed her in, the key moving into the ignition and starting the car. His eyes were trained to seek out whatever he wanted, and after a few minutes of cruising he found a local club that looked to be filled with fresh blood. It wasn't long before Kashi and Leila emerged, two young and vorcarious women following them out. Kashi and Leila shared a secret smile, ready to enjoy their meal back home in the secret sort of love that only a vampire to another could understand. [/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Kashi smiled lightly, and rather deviously. His arm slipped around her waist carefully, fingers stretching to stroke her stomach lightly through the kimono. They had been friends for countless ages, albeit a mishap that happened a while ago including two other Grysham, but he was innocent. As innocent as someone like Kashi could be, at least. He slipped his hand in his pocket, and pulled out a small white device with two headphones. Leila looked at him quizzically for a second, before returning his smile from before, if not a little more...scary. He moved his finger up to slip the earphone on his ear, casually casting an illusion that Kuroichi had taught him one night after a mission that's details are for another time. Leila looked rather angry, but Kashi told her why. [b]"Listen, you don't want to draw attention-Not that kind of attention, Leila-to yourself, right? It'd be unfourtunate if you were found by a..Mykur Aniol or Ijuui. That'd be painful. Those religious types have a tendency to hurt people-beautiful people like you and me, mind you-for hours on end."[/b] She nodded slowly, a snap coming from inside of her kimono, which now looked like what any girl her "age" would wear. [b]"I think you still have a little bit of your last meal on your lips. Better wipe it off if you want to take the taxi to the hotel-or walk."[/b] She wouldn't stop with that damn grin. It got annoying at times, but he returned it with an equally irritating smile, wiping off the blood with his index finger and hesitantly wiping it on the marble. It felt wrong to leave something like that alone, but she had insisted that he did so. [b]"So, Kashi...you never told me of what happened over the last few months."[/b] She drawled out casually as he opened the door to the taxi waiting outside, personally hired by him. It was a vampire, another Krilrat Zmaj under Kashi's thumb. He held the rank of Lieutenant-Guardian of the West Gate, but held the power of the West Gate-and a little beyond. [b]"Nothing, really. Kuroichi-domo is preoccupied with the Ijuui and such, and I still haven't been promoted, probably because no one's died off yet, or moved up. Missed having a pretty little thing besides those annoying Gywar outside of my building, waiting to kill me. At least this pretty little thing here won't rip my head off."[/b] He grinned, slightly malicious, and Leila returned the comment. [b]"Don't be so sure I won't, Kashi-kun..."[/b][/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Kashi and Yurei finally realized that Kuroichi-Taicho wouldn't be back anytime soon. Yurei pulled out a small GPS system along with a cell phone. [b]"Manji, dial up a number."[/b] [b]"What kind, sir?"[/b] [b]"A good fast food place. Then call Doppo-sama."[/b] Kashi laughed softly and did what his master had told him to. [b]"Doppo-taichio. Where are you currently staitioned?"[/b] [b]"Currently waiting for the arrival of Keitha and Leila at a hotel. The location should be appearing on that handy GPS of Yurei's. He's too...calm. I do not like it."[/b] [b]"Doppo, now's not the time to talk 'bout Yurei's habits. I'll meet up with Keitha and Leila and take them to the hotel. Gots it?"[/b] He could hear the note of respect for Kashi's commanding nature in the reply. [b]"Always commanding, young Kashi. I shall look forward to your arrivals."[/b] Kashi could see the face of Doppo in his mind, an unmmoveable wall. He clicked the phone off, and asked Yurei where the two assassins were, and told him that he was going to retrieve them. Leila; the Fan Maiden and her companion. His eyebrow arched slightly as a grin came across his face. He'd have to see how up-to-date on killing techniques these women were. And if Leila still wore that extremely short robe. Yurei took the homefront position, staying at Kuroichi's base to make sure no troublesome pests came through. Kashi had taken to finding the two assassins by plane, taking the sweet young vampire into the restroom to sate his vampire urges. Licking a droplet of blood off of her neck, he whispered his apologizes. She hadn't struggled, as he was so careful with his techniques. He retrieved the money out of her wallet, along with her I.D. and several other things. He thought he saw her eyelids twitch, but it was nothing. The plane landed, and Kashi had to use a more rudimentary method of tracking. Using credit-card tracking to find out Leila's destination. Along with the scent of her blood and perfume, which made it easier. It was a simple matter of time before he found the two-and when he did, he did indeed see that Leila wore that extremely short robe. [b]"Hmm, Leila. Glad to see you. Ain't got a hug for your friend Kashi?"[/b] His lips were in a warm smile, arms open slightly.