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[color=darkslategray][size=1] I've decided it's time for a revamp. And, I don't have enough time to do it myself. So, I thought I'd ask here, with all of you talented artists. Anyway. I want a Devil May Cry 3 set, featuring Dante and Virgil both. As long as they are both in the picture, and it has something mocking brotherly love, fine by me. This is basically a free project, but if you absolutely need some pictures, I can get some. Danke! Duke.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Richard stood up, slightly groggy and not at all feeling well. He leaned over, and felt hot bile and vomit rise in his throat, mingled with a copper tint. It splashed out of his mouth, landing on the floor. There was blood mixed with the snot and vomit, and he gripped his hand closed. Internal bleeding. This was bad. Even he wouldn't survive if he couldn't find a host, and even then it was slim. His eyes were clouded with a blood haze, and he straightened up, spine cracking and snapping in place. He called it Bloody Fury, and it didn't last long, but it would give him the strength to escape, at dire conceqeunces. He wouldn't die a prisoner. Firmly, he placed one hand on the bar, and kicked hard with his right foot. The metal shattered, and Richard stepped out, his legs barely holding him up. [b]"You bastards...Taking Kat and Tegan...I'll come back and kick you asses when I'm well enough."[/b] Richard's throat itched, and he bent over, throwing up more blood and bile. He couldn't keep going on like this. He hoped someone friendly was nearby. However, the only thing that was waiting for him was an ambush of vampires. They threw themselves on him, knocking him down. As he fell, Richard's index finger found the loop of a Skeleton key, and he tugged lightly, wrapping the entire digit around the soft metal. The key pulled off with a clunk, just as they knocked him out and shoved him in a new, unbroken cell. [i]C'mon, Richie. You're strong like that.[/i] [i]Ain't going to be beaten like that, are yah, Rich?[/i] [i]...Get up.[/i] [i]Foolishness, Richard, foolishness. Now get up, ya lazy ass![/i] Richard's voice and other rung in his head, and he forced himself to his feet once again. This cell was slightly more well furnished, but not by much. They had treated to some of his wounds, and stemmed msot of the internal bleeding. However, he still retched up a slight bit more, wiping his mouth. Then, he remembered the key. The Key, the Lock, The Door. The Key, the Lock, the Door. Put the Key in the Lock, and open the Door. Simple enough. His hand fished the Skeleton key out, and he got up, walking over to the door and unlocking it from the inside. It swung open lazily, but two vampires lay in ambush, one with a powerful dagger ruinated by Wakanda long ago. Richard sighed. [b]"Foolishness, vampy, foolishness."[/b] An old mentor had taught him this, and he lashed one foot out, kicking the guy in the stomach catching the now flying dagger out of the air. Richard stabbed forward, slicing a bloody swath through flesh and bone. The other one backed away in fear, but Richard killed him, too, stabbing him through the heart. The dagger was a source of power. He gripped it tightly with his good hand, the other two fingers on his maimed hand twitching. [b]"I'm...I'm coming, Kat, Tegan. Internal bleeding or not."[/b] Richard set off to find Malik. OOC: Richard has a different goal, since most of his wounds were treated. Hope this is okay, if not, PM me.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][b]OOC:[/b] >.< I know I haven't posted. Richard rubbed his eyes, awakening afloat in water. He looked around, seeing Ichigo looking at him with a sort of laughing glare. He was all alone, save Rayquaza. He looked around again, and began to tread water slowly, keeping himself afloat before climbing up onto Ichigo's back. [b]"Gotta find the others..."[/b] [i]"You're worn out. Took all your willpower just to stay alive after that nasty gash in your forehead."[/i] Richard felt the blood trickle down, and he wiped it away. It stained in his silver-white hair, and he dunked it underwater, trying to wash it away. It came off, if slowly. [b]"Now, like I said, Ichii, we need to find the others!"[/b] He grumbled, holding onto one of Ichigo's spiked, wing like appendages. [i]"They're probably over there, at that big firey town. Don't remember Kageryn flying over and blowin' it straight away?[/i] [b]"Obiviously not."[/b] Richard winkled his nose, and Rayquaza began to speed through the water. He dipped under the water, and then shot up into the sky, soaring gracefully. Richard's hair began to dry out, his clothes following. It felt extremely good, but his heart fell as he saw the flames blow him. [b]"Aiee...Everyone got blown to bits."[/b] Richard observed plainly. Ichigo nodded, and he looked around, seeing two shapes on the island. He thought they might be Reza and TJ, along with their legendaries. However, he stayed in the air, causciously.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]I am truely sorry, but I must [b][i][u]drop out of the OBGT.[/b][/u][/i] I didn't think the schoolwork would be this heavy. I feel very, very bad, Doc, I wanted to give you the (Graphics) fight of your life. I just don't have the time. See you at the next competition... Duke.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Richard felt his muscles tense, and his hand twitch without fingers. [i]Katima....Tegan...[/i] Richard stood, whole body screaming in protest. He threw himself against the bars, screaming. [b]"Take me! C'mon, take me! Or are you chicken?"[/b] He went unanswered. Richard's voice was hoarse. He hadn't used it this much since third grade. Finding nothing else to do, he moved away to the bars, but soon fell down. His muscles were weak, and sore. He hadn't been this worn out since...well, he didn't know. Abesentmindedly, he moved the disfigured hand into his sight, gazing at it with a sigh. Slowly, he started to sing, trying to calm himself and whoever might hear it, down. [b]"Crashin' time can't hide a guilty girl...With jealous hearts that start with blossom curls...I took my baby's breath beneath the chandelier of the stars and the atmosphere...I watched her dissapear, into the midnight show..."[/b] Richard had been playing air guitar out of habit, and then he realized. He'd never be able to touch a gutiar again. Never play any of his favourite songs again. [b]"...I..."[/b] Richard curled up in a ball, sobbing softly at this simple realitization. He never cried.[/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] Sorry about the short post.
