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Everything posted by Cat

  1. Successes, I finally got done giving all our pets baths. It took two day's cause on of them hid. I'm also kind of annoyed right now. I failed a math quiz again. :animeangr Luckily we're going to be going over the chapter again cause no one really understands it.
  2. [quote name='chibi-master'].....You're not quite understanding ALL the points I was getting at, are you?[/quote] Probably not. Little out of it right now. I just spend 4 or more hours working on an outline for my term paper. I still don't think I met all the requirements either for it.
  3. [quote name='chibi-master']You should marry a doctor.[/quote] Funny enough I have a friend studying to be a doctor. I don't really need to marry one. :animesmil
  4. I've been attacked by a dog and nearly lost an eye. Lucky I heal well and didn't need stitches. I had my teeth go though my bottom lip when I was real little, had a few stitches. Have a scar there now. There was also the time where I ran into a tree on my bike and the right side of my face was a bloody mess that later became on big scab. No scar though. The most painful though was dislocating three fingers on my right hand and then popping them back in myself cause I couldn't write well enough for classes and the doctors just put a half cast on my hand. The second most painful would be breaking my wrists. I've broken both within a year apart of each other. My right wrist was more painful cause I wouldn't write with my left hand. I know I'm stubborn. Oh, I also most forgot breaking the cartilage in my knee. Was on crutches for awhile until the pieces dissolved. There is tons more though including fractures in my arms and so on, but the top ones were the worst.
  5. [quote name='chibi-master']Nah, periods are worse. Imagine someone hit you in the nether-regions with a hammer. Now imagine the intense pains and aching you'd feel. Well, that's a fraction of the pain and aching I feel right now. Also, imagine the area between your stomach and your groin. Imagine someone reaching in there through a door they carved with a rusty dagger. Now imagine they grabbed whatever was in there and twisted it until you screamed. That's a cramp for me on a good day. Also, you're exhausted as five year old would be after running a marathon race and even just BEING gassy hurts. You don't even have to PASS gas, just the fact that it's there hurts like hell.[/quote] You just described how my period are to a T. [QUOTE][SIZE=1]Someone with exceptionally sharp nails and a sadistic sense of humor. That's why I dope up on meds as soon as I realize what's happening.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] I too dope up on meds when its that time of the months. If I don't I wont be able to move from bed. They have gotten a bit better from my first time but not much. (I think it was when I was 10 or 11 can't remember) When I first had them I couldn't eve get to school cause the pain and tiredness were so bad.
  6. Its true Easter was originally a pagan holiday. How do I know? Well I'm a pagan myself. I wont go into any more explanation cause everything I was about to say has pretty much already been said. I don't like to repeat and make it boring. I only have a tiny dispute about how pagan concepts got into Christianity. The way I was told was in order for the pagans to keep their believes they had combined them with Christianity. It wasn't really Christians adding the pagan beliefs Christianity but the pagans adding their beliefs into Christianity. If that made any sense at all.
  7. I've been thinking the same thing but I didn't want to say anything cause I really do like Haku's piece.
  8. [quote name='chibi-master']DARN YOU ALL!!! And here I was expecting something like this... (The spaces signify a different member's post.): Do you like waffles? Yes, I like waffles! Do you like pancakes? Yes, I like pancakes! Do you like french toast? Yes, I like french toast! Doo-doo-doo-doo! Can't wait to get a mouthful! WAFFLES![/quote] It goes to show you we're not all there for the joke to work.
  9. Yeah I said, Considering before my post was about insomnia and I went back to school schedules. I was half a sleep when I wrote that post, it doesn't surprise me I said that line.
  10. A bit off topic but I College fall book for class schedules yesterday. After going through Pre-Calculus and Trigonometry in one class, the college decided to split the class into two classes. Also what most upsetting I now have to go backwards and take College Algebra to get into my Statistic Math class. I'm seriously debating if I should even take a math course next semester. I don't even want to look to see if they have my other course I need. I getting kind of tired of taking one course and then have to backtrack to take another.
  11. I don't believe hes gay. I know way to many guys who read shoujo/shojo and only one of them is gay. They read them more then I do. I personally see no problem when guys reading shoujo. As one of my guy friend (streight) said before "Who cares what genre as long as its got a good story to it." (wording change to make it more OB friendly) I also have to say the manga Absolute Boyfriend, he picked up is more about how robots develop human feelings that go past their programing then anything else. I say this cause its the main theme in both the manga and Jdrama.