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Kashi was concerened with matters of his own affairs, in his penthouse in Tokyo. Silver locks sliced the wind coming in from the open window, his crimson eyes surveying the streets. Yurei sat on the couch, his superior, absently drinking a glass of warm sake. Ettiquite was not something that Yurei prided himself on, and that didn't concern Kashi, as long as he kept his penthouse clean. [b]" 'Ey, captn', what we gonna do about those troublesome littl' female Gywar that are gunna get in our way later tonight?"[/b] Kashi said quitely, as two of those pretty little things were snooping around outside of his penthouse, which he worked so hard to build. And then... [i]Ding[/i]...The doorbell. His body was tensed for some sort of explosion, which would of made him [i]extremely[/i] angry. It was the food that Yurei had ordered, he presumed, and indeed it was. Kashi's lithe fingers let them in, careful to stay away from any sunlight. He grabbed the food-and the delivery person that came with. A pink blade slowly and quite painfully, dug its way into the man's back, slicing flesh and bone. As quickly as Kashi had grabbed him, he threw him to Yurei. Without hesitation, Yurei ripped a hole in the young, greasy haired man, and let the blood fall into his waiting lips-and the sake glass that belonged to Kashi. Soon, the Guardian kicked the dead corpse off of him, into a closet. He wiped off the back of his mouth, his tounge ringing around his lips carefully. Kashi bent carefully, a man of extreme ettiquite, and also extremely cocky. He made every movement, from backflips to fighting measures to even simple motions, look fluid, easy, and graceful. Yurei filled his glass once, clinking it against Kashi's and they both drained them. [b]"Hold tight n' drink deep, Manji."[/b] Manji was the name of Kashi's blade, but Yurei's nickname for his favorite student. Manji certainly knew his way around a guitar, the microphone and his singing voice, and a blade. He also let Yurei free-load off of him, not minding. That was another plus of being the personal mentor of a rich Vampire. [b]"Let's go see what others are doing...like maybe the good Kuroichi-Taichio. He might be up for a little sparring."[/b] Yurei cast a wavering, and still malicious grin at Kashi. Several hours and a few pretty women later, they were both waiting for Kuroichi to get back from whatever affairs he had.[/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] Kashi is an extreme lady's man. He will charm and please to no end to get what he wants, and at the same time, still manages to hold a high respect for women.
[color=darkred][size=1] Dante was...annoyed, to say the least. Those mushroom thingies were crowding around him, and he had just been teleported in! Quickly, he equipped his Beowulf gauntlets, double jumping over the crowd of...'goombas' was it? Yeah. From there, he slammed into each one of them with a diving kick, managing to pick off the whole group. However, one was still left, and the only reason he knew that is because it jumped up and bit him-squarely on the head, at that. [b]"AHHHHH! When did freaking mushrooms get TEEH?!"[/b] This was the second time he had something disgusting messing up his beautiful mop of silver-white hair. Dante quickly pulled Ebony out, Ivory still in the holder on his back. He pressed it to the goomba on the back of his head, and Samus saw him as he pulled the trigger, it looking like he was going to paint the walls with the back of his throat. The goomba flew off with a loud sort of scream and a dead thud. Dante blinked a few times, waving to Samus to show that he was alright. He pulled out his other gun, Ivory, and soon set off to find the end of the 'level', but more importantly, the mushroom. Several turtle like things that he remembered from his old-school days of Super Mario Bros. blocked his path. They walked back and forth slowly, either bored or programmed to be stupid-Dante figured the later. That sparked something in his mind that had been there for a long time; everyone thought he was stupid and a flamboyant fighter. Who figured out all the mechanisms of the Temen-Ni-Gru? Who managed to stay alive and well on 3 different occasions that required more than how good and quick your trigger finger was? He'd have to show them, show them he would. Carefully, Dante pulled out a strange mechanism that fitted on his arm, a handle and a trigger at the end of it. He wrapped his fingers deftly around the handle, and let Artemis charge up, the four Koopas unsuspecting of what was just about to happen. However, he deliberatly fired at the wall, the lances of the pink energy springing off the walls and repeatedly hitting each turtle, also knocking a mechanism on the wall that sprung open something not too far away. The perfectly square blocks on the wall sliding open to reveal nothing but...a mushroom! Dante grinned. See? He was smart. He saw that lever all along, and decided it better to hit the Koopas and spring the wall all at once. He walked in, grabbed the mushroom and consumed it quickly, feeling his bones smash and reform larger than ever.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][FONT=Arial Narrow] [list]Insects: I hate them. Creepy, too many legs and too many eyes. Hell, I even get nauseous fighting Silithild in World of Warcraft. HUGE-arse bugs. I can't exactly justify my fear.[/list] [list]Losing loved ones/friends: Guh. If I lost Lei (The most important person in my life.), I'd go crazy, angry, and probably socially withdrawn. If I lost people close to me, I'd probably be the same way. I feel overprotective at times.[/list] [list]Brow Recluse Spiders: Garsh darn you Goddess! You got me scared to hell of these things. Their bites can cause necrosis, and I'm near a bit of a hot-spot for them. If you could call it that. *Curses Goddess for all of oblivion.*[/list][/color][/size][/font]