[color=#AFF3822][size=1][u]Day One[/u] Richard sat under a bright lampshade, thumbing through a book that he had no paticular interest in. He was simply killing time until something better to do came along. Rayquaza had his head in Richard's lap, the rest of his gigantic body curled up on the sand. he was living out on the beach, alone. He had battries in the lampshade, a few books, and a quilt. He ate what he cought from the sea, and recieved drinking water from inside the village. Ever since he had been left alone, Richard had been left outside the village because, simply, no one wanted to take him in. [b]"Oy vey..."[/b] Richard sighed, as he saw a group of fisherman walk up onto the shore. THey always hazed him for looking so much younger than he was, and made taunts about Rayquaza, and "why he would pick a midget." This time, they had their Poke'Mon out for a battle, so a Battle Raquaza and Richard would give them. [b]"Oy there, shrimp-man!"[/b] One of them called, and Richard refused to dignify that with a turn. THey jeered at him-mostly because he always had the best catches, he speculated-and then finally, called him by his name. He turned, Rayquaza unfurling it's great body to full length, as it stretched into the skies above. Ichigo, which was what Richard called Rayqauza, seemed quite happy. [b]"So, small-fry, you wanna battle or just catch fish all day?"[/b] [b]"I'll battle, thank ya very much."[/b] Richard was smiling slightly, and the three Fishers each stood ready. They all had Gyarados, which were at least, somewhat tamed. No matter, Ichigo could take them all out, and he curled his head to the ground, allowing Richard onto. [b]"Rules?"[/b] Richard asked incrediously. He doubted that they'd follow any. [b]"Free for all. No holds barred. GO!"[/b]The first one yelled, as the three Gyarados lept into action. Richard grinned, and spoke to Rayquaza. [i]Thunder on the count of three....it'll fry these fish dead! I love weakness exploits.[/i] [i]Of course...I am glad that we can finally teach these people not to judge a book by it's cover.[/i] [i]Right...One...Two...[/i] As he was going to say "Three", a gigantic thunderbolt slammed from the sky, knocking out all three Gyarados. Richard laughed, and jumped down from Ichigo. The Fishermen were all looking at him dumbfounded. Richard's eyes went wide. He had to get to the Old Oak Tree! [i]C'mon...we better fly, if you get my drift, Ichii.[/i] [i]One step ahead of you.[/i] Richard laughed again, and was soon taking his small but enjoyable soar through the air as he was brought down by the old Oak Tree. He saw that Reza and Storm, Celebi and Rain, along with Sakura and Latias, and even Alex and Groundon. Richard waved to them all. [b]"I'm here! Don't worry."[/b][/color][/size]
[color=AF38294][size=1]Richard woke, with a stabbing pain in his left hand. He felt the tears well up, clouding his vision. The tears stung, cleaning out the dirt and blood, but they reminded him. He was still alive. Slowly, he decided to inspect his hand, then wherever he was. Bending his elbow, the mangled hand came into view. He lost his pinky, middle, and 4th finger. Bloody stumps were all that were left, sealed up with some sort of invisible bandage substance. [i]...I....My hand...[/i] It seemed all numb to Richard, but he flexed his index finger, and rotated his thumb a little. Then, he sat up and realized that he was on the ground in an eight by eight cell. Dirt caked the walls, the ground, and colonies of bugs were in different places. Clearly, whoever this was, didn't have much respect for him. Clearly, because whoever captured him had not been kind enough to grab his fingers for immediate reattachment. [b]"Talyn...Ena...Sin...Priest....Fyoura....Thayne....Tegan..."[/b] Richard couldn't say the last name. He was greifed, everyone was probably dead or dying by now. He failed them. His one job and he couldn't even do IT right. He yelled in anger, and kicked at the bars that held him in there. They wouldn't break open, no matter what he tried. Finally, he tried to grab the bars with his hands, and then remembered that he didn't have enough fingers. [b]"I...fucking...failed. Why am I so damn angry all the time?! Now's understandable, but...maybe if I had tried to talk to them all, including Katima the most...they'd still be here. Maybe I was too much of an angsty bastard."[/b] Ricahrd grabbed one of the bars with his good hand, gave a sharp tug and heave, but nothing happened. [b]"I might as well leave an eulogy or whatever they call it..."[/b] Luckily, they hadn't searched Richard's pockets. He pulled out a small recorder with up to 36 hour battery life, and 40 hours worth of memory. He began. [b]"My name is Richard. I am a Wakanda, and a damn angsty one at that. For all of you that don't know what Wakanda are...we're people with special powers. Like yer X-Men, Spiderman, Superman, whatnot. Even though we try to live normal lives, we end up losing the ones we care for. Even if you think they don't care back, they do. So all that I want to say, in case anyone knows if Talyn, Ena, Sin, Priest, Fyoura, Thayne, Tegan, or....Katima, is...I love you guys."[/b] He clicked it off, and hid it into the shadows. A ruffling in the cell next to him caught his attention. It was the sigh of the earth as someone stood up, and fell back over. It was a womanly sound, the "Ungh...." That he heard. [b]"Who...who is it?"[/b] Richard asked, looking throught he bars. He saw pink hair... [b]"Katima...?"[/b] Richard's voice caught in his throat. She was alright! Well...bleeding slightly, but alright. That ment everyone else was okay. [b]"K-k-atima....did you hear what I had said on that recorder?"[/b] She looked up, and nodded. Ricahrd felt the quaint feel of queasiness rise in his stomach, spreading out through to his cheeks.[/color][/size]
[color=#AFF3823][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Richard Blessing [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img193.