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Everything posted by Balmon
Finally. Someone from another continent. Welcome! Thanks for sharing.... but what the heck are budgerigars? I can only guess it's a bird.
Ahhhhh... I see. I'm sure personality is sparkling and irresistible....I'll believe that till someone tells me otherwise. Good luck on your decision about the school. Rachel - I understand about the teacher business... I have an equestrian friend... and they ARE pretty anal about things.
Drizzt - so glad you've decided to join! Welcome aboard. Anytime you have any questions, please feel free to PM me. Your character's got a great background! Just one thing people, our world is quickly proving itself to be full of adolescent, hormonal men. While your characters are ALL turning out extremely well, if you decide to introduce some quasi-NPCs, make sure to vary things a bit. I'm getting really excited about this thing - you all have created GREAT people to work with. Their varied roles and backgrounds are providing excellent material to use. Oh yeah - I'm also still on an active recruiting frenzy. If you know anybody who might be interested in a project of this style, please let me know, or ask them yourselves. Thanks people. Phil
[quote name='wrist cutter']Most of the time they do. I'm not a bully myself, and again I don't condone bullying, but there are bullies out there and you must accept that fact. These people are going to harrass people given the opportunity. I suggest, if you don't want to be bullied, don't do anything that's going to instigate it, ie: dress up like an anime character and go to school. That's a rather extreme example, but even something silly like decorating your binder with anime pictures is going to get you made fun of. Live with it.[/quote] WC, you seem to be missing an integral part of this whole thing. People shouldn't have to hide what they may love, or really anything at all about themselves, because of some group of people who feel better by preying on them. By your replies to everything I've said so far, you are obviously still confused. You still make it out as though the bullies are doing what they do out of necessity. IT'S NOT A NECESSARY PART OF HIGH SCHOOL. I managed to make it through high school without being bullied, why? Not because I wasn't something of a geek - I mean... I'm a frickin' pianist for God's sake! But it just wasn't something anybody in our school felt was necessary to do. Bullying is NOT a necessary evil in our world of necessary evils. [quote name='wrist cutter']My world is that of teenagers so I think I share the environment most of us here do. I'm not saying bullying is a positive thing to do but IT HAPPENS. So to repeat myself: if you do something that's going to get you bullied, expect it to come to you.[/quote] I just left the world of teenagers 6 days ago. It's not that I don't share the environment. But again, you still blame the victim, and not the person acting out on their own insecurities. [quote name='wrist cutter']Hahaha. The irony is delicious isn't it. Anyway, I'm not saying you have to be accepted by bullies, you just have to not draw their attention and you're fine. [/quote] I hope you see the irony, and aren't just saying that to save face. Again, the comment about victims asking for trouble. [quote name='wrist cutter']I never said they were most able and they certainly aren't. But like I said - if you come to school with a binder full of anime crap and spend your classtime drawing anime, you're going to be picked on.[/quote] WC, if there are people that enjoy doing that... what the hell is wrong with it? You are giving too many excuses to the bullies. Just because you don't really give particularly well-thought out responses to my comments doesn't mean I should come to your school and make your life a living hell. Just because your one-liner responses to people annoy me doesn't mean I should make fun of you. [QUOTE=wrist cutter] Face it. If you make the mistake of doing this, you have two options. a) Go home and cry about it. b) Realize that no one cares about what anime you like and stop flaunting it. Why is the second one so much better? Because not only are bullies not going to be able to pick on you anymore, you're going to be a much cooler person by being not so engrossed in anime anymore.[/QUOTE] They have more than two options - as do the bullies. From the way you hang on to this anime analogy, it sounds like you have some issues with it yourself. In this particular example, I will again re-iterate my question, what is wrong with people who are into anime - or into whatever it is they are into? [quote name='wrist cutter']Slow down there. You're making a jump in my analogy. The comparison was that people took something that happened to them that sucked and turned it into a positive thing. I didn't say bullying was a disease.[/quote] I REALLY loved this one. There is no jump to be made there. You really could've chosen a better comparison. What I'm saying, which you obviously didn't get, is that I agree there are times, as in your example, where something good can be derived from something horrible. However, bullying is NOT one of those instances. Get it? [quote name='wrist cutter']What's your advice? Or do you have any? Are you just going to offer pity? It's HIGH SCHOOL. ****, who cares? Do well in school, get a higher paying job and then you can bully them around if you're so inclined. I think my advice is rather sound: don't do obviously stupid things and you won't get bullied. You can breeze through high school and then carry out the plan.