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MoN cHi ChI

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Everything posted by MoN cHi ChI

  1. [QUOTE=Undefeated]What does anything you posted have to do with got rice? (Nice pic..) Erm... Is Got Rice some kind of Asian Rap? (Seconds Boba's Post Completely)[/QUOTE] hahhaha yeah! actually it is ^^; its really funny, but i like it. HAS ANY1 HEARD IT! I'm IN MAI 20's and i heard it >.< I feel soo....alone! AZN PRIDE?!?!?ANY1 HEARD OF IT! hahah
  2. If it's okie with you then I'd like to try to go for this position! ^^ Well I always visit the fan art community and can tell between the copies and the real thing! I've worked with alot of teens and I usually can tell what it not right for the site(ex. nudity) and what is okay. I'm 26 years old and usually when I'm not really sure about something(probably not) I usually see it somewhere on the internet! haha well I think I'd love this position if you'd let me! ^^ I'm not that active in the fanart community, but I always go there ^^ I dedicated my life on anime and have worked with several artists because i am currently working at Tokyopop! Exciting ne? I'd REALLY love to do this ^^ I have ALOT of spare time and this site is just so CUTE! It really is fit for teens and adults ^^. I have a little brother that is 16 and,trust me, I'll no how to whip them into shape :smirk: hahah just kidding! I'll promise to do my best if you let me! Till then, ciao! ~* TOSHI OUT! *~
  3. [QUOTE=Boba Fett][color=green]The [/color][URL=http://www.dictionary.com]Dictionary[/URL] [color=green]and a[/color] [URL=http://ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/]Guide to Grammar and Writing[/URL][color=green] are provided here for your use.[/color] [color=green]That is all.[/color][/QUOTE] Hahha! Okie well You sure do match your title ne? hahah well nice ta meet you to! ^^; Well hehe um...yeah till then, ciao! ~* TOSHI OUT! *~ :smirk:
  4. has any1 heard that song? hahha well i think its a funny song or the viet gang song...its really confusing ^^ well jw o and i'm new here so sum peepz have to show meeh the ropes okie? :D Thanx very much ^^ How old r the ppl here?heh i'm pretty old but im ____ ^^ so i'm kool still ^^ I hate growing up dont you? i still act like a kid tho ^^ :smirk: I bet that i'm older than all yall :smirk: suckas ^^ heheh well i'm gonna put mai picture up on mai signature okie? TIll then, ciao! '*''*' V thats meeh down there ^^
  5. hahha anything BESIDES country and classical >.< Has anyone heard Llod and Ashanti's new song "South Side" ? Or Brandy and Kanye Wests song "Talk bout our love"? Those are mai favs ^^ :D Till then,ciao! ~* TOSHI OUT! *~
  6. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Just wondering...what do you think about the love hina wedding dress on the thirteenth cover and saati's bathing suit in the 1st cover of AI Love you? hahha I thought they were pretty ne? hahha there's only 1 reson i think that tho! I designed them ^^ I wanted people's opinion on mai work...i DIDNT draw hina or saati but i drew the basic outlingin of the dress and bathing suit...any opinions or sugestions? till then, ciao! ~* toshi OUT! *~[/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. 1) Kiki's delivery service(if your into cute things) 2) Totoro(very cute) 3) Princess Mononoke 4) Real Bout high School (
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