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Everything posted by Balmon

  1. There are fantastic battle scenes in this - I'm always cringing at the possibility of someone losing an arm, or a head, or whatever else, but it's always tastefully done. That girl (the daughter of... I'm allll confused about the plot now, but you all know who I mean) got on my nerves after awhile. She cries and cries, and then is all happy, and then cries and cries. BOO HOO, stop your whining and pick up a gun. Otherwise, I TOTALLY loved GunGraves character - so zombie-like sometimes, until he flies into action. As Dagger says, it would've been easy to make him out to be a standoffish, silent-just-because, type character... but the creators really made something else. The story, as someone said above, is definitely not complex at all, but it's definitely interesting and fun to follow. Great series. Worth buying for a home collection. Phil
  2. I mean... that's probably the number reason I stick around here.. besides the great posting and threads. Great admins and mods. Doing their jobs responsibly and well.
  3. Wow. They cleaned up fast. A+ for efficiency. I'm actually quite amazed. GO MODS! Phil What a useless post this was, eh? Sorry.
  4. Balmon

    Best Death

    Ghost in the Shell: StandAlone Complex My favorite Anime death to date... which isn't exactly... well.... [spoiler]When the last of the Tachikoma's sacrifice themselves to save Batou.... my God... what a tear-jerker....[/spoiler] :) Phil
  5. NO kidding... poor baby.... Does this happen often? I mean, this is my.... second week on here... and I haven't seen anything like this yet. Should I nuke their IP or something?
  6. Super, super, super pissed. Looks either like spam, or a bunch of kids bored out of their skulls. And it looks like Dagger has begun MODERATING. Don't blow a gasket, Dagger.
  7. [quote name='Heaven's Cloud']Why do people say things like this in a serious fashion? That is possibly the worst information you could ever get. I am a man and I am not simple minded. Actually, I would go as far to say that very few men I know are simple minded, especially when it comes to sex.[/quote] Because it is in fashion. Watched TV lately? Or maybe... gone to the movies? Welcome to the sexified generation. So much of it is THROWN at you from every possible angle, it's hard not to miss it. Regarding the simple-minded thing, you are in that general minority of men who isn't when it comes to sex. [quote name='Heaven's Cloud']That doesn?t mean that we don?t want to sleep with pretty much every pretty woman we see, we would like to. It is an inherent animal urge, plus, sex is really, really fun, and it becomes more fun the better you get at it. But most men that I know, and the vast majority of women, try to be fairly cautious. There are too many venereal diseases out there and no one wants to be the first person to contract the one where your penis explodes. [/quote] You know a smart bunch of people then. But walk into a high school, and grab the closest male you see, and ask him if he asked the last girl he slept with if she has a venereal disease. He'll probably look at you as if you're a venereal disease. Chances are excellent that was the LAST thing on his mind. [quote name='Heaven's Cloud'] Anyway, that small minority of people that will screw anything that moves tends to ruin sex for everyone. This is because they usually end up seducing more moral individuals while they are intoxicated and passing along there horrible germs. Yuck.[/quote] Agreed. Phil
  8. Chibi hit on a number of great points - but possibly missed a terribly important one: truth be told - many people just have large quantities of sex because they enjoy it. I mean, can anyone of you HONESTLY tell me what rushes can beat that of sex? And please, let's not get too esoteric here... I mean, I'm a musician, so I know the highs of art and what-have-you, but in the end, the Id (thanks a TON, Freud), coupled with biology (see HORNINESS) gets the better of some people, and they just can't help but want to get it. Weak? Sure. Human? Definitely. Stupid? Probably Simple, enough? I think so. Phil EDIT: I completely agree with the post below me.
  9. This sounds awesome - I read the thread and I love your idea. It allows for so much hilarity, and simultaneously, fun (cause one doesn't necessarily mean the other). :) Name: Yu Kan Kook Age: 89 Background: In the course of his amazing life, Kook has circumnaviated the globe.... almost ONCE! Actually... the only thing he has navigated (SO FAR) is his backyard, with its one japanese maple, those really loud annoying kids next door, and those garbage cans that keep overflowing. He enjoys long walks on the beach, though he's never been on one, and candle-lit dinners. He's also a big fan of Harry Potter books, and hopes to become a wizard some day. Description: See [URL=http://gzmp.dayoo.com/img/2003-09/28/xin_ab8a396f2a834e62ae11664cb848068f.JPG]here[/URL] Fighting Style: A generic mishmash of traditional Chinese martial arts, coupled with senility and general confusion. Hope this works! Phil
  10. YES YES YES YES YES YES YES IT IS. When you find a girl that enjoys videogames, you will cross the River Styx, climb to Mount Olympus, traverse the Gobi Desert, and battle Zeus himself, all to keep that girl. It's true. Phil
  11. TOTALIMMORTAL - Pick any MvC game, or X-Men vs game, and I'll wipe the floor with your corpse(s). :) One of my most glorious moments - Getting Yojimbo to perform Zanmato (FFX). What a waste of money, but just so cool to watch. Phil
  12. Two times. And one I still do regardless of when or where or why i watch it. LOTR - Return of the King - the big giant ROARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR when the Riders of Rohan charge. Omigod. That brought tears of joy. Driving Miss Daisy - This is the timeless tear-jerker for me. If you haven't seen it - GO SEE IT. That's all. Phil
  13. That last bit sounds profoundly strange, Oshi. But I agree with your advice nonetheless. But... I mean... this guy does sound incredibly annoying... do you suppose just ignoring would work? I mean... REALLY ignoring - not like... "OMIGOD, YOU'RE FOLLOWING ME AGAINNNNN..." (roll the eyes, make big humph, laugh with your friends and ignore him) but rather... just stone-cold ignore him. He may be taking ALL of your refusals as a Hard-To-Get trial. You know? Some guys (Me
  14. And we don't want to make anyone angry here... so we won't make jokes. Promise. SephirothX - Much agreement about the Ramen noodles - but rice with CHEESE and soya sauce? That sounds alien. There seems to also be a lot of artists and people in creative fields here. This is absolutely fascinating - I'm so glad I started this thread! IMI - For the Stephen King fan in you, have you read any of you short stories/novels? They're absolutely FANTASTIC reads. Phil
  15. Balmon

