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Everything posted by Cat

  1. Thank you all for your suggestions but unfortunately none of them worked and I decided not to reinstall firefox. If its some how spreads to affect more sites then I might just have to. For now I'll use internet explorer of theOtaku.
  2. Its just with theOtaku. That is one of the reasons I didn't think at first that the files could be corrupted on firefox. I'll try clearing the data again cause its always possible to miss something. If that does not work then to reinstall Firefox. On my laptop theOtaku comes in fine on firefox.
  3. When I go to theOtaku using Firefox the display of the pages have recently been messed up. Images will not appear and worlds don't seem to load properly. Yet when I used the site through internet explorer everything works fine. I was just wondering if I'm the only one with this problem and possibly how to fix it. I tried clearing private data and scanning the computer and nothing has changed. I also have updated Firefox to the latest addition. Some Examples Firefox Display [URL]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/firefoxtheotaku.jpg[/URL] [URL]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/firefoxtheotaku2.jpg[/URL] [URL]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/firefoxtheotaku3.jpg[/URL] Internet Explorer Display [URL]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/internetexplorer3.jpg[/URL] [URL]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/internetexplorer2.jpg[/URL] [URL]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/internetexplorer.jpg[/URL]
  4. I'm a big procrastinator. I wait until the last minute for almost everything. Only time I don't procrastinate is when I have a test or quiz. This semester group projects I haven't been putting off either. I do homework and so on hours before class. I've done this in high school and still do it now in college with pretty much the same results. My best results are when I wait. As one of my high school teachers used to say It does not matter if you procrastinate. It matters if you can procrastinate well and get good results.
  5. [quote name='Knuckles' Girl'][COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Comic Sans MS]*growls* HOW HARD IS IT FOR SOMEONE TO FIX A VEHICLE IF IT'S THEIR FRIGGIN JOB?! *slams head on desk* I'm stuck at my mom's and I NEED to get away from here and the person who is supposed to be fixing my jeep has had it for almost 3 weeks now and all I needed was a new ENGINE! *pants* thanks for letting me rant. I feel better now.:animesmil[/FONT][/COLOR][/quote] I understand. I've been having problems with my car too. It took them two weeks to fix my car when it just need a carburetor adjustment. They thought they had to rebuild a carburetor cause the one I just bought was having trouble adjusting. Come to find out the one I just bought has nothing wrong with it. Now I have an extra carburetor I need to sell. I had a chemistry exam today. I don't think I did to well on it. I knew what was on the test before class but once I actually got the test everything I memorized went out the window in a matter of seconds.
  6. Patrick Swayze had a good career overall. Dirty Dancing was my favorite. RIP Swayze.
  7. [quote name='Nerdsy'][COLOR=deeppink]I'm a little bit of an insomniac. Unless I've been actually lying down with my eyes clothes and little to no distractions for about an hour, there's no way in hell I'm falling asleep. Of course, paying attention is another matter entirely.[/COLOR][/quote] This the same for me. I don't sleep but my mind wonders like crazy. To keep focused I doodle in the margins of my notes. Little reminders to like eyes and such to look at pages later. Other then that I just end up spacing out.
  8. [quote name='chibi-master']Homework sucks... I have to label specific places ex. the Khyber Pass on a map that looks like THIS:[/quote] I had to do six of those yesterday as part of my Western History homework. Having to do just map one would have been great.
  9. My current lovely wallpaper. Just browsing and came across it. Created by Jackie Sullivan. [URL]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/wallpaperRG.jpg[/URL]
  10. Don't know. I don't pay attention to that stuff.
  11. I think Ponyo has only been mentioned alittle in this thread and no where else. Interesting.
  12. 1. Andrew John Ridgeley 2. LaTavia Roberson
  13. 1. Since it says band then the Beatles 2. Sir George Solti?
  14. Agreed. Maybe even beyond screwed up chibi-master.
  15. It all depends on how busy I am and how bored. School work load is the biggest factor in how many times I'm on usually. Sometimes I don't log on for months and other times its once every few hours.
  16. Sorry can't help you chibi-master. I went to a small charter high school. Different traditions and such.
  17. I'm some what ready for college. I have everything I need but textbook. I'm trying to hold off on those until the last minute. I don't want what happen last year with getting all the textbooks before hand and then only use 2 of them. So annoying. :animeangr
  18. 1. The Marlins, The Greens, The Earnhardts, The Pearsons 2. True
  19. 1. Wilt Chamberlain 2. New Mexico State Aggies. I think.
  20. My friend went back to Florida today. She studying to a pilot. Poor girl needs a booster seat to fly the plane though. Financial aid is the biggest pain to deal with. Some how they accidentally over payed for my classes and I had to get it fixed. At least I didn't have to go in. I don't have the patience to deal with stupid people.
  21. Claimed! Edit: Here it is. [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Starworm.jpg[/IMG]
  22. 1. Babe Ruth 2. Lou Gehrig's disease Sangome got there first though.
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