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Alright, I'll come to the little barbecue. Heads exploding is fun to watch. My nope smiley changed. The other one work better with what I said. Lemonade anyone?
*[B][/B]stands at a safe distance* I don't want any brain matter on me when Allamorph sees this. I will never acknowledge noob as a real word. Nope nope nope. :nope:
No offense to Mr. Maul but I basically skipped right over that really long um... rant I guess it would be called. I'm pretty tired and I still can't understand why people are failing Popular Music In America. Its not as hard as people are making it out to be and the last few weeks we've been covering artist like David Bowie, The Sex Pistols, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, Grateful Dead, and so on. More recent music. I can understand the earlier stuff in 1930s and so on being hard. My rant is now over. :animeswea
[quote]Originally Posted by [B]PiroMunkie [/B] Anyone else ever have to eat soap when they mouthed off too much?[/quote]I had it happen once but i had a allergic reaction to the soup and was really sick for a few days. Never happen again afterward.
Yep its simple, Paparazzi are zombies chasing you all over and no matter what you do they don't decrease in number. Lawyers are vampires sucking you dry of every dime you have. I could go on but I think you get the idea. Good for Woody. I have no pity for the paparazzi.
In high school I used to bring my own lunch. It saved a whole bunch of trouble. We didn't have a cafeteria anyways you ate in one of the class rooms or outside. There was a school store though where you could by food and school supplies. If I forgot a lunch I would get stuff from there. It wasn't to expensive and the food was good. It all came from Costco basically. Muffins, frozen food that could be warmed up in the microwave, juices, green tea, chewy bars and so on.
Well lets see. I went stress shopping a little while ago. I got quite a few cds Marilyn Manson Smells Like Children and Antichrist Superstar albums, Apocalyptica Worlds Collide, Hollywood Undead Swan Songs, An Cafe Harajuku Dance Rock, Dir En Grey Uroboros, and Versailles Noble. I also got three new t-shirts Wednesday 13, Sex Pistols, and The Ramones. I'm also looking to get at the end of the month vol. 3 of Return To Labyrinth, Green Day 21st Century Breakdown, Marilyn Manson The High End of Low, and maybe Aiden Knives.
[quote]"They've grown up questioning their parents, and now they're questioning their employers. They don't know how to shut up, which is great, but that's aggravating to the 50-year-old manager who says, 'Do it and do it now,' " says Jordan Kaplan, an associate managerial science professor at Long Island University-Brooklyn in New York, in a USA Today article.[/quote]I found this part of the article to be most interesting. I know when to stop back talking and just do what boss says but I know some of my friends don't. One of my friends was fired numerous times cause he kept back talking the boss instead of just shutting up and doing what needs to be done. I've noticed with my little sister she has become more rude no matter who its too. She once called me a mother ******* whore on the phone for no reason at all except I told her she didn't need the latest cell phone. :animesigh My little cousin doesn't have mouth on her like my sister but dear goodness if you tell her no about something the water works start. I mean full out crying and screaming like she was being beaten or something. We we're at the zoo and Canada she just kept crying cause we wouldn't go see one of the animals first. We ended up seeing all the animals she wanted. And none of the ones everyone else wanted to see. I love the excuse everyone kept given "She just a kid" She is five years old. I couldn't believe what happen. I think the most frustrating for me is not being able to do or say anything back. I can't verbally scold them cause then I'm in the wrong by everyone else standers. Nor can I ask my Mom or someones to scold them either. If I do that then I'm told I don't know what I'm talking about or be dismissed all together. Rudeness has no consequences and allows for the behavior to continue.
Sorry, I only drink green tea. Can't stand anything else. I don't mind being a soda drinker. You lot can keep the tea. :animesmil
*Joins Sangome and Rachmaninoff* This is going to be good. Pass the popcorn please. Edit: Awesome! I have chips if anyone gets sick of popcorn.
I too was disappointed with the ending and thought the beginning was great. Like Zen said before about the helicopter part, I hated that scene and could barely watch it. I mostly went to see Origins cause finally Gambit was used as a character but left feeling shocked they did use him as much as I thought they would. I find him to be one of the most interesting characters in X-Men and yet they really just made him look like some annoying guy Logan met with no real use. Gambit was going to be used back in X-men 3 but because of Origins they didn't. I really think they should have just had him both movies. :animesigh
I rarely eat breakfast anymore. I get up way to late in the day around 12:30pm. I usually need to rush to get ready and get to my first class at 1:35. I even skip lunch most of the time. To make up for I have a large dinner in the the after noon around 4:00. If I do get a chances to eat its most likely going to be coco pebbles. Chocolate first thing is always fun. Sometimes if I really feeling energetic (not to often) I'll cook bacon and eggs with some fruit on the side and tall glass of milk.