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dbcf55ce2e1ay.png][link][/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Richard is a highly obnoxious, loud and carefree guy. He loves to joke, prank, and mess around in general. His flaymboiant and sometimes rude attitude can be a trouble, but this firey outlook helps him and Rayquaza out in tough or difficult situations. Richard always finds a way to make things better, and can be very soft and comforting. [b]Biography:[/b] Long ago, when Richard was only six years old, he and his father went on a trip. A trip to a far away land, where the Sky Tower lay. His father had been the Poke'mon Champion once, but was now at the ripe age of 75. However, his spirit had spring in it's step that day, and Richard was excited. No one had been in the Sky Tower since the gigantic Dragon had taken up roost in it. The waves parted at his Father's command. His poke'mon, Lapris, was extremely awesome. Something great to see in action, and a wonder as he dove under the water. Father had given Richard a breather, so he could come along too. It would be dangerous, but his dad would protect him. He was always going to be there. A while later, as Richard's grip began to wear, they splashed out of the water, and began their treacherous climb up. There were pitholes that he could only get by with on Mach Bike, as the floor crumbled beneath him. He was following the ferocious pace set by his dad, and was having trouble keeping up. However, a loud crash made Richard petal faster. He jumped off of his bike, seeing a sight he never wanted to see. Team Magma's leader was hovering over his dad's body, picking the poke'balls out of his pockets, kicking him twice, and making their escape. Richard slumped down, crying as he hugged his dad, begging him to come back. He didn't. After a while, he managed to carry himself to the last Chamber. Tears stained his shirt, but he dried them and gripped his hands into fists. A gigantic dragon, Rayquaza, was looking at him with interest, with one golden orb of an eye. Hey...everyone had said that Rayquaza was green, yellow, and red. He was blue, black and gold, and he quickly unfurled. Rayquaza made a sort of motion with one claw, indicating that he wanted to hear why Richard had come here. When he explained, Rayquaza slumped it's head down, and a voice appeared in his head. [i][b]"You came anyway. You managed to brave it here, dispite the overly-strong Guardians of the Cave. I shall bear you for as long as you like, Richard."[/i][/b] Richard nearly had a heart attack, but when Rayquaza snorted slightly, obviously a laugh, he flinged his body onto the neck, and the majestic Dragon flew into the air, and began the journey back home. Now, Richard wants to return to Sky Tower, and see if his father had become a Haunter or Ghastly or other ghost. He wanted to have his dad again, even though he had grown up with Reza and Storm as his close and personal friends. He wanted to see dad again. [b]Starting Poke'mon:[/b] Rayquaza/Ichigo (First Guardian Angel) [b]Final Party:[/b] Rayquaza / Ichigo [Male] Metagross / Shiigo (Second Guardian Angel) [Female] Scizor / Kiriwaru (Twin Blade) [Male] Blastoice / Sendan [Female] Charizard / Hinoke (Heart of Fire) [Male] Venasaur / kyokujitsu (Rising Sun) [Male][/color][/size]
[color=#AE38294][size=1]Richard was left alone. Isolated by the Vampires, cut off from everyone. He grit his teeth tightly shut, hand resting on the rough, linen wrapped hilt of his sword. He'd go out with a bang if he had to go out at all. They were plucked into the darkness, shades behind the veil of darkness. Carefully, he scanned around, his eyes squinted to the point of almost shut. There. A gleam indicated an eye, and a sharp tooth ready to pierce a hole in his neck. [i]And if the sun comes out, will it tear the skin right off our bones?[/i] Richard was still tensed. He was ready to spring into action, possibly jump into the air and away. Three came at him. Instinctively, he gripped tighter on the handle, and pivoted as he drew. Richard was not untrained in the art of blade fighting. A slight grin traced his features in the dull midnight air. The stolen blood of the Vampires leaked down onto his hands. He twisted, wanting these bastards of the night to feel his anger. His anger at himself for not saying anything to anyone, his anger at his inability to forgive humanity. His anger at everything wrong. [b]"I'm Mister-fucking-Brightside..."[/b] Richard muttered, twisting once more before kicking the vampire off of his blade. It was stabbed into the tree. He made short work of the other two, letting the cherry red liquid coat the jagged blade. Three more jumped on him, and he roared as a tooth grazed his neck. He was in a frenzy now, as he jabbed both of his elbows backwards, knocking them off. Hand flying to his neck, Richard growled as he felt the blood that was his own. He hoped to god it wouldn't change him. [i]Turning, twisting gruesome lullabies...[/i] He was driven insane at the prospect of dying, or not being able to live with Katima, Tegan, all of them. He bore the blade, throwing a Life Drain onto the silver metal. His eyes were large and firey against the backdrop of black. Roaring, he made the death march as he ran forward, hacking and swinging. [i]Sugar, we're goin' down swinging[/i] He killed many of them before something slammed into the back of his head. Spots of black crowded his vision, and he saw at least 3 fingers laying next to him, without a hand. Looking downward, 3 fingers were missing from his left hand. Richard screamed, crying even, and with one final blow to the head, he was knocked out.[/color][/size]
[color=#AE0234][size=1]Alas, I don't have time at the moment to make one. School. I'll edit this post later today when I have it done.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Loz and Yazoo were still standing, even as their legs screamed to give in, go back to the bright, lumionous bulbs. They were also unimpressed. Clearly, they didn't think this group was going to be able to take down their brother. After all, Kadaj had probably recruited some crazy zealots and told them it was to save the world. Or that woman....that woman who had been searching for the answers. Magara. If he had convinced her, and brought out the Geostigma, then she was a threat now. Much larger than she had been before. [b]"You all must travel to Geffutel, by foot. If you take a vehicle, chances are that Kadaj has operatives that have sabotaged them by now. We wouldn't want you in pieces, now would we? From there, gather information. With the amount of destruction that Kadaj caused the first time, I daresay this would not be a problem to find him, and quite possibly a woman named Magara. She is considered to be a large threat, so take her down."[/b] The group nodded. Loz and yazoo left, quickly at that. They were going to Father for now. Just for now. They'd be back. Last time they were on earth, they had been easygoing. Not so tight. Father had changed that with hard love. ~~~ Kadaj pulled Magara out of the pool, as the dark water pooled from her mouth. She was still alive, which was good. Some might not be able to handle the Rebirth. She was weakened right now, but she would regain her strength. After all, dying and coming back with a whole new understanding and power does take a toll. Does it not? [b]"Do you see now, the Wisdom of Mother? Father is killing us all, he's stealing the Lifestream and using it to get revenge on Mother. I realize that you will proabably not be able to speak for right now...if you are able to understand, nod."[/b] Her head slowly nodded, and Kadaj smiled. From his pocket, he plucked a Materia, which was Enemy Skill. Kadaj pressed the orb against his wrist, as it sank in with wisps of black smoke. Muttering something, he began to change in appearance. He had light, autumn-gold hair that was streaked with black, regular blue eyes that were a steely shade, white cloth and denim pants that were comfortable and loose. A white wool and silk shirt was on his chest, leaving the right arm bare. With a soft and barely unnoticable scar, and a black ribbon. Magara realized that he looked like some slightly sinister Cloud. [b]"We will rest here for a few hours after I come back, eat, and then we shall go. We shall go and find Mother." Kadaj left Magara in a state of mild shock and weakness, from seeing "Cloud" and the whole Rebirth.[/color][/size]
