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Everything posted by Sephiroth_unite

  1. There is a new manga magazine that is coming out soon. It is by artists for artists. All manga welcome. If there is anyone interested in applying in the Southern Ontario Area then contact me via E-mail. [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][Link removed][/SIZE][/COLOR] A more discriptive version of the mag coming soon
  2. In a few trailers I've seen a person in a shroud, is this Sephiroth himself that the leader of the Silver Haired Men is bowing to or is it Aeris? Also where do the Silver Haired Men (S.H.M.) come from? Are the also spawn of Jenova come to take the promise land? The reproductive outcome of sephiroth? Or just there to impeade Cloud from his mission? AAAAAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH *bashes head off table multiple times* I NEED TO SEE THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!!! HEY!!! I just noticed somthing in a trailer I've seen, they decreased Tifas breast size heh heh, well it only makes her cuter.
  3. Just looking for roms in which to play with. Especially RPGs, adventure, and past fantasy style games Peace ^_,^
  4. Well you never know the world could end in a matterr of seconds for all we know. So the next time you substanciate that you won't be alive you could also end up being the only one alive.
  5. When do you think the earth will end? Me how I think the world will end is by it being flooded with the greenhouse gas emitions, or blown to pieces by our "Weapons of mass destruction" But if the world ends in a few centuries or more then I think that we will be able to assimilate another planet to call home. Or at least I hope so :(
  6. Well I only choose that I get one of each, after that it's up to whoever controls the sex of whatever the species that the child is made up of.
  7. Although I don't usually give opinoins I can't help myself First and foremost I love the Love Hina movie, then comes Princess Monanoke, and finally OMG. Although I have many favorites these come to my mind whenever I think of Anime.
  8. Here I lay my master deck (no specific order) Enjoy n.n [COLOR=Indigo][U]Fusion Deck[/U][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][U]Ritual Summon[/U][/COLOR] Thousand Dragon Super Roboyarou Paladin of White Dragon Black Luster Soldier [COLOR=SandyBrown] [U]Monster Deck[/U][/COLOR] Blue-Eyes White Dragon Skull Red Bird The Illusory Gentleman x2 Beaver Warrior Crawling Dragon Mystic Horseman Feral Imp Neo the Magic Swordsman Mystic Clown Kojikocy Great White Uraby Koumori Dragon Rouge Doll Dark Blade Celtic Guardian Warrior Dai Grepher x3 La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp Opticlops Ryu-Kishin Powered Battle Ox Master Kyonshee Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1 Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts Baby Dragon Octobeser Hyozanryu Luster Dragon #2 Mystical Elf The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave x3 Gaia the Fierce Knight Giant Soldier of Stone Dark Magician Summond Skull Girochin Kuwagata Souls of the Forgotten Dark Bat Dokuroyaiba Oni Tank T-34 [COLOR=Sienna][U]Effect Monsters[/U][/COLOR] Keiser Sea Horse Gradius's Option Mysterious Guard x2 Wall of Illusion Giant Rat Royal Magical Library Hane-Hane Woodland Sprite Dragon Manipulator Ryu-Kishin Clown x3 Sangan Skull Knight #2 Arcane Archer of the Forest Kuriboh Sonic Bird Zombyra the Dark Mysterious Puppeteer Birdface Mad Sword Beast Arsenal Bug Spirit Ryu x2 Twin-Headed Wolf Witch of the Black Forest Twin-Headed Behemoth Trap Master Mystic Tomato Man-Eater Bug Servant of Catabolism Lord of D. Gale Lizard Time Wizard Winged Minion Parasite Paracide [COLOR=DarkOrchid][U]Trap Cards[/U][/COLOR] Seven Tools of the Bandit The Dragon's Bead Dragon's Rage x2 The eye of Truth Desert Sunlight Spirit's Invitation Ready for Intrecepting Riryoku Field Trap Hole x2 Gift of The Mystical Elf Burst Breath x2 Just Desserts Rite of Spirit D. Tribe Light of Intervention Ominous Fortunetelling x3 Spellbinding Circle Jar of Greed Shift Bad Reaction to Simochi Shadow Spell Backup Soldier Blast with Chain Waboku Dust Tornado Magic Jammer Life Absobing Machine Disappear Raigeki Break Blasting the Ruins Soul Demolition Bark of Dark Ruler Spirit's Invitation Nutrient Z Gust [COLOR=Green][U]Spell Cards [/U][/COLOR] White Dragon Ritual De-Spell Pot of Greed The Flute Of Summoning Dragon Last Will Heart of Clear Water x3 Reasoning The Reliable Guardian Ookazi Premature Burial Card Destruction Dragon's Gunfire x2 A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon Change of Heart x2 Second Coin Toss Fairy Meteor Crush Monster Reborn x2 Dian Keto the Cure Master Soul Exchange Black Luster Ritual Spring of Rebirth Nobleman of Crossout Fissure x2 Axe of Despair Mystical Space Typhoon The Inexperianced Spy Dark Hole Metamorphosis Swords of Revealing Light Megamorph Question Remove Trap Tribute to The Doomed Malevolent Nuzzler Rush Recklessly Stamping Destruction Convultion of Nature After Genocide Magic Reflector Insect Barrier Insect Imitation [COLOR=DarkGreen][U]Feild Cards[/U][/COLOR] A Legedary Ocean Mountain Mystic Plasma Zone Tell me what you guys think n.n