[/quote] People should not have to compromise themselves for the sake of others based on a purely irrational need of some to be primitive. Of course it's high school, but it's a time in people's lives where much of their opinions, beliefs, and morals are being challenged and reformed. It's also where they're discovering who they really are. Of course, bullying is inevitable - there will ALWAYS be fools out there, but the answer is not to put up with it. Of all the things that happen in your teenage years, which are great by the way, bullying is not of the things that are necessary. I mean, there are realistic solutions to these things. In my last year of high school I was asked to participate as a coach in a Violence Awareness program. We learned how to mentor aggressive students, how to mediate conflicts between students.. etc., etc. While these programs are obviously not to efficient in high schools, they actually have worked wonders in elementary school. Prevention is key to this sort of thing. So, WC, rather than just putting up with it or watching others just deal with it, I actively participated in the process. So, before you go on to presume my lack of involvement, save for my pity, ask. Pity? Of course. Everyone deserves sympathy and pity at many points in their lives. I pity you now for your obvious need to convince people of THE HARD TRUTHS OF LIFE; but before you decide that certain truths are irrefutable, challenge them. I suggest that if we are to continue this discussion, let's just keep it to PM. ADDITION - We have since taken this to PM. We've tentatively agreed to disagree.
[QUOTE=maladjusted][color=firebrick] I'm not in any way totally agreeing with wristcutter, but I'm sort of glad that I've been rejected or bullied in my past. So I can say this: I've been an outcast and a popular person, I've bullied and been bullied. If I ever met a dying person who's never been bullied in his/her life, they're missing out on something. Of course I never changed any of my beliefs to stop being bullied. [/color][/QUOTE] OK, I think I may have missed your point. Really, there are a lot of things in your life you should experience - having a ridiculously strong crush on someone, being dumped, breaking someone's heart (unintentionally would be best), getting married, having kids, having you kid do the exact dumb and stupid things you did as a kid, getting that job, that first kiss, etc. etc. Being bullied is not one of those life experiences that everyone should have. As a music student, there are a lot experiences that they say you really need to go through to fully grasp the import of some pieces of music. As I said, I don't think being bullied has ever been one of them. Please tell me Maladjusted... what exactly would they have missed out on? Phil
So far, Canada and the UK are well represented. Rachael - it seems as though you are deathly allergic to teachers in general. I'd stay away from them. Stoke-on-Trent... what a funny name. Sorry to hear about the extreme crappiness. Where r u thinking of going for post-secondary, Rei_Man? Thanks for sharing you two. Phil
[QUOTE=wrist cutter]You know, that's one of the few optimistic things I ever say, and yet I still get a response like this. Haven't you ever seen on talk shows how people turn a bad experience into a positive outcome? Like those with a currently incurable illness raise awareness for it or something. Just one of many examples. So maybe bullying leads you to change for the better. You took a bad thing and turned it into a good thing - people get recognition for this ****. I'm not condoning bullying or anything, but some of you make it seem like all change is bad. Like "I am the way I am and any change would be to change who I am"... which isn't really true (it's hard to pick perfect words to fit this situation). You don't need to become an entirely different person, but changing small aspects of your personality can have positive effects. Nobody's perfect, but hopefully we all strive to be (even though we never can be - which should be obvious). If bullying helps you to identify things about yourself that could use improving (for example, you're too egotistical), then turn it into a good thing and change it. And they'll stop bullying you too. Many positive outcomes. So stop ******* jumping all over me. Damn you people act like every thing I say is straight out of Mein Kampf.[/QUOTE] I see. Interesting response. I never said change was bad. If you read what I said, it was that the motivation for change is important. Also, WC, underlying most of your posts, including some on another thread regarding bullying, is this overwhelming feeling that you believe the person being bulied usually deserves it - that they bring it upon themselves. You seem to live in the world which functions on the premise that the bad guy is the way he is because the good guy FORCED him to do it. Like: that guy doesn't dress cool... he so TOTALLY brings this harassment upon himself. Or: I just made fun of him, and since he's defending himself from embarassment at a time when self-respect and image is so important him, I should further embarass him because he reacted. Since when does being accepted by bullies equal a positive outcome? Also, think for another second or two about your comment about a victim who is perhaps being too egotistical, then witness the irony unfold before you. What I don't understand, WC, is when did bullies suddenly becoming the microscope for the things that are wrong with each of us? Somehow, the thought of bullies being the most able people to identify those tragic character flaws of ours is utterly depressing... and stupefying. How can you compare incurable illnesses with bullies? Are you telling me that Bullying has become a disorder? Help, I've been diagnosed with wanting to constantly deride and lower the self-esteem of people and I can't help it? Think again, WC. Last of all, your comment was anything but optimistic. It was a straight-out admonishment to the people here who are sharing their problems. Don't play the victim here, WC, what you have offered so far has been anything but helpful advice to the people in this thread.
