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Everything posted by Cat

  1. Actually there was a thread for it but kind of died a few months ago. [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=59444&highlight=Dragonball"][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Here[/COLOR][/URL] I remain by my first impression. The movie was weird and pretty terrible. I still can't get through the first half hour of the movie.
  2. There's a lovely little button called pause. If you press the button and it stops the game for you. You can leave for a few and guess what! The game is just where you left off. Seriously though I would never do that to either of my parents. I cuss and swear in front of my dad and it don't bother him any. I even flipped him the bird a few times. Now my mom on the other hand, I won't any of that. I know whats I can do and what I can't do. No need to cross the line anytime.
  3. Some of my friends are having a girls day today. One of the things we want to do is go see Ponyo. It looks like a cute movie.
  4. College for me starts on the Aug 26th. There is one class I'm taking though that starts on Sept 9th. I want to semester to start and then I don't. I need time to work on my car before the semester starts. Right now its looking like the first month or so I'm going to be getting rides from others.
  5. Here is one set of brushes for Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0.There are text brushes but its a start. I think you can find more brushes on deviant art if you do a search. Hope this helps. [URL]http://ncis-freaky.deviantart.com/art/Tiny-Text-Brushes-for-PS-48456964[/URL]
  6. I have found furniture polish and oven cleaner can kill ants just as good as bug spray. Terrible part is when you run out and you haven't even finish. I had such a bad ant problem this morning it took 2 and half hours to treat it. All over the pantry and under the sink. This is the third time. I think its about time to call some one to spray around the house. Unless there is a cheaper and easier way to solve the problem.
  7. Lets see...There was the time I spent over 50 something dollars to buy the novelization of Jim Henson Labyrinth. Well worth the money. I still have the book sitting all pretty on my bookcase in plastic. I own two complete sets of Harry Potter books. Both sets are first additions. I do have a music obsession. I have collected all of Billy Idol albums including when he was in Generation X. Other bands I've collected all the cds to would be HIM, Marilyn Manson, and The 69 Eyes to date. I've got The 69 Eyes Back In Blood pre-ordered for September. Currently working on collecting all Wednesday 13 albums. If you were to put my whole music collection together there would be a couple thousand worth. Yes, a music nerd and book nerd what I be.
  8. I thought my cooking was bad. Chibi-master, I can't believe you ate the "Jell-o Cube".
  9. I agree with jigglyness. The background could have more. The same with the text not matching. I also think the wings look a bit strange. Maybe they're just so bright compare to the rest of the image. Your eyes are draw to the one area.
  10. [quote name='chibi-master'] Hey, I'm hoping this is on topic, seeing as this thread it about sleep...but who has trouble sleeping away from home? [/quote] I don't have any problems falling asleep away from home. I actually sleep more when I'm away from home. At home I just can't sleep very long.
  11. My record is somewhere near 48 of no sleep. It might have been a little more. I don't sleep to well and get a maximum of 3 to 4 hours per night. Strange part is my sleep habitats don't interfere with my college work load or grades. I tend to stay in the A-B range. If I do get more then 3 to 4 hours, I tend to not do very well the whole day. I just stay tired.
  12. [quote name='Stephanie'][SIZE=1]You know what I think? I think you are all socially awkward penguins.[/SIZE][/quote] Penguins are awesome. So we're awesome.:animesmil
  13. I'm with chibi-master at 5'4. I stopped growing when I was 13 or 14 years old. It does get tiring having to look up at people. It doesn't help when my sister being 13 and almost the same height as me either. When I went to visit her all she talked about was how she is going to be taller then me. Gotta love younger siblings.:animesigh
  14. I can barely texts while walking. Me texting while driving would be a disaster. I don't answer the phone while driving either. Luckily for me rarely do I get called on the cell or texts nowadays. Most people just call my home phone and I get back to them.
  15. I was thinking of the same spongebob episode while reading about normal and abnormal.
  16. I shut down my home computer or laptop. I don't really see the point of having them on when I'm not using them. If I'm gone for 20 min or so then I might not shut down the computer. It all depends on if I want to be lazy or not. :animesmil I agree its weird seeing people logged on for days. They must not need to do much if they're glued to the computer.
  17. I'll claim next. Edit: Done [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Cardworm.jpg[/IMG]
  18. [quote name='Korey'][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium] Ken is always here, it seems like he can never leave us. OB is like that one bad relationship. You know you have to leave, but you remember the good times and you keep coming back for more.[/FONT][/quote] Perfect way to describe OB. :animesmil
  19. [quote name='Gavin'][center][IMG]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_oufPapEZMa8/SRQjMq7MalI/AAAAAAAAA9Q/KgCgGzKY7Cg/s400/potter-broom.jpg[/IMG][/center] [SIZE=1] Can't...breath...laughing...to...hard...[/SIZE][/quote] :rotflmao:Can't stop laughing. I bet those girls like the "special effects". I guess publicity is publicity. We started moving into our new house yesterday. We brought over a lot of stuff already in the car. Like my sword and posters boxes. Most of the stuff was dads though. I backed all my books, vhs tapes, and cds/dvds/video games in there own separate large boxes. Now I need to repack them all into smaller boxes so they can actually be lifted into the moving truck. :animeswea Pretty much all packed for my trip next Thursday too. Just a few other things to be packed last minute. I'm going to visit my mom and little sister in Vermont for a month or so. I'll have my laptop but don't know when I'll have interent though. I'll try and be on few times though.
  20. [quote name='Nomurah!'][SIZE=1][COLOR=HotPink]Anybody listen to the Beatles? [/COLOR][/SIZE][/quote] I'll listen to them every once in while. I'm more of a Rolling Stones girl. Really though I don't think either band would have been as popular if the other didn't exist. The Rolling Stones were practicably made to be just the opposite of the Beatles. Andrew Oldham [SIZE=2]use to work as an Epstein employee and worked with the Beatles. Having the Rolling Stones being opposite not only helped them but help the Beatles to premote their look and music. Beatles being more clean and the Rolling Stones more dirty. [/SIZE]
  21. I only have one pair of skinny jeans. I like jeans with a flare out at the bottom legs. Either bell bottoms or boot cut for me.
  22. I'll give it ago now that my finals and such are all done. Edit: Here we go. Some reason it took longer for a simple piece. [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/x-mengw-1.jpg[/IMG]
  23. We had three of those stupid furbies. They were always hungry and never shut up. [URL="http://bloggingpr.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/furby.jpg"]Black and White Furby[/URL], G[URL="http://i3.iofferphoto.com/img/item/175/280/87/o_IMG_0344.jpg"]ray and White Furby[/URL], [URL="http://aimeegriffith.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/furby2.jpg"]Giraffe Pattern Furby. [/URL]Ever noticed how furbies look like Gremlins.
  24. I finally got my graphic program back. I had install the program so its half on my internal hard drive and half on my external hard drive. I wont be able to do a piece for the worm though until after the 17th. If someone can go before then that's great. If not then I'll go next.
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