  9. The one anime, or I should say one manga that has affected my life to live it the way I do know is my absolute favorite LOVE HINA I know it's a shojo but still even the childish comedy will get to you. It made me laugh, cry, get angry, and still kept me captivated to obtain every thing to do with love hina. I love manga so very much that I try my hardest to become a sucess story like Keitaro Urishima and Naru Narusegawa. But yet I know that if I do become sucsessful like them I won't know what to do next so I live my own course letting the spirits guide me on my way.
  10. lol it looks like my sister on a good day ^_^ peace out chibi will
  11. movies are only human made inperfect recreations of symbolism to spread a story so i can only ask that you watch it with an open mind and dont waste your time spoilin the movie by tearing into translation flaws or expectations of something english based since it belongs to the japanese. i only begin to breach the subject for you all hide your intelligence on the subject, my opinion is at work here when i can relate the movie to the game, yet a flaw in the minds of the mass media is the idea that its based on the game, wrong, its based on events after the game, so best not to try to relate, let alone the game progression allows to ultimate capabilities of the characters, thus game players will expect great actions of characters in the movie, i would suggest that they limit the abilities the movies characters have, its not like they walked around expecting to fight monsters till their stats where full, as a judicator of rpg's i can tell you the character is aware to trained abilities, and learns more and more but is ignorant to their stats, in other words they can compare feats not based numerical facts. for those who cant understand, all im saying is dont listen to rumors, dont spread the rumors, watch and wait, keep your expectations at mediocre and dont expect over kill moves from the characters, watch with a clear mind, resist tearing apart the movie and you should be able to enjoy it a bit more, like i said, i will only breach the subject, i wont disect it for i already know to much, and i dont want to spoil it for you, i just ask for prevention of destruction of peoples hopes befor they even hear of the movie, for if they hear bad befor they judge for themselves, they will fall to a type of unliked media manipulation, i can tell you that final fantasy spirits witin was a change from their general genre, i see it as their experimentation for their new computer systems, and the sci fi genre can be used to explore easily, probably to help expand capabilities, and adjust anything untouched to that point, if it wasnt for final fantasy spirits within, then we might not be having this conversation, one leads to another, but now that they got their system broken in, now their back to what they do best, fantasy, and their going to use a story of their best game to work with, now they created a story on a story to tie up loose ends and reintroduce the game and characters to the public, its genious and i for one of the waiting fans am willing to encourage their work and hope for the best, until the next time you hear from me take care and peace out , ^_^ chibi will
  12. Well of course we wont rule out downloading, yet still I meant where to find them off the internet, and in reality. Stores and the such. But back to the topic, are you more into realistic based hentai (such as teachers pet), or the tenticle (such as La Blue Girl) Whats your opinions on hentai artists and their works relating to business.
  13. Just a thread to discuss hentais that you've seen heard of, or want to see. Where to get them (other then downloads). And even descriptions (if you must). Also new hentai information if aplicable much peferred if there were no pics thanks ^_^
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