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Everything posted by Balmon

  1. he again reconsidered the fact that Dane had died only moments earlier. DW quickly reverse nelsoned Chibi, who landed face first at the entrance to the Empire State Building. DW laughed and said...
  2. like all great cartoons, and not so great ones, a variety of picnic materials came flying out. In a moment of sheer madness, DW grabbed hold of a whole chicken that was coming out of the parachute pack and...
  3. took of hat, which had appeared out of nowhere, to reveal a loonie that had embedded itself into his head. Dane promptly fell dead. DW screamed...
  4. kill Bill Cosby! What happened to our magic Summon Sphere for George Carlin??!! What did you do with it?" Dragon Warrior winked several hundred times, and finally reached into his pants and pulled out...
  5. HAHAHAHA. I see ;) Very slick. Well, try to keep your hands to yourself... and not for too long either. Phil
  6. dress in his mother's sequin dress and do the macarena! As he did, the mountain of loonies magically turned into...
  7. is 18 the huge birthday for philipinos? Or is that the 20th? Phil
  8. motorized-flying amphibious carnivorous...
  9. well, Dane wished for a million dollars and was crushed under the weight of a million loonies (that's Canadian for all you non-canucks out there). DW immediately cried out...
  10. [quote name='Z fighter]I live in england, and I basically love anything that's [U]physicaly[/U'] extreme. I dont like music or reading or any of that boring stuff. I am not a fat pig who stuffs his face with crisps in front of the telly all day, like most english people. I am different. I am not english, I come from Bulgaria, I speak english, russian, bulgarian, and french very well, and I know how to speak latin and german and spanish (not very well). And when I get really angry, I cant feel pain. :demon:[/quote] Would it have KILLED you to have added something that was remotely serious? I mean... it was funny and all... but all I know for certain, is that I am the only human being on Earth who can get angry and not feel pain. Phil
  11. Name: Kwung Yei Sung Age: 37 Gender: Male Group: Miyotji Ninjas Rank in Group: Loyal friend and right-hand man to Sorashima Fighting Style: Shaolin Hung Ga Weapons: Bare-handed ? The oldest art of fighting in China, Hung Ga revolves around five animals; the tiger, crane, leopard, snake, and dragon. Each animal has its on characteristics, based upon its qualities and importance to the human body. Bo ? ?Unlabored Flawlessness?* - The most famous Bo of Asian history, a weapon so imbued with essence it can shatter weapons of metal. Passed down along Sung?s mother?s family line, it was given to him when she passed away. Abilities: Ki projection ? Being so in touch with the unceasing energy of the universe, known as ?Ki?, Sung has mastered the ability to increase the output of his Ki, basically creating an additional shell around him which increases his resistance to physical and mental attacks, as well as extending his range and power. He can effectively attack someone who is seemingly beyond his reach. Animal Adaptation ? More innately attached to his fighting style, whichever animal he adopts, he benefits from the strengths of that particular being. Tiger = Power, Strength and courage Crane = Agility and watchfulness Leopard = Speed Dragon = Spiritual control and skill Snake = Internal strength and power Animal Summon - When required, can summon those same creatures to battle along his side - the more he summons, the more Ki required, and the stronger the after-shock. Description: Sung is about 5?11?, at about 150 lbs. His lean frame belies an incredible amount of strength. He wears a traditional Chinese hat, and traditional Chinese garments. Despite attempts by his friend Sorashima to switch to traditional Japanese garments, as he has been a resident of Japan for many years, Sung holds strong to his own identity. [URL=http://beifan.com/shaolin-monk/059album03/sxd-minera-20.jpg]See him HERE, oddly, without those above-mentioned garments.[/URL] Personality: A learned scholar and fighter, Sung is a man dedicated to peace. He is very kind, though not to the point of being gullible, and is always willing to lend a hand. However, he has no patience for wrong-doing of any sort. He will go out of his way to eliminate any evil around him. This is a man who cannot be swayed by any means to partake in any vice ? including drinking. This is the one trait of Sung?s that Sorashima has practically dedicated his life to changing. Bio: A native of rural China, Sung was born into a family of accomplished martial artists, his mother being the most renowned. Of course, this was an extremely opposing take on the role of women in his time, so he has grown up with strong values regarding the equality of women. Spending much of his younger years studying with his mother and father in the martial arts, and other mentors for the academics, Sung never saw much of the world. So, when his parents felt it was time for Sung to go, they sent him off on his own with no destination in mind. After many years of traveling along China?s coast, Sung eventually made his way to Japan ? he had heard about a Japanese martial arts expo taking place there, the first of its kind.. It was there that he met Sorashima, and where a friendship was quickly formed. The two found they had very similar upbringings, with very similar values. While Sorashima is definitely the much more spontaneous of the two, he is well-balanced with his Chinese counterpart, a much more sensible and rational man. With his friend Sorashima, along with the other Miyotji Ninjas, they take up causes they feel are just and ask no reward? though known for their courage and steadfast beliefs in peace, they are nonetheless well supported by the citizens of Japan.