  12. I to like the punk bit of influences though I tend lean towards the older Jazz and Doo-Wop types of Ska. I look at if you don't listen at least a little bit of the older bands in the genre, you don't really know about the music and how it change to become the music you like.
  13. I'm just wondering which time period you are thinking of? Ska has different sound depending on the date. For example ska in the early 60's sounds different then ska in the late 70's early 80's. If its 60's ska then I personally like the Skatalites. [youtube=Simmer Down]O9HyXc4e7Qc[/youtube] [youtube=Silver Dollar]IvQF-uInivw[/youtube] If we are talking about later ska then The Specials are my favorite. [youtube=A Message To You Rudy]TGDQ85Dg-ss[/youtube] [youtube=Too Much, Young]nxHcx7FO8nI[/youtube] Some other groups to mention are The Clarendonians for early ska. They fall more into Rocksteady though and Madness also started off as a ska band.
  14. [quote name='chibi-master'] Oh, yesterday we found my sister's phone in the Central Lost and Found. It was turned in at 1 a.m. after being found on Space Mountain. Stupid her.[/quote] Thats good you finally found the phone. Pretty lucky it was found and there wasn't someone placing calls to Turkey or something on it. Or was there? :shifty:
  15. [quote name='Botar15']Arson! I'll so help you with that! What should we burn? Dumpster, curch, old lady, a cat? Why not all of them![/quote] Why do I get to be burned? I don't want to be burned. :animedepr
  16. I was just wondering whats to happen next or are we waiting for others to catch up?
  17. I just got done reading Labyrinth by A.C.H Smith. This the novelization of the Jim Henson movie Labyrinth staring David Bowie and Jennifer Connelly. If you like the the movie, I'm sure you would like the book. There are some differences and but not a complete change of story. The book is really hard to find if your looking for a book copy. You will end up paying any wheres from 30 to over 100 for the book. The good news is you can now read it online. The book I started after Labyrinth is Dangerous Tides by Christine Feehan. I have only read a page or two however if you like Paranormal Romance then you might like her stories. If anyone has read Feehan other stories you would know they are about vampires usualluy, Dangerous tides is about witches instead, making a interesting change.
  18. Right now I'm waiting to sign up for classes. I'm pretty much failing two classes right now and might need to retake them. There is a chance to raise my grades still though. Just have to wait.
  19. [quote name='Nerdsy'][COLOR=deeppink]OH MY GOD WHY IS IT SNOWING. It's spring, dammit.[/COLOR][/quote] Its times like this, makes me glad I live in the desert. I'm not a big fan of snow.
  20. [quote]You should know better by now. The joke is that this is what people [I]really feel like they need to post[/I] on OB.[SIZE=1] -Shy[/SIZE][/quote]True true, I sometimes forget this fact when I'm not around so often.
  21. I'm still think that all this is still just a big joke. If The Complaint thread was serious then all need to be done was answer Indi questions in the beginning. Instead it sound more of joke whenever someone tired to help all the answered is [quote]You're complaint is duely noted[/quote]The only real complaint was address by both Allamorph and James. Maybe I'm missing something but this seems all to be a joke.
  22. It was the same for me. It was my dad that really got into it and watched the whole thing. I ended up leaving the room half an hour into the movie cause I couldn't watch anymore. I wish I was drunk when watching it. The movie might have seemed better. Sadly dad drank most of the beer we had and we were out of wine. I had just wanted to let people know you don't need to waste your money when its already online. Wasting your time is entirely up to you.
  23. You can already watch the movie online and don't have to wait the two weeks. Save money that way too. One of the weirdest and most terrible I have ever seen in a movie.
  24. [LIST=1] [*]I have no clue [*]Don't know [*]Nothing really. Just me being me I guess. [*]Nerds and Geeks? I really don't know. [*]I really don't see much of a difference. There is a like or obsession in being either a fan/otaku I think. [*]Nope. Except maybe most cosplayers aren't cold? [*]Don't care what the media thinks. [*]Nothing really. I even got them to like certain animes before.[/LIST]
  25. I'll claim next if its not taken. I have yet to add to this graphic worm. ******Edit****** Here it is. I think it was my first time working with yellow. Let me know if it needs to be changed. [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Love.jpg[/IMG]
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