    O Fortuna

    Wondershot - thank you for the timely post... what a fantastic character. I like how the last two are dark, dark, dark, dark, souls. I'm very excited to see how they develop. JULY 7th: Writers, I respectfully ask that you refrain from doing any additional editing to your characters. I am currently in the midst of writing starting-points for each of your characters, and I may be referring to things you've mentioned in any of the fields, especially description and background. Thank you for your complete and utter compliance with regards to my every diabolical whim. Also, within the next couple of days (BEFORE SATURDAY ;) ) please PM or email me your availibility in the little while following Saturday. Most of you have already informed me ahead of time of your absences and whatnot, which is great, but I would like a confirmation on those dates. That way, I can plan ahead for the amount of material I will give people to work on. Later that same day (July 7th): Writers, I am going to propose something that may be both crazy and insane. First, I respectfully request that you PM me answers to these two quesitons: 1) Do you have access to either MSN Messenger or AIM - if so, which one. 2) This question may be a little confusing... what are the general times that you would be available online? The reason that second question would be confusing is because you have absolutely no idea why I'm asking, though I'm sure you're curious as newborn kittens. Essentially, what I will tell you is that I'm toying with the idea of some form of live interaction between characters; which could then be incorporated into the story. I'm still in the midst of figuring out the logistics and whatnot, which is why I need that information from you. How I envision it working: IDEALLY Writer A, somewhere along the story, wants Writer A's character to have a prolonged conversation with Writer B's character. Writer A would contact Writer B online and the two could RP a conversation. Writer A would thank Writer B profusely for their time, then manipulate the conversation into beautiful, thoughtful prose, and then add it into their post for the O Fortuna thread. Millions of readers would then view the thread, and finally, gasp in shock, awe, and excitement at how the story if unfolding. PROBABLY HOW IT WILL WORK: The story's director, myself, will contact Writer A. Director will RP conversation with Writer A's character. Director will either manipulate the conversation into a moderately amusing post, or have Writer A use said conversation. The reason I see the latter as being the eventual product, is because it is simply too much work for everyone to be trying to contact one another. It would probably be best for me, the one who should be devoting the most time and energy into this for you guys, to be the one going to any such lengths for such things. So, in other words, I may just end up using this idea for creating conversations with RPers and NPCs. How does this all sound to you? Mind you, this wouldn't be a constant thing. I, for example, would only use it sparingly for essential communication between RPers and NPCs. Here's what I see: Benefits - Much more realistic dialogue between characters, especially for those interactions between each of you. Also, it allows me to interact, through NPCs, with RPers in a way that will be truthful to the NPCs, and at the same time, better guide and manipulate the storyline. Actually, that's almost the number one reason I would do this - because then I can give each of you specific information and such, in a way that's interesting to read and follow. Un...bene..fits - We begin a downward spiral into the pitfall of TRULY spending too much time and energy in an RPG. Hard to find times where two people will both be free to communicate (though hardly beyond the scope of possibility). Please PM me your thoughts along with your reponses. Much thanks. ORIGINAL POST: Alright everybody, this recruitment thread is [B][COLOR=DarkRed]CLOSED[/COLOR][/B]... well... recruiting is done anyway. I'll be editing this last post over the next little while to add IMPORTANT (see EXTREMELY IMPORTANT) information. I invite anyone who was interested in joining, but was unable to meet the deadline, to follow our story starting this Saturday. I also extend a very similar invitation to anyone who's been following sign-up, or even if you're viewing all of this for the first time. The world of O Fortuna has fleshed out with well thought-out, complex characters with a variety of backgrounds. I feel extremely fortunate to have such a fantastic group of writers from the great collection of writers here on OtakuBoards. One of the main goals of O Fortuna, besides providing countless hours of enjoyment to the writers and readers, is to bring light to the many different journeys of men and women; and what lengths they will go to achieve those ends. Life is not merely a case of the righteous good battling the dastardly forces of evil, but individual lives intertwined and conflicted with one another in many shades of gray (or grey, for some of you). Who is right and who is wrong is very much up for each person to decide. Again, I invite you all to view the first installment of O Fortuna on Saturday, July 10th at 1:00 P.M. (EST) A story awaits. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Garamond][SIZE=4][B]O Fortuna...[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Impact][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2]"Save us all."[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  16. People - thanks so much for sharing! I didn't expect so many people to be so open. Great to see such a huge variety of people from different places. We also seem to have a lot of piano players here... correlation between supremely intelligent OtakuBoard posters and piano playing? Does anyone want to do a study? :) Phil
  17. Balmon

