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  1. i heard that they were makin 2 oavs for the series it called Saishu Heiki Kanojo: Another Love Song (tenative title) i guessing that it will occur sometime after the events of saikano but im not sure... if u wnat more info take a look here official site [url="http://www.saikano.net/ova/"]http://www.saikano.net/ova/[/url] unfortuantely teh site is in japanese so it might not help that much unless u can read japanese. [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Please watch your spelling and grammar in future; using abbreviations is against the site [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?]Rules[/URL]- anything too poor in quality will be deleted as spam. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  2. wow thats a good question when did i start watching anime... i would have to say at around 4 or 5 years old when they brought sailor moon to america that was the kickstart to my anime obssesed life... come to think of it i might have even watched anime before that i just didnt know ... well w/e il just pretend that i got into anime at age 4 or 5 :D
  3. Has anyone seen this anime yet? its a short two episode ova thats is suppost to be based on some game... its short but i though it was really good.. if they didnt run out of funding i think they could have made it into a very good ,possibly longer running series...well anyways its about this guy who decides to confess to his true love over the summer holidays... he does however he runs into this time police person and i somehow transported to september 1 which is the first day of school.. when he goes to school he find out that he did actually confess to the girl and they were a couple but she died on Aug 31... now hes on a quest with the help of the time police woman to return to the past and prevent the death of his girlfreind... i know a really cheezy kinda storyline but its very good.... [color=navy][size=1]Two things. First, your posts are generally very interesting and informative, but I'd appreciate it if you used paragraph breaks and capitalization more liberally. Secondly, should any part of your synopsis be marked with spoiler tags? I can't tell if you're providing the basic scenario or delving deeper into the plot. Thanks! ~Dagger~[/size][/color]
  4. omg has anyone seen the live action version of sailor moon??? its so sad that its funny... me and my friend got a kick out of watchin it... the acting is so fake... the fighting is the worst though its like slow mo and its very very fake...the one that startled me however was the way they changed... i thought that it would have been worst but thay did it pretty well. kinda funny but well.. now that i think about it i really have no idea why i rented it but if your lookin for a good laugh you have to definatily rent this anime!!!
  5. does any one know if onegai twins is liscenced yet?? if it is who liscenced it?
  6. hey i was wonderin if someone could make me a Rurouni Kenshin banner. I really have no requirements just make it kinda bright not dark and dreary. Have kenshin on it for sure and enishi if possible thnaks in advance!!
  7. what would you suggest i use to colour my pics with... i currently have photoshop but my friend has PSP.....im super new at this i attempted to use photoshop to edit my pictures in the past but i wasnt very succesful so i stopped for a while i now have time and i wanna really get started and continue... im pretty much computer illiterate so i need somethin real simple... which one is better to use or is there an another program that you would suggest?
  8. i got all of mine off of [color=darkred][i]link removed[/i][/color] you get 1-13 in a huge pack then after that they come in packs of 4 which take a while to download but its worth it... these are bit torrents so you might need to get a bit torrent downlaoder but im sure you already have one.. good luck finishing those movies dagger... its not impossible i watched 18 episodes in one day and my friend watched the whole series in 2 days so its possible.... [color=navy][size=1]Linking to fansubs should be restricted to PMs. Thanks! -Dag[/size][/color]
  9. [QUOTE=GTK] The FMA dub made my cry, though I could only tolerate one episode ^^; Ed sounds way too old, Al is just weird, Roy makes me cry, and Winry is really shrill T_T and Pinako sounds really scary [/QUOTE] wow this is the first person to actually agree with me most people think that im crazy... i just hate the dubbing so much, htey totaly killed it its great to see im not the only one out there dissatisfied with tthe dubbing!
  10. well first of all i have to agree that the dubbing fushigi yuugi is horrible, mainly miaka, but then again her voice is just about as annoying in japanese so i don't think it really matters, the rest of the characters are ok, i would chose one over another though its all the same to me i could care less. as for inuyasha i think that the english dub is a hundred times better, i wanted the first inuyasha movie this past weekend and i wanted to cry when i heard the japanese inuyasha voice, he sounds like he has a throat disease or something its so groggy and rough sounding, richard cox did inuyashas voice exacly how i imagined it,a cocky kinda voice. it was great. as for my own choise on the worst dub, fma would have to win the award.. i was very disappointed after watching the first few episodes. I 'm not saying that all the voices are bad just ed's and al's, al's especially. He sounds like hes talkin from inside a pail, yes i know he's inside the metal suit and all but in the japanese one at least i could hear him. as for ed i don't know maybe i just accustom to hearing the japanese voices but i just dont like it... i can't wait till they introduce roy mustang i want to see how his voice turns out..
  11. i definately found it repetative, some horrible demons showns up the demon works for naraku and tries to kill inuyasha and kagome and in the end it just gets killed, not only that but the series was way to long... i hated the ending but i heard that the forth and final movie will tie up any loose ends.. so ill be lookin forward to watching that anyone heard about a release date yet?
  12. hey thanks alot it looks great . would u mind makin me a matchin banner? It can be the same pic or a different one your choise thanks in advance!
  13. ummm... my sister is 12 and she seems to really enjoy Love Hina though ive never read it so...I would recommend something from clamp, like everyone else said CCS, chobits isnt to bad... ohh ramiko takashashi's work is always good for starters, try ramna 1/2, inuyasha, or maison ikkoku....fushigi yuugi is another one that i really enjoyed but it might be a little to mature for your sister... DN Angel is pretty good. hope this helps! :D
  14. does anyone know where i can get a full moon wo sagashite midis?
  15. i thought that there was only 167 episodes :confused: maybe thats why i was totally confused at the end... wall i have to agree that they dragged the series on way to long.. after like the 50th episode i got bored and i stopped watching and as for the manga who knows what volume its at by now.. i use to really enjoy this anime/manga series and it was actually one of the first series that got me started into anime this and of course sailor moon..but now it so long i really dont care how it ends i just want it to be over! :mad:
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