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Everything posted by vash-san

  1. [QUOTE]I dont know if you intended for this, but the sun isnt quite rounded,[/QUOTE] im not sure if i did this quoting thing rite cuz this is my first time so im sorry if i did it wrong.. well i didnt really intend for teh sun to be messed up like that its just that it was my first time using photoshop so i was still trying to learn how to use it so it didn't quite turn out like i wanted but it was my first time so i cant complain! :)
  2. i recetly watched the first two episodes of this anime but i found that the storyline moves at an incredibly slow rate.... after two episodes i still dont know what it's supposta be about....the artwork is good adn all and im probably gonna continue to watch teh whole series it just how slow the storyline moves that bothers me...
  3. me and a friend just recently rented this much acclaimed anime.... after watching the first episode... actually not even teh first one we decided to turn it off because it definatly was confusin.... i didn't understand what was goin on and whats with the whole manga showing scene it made no sense at all it just made me think that they were too poor to afford to make the entire movie all in th same way.... i kno a lot of ppl say that u hafta watch the first 6 before u can understand it but i frankly have no motivation to watch all of them especally after this first episode i dont think that ill be givin it another chance! just out of curiousity however would it be any easier to understand if i had read teh manga first???
  4. i kno this is kind of an odd request considering that its not anime but here goes anyways.... i need a harry potter banner made... teh requirements are it has to have the gryffindor symol lion thing on it and it has to DEFINATLY have harry ron and hermione on it.....ya if u dont mind could u not put my name on it... im actually doin this for my harry potter obsessed sister...thanks :)
  5. im not really sure how to insert the image without makin it an attachment so if someone close plez inform me of how to do that it would be great! well this is my first submission so enjoy it done with photoshop and this was my first attemp to so its a little on the horrible side! but enjoy any ways!! :)
  6. hey iwas just reading some of the responces and black moon as almost rite on the money... i want to colour my pics but i dont want to sit at my kitchen table for several hours ar a time just to colour it...plus spend all the money to get half decent colouring utensils... i've started practicing with adobe phototshop but im hopeless its not getting much better.. :( ive posted my first attempt at using phototshop in teh art studio check it out! its called " first submission!" :)
  7. i talkin about like both editing and colouring some of my pics..like i want to make my pictures look less like i drew them in pencil.... i think thats possible rite??
  8. i just recently started drawing anime and i have noticed that alot of ppl usually fix up their pics on some editing program like adobe photoshop or somethin like that before they submit it. i want to do this to my pics as well but i haven't been able to find any editing programs that are easy enough for a newbie, like me, to use...i currently have adobe photoshop and image ready 7.0 but its just seems to difficult for me. i can't seem to figure out how things work. i was just wondering what programs you would suggest??
  9. hey animesoul thanks alot fer the banner and avatar!! i was just wonderin if u could make them attachments so that i can u them... thanks! :D
  10. if u wanna talk about an ending that makes u wanna strangle the director it has to be Saikano. actually this anime has two endings a happy one and one that makes u want to killl the directer! ok the ending to this anime is so depressing that they even warn you in like the 10th episode that if u like anime series to end happily then stop here and pretend that there are no more episodes....but really any Saikano fan would go on rite...like a warning is gonna stop them. i mean what was teh director thinkin in the end [spoiler] chise kills of the entire world and the only one left is shuji then he has like flashback memories about her or somethin, but the point is hes still alone in the world[/spoiler] ahhhh wat kind of an endin is that!!! :cussing: i suggest that if ur goin to watch this series that you should watch it with a friend it makes the ending less devistating when u have someone to discuss it with afterwards!! take it from someone who watched it alone... :) [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Welcome to OtakuBoards, vash-san. Please, please watch your spelling. As part of OB's rules, we ask people not to use abbreviations wherever possible. Post quality is very important here. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  11. hey, ArunueShekamari, i really appreaciate it. there really great but im not sure thats wat im lookin for thought......thanks anyways! :)
  12. hey could someone plez make me a fushigi yuugi banner...i would perfer it if it didn't have my name on it ....ummmmm..u can put watever u want want on it just as long as it has tamahome on it... if u want u can put just tamahome on it... i also need a fushigi yuugi avartar same requirements as before.... i need the banner first thought ... thanks
  13. i watched Princess Mononoke a couple weeks ago in art class and again at home and it was ok i guess... it had a great sotryline however!!! After watching the movie though i caouldn't figure out why they had named it Princess Mononoke!! if im not mistaken wasn't Sawn also called Princess Mononoke or somethin like that?? What i realized is that it had nothing to do with Princess Mononoke the entire story was based on Asitaka's quest to cure himself so why did they name it Princess Mononoke if it had nothing to do with her???
  14. I'm almost 100% sure that the anime and the manga are the same.. I suggest that you read the manga first before watching the anime, but if your short on money then go straight to the anime!! If you enjoy that anime then i suggest that you get the movies.. I think that there are two out currently in english but i might be mistaken. They go under the name "The Love That Transcends Time" and "Castle Beyond the Looking Glass." The third movie just came out in Japan last winter so it might be awhile before its dubbed or even subbed!!! To answer your second question i suggest that you shouldn't even buy the manga, unless of course the tv station that provides you with inuyasha air the episodes at an incredably slow pace or they just neglect to play new ones. I think it much better to watch the anime plus the english voices are awesome especally inuyasha's played by Richard Cox. They sounded exactly like i expected them too!! Well those are my suggestions i hope they help you! :)
  15. i recently finished the series and i found it to be very good.... i loved the storyline but i thought the animation was done terriblely. I felt that the characters lacked detail they were poorly drawn compared to other animes ive seen...what do u guys think??? Oh ya another thing i wanna add... whats with the warning you get in the 10 episode about the happy ending and how if you want animes to end happily then stop here!! In the end its not really that depressing, i was totally preparing my self for the worst but it surprised me how undepressing the ending was its still a great series however!!
  16. thats a good drawing and it does look like Chi but i have to agree with saiyanprincessx the eyes bother me too.. it looks like she has no pupils and shes kinda starin into space... i not really sure though!! great drawin however
  17. can sumone plez make me trigun banner. i really have no requirements just sumthing that had vash and wolfwodd on if u can :) btw could u plez not put my name on it i would prefer that but if u really really want to then go for it :D
  18. hey guys im new to this whole anime thing and i was just wondering what u guys suggest in terms of "good" series. i seem to enjoy those kinds of action/romantic/comedy series. I've read rurouni kenshin (entire series) inuyasha(1-26) and fushigi yuugi (1-10).Plez help me!!! :D
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