    O Fortuna

    Welcome - you are not too late - it is only 3:09 P.M. EST - 8 hours and 50 minutes for anyone left. I amend my past post - I'm sorry for being so jumpy, I'm just afraid of getting more recruits than I should handle: 1) I am currently only guaranteeing Ben + (another) spots in this RPG. That would bring the total to 12 writers + myself... ... does anyone else see a famous medieval parallel? :) Sorry... 2) I will still welcome any more posts from other people but I cannot guarantee you a spot 3) In the event that Ben does NOT post by 11:59 P.M. (EST) tonight... 4) I will take the two posts most suitable for this RPG - in the event I don't get another more posts - doubtful, but nonetheless possible - I will begin the story anyway... we have more than enough people to make this a riveting, if not voluminous, story. Thanks to everyone for all of your work so far - I say this again because I mean it - and I look forward to introducing you all to the world of Fortuna. Phil
  18. Balmon

    O Fortuna

    Couple of things - Welcome aboard Vicky and Oberon! (it seems like once I threatened to close the thread... people swarmed here :) Oberon - Reflux's character is the Guard Knight for another Duchess... not the same Duchess as hev'ns character. So - revamp your thoughts about your character.. and change the post if you want. I just wanted to make sure you were well aware that you are currently actually vying for Reflux's NPC, Duchess Guinivere. Alright? Change if you want. I just didn't want you to be confused. Vicky - Your post is great - no more backgroud is required at this time - your posts can contain anymore information you would like to add. Note: I am going to have a nervous breakdown sometime soon with the sheer amount of writing I'm doing for each of your characters... when things begin... I hope you all spend the necessary time to make use of the ample information I will provide for each of you. Do not worry about making your posts too long... there is no such thing as too long for this RPG - just make it an exciting, quality post for people to read. I will re-iterate at this time - this recruitment thread will close at 11:59 P.M. on Tuesday, July 06. ALL TIMES EASTERN STANDARD TIME!!! Thanks all - looking forward to the beginning! Phil
  19. That's PERFECT. Thanks so much! Phil ADD: How the heck do I throw this into my signature? Thanks
  20. Balmon

    O Fortuna

    People - these are FANTASTIC characters! Thanks so much for the thoughtful roles! I'm super excited about the prospects for this RPG... but man... is my work cut out for me! For anyone else who is wondering... I won't be taking on the role of any particular character. I will be telling much of the story in Emanil from Fas' point of view, the High Knight for the Raynald Line, but I will essentially be directing things from the point of view from many NPCs. I prefer to do it this way in order to provide a much more fulfilling experience for all of you writers, as I would rather not use my time and energy towards one specific character for myself. Any questions? PM, please. I am closing this recruitment thread tonight - so anybody interested - get in soon. Phil
  21. Balmon

    O Fortuna

    Big welcome to Lady Cathryn - our resident nurse. Welcome to O Fortuna Just one thing everyone, when everything starts, make sure to spell check you stuff before you post it. It makes it easier for people to follow, and easier for them to immerse themselves in the story. That's it for now! Phil EDIT: I lied. That's not it for now. I was thinking - I'm doing a lot of work for each of the characters, providing each of you with a lot of material to work with. I believe after Ben and Ruby enter, I may close recruitment. I would rather give everyone involved a great experience than spread it too thinly among many. What do you all think? Please PM me your replies. By the way - anybody else reading this now, please do not let this prevent you from joining. Until I hear from everyone, I will not refuse anyone who wishes to join.
  22. Balmon

    O Fortuna

    Good good good - great posts people. Reflux - great bio, Eli - awesome character. We're getting a great mix of roles here. We have a couple of more people slated for recruiting, Ruby and Ben. Turnout is actually going pretty well now, and I'm having a blast writing a great opening for people to base their posts on. Thanks for all of your effort everyone! Phil
  23. Balmon


    First and foremost - Classical music. Secondly - Most anything else really. 'nuff said. Phil
  24. Actually - Aramaki's the old guy - the Boss of Section 9. Does that make your life considerably harder? Anything is fine - if you could throw in the words Balance-Monster in there, that'd be cool. Let me know Thanks for the consideration anyway. Phil
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