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About bovine_man3

  • Birthday March 14

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I was released from the Dark Fool's lab to attempt to wreak havoc upon the world.
  • Occupation
    See where I live

bovine_man3's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. I myself prefer Nightmare due to his strength and high defence. I also beleive his biggest drawback is his speed in attacks and in his defence, but if a tactical person gets ahold of him and trains a bit they can be very worthy opponents even to people like Raphiel,Taki,Talim and Kilik.
  2. CB Shin I saw the thread and unfortunately there is not much to be done........
  3. Altron, Shugo I'm with you two 168%(sorry about the random number but I'm with you almost way to much).........
  4. Steve was to slow to avoid the hilt of the sword Tom threw at him. Steve hit the ground and heard Tom say "Never interfere again or Ill kill you next time".Steve woke up after ten minutes on the ground and accidentilly put weight on his bad arm. Steve shouted, "SH*T!!!!!!!!" as he started bleeding. He headed back to his dorm and he ran into an administrator who immediately sent him to the principal. After getting the usual yelling at Steve decided to tell the principal about the fact that everyone knew about him pissing himself from the sight of a tiger. Steve then went to his dorm for the the night to try to sleep the rest of the day away.
  5. Masamune was in the middle of his shift as a gaurd. "Why do I always get stuck with gaurd duty when everyone else gets to to see the demons". He decided to take a little stroll in the direction of the trackers. After five minutes he saw lightning in one general direction and decided to head there so he may finally fight a demon. When he arrived he saw a demon speaking to the trackers and some others. He ran up to the demon and tried to strike him but he blocked the hit and threw him to the wall and looked at him. Masamune was dazed from the impact but he looked up and saw that the demon had become the one he killed years ago for vengance. "Your dead I killed you myself!" he was passed out for ten minutes afterwards.
  6. OOC: sorry i havnt posted lately. IC: Steve sat in his hospital bed and thought about what he did and what Tom did to him. He never could be quite the same again with the hole in his shoulder. Out of curiosity he asked the nurse how long till he could leave and she said about two weeks. Steve still had bisiness, bisiness with Tom, he would escape and treat his wound himself after he beat Tom. He already had done enough to get him kicked out but no one knew it. Steve thought about where to go and figured the back area would be a good place to go and not be seen. He got ready and jumped out the window and he bolted for his destination. As he arrived he saw Sakura watching a fight, the fight was Tom and some young woman clashing swords. Steve was furius, Tom was his nemesis and he was going to fight him at his best. Steve ran out and hit the young woman in the side and wispered in her ear " Leave him alone hes mine!" she retreated and Steve faced Tom and said " This is it lets see who is better, miricle boy".
  7. Name: Masamune(no last name) Race:Human Age:15 Gender:Male Appearance:see pic. Bio: He lived with his family until they were killed by a demon. He then killed the demon but lost his eye and went into hiding. He emerged from hiding when he heard about a rebellion in the kingdom he lived in. Weapons:dual blessed wooden katanas and a longbow Spell: Thunder Blast: Masamune braces himself and puts his katanas together and lightning bolts come out.
  8. OOC: sorry ive been grounded since monday so i have been busy. IC:Baelnaga grew impatiant for the return of Dim Hope and his other minions to return. It had been over ten hours. Bealnaga prepared to make a trip to the crash site for a look-see and to try to see the problem gone. He stopped at the sight of a soldier who didnt have any particular reason to be standing around so he told him to go rally the fifty best troops availible emediatly and told him that the were going to see Dim Hope. he then awaited the minions and when they arived he told them where to go and that he would se them through the battle. He then dissapeared into a huge pillar of fire with his halberd in hand. He next saw the shocked face of the archangel Ark. "So Ark we meet again, this time I dont intend to lose to you or anyone else." Then the true battle began as demons poured out of a cave led by Tara and there was Dim Hope leading his dying forces.