[color=#A43C3C][size=1]Well, here's my art (Banners is all, righ' now.) One, two, three, here we go! [b]All The Drugs In The World[/b] [IMG]http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/1007/allthedrugs2ts.png[/IMG] Used a Manson quote and a picture of Ky Kiske from Guilty Gear. Ky took around an hour to render by hand. Much clearer than using the Magic Wand. [b]End of Sorrow and Romance[/b] [IMG]http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/7721/endofsorrowandromance0md.png[/IMG] Used yet another GG stock. Sol's hair=annoyingly hard. Not much to say about it. [b]11th Division[/b] [IMG]http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/9020/11thdivision1hn.png[/IMG] Used it when I was on my Bleach craze. [b]The Equasion is the Question[/b] [IMG]http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/2892/questionequasion5uh.png[/IMG] This is actually the 2nd version of The Equasion. Purely made of brushes from writing and notes, along with a 3.16 brush I made from aerial font. [b]The Equasion is the Question Vol.1[/b] [IMG]http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/1293/equasionquestion4qr.png[/IMG] First version. Made out of math notes and a protractor. XD Anyway, that's it. Rate 'em.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]The sly smile teased his face as he rolled his body around. The edge of the blades were still liqoured with the cherry red wine of blood. Silver while locks traces lines in the wind as he spoke. [b]"Mother's gift. Geostigma..."[/b] Kadaj fell to one knee, and he pushed past the Seal that Father had placed upon humanity, limiting their powers. His blue eyes shifted, pupils becoming small slits, and the blue mingling with green. An aura seemed to run off of his body as he stood. Whispers of black, smokelike tendrils twisted in the air. [b]"Can you not feel the power that Mother has given, inside of you?"[/b] [b]"I do not understand it. That's why I would like to know."[/b] Magara's response was deceptively simple. One eye closed, leaving her in the gaze of a handsome man with a serpentile look. His wrist flicked, clearing it of the blood. [b]"Mother's gift allows us to press past the Seal of Humanity that Father put on us. Allows us to be what we truely are. Father has tried to deny us the strength to fight and overthrow him. Father is too jealous with Mother and Creation. I fear...I fear that Fater wants to destroy it all. Geostigma...Mother's gift...gives us the strength to stop it."[/b] If someone had not known better, they'd swear that Kadaj had been a salesman in a previous life, and an expert one at that. [b]"Then why do I not feel stronger?"[/b] Magara's questions were to the point, no prodding around. Kadaj preferred it that way. [b]"You do not trust in Mother. Trust in Mother, and she will help. Your faithlessness in Geostigma is why it destroys your dreams and breaks your heart down. You've felt it's effects for a while, Magara. I can feel it in your blood. Breaking you down, because you refuse to acknoledge...that maybe, the majority was wrong. Maybe I've been helping forward everyone's lives."[/b] Kadaj was leaning forward now, the black aura twisting itself into a blue flame of the same sort. He stepped forward, the ground springing up life and water in abundance where there was none. After a mere minute, Kadaj was standing in the middle of a lake, water rippling in black and white tides, a melody of the war that was to be waged soon. [b]"Come, Magara. Believe in Mother, and me. Believe, and be reborn in this pool. Break the seal, and fight against Father, fight to live."[/b] Kadaj pulled off his gloves, holding one hand out with a knowing smile.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]As usual, Richard was rendered completely invisible, unheard, and annoyed. He sighed in disgust. [i]Forget it, man, just get Kalei back and go back to being a silent jackass. That always served you well.[/i] Richard agreed with the voice, and shrugged at no one, feigning a smile. It was more like feigning existance. [i]I don't need someone that doesn't pay attention to me unless she has to. Everyone has their groups inside of this group. It's like moving to a new school halfway into the year. Everyone was already close friends with everyone else, and you were a pest trying to work it's way into one certain group. A parasite. You can see, for you, that it's only everywhere on their faces.[/i] [b]"I wish I wasn't a Wakanda...then I'd never of met all these vampires and have the risk of getting killed everyday. Being shunned by so-fucking-citey in general. For being special."[/b] He said it loud enough that someone probably heard. He didn't care. The helicopter was already coming down on onto the helipad. Richard was the first to stand up and shrug on a fakeness that was something like happiness. Maybe he'd attempt to talk to Talyn or Sin or something. Later.[/color][/size]
Mother [color=darkslategray][size=1][i]Kadaj felt her follow him. Her distinguishable life force, pushing through the town of Geffutel, and...Geostigma. [b]She has not yet harnessed the power...but her eyes are pools of black. Admirable.[/b] He was back on earth, a fallen angel according to what he gathered, from the history of Terra. One who had been cast out, one not apporoved by Father. Mother had approved of him...but not Father. It was strange. Back on the subject of the Woman. She was young, about his age. Whenever someone had Geostigma, Kadaj could find out their exact age, country of birth, bloodtype, even their birthweight. The Geostigma was Mother's cord that connected them all, like the umbilical cord that Father gave. Magara was her name. She had been following him for quite some time, and he was slightly impressed, there were only rumors and reports that he had let through. He knew that only those stupid enough to challenge him would come and find him, or those looking to join with him. Kadaj's straight face pierced it's self into a sly grin. He hoped she wasn't the first. Shame to kill such a pretty littl' thing. Whispers formed in his head of Bahamut Sin, urging for a fight. Kadaj whispered sweet nothings about how, soon, they'd get another chance to eliminate another one of Mother's enemies. Kadaj couldn't stop grinning.[/i] --- Just oustide of the urban area of Geffutel, Kadaj was fullfilling his promise to Bahamut Sin. Loz stood before him, joined by Yazoo. [b]"Why, brothers? Geostigma is supposed to help us all, even though it didn't go the way Mother wanted it to."