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Everything posted by ryo_sagara

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed] Thanks for that bit people should follow that guideline. [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed] I have noticed that a lot of people need help with their 'love life' so I'm going to try to help you guys and girls out. I myself being a girl have had problems with relationships or even getting dates. The things below will help you build confidence: First if you can't even talk to the person: Just start with subtle acts of kindness to build up some confidence, things like picking stuff up for them if they drop it, or getting things for them. (Papers work nicely if you're in school) Second when you do finally talk to them: Compliments make people feel good about themselves try that, or talk about something casual. (Homework, clothes, prices of things, weather, etc.) This normally opens up a small window to your or the other persons personality so you can get a glimpse of if you still like them or if they like you. Third try to be their friend: You should be able to be friendly though it will be kinda awkward...but then after that you should have enough courage to ask them out. Yes I know it is a time consuming process...are they worth it? Feel free to ask me questions. [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed] I think that it's interesting that you all are worrying about what you eat. It's a growing problem. With all the fast food that's readily available and at a reasonable price people in general may be becoming more lazy leading to less excercise and more intake of not so healthy stuff. Now I realize, like a few of you said, that people may not have time to make, or cook healthy alternatives but that doesn't mean you have to eat a huge meal. I am now noticing that they began to have salads... I myself am not much of a healthy eater...cupcakes (when available) always taunt me into eating them. Along with cookies and other junk food. I am trying to eat healthier though...it's not easy! ^_^; [/COLOR]
  4. I was watching TV the other day and I noticed that in the beginning of 'Malcolm in the Middle' there were bits and pieces of anime. Another instance was in a slumberland commercial Vash the Stampede made a few appearences... So my question to you would be have you seen anything like this? and what are your feelings towards it? Like 'holy crap they can't do that!' or 'whoa anime on regular TV!' Personally I'd like to here your opinions. (And if anyone knows what animes that were in the beginning of 'Malcolm in the Middle' please tell me.)
  5. My question is have any of you otaku out there heard something from an anime that has completely changed your life? (or manga.) Mine would have to be 'no one ever has the right to take the life of another' and 'our ticket to the future is always blank.' The reasons being that I respect (and sort of love) Vash from Trigun because of how crappy his life is he still uses these sayings to an extreme and I figured that I could probably apply these things to my life as well in small and large ways. I always think twice before squishing spiders...infact I go out of my way to help them get outside.^_^ The second saying has really impacted my life because if you really understand it, it's basically stating that you can do whatever you want and aren't condemed to slave for that goal for the rest of your life and it's opened doors for me to try more things... Have these types of sayings effected you in any way?
  6. Haibane-Renmai is a real thinker...I really like it though. Most of Yoshitoshi aBe's stuff is really good. I actually went to a panel on it at an anime convention and they sort of explained it as being a sort of, an after death place inbetween heaven and earth or thats what I got out of it anyway. What the guy who was doing the panel said was that some animes like that may be too intelligent for non-japanese people. Not to be racist, but I think it's true...I being from America have realized most shows on T.V. are reality shows or makeover shows. It's dissapointing. Back to Haibane, I think that the regular people shouldn't be so anti-haibane, they treat them like they are a lower species. It makes for a more interesting story plot though.^_^ But I also agree with The Mac Attack person, they really haven't done anything to make their lives any better. It really is a wonderful series, I would also recommend Niea_7 it's made by the same person.^_^
  7. ryo_sagara


    I have a theory that Legato Bluesummers from Trigun is indeed a plant like Knives and Vash. Why? Because I think that Vash's plant arm wouldn't have been compatible with a human body. Also because Legato says 'we should've died long ago the moment we set foot on this sandy planet' (or something like that) and that leads me to believe that my theory is correct. Do you people have any other interesting personal theories like the relevance of the song the Rem sings or other things? If so please tell me! I love things like this! XD! [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]I merged your thread with the existing Trigun thread- specific animes should have one thread each, so be sure to check the Threads Directory Sticky at the top of the page or search the forum first. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  8. Alright, AzureWolf has a point. Fell free to branch off, but still try to stay on the same subject matter. Like the quality of subs, or dubs, timing, and such things of that nature. Thank you! ~ryo_sagara
  9. When I was watching Trigun in Japanese I found that the Japanese Vash seemed less emotional and passionate than the english Vash who not only yells love and peace but gets it stuck in your brain for weeks. Along with that I have an opinion that the Japanese Rem is better at the role than her English counter-part because she just seems more into the part. This is just my opinion. If you have seen any anime where you think one person is better at a role than another please tell me which anime and why you think that way.
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