[quote name='PleasureOfPain][size=1']I play the piano, draw, read, and visit my friends when I'm not on the net. Welcome to my world.[/size][/quote] There seems to be a lot of people on OB who play the piano - kindred spirits! Thanks for sharing. Phil
[QUOTE=Manic]I'm currently a college sophomore studying radio and television broadcasting.... ...You might've seen people with my job around. We're those jerks in the mall who ask "would you like to take a survey?"[/QUOTE] Hahaha - I've been one of those jerks... I didn't last long. I coudn't stand.. um.. standing all the time. Radio and television broadcasting... that's awesome! What are you hoping on moving on to? Thanks for sharing. Balmon
[quote name='wrist cutter']Actually, that sounds like a good thing. Bullying could potentially cause you to change for the better, in order to avoid more bullying. It's called "growth".[/quote] WHOA WHOA WHOA. I'm sorry WC - but I cannot begin to fathom the ethics in that reasoning. Especially when it comes to change, the ends NEVER justify the means. WHY you change is fundamental element of change - it's not just a motivation, it affects the change itself. Who's to say what change would be better or not? Change is something that is so personal, the only kind that is any good is the kind brought on by yourself. What you call "growth", I call sick manipulation, and only the criminally insane can claim to better the lives of people through such tactics.
[quote name='Shi no Tenshi']I'm an artist and a computing student attending college in the UK, soon to be in uni hopefully in either Scotland or London. That's me in a nutshell... how terribly intresting.[/quote] That is kinda' interesting actually... especially if you've been in Canada for awhile. Visual artist? I would have to guess as much from your Signature and avatar. What area of computers are you studying? Balmon
[quote name='JuliasPeach][COLOR=DarkOrange']Well I'm from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. [/COLOR][/quote] Nice. I just went out West for the first time last summer - I really really liked Calgary. I also made it out to Banff - which was ridiculously beautiful Thanks for sharing! Phil
It's basically what the title says - just wondering what people on OB do outisde of posting, and where they're from. This isn't meant to be anything cheesy. But, what good is it if people interact behind a screen? Humans weren't designed that way, and there is certainly more to people than just an RPG character. I'm not just asking out of mere morbid fascination, or anything perverted, but out of genuine curiosity at the type of people who sign on to places such at this... actually, especially a place like OtakuBoard, which prides itself on quality. I'll begin: I'm a music student in Toronto, ON, Canada - I'm actually a pianist. I've just completed my second year in a Bachelor of Music program at a music school. Since it's summer and school is over, I'm currently working as a telemarketer. Oh yeah, I just turned 20 a short while ago. That's about it. Feel free to share! Phil
I just wanted to say, "THANK YOU OTAKUBOARDS FOR YOUR UNCHALLENGED GREATNESS." One of the WORST things in the world for me is to type in a box, such as the one I'm typing in right now, and to have my browser mysteriously take me somewhere else, and then to return and find my hours of hard work missing. It drives me nutso. Thank you OB for doing whatever it is you do to ensure that the text stays put. I LOVE YOU OB. Phil
[FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=2][COLOR=Blue]One thing I've decided to mention: I will be utilizing something very similar to the Chapter System - credit to James - found in the Kill Adam project. For more information regarding that, check out the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/killadam/v2/thechaptersystem.php]Kill Adam website [/URL] - and while you're at it, go check out Kill Adam: Volume 2[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] Balmon
charles is king.