[/b] [b]"Settle down, Kadaj. You do not understand what is best for...Mother. Father commands us now, as Mother has no real power. She made broken promises to us, and those who do not fullfil promises deserve punishment."[/b] [b]"...I see. You serve a jealous Father!"[/b] Kadaj bowed his head, hand drifting to the sheath and the katana's hilt. His eyes were even teary as he was resigned to killing his brothers. They were rebelling against Mother, they wanted to kill her for something that wasn't her fault. They deserve to die...To die. Mother would understand. The long and dextile digits wrapped around the blue and gold sharkskin hilt, and pulled it from the leather sheath. The twin blades, right next to each other, shone brilliantly in the air as if a testament to those that were about to die in the name of their Mother. Loz and Yazoo were ready. Kadaj held the blade for a moment, muttering a few words and then dashing forward, barely able to see upon the cold horizon. Even Loz and Yazoo couldn't match his speed. Something had changed him in his fall from Heaven back to earth. Made him more powerful, faster, stronger. Everything that they weren't now, compared to him. They were...childlike in nature. Blindly following Father into the death march that rang across the land, called Christianity. It was false, perverse even. He had seen the Heavens, and they were nothing of the tales that were told. As Loz brought up his arm to try and block, he felt a sudden...loss. He couldn't place it. Until he saw his hand twitching, and it wasn't attached to his wrist. There was no pain, which was odd. It was a clean cut. Already beginning to clot. [b]"My mercy to you, Brother."[/b] Kadaj never invisioned that he would end up using this on his own Brothers. Sever one limb and the body fails. That ws the basis of the technique. Loz's clot suddenly exploded out, as he exploded into a thousand gloubes of green light. Yazoo backed up, but it was too late. Kadaj solemly gave him the same fate, without his usual flare for battle. When you had to kill those close to you, it never should be a thrill. --- Magara had lost Kadaj, but when a torrent of green light filled the air, she knew where to look. Kadaj was, indeed, waiting for her. He would be able to answer anything that she might ask, as long as he knew the answer. It was all a piece of this puzzle. Little did Kadaj know, the remnants of his brothers began to seek out people to fight against Kadaj. The might or may not succeed. That's up to whoever they choose.[/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] I know it's a short introduction, but I need it that way. Can't give up too much of the story at any one time. Obviously, Loz and Yazoo are seaching for a group of those to take down Kadaj before he reaches Mother. AKA, you guys. I've already spoken to Epsilon about this post.. Private Message me with your questions or comments.
[color=darkslategray][size=1] Welcome to the thread, [b]Mother Underground,[/b] for the soon releasing RPG Mother (Obiviously... =P ). Anyway, if you have any questions, feel free to ask here. I'm just waiting for one sign up, and then I'll be starting Mother. I hope you all haven't lost interest. Caio, Deucalion.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1] Richard sighed and left before Katima could say anything, besides her thanks to the maid. He shrugged and said something about not wanting to disturb her privacy and such. Even though she had let him in the first place. He seemed to dissapear when he left from the doorway, and indeed he did. If one looked close, they'd see a bit of blood on the windowseal where Richard had opened it and climbed out. He didn't feel like facing everyone in the hall right now. He was too angry at himself, for not telling Katima how he felt about her. [u][i]After Takeoff[/i][/u] Richard sat alone as always. It wasn't that there was and odd number of people, it's just that everyone else...sat with everyone else. Another mental punch in the groin is what it felt like every time he got on a plane or something. Even the cars, he always had to take one by himself. He pulled out his headphones, and pushed them into his ears. Richard circled to the Marliyn Manson category on his iPod nano, and pressed play on the first agreeable song he came to. Personal Jesus. [i]Things in your chest that you need to confess / I will deliver, you know I'm a forgiver[/i] [b]"...Katima."[/b] Richard was surprised to hear his own voice ask for Katima. He didn't remove the headphones. [b]"Do...do you wanna come sit over here?"[/b] He turned his head just ever so slightly, into the shadows to hide the pink tinges on his cheek that were unmistakibly a blush.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1][i]Instigating data profile 23802..... [b]Name:[/b] Kadaj [b]Age:[/b] Unknown, looks to be around early to mid twenties. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/3668/vlcsnap846081vq.png]Click.[/url] Many people have mistaken Kadaj for a woman, something that he likes to laugh at. Small and lithe, he weighs a mere 113 lbs, a featherweight compared to his brothers, Loz and Yazoo. His blue eyes are stained with green, and have the appearance of a snake's eyes. Small slits for pupils. This is the sign of Geostigma when it has taken root into a host. However, Kadaj is able to harness this and not let it get out of control. His silver-white hair is something that he has been mocked in public for, when trying to pass for a regular citizen. We should like to take the subject in for genetic testing on the JENOVA project. [b]Weapon:[/b] Kadaj is a lover of the thrill of fighting. The double bladed katana is his weapon of choice. Basically, it is a normal sword, only with two well honed blades jutting from the hilt rather than one. This blade is much sharper than most. Evidence of this is that if you drop a single hair onto it, straightly vertical, it would slice it in half. Kadaj's moves are fluid, like quicksilver. He'll go from attack to parry to attack all in a seamless motion. He is widely regarded by those that have faught him-and survived-as the best swordsman across the land. This mysterious blade is highly wanted by Shinra. [b]Materia:[/b] Bahamut Sin: The most powerful Summon Materia on the planet of Terra, this summons Bahamut Sin until he is defeated. It will take more than 5 people to take down Bahamut Sin, as his skin is impenetrable by sword or gunshot. There is only one known way to defeat him, and that has only succeded once. We at Shinra hope to retreive this Summon Materia for testing and utilization in the field. Subject also rumored to have Fire-All, Earth-All, Ice-All, Lightning-All, Final Attack-Revive, Master Magic- Absorb. On the elemental trees, Kadaj has reached complete mastery with them, able to use any and all elemental spells. His last attack after a possible death is Revive, able to bring himself back to life. Absorb forms a force field that absorbs all damage. In short, Kadaj is a dangerous foe that is not to be trifled with. Approach with extreme caution and a large group. Caution rating: SS+ [b]Personality:[/b] Kadaj is a loud and obnoxious man when he wants to be. However, he has good reason to gloat his skills, being one of, if not, the most powerful. His sly remarks often rile up his enemy, leading them into foolish and rushed attacks. A smug exterior, inside, Kadaj is a lonely soul. He has been searching for a companion for too long, and that has lead to violence when people make fun of him. Inside, he has the mind of a child that has lost his mother, and yearns for Mother, which has lead to the possible danger and destruction of the whole world. Innocent and yet guilty, Kadaj is a strange, loveable, and yet hateable man. [b]Biography:[/b] [i]Error in database. Unrecoverable.Terminate application?