  12. When I read about the Lucky 7s, I didn't believe it.... but when I was SO desperate to kill Emerald that I tried it... I couldn't stop laughing. It was PLAIN ridiculous. I thought it was just some stupid joke among FFVII players. Phil
  13. That is actually a lot of help - I've been freaking out everytime. I'll try that next time. Jam is the karate chicky right? If it is, I TOTALLY agree. Out of all the characters in that game, beside Zappa, I have THE most fun with the karate girl. She's the one that screams something everytime she does a move, right? I actually HATE playing fighting games on consoles - I believe they begin, and should stay, at the Arcade. Thanks so much for the help - I'll keep thinking about my questions..... good to know there's someone out there who KNOWS. Phil
  14. OK - I saw a thread on here earlier about GGX2, and got very excited. But then I realized the guy who started it wasn't really intending on holding a particularly engrossing conversation about it, so I decided to start this. I got into the game several months ago, and was immediately intrigued by the utter craziness of it. I've played it several times since, and while I consider myself relatively adept at it, I STILL don't understand many of the crazy animations and commands available to the characters. What I would like to know RIGHT now, before anybody gives an input about the game, is how the HELL are you supposed to be beat the guitar chicky in that level close to the end? She has this particular move which takes about 5 seconds to charge up, and then she unleashes a flurry of... stuff... which basically kills you even if you manage to block it. HOW DO YOU STOP IT??!?! I always enjoy the game up until that point... and then I throw my hands in disgust and walk away. Any tips? F.Y.I., one of my favorite characters is Zappa - the guy who appears to be possessed by this mother of a ghost. The sheer (seemingly) randomness of his attacks provide enough mental stimulation for me to enjoy the game. The animations in this game are extremely nice, if quite cartoony, and gameplay is fascinatingly bizarre. Any thoughts on any of the above?
  15. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I can't believe this kuja guy. Let me say for the record, in my humble opinion, his command of the English language left much to be desired. Nevermind the business of his punctuation, or lack thereof, but, WHAT ABOUT THE SYNTAX? THE SYNTAX???? His prose reads like a horrible imitation of a James Joyce novel... my god... that man had definite issues. That was one of the FUNNIEST things I have read to date on this website. Thank you for providing the necessary links. Phil
  16. I get nervous if a clown is in the same room with me. I don't care how friendly they may act, how many colourful flowers they pull out of their... jacket... or what cutesy animals they can bend out of balloons. If a clown were to surprise me, I'd probably punch it in the face and RUN. Though I never actually saw It, I did hear many scary things about the movie. I like to think I'm just too busy to watch it... I'm just too damn scared. As far as claustrophobia goes... I'm perfectly fine in tight, confined spaces by myself, but I get very uncomfortable in extremely tight crowds of people. If I'm in a club, or if I'm drunk :), then it doesn't really occur to me. But whenever it seems like I'm in a crowd that's getting swept up in some sort of "crowd mentality", I get nervous. Could you imagine me sober in a crowd of clowns? Phil
  17. Yeah - I actually did hate the old house design. Manic, you were right on about those things.... except PERHAPS about the disappearance of Aunt Viv. As I understood it, she was a... nasty female dog on set, and no one really got along well with her... especially (GUESS WHO!??!?!)... that's right, the star of the show: WILL SMITH. I think they just felt it was an opportune time to let Viv go - also, for the record, I totally preferred the new Viv. Sure, as Manic says, there are some MAJOR inconsistencies (magic age-defying baby, etc.), but, what's the good of having a baby that can't do anything worthwhile on set? It would have been another prop - a whiny, set-disturbing, prop. That's all. Don't get me wrong, I like babies, but not on my T.V. shows. :) Phil
  18. Dunno' if anyone has mentioned it yet... and while I've read many of the posts... I don't remember seeing it: Ghost in the Shell: StandAlone Complex Episodes. My god - the score for those babies are fantastic! The music is intertwined with the visuals so spectacularly well - it only helps to draw you in to the events unfolding before you. Phil
  19. I found my way to OB a few short weeks ago. I was desperate in my search for the name of a song from a GitS StandAlone Complex episode, and searched for message boards on Google. I came upon this one, and found some old threads with people talking about GitS. I sorta' threw in some inconsequential comment about it, and tossed out my question. I did a similar thing to another thread - and that time, it was even less relevant. I checked back several times over the span of a day, and imagine my shock when I found a Mod (Dagger) had not only attempted to answer my question, but had also chastised me for posting so carelessly! I was amazed, to say the least. I didn't think there was a messageboard out there where anyone actually cared to moderate. From that moment, utterly impressed by that first incident, I began exploring the site further. Since then, I've quickly bonded with the site, trying my hand at my first RPG, and meeting some really great people on here! I'm continually amazed by the quality of posts, the creativity of the people here, and the respect that everyone has for OB in general. So - here's to many more fun times with OB! Cheers Phil