Wow - I hate to be a total *** - but just looking ahead to when the story begins - could we all make sure to make paragraphs? It's incredibly overwhelming to scroll to someone's post to see a giant immovable monolith of words. Thanks Balmon/Phil [size=1][b][color=darkblue]Shy agrees. -Shy[/b][/color][/size]
Would anybody be willing to make a banner with a Ghost in the Shell theme? I would kill to have a picture of Aramaki in there. Thanks Balmon/Phil
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Blue]Name: Galen Luckhoff (name attached to his crib left at the convent where he was raised) Gender: Male Age: 35 Biography: A self-made man who found his fame and fortune as a musician. The foremost concert pianist of Key City, Luckhoff has traveled the world three times over as a much sought-after soloist and chamber musician. He had humble beginnings as an orphan raised in St. Gabriel's Convent. He knows nothing about his past and has long since given up the search for answers. At the age of 6, along with the orphans, Luckhoff was given basic choral lessons with the Sisters. They soon saw a spark in Luckhoff that they were determined to make a roaring flame. Luckhoff took to the piano as a cub to its mother, and could be found practicing at all times of the day. He eventually found a teacher outside of the convent, a former touring pianist himself, Woodrow Berne. Berne eventually took Luckhoff out of the convent and into his home, where he became something of a surrogate father. Although the two got along extremely well during lessons and their discussions about music, Berne, who had never had children, was ill-equipped to deal with the many issues that accompanied adolescence. By the time Luckhoff was 20, he was already in demand as a performer. Berne gave Luckhoff his inheiritance and sent him away on his first international performance. Luckhoff was gone for three months when he finally heard about Berne's death - cardiac arrest. Luckhoff was deeply affected for several months, but finally decided that the best way to honour Berne was to continue on the path that Berne had brought him on to. Luckhoff feels as comfortable at a blacktie gala as he does at a soup kitchen for the homeless - which he volunteers at regularly. He makes no distinction between the millionaires and the penniless - only good and evil. Despite his well-established career and healthy, though single, life, Luckhoff still feels oddly out of place in Key City. After 15 years of touring and performing, he is currently taking a break from touring and has been spending time simply wandering the city. Personality: As mentioned above, Luckhoff understands the plight of the lower class, though similarly understands the stresses and expectations of the upper class. He inhabits that world of art which resides outside social norms. He is at heart a very kind man, and is quite benevolent in his distribution of his wealth, as well as his time and energy, to charitable organizations. Armed with a sarcastic sense of humour and biting wit, Luckhoff is not beyond the occasional practical joke. Despite his teachings at the convent, he is also not particularly religious. While he does believe in God, he's just another Catholic who doesn't practice regularly, unlike his piano. However, Luckhoff is quick to anger and impassioned easily by the issues which are close to his heart - particularly those of neglectful parents. At times, he also has little patience for those who are not as quick as he, or as intelligent. Most important though is his struggle with his identity as an orphaned child. Most of the nightmares that haunt him revolve around that fact. Profession: Thoroughly explained above. Physical Description: See [URL=http://www.sun-inet.or.jp/~sar1009/IMAGES(ARTROOM)/Pianist.jpg]here[/URL]. 6'0 and about 165 lbs. He is an good looking man, clean shaven, strong build. His hair is prematurely turning silver, though he shows no other obvious signs of aging.[/COLOR][/FONT]
Name: Colin Wilkinson Age:22 Gender: Male Appearance: 5'10" - very chubby. Short brown hair with an abhorrent amount of dandruff. He wears glasses with lenses thick enough for bulletproof use. Well freckled - very pale skin. His casual uniform usually consists of a pair of Bermuda shorts and a t-shirt with some generic, supposedly hilarious, parody on a popular advertisement. He's worn the same pair of running shoes for four years now with the same Mickey Mouse socks. Background: The youngest in a family of five, Colin had the misfortune of actually being hit by a speeding ugly stick. Blessed with the intelligence of a young Adam Sandler, Colin has been fortunate enough to have people not expect anything of him all his life. While his older siblings have gone on to be successful people in their chosen field, Colin is still "considering his options" at home. Getting tired of his lazy, good-for-nothing moping around,his parents have sent him to his grandparents so they could have some time off. Equipment: His trusty Dick Tracy Decoder Ring and a pack of matches. Miscellaneous: Though not a nice guy at all, Colin has been known to sometimes take a break from intentionally pissing people off.