[/i] [/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]I've got my entry, don't freak. And still 3 and a half hours to spare! [b]So Close, Yet So far[/b] [IMG]http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/4999/allsodead4mm.png[/IMG] I don't really like it, but meh. I'm always a bad critic.Also, words made up by me. Another reason I don't exactly like it.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]After restraining Katima, Richard went from slightly happy, having been actually talking to her moments ago, to moody and pissed off again. No matter what it was, something always ruined every damn thing. Maybe the training grounds would take this burning fire out of him. The tips of his fingers were bleeding, dripping onto his shoes, actually burning through the leather. He ignored it. That was his final resort in battles, to cut himself and bathe the enemy in his burning blood. It happened a long time ago, and Richard was never sure what happened. [b]"I am....Haitoku no Honoo."[/b] Richard breathed. Corrupted Flame, he called himself. The fire that burned in his veins...why? Was it the reason for his overbearing angst, the poison in his blood? As he thought about it, his fingertips began to glow with a green fire, spreading up to his eyes. Something crashed outside, letting out a ripple out sound and power. It was far outside, maybe a mile. Richard needed the strongest opponent around. And he didn't want to be killed by Katima. So he had to make his own, the Infernal. Might as well fight his Haitoku no Honoo. The Infernal roared, smashing down trees with it's great and firey hands. It sensed it's master, Richard, and began to stride over the plains, coming to serve him. However, Richard had other plans for the behemoth. Several of the citizens had seen the monster, and immediately ran away. They knew the pure power of an Infernal, and didn't want to be killed by it. However, when they saw Richard progressing through the tops of the trees, they slowly returned to watch the spectale that was about to take place. Richard stood before the tall mass of boulders, and showed no emotion. It was easily twice as tall as him, and had immense physical strength. This would be a good fig-Richard's thoughts were cut short as a flaming boulder shot from the Infernal's body, rocketing for Richard. Putting his hands in his pockets, Richard ran at it, jumping up from the ground and kicking off from the boulder, sending himself up in the air. Each hand came out of the pockets, one holding a cigarette and one beckoning the demon to fight him. [b]" I am Haitoku no Honoo, but I am also Wakanda..."[/b] Richard dodged one of the massive fists, but was clipped by the other, sending him flying back a bit. He hit the ground, the cigarette flying out of his outstretched fingers. As he rocked himself back onto his feet, the small stick of tobacco landed back in his fingers. He began to show the side that no one ever saw. The cocky side. [b]"Can't even give yer maker a ligh'?"[/b] Richard looked at the demon, before running forward, and leaping into the air again, slamming down on the base of the Infernal's "Hand". It began to twitch, then settled. It had been placed with the mark of Drain Life, which would leech away at the enemy and return strength to Richard. This would be a tough fight anyway. Richard would need every weapon to his advantage. The ground shook slightly as the apparation slammed it's fist into the ground, trying to remove the mark. While it was distracted, Richard, still on the Infernal's wrist, bent down and lit his cigarette. [b]"They always say I need to get off these things. I'll die anyway, so why not sooner than later?"[/b] Richard began to be locked in battle again, having placed the cigarette in his mouth and using both his hands and feet. For over an hour the battle raged, leaving both maker and creation weary and wounded. Richard had pent up enough anger and portions of the Infernal's life energy to use his final attack, Demonic Roundabout. Panting, he set to finish the match as he applied all weight to his left heel and began to spin. In the area, a huge torrent of darkness that looked like a miniature tornado could be seen. Kick after kick after kick, at nigh-impossible speeds, Richard burned off all of his anger and fury in the final attack. Having been extinguished himself, the Infernal fell to the ground, dead. Richard pulled the bright, green glowing crystal that was it's source of power. Katima could use it, it would strengthen her Dark Flame Chain and such. She probably needed someone right now, and he knew no one would be brave enough to approach her. He pushed past the guards, putting the stone in his pocket, and making his way to Katima. He knocked on the door twice. [b]"It's Richie."[/b][/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Thy Mother and thy Father, in holy unity, they create. Amen. In the beginning, there was not one, but two. Jehovah, and Jenova. God, and Goddess. Maker and deliverer. It took seven days to bring fruitation to our universe, and many more lightyears to place the different races and species across the universe. An endless void filled with infinite possibilites. Anything you dream has already been created and in frutation, or nearing those stages. Then, why are we not all happy on our planet of Terra? When Jehovah had become jealous of his creations, he became a jealous God. His anger grew with his restlessness, and with restlessness, a need to ascertain himself as the entire universe. A great war was raged in the heavens as the sky was scorched with blood and unforgiveness. Between Jenova and Jehovah, there would be only one winner. In the end, Jenova was cast out in a great and firey meteor, torn apart into just her formerly beautiful self. Silent thoughts of destruction weren't enough to waken the Goddess, so she drifted from one end of the universe and back, doomed for all eternity. Until...she came upon the planet Terra. At first, Jenova let herself drift by, mistaking it for a normal