  20. Terra - why would you start this and then disappear for days? I'm confused. :) Phil
  21. Personally - anytime that shows comes on - except for the REALLY REALLY REALLY old ones where everything Will wears is flourescent - I stop what I'm doing and watch it. I mean, Carlton's dancing, Hilary's flakiness, Ashley's.... hotness..., all that rolled into one neat packages. One of the greatest shows. Phil
  22. My favorite FF character(s) would HAVE to be the Magus Sisters from FFX. I know, I know, to all you naysayers out there, while they aren't actually essential storyline characters, you CAN play as them after you've summoned them. When I first read about them, before I realized they were bugs, I thought they would be these dark, mystical, sisters of destruction. But when the bugs appeared, I just about killed myself laughing. I mean, how bloody random! But the Magus Sisters, plus Yojimbo, make up my favorite FF characters. Phil
  23. Is there anyway to catch the new season of the Ghost in the Shell: StandAlone Complex episodes? Phil
  24. Balmon

    O Fortuna

    O Fortuna ? ?O Fortune?? [U]Fas[/U] Emanil ? Southwestern village of Yumin A dead silence greeted the knights. It was utterly unnatural. There was an absence of life in the air that they could almost feel, a stillness that was? aware. The knights dismounted as soon as their horses entered the perimeter of the village from the edge of the forest; there was no room for the horses to move around in the village without crushing a body under hoof. Fas withdrew his blade from its scabbard and proceeded into the village. Galfrid glanced at the other knights, he then slid his axe from its sling and followed close behind. Not a word was exchanged as the group all drew their weapons and stalked into the slaughter ground. Most of the homes had been torched, some obviously with their occupants still inside. Fas entered a few of the burnt-out shells and found nothing but a few charred corpses. The majority of the villagers had been dealt with outside on the village grounds. As they paused outside one of the homes that Fas entered, Galfrid turned a corpse over with his axe. ?Typical wounds. Swords? though fairly dull ones judging from the uneven cut on this body.? As he moved past the body, Radulph reached out with his blade and turned the body back onto its stomach. Galfrid looked at him inquiringly. ?Until we have time to deal properly with their bodies? let us leave them as they were.? Radulph made a quick sign of the cross and looked back at Galfrid, who nodded. None of the other knights noticed the interaction, or inspected the corpse any further. They moved on when Fas exited the home. The group eventually made it to the village center, which had a relatively large fountain as its centerpiece. The water was as red as the blood splashed all over the village. Fas walked up to it and thrust his hand into the fountain. When he withdrew his fist, it was clutching a sopping wet piece of garment. ?Someone will remove these bodies from this fountain,? he growled. One of the knights immediately stepped forward and began fishing out the corpses from below the water surface. Obviously straining at the weight of the water-soaked bodies, the knight began laying them down on the dirt right next to the fountain. The shock of these horrors prevented anyone else from saying anything at all. They eventually found, who they presumed to be, the leader of the village. He had been dispatched in the same manner as everyone else. When he was certain there were no other living beings in the village, Fas instructed the four accompanying knights to gather the men in the forest and regroup outside by the hill. As soon as they were beyond earshot, Fas spoke to his two companions as he continued surveying the chaos. ?Radulph, Galfrid, your thoughts?? Fas inquired. ?No birds, no scavengers of any sort. There should surely be wildlife in the forest surrounding this village,? Radulph said. ?No weapons anywhere. It doesn?t even look like the villagers put up a fight,? Galfrid offered, scratching his head. Fas continued looking around as the two spoke. Radulph coughed. ?Fas, milord, what do you think?? Fas? eyes finally focused on Radulph. ?Nothing about this seems right at all, sir. This is completely unnatural.? ?You?re right? both of you. Nothing here seems right at all,? Fas said. Radulph then walked over to a clump of bodies, many of them women. ?Galfrid and I knew you probably didn?t want any of the others to notice these things,? he grasped a female arm by the hand and showed the palm to Fas, ?There are no defensive wounds whatsoever. We first noticed it on a body that Galfrid had turned over to inspect. None of the bodies we passed had any defensive wounds, there is no skin under any of their fingernails, nothing. These people truly did not fight back. This is totally unnatural?? Radulph released the hand, letting it fall on the bloody ground. Fas removed his helmet and looked up at the sun shining over the whole of Emanil. He slid his sword back into its scabbard