[color=darkred][size=1] Dante batted the Lemmings off, being teleported back to Liberty Tower. He groaned, not wanting to lose the challenge. Even he didn't manage to entertain the Lemmings long enough to keep them un-suicidal. Was that even a word, un-suicidal? His mind wandered as he lazily pranced around the place, leaning back to do a back handspring onto a table with nothing on it. He whistled for everyone to pay attention to him as he pushed his hair back across his ears. [b]"E'eryone! 'EY! That's better. I want to say somethin' to y'all, about why we screwed up taday. Y'all migh' think this is a stupid-arse speach from a guy that doesn't like to lose. Well, it is of a kin'. I 'dink we lost 'cause we didn't try. We're the action 'eros 'ere, we should be able to kick the most arse and take the most punishment. INCLUDING from littl' Lemmings. All I wanna say, is yeah, we came in second, but second isn't good 'nuff. We need first. Mitsurugi already got kicked off, and no matter who we lose, it's still a hurt. I want each of you to promise that you'll listen to everyone when they have somethin' ta say. Deal?"[/color][/size][/b]
What is the hardest thing you've had to do emotionally?
Engel replied to a topic in General Discussion
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Well, nothing nearly as tragic as everyone else, but here it is. I think I was 3 when it started. I can't remember a whole lot, but I remember my mother used to treat me like shite. Beat me, called me stuff, etc. I still have scars and such from that. Emotional and physical. But the real thing is... When she overdosed on meth. I knew at the age of 6 that she did drugs and I understood what drugs were. To a small degree. However, I didn't know that they could kill you if you took too much at one time, but I quickly discovered the mortality rate through a personal experience. I'm not a religious person of any extreme degree, but I believe that God does deal punishment in this life, too.[/color][/size] -
[color=darkred][size=1] Dante was...feeling bad to say the least. They looked so harmless, he didn't want them to die. What in the HELL was going on here? He shook his head, silver locks cutting the air. Just then, something small, green, and masochistically suicidal slammed into his forehead as he shook it, and it exploded. The counter went down one as he scrambled to get the sticky essence of Lemming off of his face. [b]"Eww. I've fought freakin' arachnids the size of a garage, and yet this is more gruesome than that."[/b] Dante pulled out a small prop of a sign that said, [i]"WTF mate?"[/i] before pulling out his prized guitar, Nevan. He had an idea. [b]"Samus, CJ! Get those littl' green punks ovah 'ere. I'm going to put on a concert to keep them still!"[/b] Quickly, CJ and Samus told what the could of the Lemmings to follow them over to Dante, who magically managed to pull an amp out of the fabric of time and space, and then another, and a drummer, and several more people and equpiment. CJ gave him a sort of, "Knew it." look before saying something in that strange Los Santos accent of his. [b]"Yo homie, I though dat you didn't know how da hell I pulled dat bitch and dat one out my pocket, holmes!"[/b] Dante managed a sadistic grin before standing still, one leg out in front of the other. A sort of purple sphere surrounded him and the guitar, and when it exploded away, he was in his Devil Trigger. He began to pluck a few strings, and eventually the song exploded into his personal favourite, [b]"Blood to Bleed."[/b] To his own shock, however, a group of Lemmings were holding a sign proclaiming their love and asking Dante to have their babies. Another thing? They were heading straight for him. [b]"I think I mighta been a little too good...............!"[/b] He yelled fratically, running around in a circle trying to escape the semi-suicidal Lemmings that had an apperant, "Love" for him. Devil Trigger faded, and he was back in his human form. [b]"Crap crap crap!"[/b] One jumped at his face and he magically pulled out a pair of swim goggles as it landed with a heavy splat on his face. [b]"THE GOGGLES! THEY DO NOTHING!"[/b] Dante continued his frantic screaming, running around the stage in a last ditch attempt to keep from being mauled by the loving Lemmings.[/color] [color=red][/color][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1]Dante had to fly away for a bit because of Finals. >.< I'm back now. So I'll make a post sometime soon.[/color][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1] Dante got up, moving over to the window and leaning out of it. The TV was boring, nothin' on at this time. He wondered if he could see his building out there....yes, he could. The neon sign flashed in the distance, reading [b][i][u]Devil May Cry[/i][/u][/b] with a picture of a man holding a gun. [b]"Can't leave the buildin'...damn! I wanted to make sure nothin's happenin' to my baby."