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Everything posted by burningwater101

  1. [quote name='Elk']I started watching anime when i was about 10 or something and it was only DBZ and pokemon and (no offence to anyone) stupid stuff like that. My brother started watching anime when he was 4 and not the crappy stuff I watched! I think the first anime he saw was Inuyasha, then Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, FLCL, Blue Gender, and every thing that's every been on Adult Swim and Toonami, he's also lerning how to read through Manga. (He's 5 yars old.)[/quote]i'm not sure of exactly how old i was but probably around when i was ten or maybe even b4 that. i have vague memories of seeing stuff like sailor moon and tenchi muyo when i was younger and i'm thing that it was probably when i was between the ages of 5 and 10. [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Welcome to OtakuBoards, burningwater101. While your post quality is okay here, please make sure that it doesn't get any worse- copious use of abbreviations are against the rules at OB, and we do encourage members to use proper punctuation, spelling and grammar where possible. For further information, please take a look at the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?]Rules[/URL] page. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  2. i didn't want to be either, a cowboy or a pirate... i didn't really know what i wanted to be, i'm very indecisive...i still don't know what i want to be...
  3. [QUOTE=DarkOtakuBoy]The truth is, you never REALLY forget someone you care about. Time IS the best cure, but even years later when you think of that person, some of the old feelings [I]will [/I] come back in almost a shadow of what things used to be like. I went through a HORRIBLE breakup a few years back, and I mean it almost wrecked me. But what helped the most for me, is healthy venting. Writing poetry, taking up new hobbies. I got fully emerged in Ancient History and Philosophy, because it kinda protected me from the pain. A lot of people say (and told me) that a distraction only hurts you in the long run, but I had [I]so [/I] much help with healthy distractions, until enough time passed where I said to myself, "damn...I really just dont care anymore. Its not an emotional feeling, just an old memory by now." I dont know if that works for everyone. I just know it helped me cope.[/QUOTE] yeah, what you said. thats the way i get over things like that, but i'm not great with putting my thoughts into words or i would've said something similiar in my reply...
  4. i used to have that problem but i got over it within a couple weeks, ks, well maybe not completely over it....but over it for the most part. just try not to think of the person, think more of what you still have rather than what you have lost, try to be a little optomistic.
  5. i havn't been here in a while either, not since some time last year. i had forgotten i had an account here up until i saw the link to this site in my favorites list about 10 minutes ago... so i'm not sure if i know you or not (most likely not) but hi anyways.
  6. any other ways to submit fanart besides with a scanner?
  7. is it impossible to submit fanart without a scanner? any other ways, 'cause my scanner ain't hooked up yet and not goin' to be hooked up for a while. :sleep:
  8. is it impossible to submit fanart here without a scanner? is that like the only way? :sleep:
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