and wiped his brow. He placed his helmet back on his head. ?Let us go return to Raynald Castle. The Queen is waiting for us.? [U]Sascha and Siaga[/U] Gunvyle ? Bourchier Castle ? Throne Room ?? two more reports of small riots in the southwestern, milord,? Grefik said. It was that time of day again where he reported to King Bourchier of the latest upheaval in the kingdom. ?We?ve already dispatched a battalion of knights to quell that, sire.? ?How long must we keep battling our own citizens, Grefik?? Bourchier asked, ?Why had those shipments of grain not reached the Mandorens?? ?I?m sorry, sire. There had been a mix-up in the orders and it has been delayed by a couple of days?? ?Obviously, days too late, Grefik!? he suddenly shouted. He quickly regained his composure, ?Send that shipment of grain along with a small contingent of knights, and under no circumstances will our knights harm our own people.? The Royal Administrator bowed, ?Yes, sire. I?m sorry for the mix-up. I will make the necessary arrangements.? ?Is there anything else?? The King was obviously tired of bad news. ?No, sire. That is all.? Bourchier waved him away. Grefik bowed again and stalked out of the throne room. ?Sire, I would?ve thought you had more patience than that,? spoke a young woman sitting off by the window. She gave a short laugh. You?ve embarrassed poor Grefik, Bourchier.? ?He?ll be fine. He takes me too lightly sometimes? I need to remind him that I am the King.? ?I think he remembers now, sire,? she laughed again. ?Come here, Claudette,? the King beckoned. She glanced once more out through the window at the sky, then turned and walked over to the throne. He looked directly into her eyes as she approached him. ?What is going on here, Claudette? This is the third week of this madness.? ?I wish I had an answer, milord. I have been trying to Foretell what I can, but as I?ve said, things are extremely unclear. I?ve been trying to collaborate with the Alchem-Scholars here, but you know how they all feel about me?. I?m sorry I haven?t been much help? the most I can do now is continue helping the farm lands surrounding the castle, sire. I wish I could do more?? ?It?s alright, Claudette. Your gifts are helping to feed the rest of our kingdom.? ?It?s of no consequence though, sire. If I don?t find out what is happening soon, you will soon be overrun by a massive upheaval,? her eyes spoke with absolute knowledge of that fact. ?Do not speak of such things, Claudette? we will find out what is happening here before that happens.? Bourchier did not speak with the same confidence. A servant knocked on the massive throne room doors. He entered and announced, ?The Royal Alchem?? before he had finished announcing the entire title, a female strode past him and entered the throne room? ****** Gunvyle ? Bourchier Castle ? Dungeon (2nd sub-floor) ?Shut up all of you? and get back!? the jailer bellowed at the prisoners as he walked to the cells, throwing stale bread and some?. something liquid in a bowl. His commands could barely be heard over the din of the prisoners. This daily ritual of dinner was starting to bore Rutlin. He had only been down in the Gunvyle jails for a little less than a week, and the local crowd was starting to bore him as well. Except for that one fellow and his two friends. They seemed like an interesting lot. They were there before Rutlin entered the scene, and were still very much a part of the festivities down in the dungeons? except they refused to clamor for the food like everyone else ? every night, they would sit or stand stoically, watching everyone else fight for their meal. Pulling himself up from the floor, Rutlin walked over to the shortest of the three, a boy with a mole on his face. ?So, not taking part in the fun tonight?? [U]Tobi[/U] Gunvyle ? City of Corvira The sun had just set beneath the horizon, and the townspeople immediately began gathering in the droves at the city square. Lancio greeted each person as he squeezed his way to the fountain. Ganteo gave him an extremely hard look. ?Did you find him? Where was he, in the arms of another whore?? ?If only, then at least we?d know he made it into town,? said Lancio as he readjusted his scabbard. ?The gatekeepers couldn?t remember one way or another if he had made his way in, and none of our watchkeepers saw him come.? ?That ass. These people are gathering to hear a speech tonight, and if we don?t give them something, they might as well rebel against US.? Ganteo spat in disgust directly into the fountain. He watched it sink under the attack of the water spouting out from above. He looked at the crowd amassing under moonlight, most unable to even purchase the mullein to make torches. This realization only added to his temper. ?You will make the speech. And you will convince these people that our course of action is the ONLY course of action available to them now. If you fail tonight, these people will die soon enough.? Lancio gulped, ?Yes?. Sir. I will make the speech? but are you sure you wouldn?t rather...? ?I said, you will make the speech. I am going to Gunvyle City to find that ass, and if I find him there, I will flay him alive,? and with that, Ganteo jumped off of the fountain and made his way through the crowd. Lancio swallowed again as he saw his last support leave into the night. The people watched as Ganteo stalked out, and then they all turned back to Lancio. ?Fair evening, all?.? ?Why have you asked