[/b] Dante groaned, forgetting how he had left his precious shop open and unlocked. If some stupid tourist or street thug stole something, Dante would have to kick someone's ass.[/color][/size][color=purple][size=1] [b]"....otherwise I might start having to use one of you as a punchbag!"[/b][/color][/size][color=darkred][size=1] Those words were music to Dante's ears. Pulling himself away from the window seal, he stretched his fingers and backfliped over the couch, landing in front of Xiaoyu. [b]"Punchin' bag, littl' lady? I'm not exactly a pushover, but we can go see if we can find a place to "let off some steam". I'll try not to gloat too badly when I win, okay?"[/b] Dante smirked, pulling Rebellion out from it's sheath on his back and lounging it across his shoulders.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][b]Name:[/b] I've got not time to tell you a name. If you insist, Kashi. "Apperant death" in Japanese. [b]Nickname:[/b] Shichi. Number seven. [b]Age:[/b] 389. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Species:[/b] Vampire. [b]Clan:[/b] Krilrat Zmaj. It's the only one fit for me, ruled by a vampire with a great ambition for his own kind. Is there any other kind of good leader? [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img294.imageshack.us/my.php?image=bankai27fs.jpg]I've attached a picture [here].[/url] However, the orange hair was merely a cover to sneak into the Myrkur Aniol as a lesser Angel. Angel. Hmph. I am only fit to be vampire, not human, demon, angel, or dead. My hair is a light shade of silver, and my eyes a soft blood red with tinges of silver. [b]Weapons:[/b] My trusty obsidian edged katana, with a Buddhist Manji at the hilt. Lightweight and extremely sharp, it serves as a channel for my power. A Manji is the symbol for luck, hence my nickname Shichi. Also, Manji is the name of this relic. [b]Powers:[/b] [u][i]Quicksilver[/i][/u] I can control time with this power. Think of it as...time acceleration fields around me, while time slowing effects take place of the outer world. This drains me the more I use it. [u][i]Darkside:[/i][/u] I also have the power to bring out the blackness in the soul of people, and manipulate it into creatures of the night, or weapons, or a blast of explosive energy. It can also be used to summon the light away from an area, removing all sense of sound, sight, taste, and smell. Only touch remains for the enemy, while I employ full use of my senses. However...this is a complete drain on my power once the area collapses, and I am taken out of action for at least a day. [i][u]Cherry Blossoms of the Blade:[/u][/i] The most unique power in my already formidible arsenal, the ability to summon cherry blossoms. However, they are only blossoms in appearance, in reality, they are millions, even more, of tiny but extremely sharp blades that reflect light, causing them to glow a light pink. I can control the flood to form into any shape I wish, or become a massive horde of blades. Anything. This is my most commonly used ability. [i][u]Release:[/u][/i] My second long range attack, I charge up a blast of energy from the air around me, and fire it out from my blade. [b]Personality:[/b] I am the opposite of what you would expect from a vampire. Fools. Creatures of the Night; velvet 17th century Victorian clothes? Maybe at one time, but what a cliche. I am personally dissatisfied. I can be cold, calculating, and extremely precise with where I want to hurt you most, be it with words or my blade, Manji or my own two fists and fangs. However, in the right company (In example: Krilrat Zmaj, and others on our side. Extremely pretty women included, vampire or not. Though...the latter can be fixed.), I can be somewhat of an older brother figure, and a calm and passionate man of the arts, including my own guitar playing, literature, etectra. I am truely opposite sides of the same coin. [b]Biography:[/b] I was 'born' in the year of 1616 in the company of Kuroichi-taichio. However, an attack by the Gywar clan caused me, as a small infant, to be lost in the chaos. I managed to learn the rules of survival quickly, killing small cattle from a nearby farm. Japan was no place to live as a stranded vampire infant, though. In any case, I was resuced by a Nyroma visiting a friend of his in Japan. I came back to Romania with him, and was raised as one of the Magic users. However, I soon realized that they were foolish for the most part, too mystic and myrad to make a descision on which side to be on in the war that was brewing. Late, one night, one of the oldest of the Nyroma came and visited me by my bedside. His name was Archmagi Xylem, and he tried to kill me that time. He said that I was the creation of something that was never ment to be, which was Kuroichi. At that time, I held a great respect for Kuroichi-taichio already. When Xylem tried to take my life, and more importantly, my Manji, we went to battle. I won. After that, I was forced to flee the Nyroma, and wandered for years, taking my prey carefully while making my way back to Japan-and my roots. Around the year of 1983, I was found by the Krilrat Zmaj, and quickly recruited upon a short battle with an officer that has become a close friend, Yurei of the West Gate. One of the four Guardians, Kuroichi-taichio's elite. I made my way up the ranks quickly, becoming Yurei's top lieutenant. If one of the other Guardians moved up, I would take their place. Or if they died...It's only a matter of time before one or the other happens. [b]Writing Sample:[/b] [i]During a late night in the Nyroma clan...