planet. However...on this normal planet, a great sadness had awoken the Goddess. Her heart was filled with despair, and her limbs that had been torn asunder, she felt on Terra. The sadness, over time and years, grew into an unmistakeable anger. A want to destroy the entire world. Jenova could not resist. The name that had culled her had been Sephiroth. It resonated in her mind, as dim as it had been at that time. With what little control she had to exert, she turned the meteor towards Terra. Her want to help Sephiroth and cull his anger had turned out to be all in his plan. As the meteor sped onwards, she talked with the "Sephiroth". He called her Mother, and Jenova's heart yearned to be called Mother again. In the beginning, the Lifestream took care of all that had been alive at one time. That included Jenova, and her cosmic streak across the sky. Only one object slipped through while the meteor was destroyed. Jenova. A scientist found the broken shell that held the once lovely Jenova. Hojo, he called himself as his hands caressed the other, and he picked up the metallic casing. She could make no protest as she was taken away for experaments on. Oh, the mighty have fallen. Sephiroth still raged for Mother, nothing had changed. On the time that Jenova was to be taken to a new contienent, Sephiroth ambushed the boat, and managed to take Mother with him. All was lost, until the gang of crusaders stepped up. Cloud, born of Sephiroth's cells, a genetic twin. Thy cannot destroy what thy did not create, as it has been said. In a final clash, all had almost came to an end. Jenova was not able to cull the rage in Sephiroth, Cloud had lost, and the Meteor sped through the heavens, and clashed with the Lifestream. Then...it ended. For Cloud's efforts, he was rewarded with home in tact. His twin dead, Jenova was powerless. But happy, her Child had been saved by her other Child. Advent Children, she called them. And her gift to the world sank in as Sephiroth was split into three. Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo. One born to lead, two born to follow. No, a nation born to follow Kadaj. A nation of Geostigma. Again, battle raged and swords clashed, innocents falling in the way. Geostigma roared it's ugly head, tearing down dreams and ripping up hearts. Jenova was only further saddened, she had ment to help. It seems that Sephiroth's rage had survived, and born itself into Kadaj. Cloud was once again forced into battle, as Sephiroth broke the bounds of Heaven and Earth, inhabiting Kadaj. His Child. In the end, I guess, even your own child can't save you. As the black feathers now twirl along the sky...Jehovah grows angry once again as Kadaj is cast out of Heaven, and reborn. Kadaj once again seeks Mother, and Mother seeks Kadaj. When they reunite....who knows what kind of war will be waged for the souls of eternity? ~~~ Welcome to my new RPG, "Mother". This is obivously based off of Final Fantasy 7...with heavy relations to Christianity. If you feel uncomfortable with this, please do not sign up. I'm here for those that want a story. Any questions, my PM box is open. ~~~ [b]Name:[/b] What is your characters name? First and last if possible. [b]Age:[/b] 15-55 [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] A picture or at least a good paragraph. [b]Weapons:[/b] What is your main weapon, which you fight with? Not all of us are professionals, by the way. [b]Materia:[/b] What is your magic power? Limit of 3 Materia. More information upon request. [b]Personality:[/b] How does your character act in certain situations? 1+ paragraph, at least 5 sentences. [b]Biography:[/b] How has your character learned of the events of Geostigma and Kadaj? Please, 2+ paragraphs.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Richard woke up in the Infirmary, wounds healed. They still had bandages on him, so he stood up and peeled them off, wincing slightly as it ripped the tiny clots that had been formed. Looking around, he found his black and red jacket, and threw it on. Then, Katima came in. Richard ignored her. She was going to do that thing, where she was "concerned" about him, but just most likely a farse of some sort. Grumbling to himself about, [i]where the hell's my cigs[/i], and such, Richard pulled on his riding goggles. She was still here? [b]"What is it, Kat?"[/b] [i]Society hates me, so just tell me the mission and get it over with. What the hell kind of mood is that when you really... like... this person?[/i] Richard asked himself while addressing Katima. His prediction was partially right. [b]"I was just worried about you, Richie."[/b] Richard's lips tweaked into what one might consider a smile, and it was gone just a second later. [b]"I...never got called that a lot."[/b] Richard was surprised by his own voice. Not because of the huskiness, but the low rasp. Then, he realized he hadn't spoken any in the last four days. At least, not more than 10 words. He also knew that it was part of Katima's job to talk to the team like friends. Always a battle minded fellow, Richard's hand drifted to the pistol he kept in the bible, in his side pocket. She was just sitting down. [i]Jesus, boy, think next time.[/i] The voice rang in his head. The voice that came out Katima's lips was much kinder and more forgiving. [b]"Richard...please, don't ever tell yourself that you'd love to die alone. No one deserves that."[/b] She was stern in a sweet way. Richard's gaze looked up at Katima for the first time since...hell, he didn't know how long. Probably not this year. [b]"So. You heard that?"[/b] He wasn't surprised that Katima would be bringing this up. She might of even guessed about something like it. God knew he always felt that way. [b]"Yes, and I don't care how many times you were beaten or anything like that. I don't care if you think you're geeky or stupid or a tool. You're not a damn tool, Richie. You're a friend."[/b] His stomach jumped to the point where he felt like it was going to burst from his mouth. [b]"...Friend...?"[/b] Richard asked her to stay for a while. He wanted to talk to someone. It had been 14 years since he ever had a conversation this long. That was too long.