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Everything posted by haruka-san

  1. I really dont think theres is love or trust..... just my personal bitter opinion..... so far anyhow. but there is lust.... and betrayal..... plenty of that
  2. I am neither in or out, I am just plain and simple me..... I follow my own rules, and live my own life the way I want to.... and Im proud to be just a regular gal
  3. I really like Haruka from love hina--- only because she fits my personality so well. and shes an older woman.... around my age, so I can relate to her
  4. I remember those days, but I live on my own, so I dont have my mom and dad telling me what to do, hehehehehe
  5. ahhh hello, nice to meet you.... now I am afraid to post simply because of the hello fiasco. But anyhow I feel that this is a serious question, and it warrents a response. Judging from the way youre post is written.... it looks like your mom already knows. This truely is not something you can hide from parents. You live with them, and spent most of your lifetime with them. She must know, but it sounds like she is waiting for you to fess up. She will be hurt I am sure, and there may be many tears from both of you. She is your mother after all, and she may not accept your sexual preferance, but if she really loves you (i am sure she must) she will accept you the way you are. This is a hard time in your life right now... High school, dating, discovering feelings, becoming an adult... and if you play your cards right, and be calm and approach things by looking at both sides, you should do fine. Let me say it wont be a bed of roses, it will be a bed of roses with sharp thorns, so stick to your guns and be real to yourself...... And for the record, there is nothing wrong with being gay or homosexual so to speak, so dont try to change for others.... I could tell you a funny story there.... If you like! about my ex-boyfriend, who was dating me to become straight...... he called me one night and said that he wanted to break up with me.... and I said "what? are you gay or something?" he said "how did you know?" I laughed it off, and said "I had a feeling" we remained friends... I wonder what happened to him? ah well such is the way of life. take care pal -Haruka
  6. Hi I apologise if there was already a greetings section, but I didnt see one, so um.... I would like to tell you all hello. I am from another forum, and I thought it was time for me to move on. Usually I am just known as Haruka- Hmmm I wonder if I should add a few tidbits about myself? currently I am watching fushigi yuugi..... *shy* umm thankyou for being kind to me! -Haruka P.S. Its seems I have already broken the rules of no hello threads, I tried to delete it myself, but I guess I cannot, so once again, very sorry.
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