[/i] Kashi sat on his bedside, his Manji right beside him. A breathy sigh escaped his pale lips, trailing up and off into the cold night's air. His hand trailed over to the bedstand, picking up a small, white and unidentifiable pack. Slim wihte fingers pulled out a cigarrette, along with the small red lighter. Placing the cigarette in his ruby-red lips, he lit it carefully and took a deep puff. [b]"Christ...It's getting late."[/b] It was nearly 5 am, and Kashi had been up since about 7 pm. He had been wiped out and drunk, and the fact that sunlight hurt like hell kept him down. He pulled the cigarette back to his mouth, taking another slow puff and letting it out. Again, Kashi reached for something, but instead of the cool wood and metal of his guitar, his fingers met the cold fabric of nothing but Master Xylem's clothes. [b]"Kashi. You're not just a vampire, are you..."[/b] He mused, stroking his wisened beard in thought. His cold glare turned to Kashi, his purple eyes locking into Kashi's silver-red eyes. They seemed to gaze at each other, eyes saying all their deathly mouths dare not. Xylem broke the spell with a spell of his own-a gigantic shard of ice that plunged through Kashi's side. Kashi groaned, but grinned. He faked most of the pain, as his cherry blossoms deflected it. He lept back, grabbing Manji and his cherry red guitar. The flat side of his blade met Xylem's pillar of ice, shattering it. [b]"Don't make me, old man...I'll gut you where you stand."[/b] [b]"Try it, young blood...try it and you shall perish."[/b] [b]"Deal."[/b] Kashi was gone in the blink of an eye, the cold midsummer's eve whipping through the air and the open window. The cigarette still limply hung form his mouth, and he took a puff before lauching into the battle, of blades and spells. At the end of the battle, Kashi stood over the dead body of Xylem, pulling off part of Xylem's robe and cleaning off his blade. [b]"...Kuroichi-taichio..."[/b] [b]Other:[/b] Kashi's trademark song, that he preforms at night clubs and high end buisness palors is [i]Vampires will never hurt you[/i]. Rather ironic. Use MSN if you want me to send you the song.[/color][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1]Dante was late, he [i]knew[/i] it. But he was the lazy type, even though his muscle-lined body wouldn't admit it. He saunteered along the streets of New York, casually grabbing an overhanging bar and pulling himself up with that amazing demonic strength of his. He could of been a professional gymnast if he wanted to, but he said something about men in tights and left it at that. The streets fled behind him as he swept down the city of New York in a hurry. He didn't have any idea how he was supposed to get there, besides the Temen-ni-gru, which had portals to everywhere, in both Hell and here. He smirked slightly. [b]"This is gunna be one helluva party!"[/b] And as his foot met the doors to the Temen-ni-gru, it was a mere minute before a blip appeared on Samus' radar and Dante casually strolled through the door, his red leather overcoat hanging on his shoulders lightly, the strap of leather that went across his chest and back holding the [/color][/size][color=red]Red sword[/color][/size][color=darkred][size=1] and his own collection of weapons, namely a pair of three pronged nunchukau and his own sword, Rebellion. [b]"Dante."[/b] He told the moogle, who flinched slightly. Mog wasn't too happy about Dante and his attitude earlier, but Dante grinned and stuck his hand out, offering it to the moogle. He heisitantly shook it. [b]"There we go, little man."[/b] Dante ruffled Mog's fur lightly, before making his way in a lazy sort of way to the two who called themselves [b]"Laura Croft"[/b] and [b]"Yuna"[/b]. Eh, what could he say? He was a ladies' man, and he loved a fast gunnin' girl, and they both carried twin automatic pistols. Casually, he slumped against the walls, the red overcoat shifting to reveal the white-silver and the charcol black guns, Ebony and Ivory. [b]"Hi there, ladies...I'm sure you've heard of me, saved the world a coupla times from demonic invasion from hell and such. Name's Dante."[/color][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1]Welcome one, welcome all. Welcome to the latest collaboration from ULX and Duke, [i][b]Guilty Soul[/i][/b]. This is a fusion of Guilty Gear and Soul Calibur. Read on if you're interested.[/color][/size] [color=darkslategray][size=1][i]Soul Edge...the ultimate weapon. Forged from the hatred of a thousand souls, bathed in the blood of commoners and heroes alike. It should not exist, it defies the laws that the Gods set upon this earth. It reeks of chaos, defiling and putrifying everyone who would dare grasp it's hilt. Shortly after the events that took place four years ago, at the Lost Cathedral, things were beginning to settle again. Whispers of Soul Edge were still plentiful, but they were dimming. However, the one sword that was never brought into the limelight was also spoken of-Soul Calibur. The Spirit Sword, the true Sword of Salvation. The tales of these swords were melded over the years, and it was all just known as Soul Edge. A dark force stirred at the Lost Cathedral, brimming in silence and brooding in darkness. Nightmare was reborn.