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Just an average day, at an average paperpusher job, in your average suit. Doing your average activities, in your average, mild-mannor way. What if someone came and messed that up? Told you that you had a chance to do something great? Great for the world? I know you're just brushing me off right about now. But listen, 'kay? I need you...average joes....to listen. Listen good. I got something to say. [i]"Hey, Rick, where'd you put those papers?" "Over by the photocopier...!" "Where the hel-nevermind. Thanks, man." "No problem." Rick turned back to his desk, twirling the #2 pencil around between his fingers as the tip scratched the desk. The mark grew a little deeper in shade and a little longer in length when it struck. Pencil led was almost gone. That thought processed dimly through his mind as Rick stared at the slightly glowing screen. Microsoft Excel stared him back, full of charts and pie graphs. Mmm, pie. Pie sounded good right now. When was the lunch break....what the hell? The screen fizzed off. Then the lights. Screams echoed like a schoolgirl's. Must of been one of the men working in the photocopier room, crying and screaming at the loss of his "hard work", as most of them around the office liked to say. Another few screams roared out. More photocopy screwups? No...these were of pure, undiluted terror. Someone screamed something about "computer virus...!" before it was drown out by the anguished cries from the same voice. Computer virus? Rick had never seen anyone become so emotional over a virus. Jesus. Then...his screen flickered back on, humming softly. A dim grey color. Rick almost chuckled to himself, until the screen became black again, then seemed to stretch. It must of been his overworked eyes, right? The screen elongated and then stretched. It was...animorphic?! What in god's good name...? The pool of bubling black whatever the hell it was formed a hand, grasping at Rick's wrist. He flinched and drew his hand away. However, the touch hadn't been harmful. It was rather, more like, a curious grip. Inquisitive. It scared the **** out of Rick. Quickly, Rick stood up, knocking over his chair and jumped back. He stumbled and scrambled as the animorphic shape pulled itself out of the computer screen. Like the computer had been a prison, the black, cardboard cut out of a shadow stretched and seemed to grin. For the first time, Rick was actually scared in his life. What a virus, eh? No one ever saw Rick, or the 24 other people that worked in that office again. [/i] Now I bet that yer lookin' at me, like, [b]"What the ****, mate? Is this guy on drugs?"[/b] I don't blame ya. I didn't accept it until I actually witnessed it. Those shadow men...we created them somehow. And they escaped, infesting anything they could store themselves in. Like computers. I was taken into the inside of their world. I was an average man. Or so I thought, really. I guess I had something inside me all along. Because I was changed in that world, and when I managed to escape, the change stayed with me. I've done things that defy the laws of physics. Interested? ~~~ Inspiration has struck me. Rawr. I know, my intros always suck, but bear with me. I can make it good...I hope. :P Onto the sign up sheet. IM or PM me if you have any questions. E-mails are fine too. ~~~ [b]Name:[/b] Something casual [b]Age:[/b] 18+ [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] (This can get messy...you'll have two apperances you change from, after going inside "Their World". Your "Average Joe/Jane" and your now-normal form. Your Average Jane/Joe form is going to be a suit and tie person, while your new appearance is more battle geared. Picture or good description.) [b]Weapon:[/b] Another thing. Only weapons forged from "Their World", where everything weapon-related is made from Brimstone, can hurt them. Will delve into that as the story progresses. Make your weapon unique to you. [b]Personality:[/b] How does your character act in an everyday situation? How can s/he act in a dangerous situation? Etc. Minimum of 1 paragraph, please. [b]Afterthoughts:[/b] Tell how you've been in contact with their world and what you had been doing that day. You may also choose to do a writing sample of anything. Minimum of 4 paragraphs, please. ~~~ *Scurries off before the flames come marching in.* Will get an underground thread up sometime soon.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1]Richard didn't try to make conversation. Sure, they were his allies, and quite possibly what he might consider friends, but they were all in too much of a close knit group. He didn't want to intrude, so he just helped out in missions and in return, was allowed to stay with them. Like something....like something swept under the rug. A dirty secret. That's what he felt like. Pulling out a ciggarette, he closed his eyes, trying not to think about his "friends". What if they realized that they didn't need him? He'd be cast out, and once again hunted for being a freak. Even good lucks and being able to listen, unlike most people on the planet, wasn't enough to save you. Not when you had supernatural powers and had been raped and beaten. Nope, never enough. [i]Ironic...I'm listenin' to Feel Good Inc. and yet I feel like crock shit. Why am I just realizing this now? Our leader's captured, and I'm concerned for myself. I guess that's because I'm the black sheep. A loner, a windmill turning for their profit. Just a machine. Yes. Machine, that sounds good. Robot, servant, helper, tool. Tool. That's what I'll be. A tool.[/i] Deep down, he still yearned for human contact, but was...desensitized to humanity as a whole. When he really thought about it, he shook. Not with anger, but something he never felt. Richard was going to die alone. Never realizing how horrible it might feel, he had just drifted in the nether. Waiting to die, really. And yet, Richard avoided being hunted and killed. He wanted to find that special contact that people had. What was it called? Friends? Love? He didn't even know the word. [i]-They might fill my place A temporary stand-in for your face It happens all the time and yet I can't help but know I'll die alone. I think I'd love to die alone.[/i] [b]"I think I'd love to die alone. Yeah."[/b] Richard mused. [b]OOC:[/b] >.> What? I warned you that that's the way he thinks.[/color][/size]
[color=darkslategray][size=1] Richard, quite simply, snapped into action as he got slammed into the wall, having been punched in the stomach. He peeled himself from the wall, and growled, twirling the rusted and serrated katana. He was pissed. Three had surrounded him, as he peeled himself from the cracked walls. The blade was powerful, but so was his feet. [b]"I onl' talk w'en I'm pissed off, or reallah' please'd."[/b] Richard didn't bother to keep his speech in line. [b]"I alsah dun talk like dis unless ya reallah got meh pissed."[/b] They might not realize it yet, but they'd suffer now. Before they could act, Richard lept off of the wall, flying up above them. He brought the blade down, creating a bloody swath through one. He dropped the blade, and spun around on his left foot, wrenching the Siphon Life mark onto the remaining two. They were quite good, however, and managed to fight off some of the ill effects. They even got a few attacks off, before he roared and jumped into the fray again, turning into shadow and black mist, using Shadowform. His punches and kicks roared with the essence of demonic energies. Soon, he was overflowing with life, and twitched on the floor. He needed to cut himself, but couldn't steady his hands. He'd need to cut himself soon. Or die.[/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] Short post, I know. Someone will need to help Richard.