us out here?? shouted an audience member. As with most crowds, many people immediately grumbled their similar questions. Lancio could not remember the last time he had made a public speech, but felt compelled to not let the Reclamation down. ?When I last saw you today, Yuvemin, you didn?t look all that occupied with much besides drinking? I think the least you can do is listen while I give you a reason to live.? The first man that interrupted instantly shut up. Lancio amazed himself with his tenacity. ?All of you, Yuvemin is not the only one here that has lost most of what he had to this problem. This aberrant weather, the destruction of our crops and homes to these forces of nature, and the subsequent lack of aid from our King, has caused most of us to give up. When I look at all of you tonight, none of you are Living, you are all Dying. Where has the fire gone from your eyes that once burned bright enough to light this square? I can answer that ? it has diminished with each passing day that we receive no word from the King. "It has been months now since any of you have even bothered to raise a hand against this suffering! What has happened to the people of Corvira? ?To the end, till the last breath? is what we live by? but you have all forgotten that!? The people around the square shifted nervously, looking extremely uncomfortable, a sudden contrast to their moods a moment before. A man shouted out, ?Bourchier has never let us down before ? he has helped us in our time of need before, he will do so again! How can one man attempt to battle these powers beyond our control? We can do no more than he, that I know, and we can do no more but wait for Bourchier to help us again!? Many people cheered to this little rallying cry for the King. Lancio spat openly into the pool of water, as Ganteo had done. ?How long will you wait, Palmin? Till your children have fallen to the sickness? till your wife has withered away to nothing? How long will you risk waiting for our King? He doesn?t understand our plight! He sits on his throne, oblivious to our suffering. He may be sending our food and supplies to some regions, but these are token gifts ? meant to pacify!? the people began muttering their assent. ?Think not of our King, as ?kind? as he may have been, but think of our Kingdom. and the people that surround you, what THEY have done for you, and then think of this man who controls the wealth of these lands, and refuses to distribute it to those who need it,? The mutterings of the crowd had grown to a full-blown growl. ?If he is to know the true suffering of the people, he must see it for himself? we have rallied support from hundreds of other villages, towns, and cities, and soon, not yet, we WILL march to Bourchier?s Castle. We will show him our suffering, and if he still refuses to aid us, we will show him what suffering is like?? His voice was drowned out as waves of people cheered and cheered. ?Give us a couple of days while we finalize our plans, and when it is time, you will know by the torches that will light the night!? More cheering, more cries of approval from the crowd. ?If only Cap had made the trip down here from Gunvyle City, he would?ve been so proud of me?? thought Lancio. Though no torches were lit tonight, the square was alight with the flames of a thousand eyes. Gunvyle ? City of Gunvyle ? The Boar?s Head Inn & Tavern The sounds of chairs being stacked on tables could be heard from the rooms above the tavern. Quaril, the merchant, however, could hear only more noises from the room adjacent to his. The incessant giggling in a female voice, followed by manly laughter, had been plaguing his sleep for the past hour. Nevermind that the tavern had closed LONG after night had set in, these two refused to shut up. He had attempted banging on the wall through which the sound leaked, but the happy couple would only return his hammering by beating THEIR fists against the wall in a similar fashion. If he was going to make it in a timely manner to the Castle tomorrow to sell his wares, he would HAVE to get sleep tonight. After trying to sleep for another half an hour, he finally put on his spectacles, grabbed his oil lamp, and stomped out of his room. He knocked on their door once, then again, and finally a third series of knocks, when the laughing inside stopped. Satisfied, he turned to go back to his room, when a blade came piercing out into the hallway through the door, passing directly in front of his eyes. A large chunk of wood was hanging off of the end of the sword? this was the last fact Quaril remembered before passing out. Inside, more giggling, and a male voice that spilled out into the hallway saying? [U]Sir Mothias and the Czarina[/U] Tyberay ? Land of Baron Leviath The Baron was presumably found dead in his study by his servant, who was subsequently beheaded by the same assailants. The Baron himself had been strangled with a piece of wire, possibly like that found on farms, but also like wires found anywhere in Tyberay, and also had been run through for good measure. From there, it seemed the culprits, in no particular order, slaughtered the Baron?s children as they slept above Leviath?s study. His wife, it seemed, had just stepped into the bath when an attacker came in through the second floor window. She had been dispatched in a matter of seconds. Her bloated body had been found last in the house. Not a single soul had been left alive on his lands. The