[FONT=Garamond][COLOR=Blue][SIZE=4]O Fortuna[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond] [COLOR=DarkRed] They only could just make out the torn bodies strewn around the village below. A few plumes of smoke rose from above the village; but whether they rose from chimneys or otherwise? they couldn?t tell. Rounding up to the crest of the hill, the small company of knights approached the uppermost lip of the look-out. ?Why don?t we ride down there, sire?? muttered a stern man on an equally ill-tempered roan. His horse snorted its clear objection to the idea. The man to whom Galfrid posed the question pulled in just short of the edge of the hill. Fas surveyed the land. A large, green forested area enveloped the town? though, from what Fas could see, graveyard was a much more fitting description of the carnage below. Even so far away and up high, the air was thick with that miasma of death. With the sunlight soaring over the green landscapes below, the village looked more and more like a gaping sore on an otherwise healthy limb to Fas. ?Galfrid, Radulph, with me. We will go down into the village. Both of you bring two men each. The rest of you, scour the forest area for any survivors, they would have surely ran for cover as?? Fas trailed off as his eyes focused on the corpses down below. Galfrid quickly picked up on his friend?s tone, ?Move it, all of you! You heard the Lord. Find any breathing villagers and guard them with your life. We will find those responsible and bring them to justice!? The knights were already spreading out in small troops and fanning out towards the forest. ?And if you find the enemy out there, bring them back alive? but barely!? Galfrid shouted after them. Radulph?s hand struck out to the back of Galfrid?s helmet. ?You bloody fool, anybody out in that forest will have heard you coming from a hundred leagues away!? ?If there is any hostile force remaining out there, they will certainly have seen us by now,? Galfrid gritted through his teeth as he swung to glower at the knight. He barely resisted the urge to strike Radulph back. That would only escalate into another fight at an inappropriate moment. Fas quickly straightened; not in a long time had he felt such sudden despair about anything. An atrocity of this magnitude had not befallen in Emanilian lands for decades. ?Both of you... shut your mouths. Let?s go down. We will find out what has happened here. The group of seven rode down into the village.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Arial] [CENTER]Welcome to my first RPG? WAIT ? don?t run away! [/CENTER] That fact always seems to scare a lot of people ? but if you enjoyed reading the intro, I invite you to read on. Having participated in and reviewed a number of RPGs on the OtakuBoards website, I?m really excited by the amount of interest some people have for this amazing outlet of creativity. I?m hoping this RPG will turn into something large ? I don?t want this to just be a flash in the pan RPG ? anything I devote my time and energy to, I intend on doing well. I am also hoping to get some really great contributors to this RPG, people who will take the time to make a quality posting. I have seen some great writers out there ? I?m hoping you will join! I would like this RPG to get a real fan base, people who will have a genuine interest in how the character?s act, react, and develop, and also where the plot goes. I am not, by any means, asking you to make this a career, but I would like to see contributors who would be devoted to seeing where this story could go. This is where recruitment happens. I won?t set a limit on how many people can join but I will set a start date. People may still join after that; but it enhances the whole experience when you are there from the beginning. Bring a character to the story with some depth ? spend some time developing a real background for these people, and personalities. The more detailed you are, the easier it is to assume that role, and the easier it is for people to make use of them in a manner that will be true to your character. There?s nothing worse than reading someone?s post that involves your character, and you having to say to yourself, ?My character wouldn?t do that!? From what you read above, I?ll bet you wouldn?t guess that this RPG takes place in Mechanicronicomiton ? a futuristic robot-operated city in 4079 A.D... which is good, because it doesn?t. While there is no actual timeline, the setting is typical to those found in the Robert Jordan series, or most notably, Tolkien. Let me emphasize that your character can have any role in this story - not only will I emphasize... I will take one step further and Encourage. Also, for those of you wondering, Magik does exist in this world? but let me quickly add, it is an incredibly rare skill for anyone to master. Depending on enrollment, I will have only a maximum of one wizard for any kingdom. However, feel free to have weapons or items imbued with Magikal characteristics ? nothing too almighty or too much bad-guy smiting ? but little things that may aid in the unfolding of the story. I do NOT want a Giant Fairy-Blessed Axe that sets water on