[quote name='chibi-master']Okay, my best friend accidentally took my sketchbook with her over the weekend, meaning I didn't doodle all weekend. I have to make it up to her now by doodling something tonight. *looks at clock* Or...this morning. And IT HAS TO BE EPIC! But I feel like a blank slate at the moment. Anyone else get doodler's block?:animestun[/quote] Yep, all the time and sometimes it last for a while. I think the longest was for a few months. I'm not completely sure how to get over a block. I usually just keep trying until it finally clicks.
[quote name='Lunox'][FONT=trebuchet ms] Talk to me when you've had to watch a movie scene 35 times in a row. And then had to record every single detail in every shot. Or when you write a 14 page paper on bogs in Irish poetry. BOGS. [/FONT][/quote] I had to do the movie thing two years ago. I understand your pain. Its pain watching just one scene over and making sure you don't miss anything. As for the bogs thing I don't know how you did. I salute you in writing what sounds to be a boring paper.
My mom lives on the other side of the country. I usually send her a card and call her on the day. We then will talk for about and hour or so. We're going to celebrate more when I visit by going out dancing and having a good time in some of the Vermont clubs and bars.
Recently I had to get rid of my graphics program GIMP because it took up to much memory on my laptop and was making it act funny. Because of this I would like the ask OB Artists for a new banner and avatar of Gambit. Below is the requirements. The avatar image will might need rendering depending on what you wish to do. The banner images are from planet renders. Avatar: Size: 150x80 Images: [URL]http://ultimatecomics.free.fr/xmen/images/x-men/Gambit_and_Rogue.jpg[/URL] Optional Text: But I love you Signature: Size: 550x120 or smaller Texts: Playin' for keeps is still playin', Mon Ami, so take a card...ANY CARD! [center]or I [I]throw[/I] de cards. De cards go [I]boom[/I]! End of bad guy. End of story. [/center] Images: Please use the gambit cards render in the background or something similar. [URL]http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-13506[/URL] [URL]http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-4593[/URL] [URL]http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-13488[/URL]
I'm a bit scared to look in my purse. I don't use it to often. Lets see I have....[LIST] [*]Checkbook [*]A box with extra checks [*]A Hot Topic Online receipt [*]A Amazon receipt [*]Eye glass cleaning spray, cloth, and screw driver. [*]My old wallet of Happy Bunny with the saying "I Just Can't Seem to Care" [*]2 Cellphone carrying case. Black velvet that clips on the belt and a cloth one with a jeweled skull and cross bones [*]Some persons phone number. Don't know who [*]Free Rental to blockbusters that's expired [*]Expired blockbuster rewards card [*]A memo book [*]2 purple pens. [*]Blistex chap stick [*]Red guitar pick [*]Pads[/LIST]My purse is a Pirates of the Caribbean that says I love pirates Ye Be Warned. I also has a key chain thing that says The Best Sister I got from my little sister.
I just finished the draft of my Term paper. Its a bit sort being only 6 pages instead of 7 but I just can't write no more and its due in a few hours anyway. I will never again do a paper on Edgar Allan Poe short story "The Black Cat" using the cats in the story as metaphors. I need more Advil from my head pain. :worried: Who knew that two cats could mean 6 different metaphors.
My wallet is black wave design cloth and leather. There are two compartments on with a silver clasp you need to turn to open and the second a normal pull snap. No cash bills but a debit card.[SIZE=2]Receipts[/SIZE] that I don't really need anymore. Some change, pennies mostly. A few cards to other stores like borders, hot topic, and blockbuster. 3 different Id cards including student ID. um... Library card, a picture of my friends and I, a picture of my little cousin. I think I mom put that in there last time I was in Vermont about 2 years ago. Oh and for some strange reason a necklace with a hand clenching a skull. It looks like from one of those 25 cent machine things. I think that was something from my sister again last time I was in Vermont.
[quote name='Lunox'][FONT=TREBUCHET MS] I'm literally going to go crazy from all the studying I have for finals. I have been living as a hermit for the last week, ordering food or eating granola bars for sustenance. Not seeing the light of day. [/FONT][/quote] That's going to be me from tomorrow onwards until finals are all done. I have to do a seven page rough draft due by 11:50pm tomorrow, I have been putting it off. Then I get a like a 5 day break and hop on a plane to Vermont for six weeks. What a fun month this is going to be. *sarcastic* Hate flying. :animeangr
No its not a bad thing. I just find it funny is all. Hugs are going from everywhere. :animesmil
Now there some sort of hugging bug going around, I see.
Most of my friends know that hugs they need to ask first. If someone all the sudden hugs me out of nowhere, I just stiffen up and cuss them out for scaring me. I thought you cat had mostly maine coon in her. Good thing she comes from a smart family. Means she got smarts too. One of my cats is so stupid that she runs into walls repeatedly. One of these days she really going hurt herself.
Very cute kitty cat Allamorph. Is she a Maine Coon? I noticed the M on the forehead.
Same here mine don't scare people and their not loud. I also don't sneeze multiple times either and I don't sneeze very often. You'll find me to be one of the ones that scare when someone does a violent sneeze.