Inquisitors had been sent as soon as word of the massacre reached Walgrave Castle. They reached his lands by nightfall to find the corpses. They found the house completely ransacked, though all jewelry, and Baroness Leviath had enough to take a bath in, and priceless artifacts were left alone. Their reports stated that fact, along with two observations: the first, that these people were clearly under orders to remove the entire family, and secondly, that they were instructed to find something. They mentioned again, though, that they couldn?t find identify any items that may have been removed from the Baron?s home. Tyberay ? Road to the Land of Baron Leviath ? The Private Carriage of Duchess Guinivere ?Everyone KNEW that the Baron was the leader of a movement. It was not a secret, and if anyone considered it so, they would think it an absolutely poorly kept secret,? the Duchess adjusted her tiara as the carriage hit a bump on the highway. ?These people were obviously after plans, writings, anything that could identify other parties to the movement, those sympathetic to the cause of the Lower Royals. I will not know certain what his death means to the cause, but I do know for certain that this is only the beginning of the bloodshed." "I can?t say who would have ordered this, though I obviously have ideas. I will remain relatively unsure until we have seen the death scene for ourselves? why are you so quiet, my knight?? Tyberay ? Castle Walgrave ? Throne Room The Queen sat stoically as she considered the news she had just received. This messenger had not brought any good news, though no news could be worse than the death of the Baron. Though they obviously had differing ideas and opinions, there had never been any violence whatsoever during their disagreements. They had reached an absolutely deadlock in their talks, and though it seemed impossible to resolve the issues, she was still open to discussing it with him. And now this? The message was right. Nothing about the death made much sense at all. The message was extremely clear, but left only more doubts regarding the entire situation. The messenger waited patiently while the Queen deliberated mentally. He wasn?t even aware of the import of his message: ?Have you wondered at all how the news reached your castle in such a timely manner?? The messenger, Haiovi, had been promised 50 silvers for delivering the message, from another woman who had been paid to find a messenger. He had done enough of these deliveries to know to never ask any questions. The queen, possibly only now remembering that he was still there, dismissed him from her throne room with her thanks. The message made many implications. As the Inquisitors had mentioned in their report, all residents of the home had been murdered during the dawning of the day. Who then could have reported the attack? No one had come forward yet, and it was probable that no one ever would. Perhaps it was just a servant that the attackers had missed? but she would have been informed of such a survivor? and no person could have made it so quickly to the Castle to have reported the attack. The command for the Inquisitors could have come from any number of people in the castle, and they could have been commanded by anybody else. There had never been a need for diligent tracking of such events. But now this blurred line of responsibility has only blurred the only tracks to an answer. Tyberay ? Castle Walgrave ? Side Gate Entrance The messenger was finally led out of the castle by a guard, through the maze-like hallways of the Castle, a short walk through the inner and outer courtyards, and finally out the gate. The gates were shut behind him before Haiovi could even mutter a ?thanks?. He was now free to spend his silvers? and what a night this would be! He was singing to himself as he walked through the City of Tyberay, the sounds of rowdy taverns and off-tune choruses spilling out into the night. As he walked past an alleyway, a hand shot out and grabbed his tunic. He was jerked into the dark alley, and he was suddenly fearful for his life. He had barely a chance to grab his dagger when another hand held his arm in place. Terrified, he turned his head to look at the face of the attacker? and it was the woman who had hired him. He remembered seeing the sword staff by her side when he had hired her, and grimaced at the thought of that monstrosity running through his heart? but it never came. He felt her take his knife and toss it further down the alleyway, and heard her say? [U]Lady Cathryn and Skythar[/U] Elys ? Castle Peryson ? Study of the Royal Alchemists Daylight had long faded through the towering windows of the study, but candelight kept the two men and the one woman working furiously. ?Have we tried mixing the Reetsbarn root with the two previous??? asked the one male, Frodmir ?We?ve tried that already, plus every other variation with those two plants. Let?s start over with something else,? said the other man, Ingmar. The two began disposing of all the tests and grinding new herbs. Their objective was clear, though nothing could have been more difficult. They were to find a cure for an illness that no one could explain; an illness that, at any moment, could take their King. It was not uncommon in history for the Alchemists to be at their greatest need when Royalty was on the verge of passing, but generally, most Alchemists didn?t have the same urgency as these ones