fire and turns birds into strawberries. I would prefer characteristics of the passive variety, or support, but not purely offensive. Battling is an essential element of this story, but not the end-all. At the moment, there is no clear good guy/bad guy opposition happening. Emanil, the largest kingdom, out of four which exists in our world, has been under the peaceful rule of the Raynald Line for over 20 years. The three other kingdoms, all of comparable size, are ruled by their own families: [COLOR=Red]Elys ? The Peryson Line (An equally peaceful rule as Emanil, with no major problems in their lands. However, within the Line itself: the current ruler is close to passing away and there is no heir apparent. Though it is Elysian custom for the King to name an heir in such an event, he has been uncharacteristically uncertain about making his decision. While no open declarations have been made, since the King is still breathing, there are some poised to take the throne assuming he passes before naming an heir.[/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen]Tyberay ? The Walgrave Line (Currently in the middle of a small uprising from a handful of Dukes in their lands. They are rioting against the large fees levied against those with lands not used for farming. There is muttering in the homes of viscounts and barons alike to join the petition? civil war could break out?)[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Gunvyle ? The Bourchier Line (Severe drought and uncommon sporadic weather patterns are wreaking havoc on Gunvyle land. While the people have always trusted the honourable Bourchier Line, their collective patience is wearing thin as they wait for assistance from the Bourchiers)[/COLOR] These four lands inhabit a single large continent in our world. Though the kingdoms have had their differences in centuries past, as territories were being established and whatnot, they now coexist with little enmity between them. (Queue [I][B]Generic Ominous Fore-boding Music[/B][/I]) The massacre at the village of Yumin in Emanil, however, may challenge all of that. We enter the story just as the Commander of the King?s Army is responding to unconfirmed reports of problems at Yumin. With a population of about 3,000, and almost all certainly dead, there are already too many questions to answer. The event has not been publicized much ? but a few rumours are starting to circulate through Emanil. It won?t be long before the news reaches the three other kingdoms. [COLOR=Navy]Name: (Self-explanatory) Age: (Simple) Sex: (Yes, please. Sorry. Had to put it in) Kingdom: (Equally simplistic) Role in Kingdom: (As I mentioned, please take any role you wish. Be rest assured, your character will play a vital role in how the story will develop? regardless of how removed he/she may seem at first) Description: (This may include any items or weapons that they may keep with them - PICTURES ARE MORE THAN WELCOME) Personality: (This is important) Background: (This is equally important)[/COLOR] At the outset of the story your characters will essentially be living their lives as they always have. It will be an opportunity for people to get to know how other people?s characters react to things. I will PM information to people as it becomes necessary for some to know, and they may do what they want with it, in order to further the storyline. I sincerely apologize for my purposeful withholding of plot elements - how this story may unfold, as in real-life, is something that only loses its excitement if it's spelled out for you. Not knowing the course of things will make the RPG experience much more exciting and intriguing for everyone involved. What I will again say, though, is that there are no clear lines between good and evil in this RPG. Everyone has their own ends to achieve, through whatever means, and none of these are necessarily good or bad. It would be good to have a couple of people in high-ranking positions in a couple of the families ? but by no means necessary: I would be happy to control them all in NPC form. Also, I would encourage you to introduce NPCs that have some sort of relationship to your characters. However, please note, I may use the NPCs you create to further my own ends ? that is, for the sake of the story.[/FONT] ONE LAST THING - Before you decide this makes no sense and you won't be party to something that doesn't make any sense - PLEASE PM me. I would rather not lose a potential recruit just because of my diabolical need to withhold information about the RPG. [FONT=Arial](Queue [B][I]Generic Heroic Battle Music[/I][/B])[/FONT] The story will begin in 6 days from today ? Saturday, July 10th ? the introduction will be posted no later than 1:00 P.M. Welcome to [B][I]O Fortuna[/I][/B]