[/i] The Man shut the book, sending a plume of dust into the air. Shadows clung to his body, and he spoke in a changing voice. "The ultimate power. The ultimate weapon. I have to have it." Slowly, he turned to the machine he had been working on religiously in the 5 years since finding the ancient tome. A machine to let him travel back to the time when Soul Edge was at its strongest. Back in that great time of war, when strength was strength and weakness was death. The 16th Century. The time of the Azure Knight. Tomorrow, he would turn the machine on, and send his agent back many centuries so that she could bring him his new toy. The newest source of power in his arsenal. He turned to I-No, and smiled, his teeth the only things visible in the darkness that perpetually surounded him. "Well, I-No? Ready for your big trip?" "Always ready, boss," she replied in a sultry tone. "Very well...you know the time to be here." "Indeed I do, boss." She smirked slightly while leaning against the desk, the short red skirt covering only her bare essentials. He smiled again, and then those white teeth dissapeared and the darkness seemed to shrink back with them. I-No was nonchalant about it, but the mere thought of seeing a man like Siegfried sent a wonderful chill through her body. There just weren't as many good-looking warriors in this time and age, none like Raphael. That was her main reason for going along with it. That, and That Man was a very...agreeable person. However, I-No would have several unforseen, and possibly fun, obstacles along the way. Obstacles like Sol and Ky. Despite having worked on it for several years, That Man's machine was not entirely stable. The warp energy released by it spread out greatly, making him glad he had been far from the site when the machine was switched on. I-No was not the only one sent into the past. Sol, who was in the area investigating That Man's machinations, and Ky, who was hot on his trail, were caught up in the blast as well, as were several other familiar and unwanted persons. Even more unstable was the drop location - it seemed that no one arrived in the same place, scattered across the globe. I-No found herself in the middle of 16th Century Japan, and Sol was stuck in the sands of Egypt. Ky was annoyed to learn that his quarry was nowhere near Germany. Ky mildly looked around, and realized he was in 16th century North America. Judging from the way the land was shaped, and the jagged coasts, he had dropped off into the Mexican Gulf. He didn't speak spanish especially well, but it should be enough to get around in this time and age. A ship was passing along, black sails declaring it a pirate ship. Could it be? Cervantes....he had gotten ahold of an ancient tomb deciphering a few events of the history of Soul Edge. This is how most encounters had happened. In this state, Thunderseal lost somewhere behind him, he would be easy fodder. He had to wait for another ship, and escape to Japan or England. Search parties scoured the jungle for any survivors of the White Pillar of Light. Meanwhile, in Japan, a Ronin named Mitsurugi saw a strange pillar of light in the distance. Could it be something related to Soul Edge? The Azure Knight? He took off to the north to investigate it. Maybe, he'd at least find a good fight. I-No was less than thrilled to be stuck in Japan, however, since she knew that Soul Edge was generally around Germany. Still, she knew that some very interesting warriors could be found in Japan, and decided to wait a while before going off on her search. The world was getting ready for a change. New warriors had appeared to do battle for the incredible power of Soul Edge, and history would never be the same. A guitar-wielding goddess; a fiery Gear; and a young, English swordmaster; these and more were about to have their destinies changed forever by that Ultimate Power. And destiny would guide them to a battle to change the world in ways never thought possible. ~ [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] Male, female. [b]Appearance:[/b] Picture or a well written description. Always can do both. [b]Nationality:[/b] [b]Weapon of Choice:[/b] No long-ranged weapons. [b]Fighting Style:[/b] How do you use your weapon? [b]Personality:[/b] Min. 1 paragraph. How does your character act? [b]Goal:[/b] Why do you want to find Soul Edge? [b]Writing Sample:[/b] Give us a taste of your style. NOTE: You may have two characters. One from the Guilty Gear universe and one from the Soul Calibur universe. TWO ARE NOT REQUIRED. Also, we are taking original sign ups, but only a few.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Yeah. You come on a message board and start saying "Kill me." Why not to go people that are tangible and you're tangible to them, and ask that question if you're so desparate? Eh? EH?! Don't get down on yourself. I'm younger than you, life isn't a peach cobbler wrapped in loveliness. I've had to deal with a mother ODing and dying, several killed friends, etc etc. But everything in life has a way of working out. Go with the flow. [i][b][u]Duke.