did. An heir, a ruler to take the Crown & Staff when the King died, seemed as unlikely as a cure for the King. For one reason or another, King Peryson had remained utterly quiet about any such heir, if he had even the mind anymore to make such a decision. That could not be determined to any particular degree, and so, the task fell upon the Alchemists to stall the death the moved implacably to claim Peryson?s life. Perhaps, with more time, he would name an heir, and settle the matter for certain. At this current stage, it seemed as though every man in the Kingdom was prepared to snatch the Crown & Staff the moment the King?s heart stopped beating. Ingmar stopped grinding as he considered the Alchemist that had not said a word the entire evening, but had done every task so far with a fury to match the Devil?s. She was young, that was for certain, but if rumours were true, was far more capable than both Frodmir and himself put together. Though, her almost fanatical work ethic had Ingmar a tad worried. He put down the mortar & pestle and walked over to her. Her table had numerous volumes of herbal remedies and cures piled together in a most haphazard fashion, and a plethora of roots, plant leaves, powders and animal parts littered the same space. He began to tell her to take a break when she suddenly interrupted him? Elys ? Castle Peryson ? Dungeons (3rd sub-floor) The 3rd floor dungeons held men far too dangerous to even themselves. These were the madmen, the utterly ruthless, the damned. Rarely were they let out of their cells, and if they are, no fewer than five Royal Guards are set on them. ?One-Split, you there?? inquired a deep voice from one of the cells. ?What do you want, Rutledge?? replied another voice. ?He said he was coming tonight, right?? ?Keep track of your own fucking dates,? growled back One-Split. One-Split referred to the hideous weapon he had used on the outside, a blade so sharp it could split a man from head to toe in a single slice. ?Hey, whoreson,? that was an actual fact, ?he has an interesting offer for us. Before you fire off your fucking trap again, this time, listen to what he has to say. He?s obviously patient, and so far, each time you?ve opened your bloody mouth, he?s left?? he trailed off as he saw a guard making the rounds. A small group of footmen guarded the entranceway to the prison, and so far tonight, little had passed between them besides money. Another evening of a friendly game of dice? though from the look of things so far, the friendly game could quickly turn not so friendly. ?I win again! I can?t believe my luck!? shouted Warrean. It was actually his 5th take tonight, out of 7 rounds of rolling. The 6 other guards watched in disbelief as three guards lost their bets to Warrean again. ?This is unbelievable! I?ve never won anything like this in my life!? No one really liked Warrean all that much. Frankly, if they had to sacrifice a guard to the monsters in the cells, Warrean would be their first pick. Losing to him was worse than losing to their own sisters. They were about to start another round when they heard footsteps coming down. They all quickly placed their hands on the hilts of their swords and lined the walls of the entranceway? [U]Lucas[/U] Emanil ? City of Emanil ? Outisde the Blacksmith?s Shop The four men were obviously looking for trouble. They had spent the afternoon drinking themselves silly, and were wreaking havoc on the residences of Emanil. They tossed loose bricks through windows, overturned statues, and were a general disturbance to the otherwise peaceful cityfolk. A small detachment of footmen had been sent to apprehend them, but they seemed fairly well-versed in the art of dodging and eluding their grasp, and have been playing tag for the past two hours. The energy of these young men seemed inexhaustible, while this particular group of footmen verged on collective middle age. They were also not beyond fighting with those who tried to stop them, citizens trying to uphold the peace. A trail of bloodied noses and dagger wounds followed the misfits. The four, after splitting up, happened to meet up again in another part of town. Martkets and shops crowded the streets? the perfect place for more fun. They began tearing canvases down, overturning tables, and ruining the wares of many a merchant. That?s when they happened to run by the Blacksmith?s shop. A young girl suddenly stepped in front of them and yelled, ?STOP!? the men were so shocked by the sight of this little girl, they simultaneously broke out in laughter and stopped running. The girl continued, ?Stop right where you are! I am invoking the right of Citizen?s Peace and placing all of you under arrest! You are ruining all of these people?s things, and you should be punished!? The leader of the men stepped forward and bent down to put him face to face with the girl, ?Listen little girl, get out of our way, and we won?t have to hurt you,? and he placed a hand on her head, and shoved her to the ground. As she started crying, the leader turned around to laugh with his friends. That?s when he felt the smithy?s hammer shatter his right shoulder? [U]Elayne, Jerrico and Ammon[/U] Elys ?The Roost Tavern The crowd cheered as the woman continued her dance. She had begun only a short while ago, but the tavern quickly filled up as word passed around Elys City. There was only one word to describe it, Seductive. There was only the slightest film of fabric