Fas was growing tired of walking. Having covered the world 4 times over, walking was still the most inefficient mode of travel... and yet humans had STILL to evolve beyond it. They had their gas-powered mobile units... their... [COLOR=DarkRed]cars[/COLOR]... but what when the resource depletes itself? These pathetic beings will doom themselves to.... [COLOR=DarkRed]KUROICHI.[/COLOR] And another. Nearby. The sickly sweet, decaying, stench of Kuroichi had led him to a much-less populated part of Tokyo. Fas sensed his way to a nearby forest area and shifted. Fas was growing extremely tired of picking up after himself, the clothes that tore at every shift... but that was the sort of sign the Macabre could pick up on... and the hunt would then be reversed... [COLOR=DarkRed]FIRE.[/COLOR] The element was being summoned at an incredible rate... a Hunter. This was getting more and more complicated. Why would the Wampyr go out of his way to leave Fas alone, but then only to confront a Hunter? The moonlight reflected off of Fas' scales, those obsidian plates, as he weaved through the forest back towards the Kuroichi. Luckily this was one battle that would hopefully not draw too much attention... he had followed Kuroichi to an almost deserted community in Tokyo. No... completely deserted. Fas slowly slid his dagger from the sheath... grasping it by the jade hilt inscribed with one line, "Fas Eversio". [I]Divine Destruction[/I] He slowed his approach as he approached the home where the fight was obviously ensuing. [COLOR=DarkRed]FIRE.[/COLOR] A crimkson streak of fire sliced through the front of the house facing Fas, a large arc of which was headed directly for Fas. He quickly raised his arm and fought the flame with his dagger. The fire closest to Fas whipped around the blade, only to disappear into its silvery blade - but the shock of the absorption pushed Fas back. The Dragon dug his claws into the ground to steel himself against the force. The remainder of the flames continued on to the forest, leaving a path of burnt ashes in its path. "This Hunter is [B]strong[/B]. Kuroichi may have picked the wrong fight." Steeling himself, blade poised to strike, Fas slid into the shadows. Fas slowly came out of a shadow in the wall - the interior of the house was completely encased in darkness... and silent too. He barely had time to retract his head when a series of daggers sprayed the wall. He reappeared further down. "Blood....?" He examined the dagger, touching it with a claw, to only quickly recognize its material. Kuroichi had obviously been studying hard. These daggers were formed from Kuroichi's own blood. And they were rock-hard. A form appeared in front of Fas. It was Kuroichi, with his back-turned. "Come on, Hunter. Why not light this house on fire... so I can see you better?" The Wampyr spat out. "I can see you just fine, Bloodrag." Fas flew straight out of the wall and flashed his dagger against Kuroichi's side, scoring a large tear through his right thigh. The Wampyr screamed. "Kuroichi, I told you this was not over." As the Wampyr fell to examine his nearly dismembered leg, Fas had to again dodge another strike of fire from behind. "Kuroichi! What else have you brought with you to help? Not feeling confident?" The Hunter called out. The Wampyr suddenly vanished, and his laugh could be heard from all sides of the hosue. Fas found himself on the floor as a sheet of blood needles came screaming at him, some catching his right side. "Hunter, it seems [B]you're[/B] in league with a rat-eater! Well, this will just be more fun for me tonight!" Fas quickly slid into the ground as a flaming katana struck at his head. It had been a while since Fas was unsure about his next move.
The bank gave him such great investment advice, that the dog became the CEO of Phillycheesesteaks Inc.
jumped on a train to Philadelphia, and ordered a HUNDRED phillycheese steaks
[COLOR=DarkRed]((OOC: Xion? kickass post. I?m wringing my hands trying to figure out when to get you back?)) The gray-eyed Wampyre had been impudent. The fact that Fas had been injured was only a show of his lack of readiness for the attack? laziness? things the Line had always deplored. Before considering what had happened, Fas quickly slid out of the apartment and back into the alleyway below. He thought back to what he knew about the Wampyre, and realized that the gray-eyed fellow he had met was no ordinary Bloodrag. That voice? that katana? Fas glanced back down at his hand, the wound still healing itself. ?KUROICHI!? The name came howling out of his head, pulsing through the wounds at his hand and shoulder? almost not letting him forget who had done it. The name disappeared as soon as the wounds had finished healing. The ancients of the Line had gone on and on about the Wampyre? about their destructive needs, their need to feed, and the ones to be wary of. Kuroichi. The fact that Kuroichi had been killing defenseless Innocents was nothing new to Fas, but it was utterly strange of Kuroichi to not even try to kill him. It was unlike the Bloodrag to miss out on an opportunity for a fight. This only added to the riddles of what was going on in Tokyo ? but one thing Fas knew for certain? Kuroichi would pay for his impudence. ?I am no lizard,? he said to himself, ?I am a Dragon.? Fas shifted back into his smaller, wiry, sightless frame. He proceeded to make his way further into the city, stopping every so often to check on Kuroichi?s path. ?He knows what is going on here, and tonight, after I find out what I need, I will feed my dagger into his heart.?[/COLOR]