[/i][/b][/u][/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][b]Mog:[/b] Kupo! What's your name, first of all~? [b]Dante:[/b] Name's Dante, pipsqueak. *Lounges back.* [b]Mog:[/b] Kupo....Anyway, do ya have a picture we can use for publicity and stuff, Kupo? [b]Dante:[/b] I usually don't submit for fan art, but let's just use one right now. *Pulls a camera out of pocket and snaps a photo, handing [url=http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/4877/danteinchair6wi.jpg]IT[/url] to Mog.* [b]Mog:[/b] Very...nice, kupo! What game do ya come from, kupo? [b]Dante:[/b] Devil May Cry 3, thank you. Running around and trying to kill my brother all day long sure gets tiring. Got any refreshments? I'm famished. *Gets up and wanders over to table, plucking a few bits of fruit and a can of Cola.* [b]Mog:[/b] Kuuuupo! Those aren't for you-Oh, kupo, forget it...What kind of game do ya come from, Kupo? [b]Dante:[/b] Action/Adventure. *Begins to poke around the office, ignoring Mog.* [b]Mog:[/b] You're getting on my nerves, but I guess I better go on, kupo...what would you say your personality is? [b]Dante:[/b] I'm the friggin' best fighter yer ever gunna meet. I have an attitude, I ignore people, I make wisecracks, ecterea. I also happen to have a flair for combat. [b]Mog:[/b] I'm sure your firey temper won't be overlooked, kupo...anyway, what kind of talents do you have? [b]Dante:[/b] I can fight melee, I have excellent abilites with firearms, I can slow down time, dodge attacks, short range teleport, I'm a master of swords, I have excellent Royal Guard, which is defensive skills, and I can find stuff prettah good. [b]Mog:[/b] Sounds interesting, kupo! What's yer motive for coming here? [b]Dante:[/b] I'm bored. There's an off chance that Vergil might crawl from the depths of whatever pit he landed in and come on too. And I'm better than anyone else, so that's a bonus. [b]Mog:[/b] Thank you! Now put down that can of Cola and step out of the office, kupo...[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][b]Name:[/b] I'm going to be frank with you. You don't need ta learn my name, cause by the time you learn how to pronounce it, you'll be dead. But if you want a try, "Iskaudani." Mouthful, ain't it? Just call meh Iska. [b]Age:[/b] 15, and you'll be all the more embarassed when I kick yer ***. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Appearance:[/b] Try not to go too wild over me, ladies. [url=http://img239.imageshack.us/my.php?image=yunsung1fo.jpg]Look here.[/url] [b]Fighting Style:[/b] I use the Seung Style of chinese sword fighting. Also quite talented with footwork, including several stances like the Flamingo, Dragon, and Tiger. Seung is all about fast jabs and elaborate strokes, in order to set up a sort of confusion in the enemy's mind, and to inflict painful, but shallow gashes in a short amount of time. I actually didn't insult someone there. Or make fun of the audience. That's a shocker, with idiot-goddamnit, I have a way of pissing people off, don't I? [b]Weapon:[/b] Soul Shard:[/b] Blade that is said to of been made with the soul of the user. Strange, eh? I suppose that's why my dad made me cut myself with a sword and drop it into the basin of water...hmph. I don't care, as long as it cuts.I attached a picture of it [url=http://img421.imageshack.us/img421/8376/soulcalibur5rq.jpg]Here.[/url] [b]Ace:[/b] [b]Burn Another Day:[/b] A small device that my mum constructed before being killed by a rapist. It allows me to channel what we call Hellfire into my blade, making the slits and lacerations from my sword become infected with a sort of disease, eventually coming to paralyze the enemy so that they cannot move. My blade itself is wreathed in flames, which scorch heaven and hell alike. Better be wary when you fight me, because I'm not hesitant to bust this out on you. [b]Why I'm Here:[/b] Uh....cuz' I wanna be 'ere? If that's not a good 'nuff reason fer yeh, okay, howsabout this. I'm hopping that some of the funds I will (Emphasis on the WILL, y'know?) win can go towards gettin' my sister the medicine she needs, 'cuz she's pretty sick. Doctor said lukemia, and an advanced bactieria that's never been seen before. If she dies, I'll bust Burn Another Day out on the people that couldn't save her...you all. I'll fight you all, and win! [b]Personality:[/b] I'm a firey sounvabitch. I don't care what anyone but my sis thinks about me, since my dad's disowned my sis and me. I only have a few weaknesses, one is Amerah, my sister, another is my pride, and the third is my mother and what happened to her. I can be hardheaded, but a cool stratigest at times. Funny thing...I do this all for the sake of another, the one that means something for me, and my heart still feels like it's incomplete...[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][b]Name:[/b] ...Why you so interested? If yeh reallah' wanna know, Samael. Also called "Schwarzwind", which means Black Wind for you non-german types. [b]Age:[/b] The 'oung age of 21. Prime o' the life, eh? [b]Gender:[/b] Guy, not a girl, male, ecetera. [b]Country:[/b] Legal US resident. Finally, I told you something without bein' a jackass. Happy? Wait, I just ruined the moment. Sorry. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://www.binaryculture.net/images-content/e3/ggisuka_sol.jpg]Here.[/url] Yeh ever hear of "Take a picture, it lasts longer?" Well, when I said it, tha' jackass thought I was serious. [b]Personality:[/b] I'm sure all of yeh smart people (Smart my ***...you're about as smart as a circle is straight.) could figure it out, but I'm a masochistic, slightly insane jackass. I love vulgarity, and I speak a few languages; German, English, and Profanity. Fluent in the first two, master of the second. And yes, my favourite word in profanity is ***, you probably can't go a minute with me without hearin' it. There's several up there that rank 'long with it, but we'll save those for a later time. [b]Programme:[/b] No, I'm not no damn matrix boy with the kung-fu and slowin' down time. Fuuuuck, I'm better than that, you 'spect any less? Most of the people nowadays prefer the techy-*** things like guns n' such. Sure, I might blow a cap into yer *** at any time with my Sig Saucer, but I love to use somethin' with an edge. I am the ******* master of edge weapons. I own a collection of 'em, my favorite I call Rei. This chip or whatnot also allows meh to isolate and physically strengthen mah muscles without doin' any excerise. Strange, eh? [b]Feelin' towards Project Soul:[/b] It's okay, it's alright. I don't give a ****. Ecetera. It gave me this power and strength, so I got to give somethin' back. But it made me a WANTED FREAKING MAN. Dat...I don't forget or forgive. [b]Character Snippit:[/b] [b][i]"You are not human. You are ours, you are a tool, a machine, no free will. We have taken you off the street, given you a home. Given you a purpose. You now belong to us."[/b][/i] The voice rang with truth and conviction through his head, and a rather painful jolt slammed through his head, forcing Samael to jerk involuntarily. No, no, no! He wasn't a tool to use, even though half of his mind said he was. The two hemispheres of his brain were in a power struggle, fighting for control of his body. However, the one that said he wasn't a tool soon fell silent. [b][i]"Good. No internal conflict...looks like the process was a success. You will report to your home. Everything is fine, you have enrolled in the army as an arms specialist. That is what your story is. Go. And remember to tell them that you WILL be called into active service sometime."[/i][/b] The voice dipped from shadows draped against the wall, with dark features that were even now unidentifiable. He reached behind him, and pulled out two things; a security pass, and a sword. The sword had a strange design, a handle with no hilt guard made out of a strange red metal. Leading up to the blade was a crimson and silver grille design, like some machines use to vent heat-and fire. The blade itself was deadly sharp, but rectangle shaped. It was a very strange weapon. The Voice handed it over to him, along with the pass. [b]"The sword is yours to keep, the security card as well."[/b] He was given directions on how to get out, and soon followed them, the small voice in the back of Samael's head still resisting. Weeks later, he had already preformed services for the government, from riot control to assassination plots. He was a drone, a servant of the hive of buracraticy. However...early in the morning one day, he awoke to find blood dripping from his nose, and he cleaned it off, muttering. [b]"What the hell...?"[/b] Those words shocked him more than the nosebleed. Samael hadn't been able to say those kind of things since the Soul implant. Did that mean...? No, not yet. The SOUL implant kicked in, but his free mind began to fight it even stronger. He'd conquer the chip today, and his life would change.[/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b]Edited.
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Richard had taken refuge on his own, not being able to meet up with a group because of several vicious poke'mon attacks. It was brutal, and he had to use all of his and Rayquaza's willpower to overpower the fierce denziens of the sea. However, he managed to save one man's life, which made up for all of the imminent dangers that he was facing. Our young silver haired trainer washed up on the shore, coughing and hacking slightly. There was seawater in his lungs, and it was too salty to stomach. He threw up before ambling onto the beach wearily. He saw several human-like shapes, so he walked on towards them. As the morning fog cleared, he saw it wasn't people-but Bedrill. They swarmed on him, firing off huge stingers. Rayquaza countered in time, and soon they were all down, except one. Richard's eyes glinted as he threw the poke'ball he had gotten, and it drew the weakened poke'mon into the ball. It wriggled, thrashing around before coming completely still. He had cought it! Richard heard a few familiar voices along the shoreline, and knew who it was. Reza and that new guy...and someone else. Richard ran over to the sounds. "Ey! What's going on over here?"[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]I like the banner and the avatars, but they're not exactly what I was going for. However...I like that last avatar, with Dante in a black coat. If you do not mind, could you please share the original image? Danke! Duke.[/color][/size]