that separated the hungry gazes of the men and the dancer. The band played a gypsy-tune to accompany her dance, which had spontaneous broken out. One moment, she had been drinking with a male companion, and suddenly, she was up on the tables. She had absolutely every male patron mesmerized. Except for her companion. He had been sitting at the same table, studying everyone else besides her. After waiting a little longer, when he was certain everyone was focused on her, Aleyn began walking amongst the men in the crowd. One by one, he slit their money pouches and deposited the coins quietly in his many compartments. The odd patron had some jewelry worth his interest, and he borrowed those as well. When he had finally finished his route, he performed his last action: he shoved the nearest man he could find into the largest man in the crowd. He narrowly dodged a swipe from someone?s dagger as he slipped out, and smiled as he heard the fight break out. Outside, when his female companion finally joined him, he said, ?I cut, probably, eighty purses in there. I think we have enough for our vacation now,? he smirked. The female finished donning the rest of her clothes and replied? Tyberay ? Land of Duchess Guinivere ?There HAS to be something going on between Sir Mothias and the Duchess! Just look at the way he talks to her, it?s as though they were equals? while she is surely his superior,? exclaimed one servant. ?But it?s simply because they?ve known each other for so long? Sir Mothias is well aware of his position!? countered the other servant. ?Exactly? as her suitor. The way he speaks to her, it?s like a husband chiding his wife!? the two shared a laugh. ?If anyone chides in this relationship, Bismarc, it?s my job,? she said endearingly to her husband. The husband and wife had been in the service of the Duchess? family for as long as they could remember. As much as they gossiped, they both respected the family, as well as Sir Mothias, and could imagine no better patron. ?Where DID they run off to so quickly? All I remember is Sir Mothias receiving that messenger from Walgrave castle, the one from the Queen herself, and they were boarding their carriage in the next instant. The Duchess, too! That MUST be something serious,? she said with wide eyes. ?Wife, don?t worry, I?m sure it was just a small matter, nothing we have to be concerned about by any means,? and just as he said that, they heard a knock on the door. ?Now who would be coming to these lands at this time of night?? The two shuffled down to the main doors of the mansion and opened them to find a man so laughable, they could hardly contained themselves? though, as seasoned veterans of hospitality and etiquette, they did. The man was dressed in a rainbow of an outfit, with green armor, a blue tunic, and a bright red cape. This was clearly a man from another kingdom. He was also clearly drunk. They listened as he began to speak? Elys ? The Roost Tavern The fight had grown to uimaginable proportions. The men who had been so entranced before by the dancing, were now crying for blood. A few weapons larger than daggers had been unsheathed, and for one reason or another, this typical tavern brawl had turned bloodthirsty. The tavern owner quickly ushered the barmaids out through the back, and told them to run home ? the tavern was definitely finished for tonight. A few stayed nonetheless hoping to catch a glimpse of a particularly strong fighter to swoon over. The fight had crashed out onto the streets, and random bystanders were beginning to get involved as well. A misplaced punch, a chair thrown slightly off the mark, and eventually, people who were minding their own business were in the thick of things. The local night Guards had not been dispatched yet, as no one had bothered to report the disturbance yet, and frankly, the Guards really rather preferred letting these sort of matters resolve themselves. They would pick up and of the unconscious tomorrow and take care of them then. A group of four men managed to stay out of harm?s way throughout the fight, as they were situated deep within the back of the tavern. Not that they were too scared too fight, but unless provoked? well, they were discussing more important matters. That is, until a table leg found its way to their mugs of beer. As the liquid slopped all over their clothes, the man who had thrown the leg was laughing wildly. The tallest of the men wiped the mead off his face, but signaled for the other men to sit down. This was not a fight worth getting involved? just then he heard a female scream outside, not in mirth, but fear. The three other men simultaneously shot out of their chairs and threw themselves into the fray. The tall man slipped out through the back and found the barmaids who had been surveying the fight suddenly caught in a tug of war between some drunken bastards? he would protect the innocent?
  25. Balmon

    O Fortuna

    3:00 P.M. (EST) - It's UP NOW. [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=41036]Adventure Arena - O Fortuna[/URL] Phil Writers - I'll be sending all of you any more information you need to know before you post. Please take your sweet, sweet time posting. Also, I would like EVERYONE to post once - except for those who are away - before anyone posts again. After everyone here has posted, I will begin the chapter system. Thank you for your cooperation.
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