  9. Baelnaga sat on his throne and thought to himself "Hell was much more boring than here, here we torture humans and seek the archangels and priestess." The task was simple but would take time and well thought out plans to make the archangels come out of hiding. He called for his right hand demon Dim Hope. "Dim I need you to find the place where the archangels landed and leave something letting them know we know they are here and we are searching for them." Dim left the chamber of the hidden dongeon and started his search. Baelnaga winced in pain and gripped his left arm and thought "I will find you Ark and you will be killed by me and last so you will see your friends die at my hand". Baelnaga chuckled at the thought.
  10. Tom and Steve rushed each other and and Steve never in all his days had he heard such a noise, it was Toms kneecap snapping forward. Steve thought to himself "my god hes still trying to fight even with his severe injury, if this damn torniment hadnt been teams i probably would go back on my word and just throw him out." Steve tore the sword out of his shoulder and went to the infirmery with the other fighters under Tallies command and his need for some medical attention for his shoulder. When they arrived Steve went to get his help and afterwards went to see Tom to see his condition. Tom would live but Steve and he would both have stories to tell of the bout they had and what happened after that.
  11. All the matches were done but the battle royal and Steve couldnt be in a worse mood his long time rival had no chance at being there. Suddenly Tom walked casually to the arena when. When everyone who cared had surrounded him and bombarded him with the quesion of how he healed so quickly he gave no answer. Steve looked at the principal for the look on his face his mood became its best he was going to beat Tom and he would always remember the look of shock on the principals face. He walked to Tom and said "I dont know or honestly care how you did it but you had better be able to do it again cause Im showing you no mercy." Then he went to B.T. and said "You take Sakura, I never had much luck with women. well take Tom and her first then deal with the rest now lets step into the ring for the battle royal". When it started Tom was dealing out multiple hits before Steve landed a hit.
  12. Steve showed up at 8:30 with a slight sweat on his face symbolizing his morning exercise and training he saw Tom, B.T., Amy, Tallie, Tobias, Carson, Ryu, and many other faces familliar or not. He went to B.T. to see if he was ready for the tournament and of course got a yes. He then checked in and waited for the tournament to begin. He saw some of the matches and was dissapointed for two resons, one Tom was badly wounded and two B.T. finished his match to quickly. But atleast he had a match to blow some steam off in. Finally his name was called and he met his opponant a scrony kid with a wooden sword in his hand. Steve decided to keep a nice slow pace so he could have some fun with his opponant. The match started and Steve taunted his opponant to attack first, so the kid ran at him and hit Steve in the stomach with the hilt of the sword. Steve stagered to his feet and said "Ive had enough of sword hilts for one lifetime" and hit the kid in the temple with his left hand. "You had it coming to you and you know it." Steve said with a grin on his face. the kid then got into a stance charged Steve and jumped up and broke his weapon over Steves head. Steve hit the ground dazed and his anger started to raiseto its limits. Steve then got back up and rushed the kid and with full force hit him in the stomach, lifted him in the air with that very same fist and slammed him into the arena. the kid never got into a concious state until he was in the hospital. The intercom said "Steve Murdoc is the winner".
  13. Name: Baelnaga Race: Demon Gender: Male Weapons: Claws, Halberd that burns whatever it touches. Abilities: Dark Portal: Summons demonic minions. Unholy Blade: A storm of blades fly out of his hand towards opponent.
  14. Steve had been training on a punching bag he snuck into his dorm months back because he didnt want anybody to see him train sometimes. Then he recieved a note stating that they had to start at nine in the morning and that they both had to show up at nine or they forfeit the tornement. He then went to a small table in his dorm [this he didnt take] where a bottle of water was. He sat down and and drank some when another knock came at the door it was his partener, B.T., who was covered with electic jolts from head to toe. Steve then threw the bottle of water to the other side of his dorm in shock.
  15. Steve walked out of the principals office with a look of satisfaction, knowing that he and B.T. couldnt lose, hes a good swordsman while im an excelant fist fighter, Steve thought as he walked and finally followed Tom and said "Hey good luck tomarrow youll need it."he then went to find his partener, B.T. and said to him"Good luck to the both of us,we may need it".
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