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Everything posted by Cat

  1. OOC: Sorry I haven't post in a while Mid-Term and school took up most of my time. To make up for it I wrote a nice long post. [COLOR=Purple]After traveling towards the setting sun Rose and Luna came about a forest. "Shade!" cried Rose rushing into the trees. Luna jogging behind her. A little ways into the forest they came across a small pond. Rose greedily fell to her knees and cup as much water as she could to drink. As she was about to cup more water to her mouth a sword fell against her throat. "Well, well, well lookin' what we've got here boys." said a rough voice. He then reached and gasped the Chisakatana Rose was trying for. Rose slowly glanced up at the man. He was not a young man nor old. Some gray speckled his hair and few lines creased his face. The others behind him where around the same age some younger and some older. Quickly Rose was tied. She did not see Luna among the group. Thank goodness she thought I don't want Luna to be captured by these guys. They might eat her. "Who are you guys?" Rose asked in a calm voice. She did not want to give away that she was scared. "Ya see girly, it simpl' ya got a bounty on ya head." replied one of the men. "I haven't done anything for a bounty you got the wrong girl." Rose said. The man you held to sword to her throat before, the leader knelt down with a poster. "Sorry to disappoint ya, sweetheart, bu' there ain't many girlys with pink hai'." said Leader while he showed the picture. The poster was of her. It was of one of the few pictures ever taken of her. It was true her pink hair and eyes were not hard to miss. "So I guess that means your bounty hunters then?" asked Rose "Tha' right, sweetheart." Replied Leader has he stood up. "Now ya be a good girly. Let go men." Rose was roughly torn from the ground and pushed foreword. She didn't know if they where going into the forest or out. Behind the group a large shadow followed. [center]******Later That Night****** [/center][/COLOR][center] [LEFT][COLOR=Purple] The group stopped for the night. Rose didn't have clue as to where they where. She was left to sit with a guard while the other set up camp. Soon after camp was set and the men were celebrating the new bounty they would be getting. "Brin' little Sweetheart here." shouted Leader. Rose was then practicably lifted from the ground and thrown to Leader. "Ya 'now ya pretty thing" he said once he clumsily caught her. "How 'bout a kiss?" Oh, this was just grand she thought as he leaned towards her. From behind Leader a huge black cat sprang, claws and teeth bared. Even though drunk Leader was still able to move out of the way of the cat. "Kill it. Kill the damned thing." he shouted to his men. The men rushed forward all in attempted to kill. The cat was far to quick and soon all the men became a mess of limbs and blood. During all the confusion Leader rushed Rose into the woods to escape. Rose did everything she could to get away. Twice she stumped on his foot or tried other means, failing each time. "Ya 'now I'm quite sick of that." Leader moaned as she stepped on his foot again. "It doesn't matta if ya is dead or liv'. I still gettin' the award." Leader growled as he raised his sword and lunched foreword. The sword went straight into her chest however Rose didn't feel a thing. "What th' hell!?" cried Leader. She in her fear and shock phased threw and the sword was now stuck in the tree behind her. Rose slow pulled to the side and phased from the sword completely leaving Leader stuck. Rushing from the bushes the panther came foreword. Leader unable to get his sword out in last defense threw his arms in front of his face as the cat pounced taring out his throat. The cat then turned to Rose, its mouth and paws red. However Rose wasn't looking at the red mouth or paws. Around its neck was a red collar and gold bell. And bell bow was warped around it tail. "Luna!" Rose said in between sobs. She threw her arms around the panther. "I knew you would never leave me." Rose then broke down completely and cried into the panthers fur. [/COLOR] [/LEFT] [/center]
  2. Strangely I have had only two ringtones and they both are about vampires. My current ringtone is Marilyn Manson If I Was Your Vampire. I got it mostly cause a friend put the ringtone on my phone. She thought it matched me better then my other ringtone Vampire Heart by HIM.
  3. [COLOR=Purple]Rose and Luna wandered around for few days. Not really sure on a destination. After another day Rose couldn't take it any more and just through herself down not wanting to move again. "This is ridiculous Luna!" cried Rose. Luna looked at her [/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]mistress crawling onto Roses lap and began to give kitty cat kisses. Luna knew that Rose was feeling hurt and rejected all because of one sketch. The poor girl after all couldn't help what she was. A howl broke across the way. A black shape started to run towards Rose. Quickly getting to her feet with Luna in her arms began to run away from the shape coming. "This is just bloody great, Luna. If things weren't bad enough now we're being chased by a some coyote." Rose said breathlessly. The canine caught up the Rose with out much effort and over took her cutting off her path. Rose understood turning around a running would do to nothing to help. Instead she pulled out the [/COLOR][COLOR=Purple]Chisakatana Mr. Price had given her. Unsure of what good it would do considering she has very little training with any type of weapon. "Oh, put that stupid pointed stick away." Rose just stared open mouth as the coyote changed it a young women. The women was darkly tanned wearing short dress matching the pelt of the coyote. Her hair was black, braided down her back and her feet were bare. What really got Rose was the woman's eyes, a golden color she had seen circled back pupils. Luna jumped out Rose arms and started walking to the women. "Wait Luna where are you going?" Rose said as she tried to grab for the little cat. Luna avoided her reach and went right up the women purring. The women bent down and patted Luna "Well your a cutie aren't you." She then stood back up. "Well introductions are in order I thing. I know this kitten is Luna and you little one are Rose [/COLOR][COLOR=Purple] étoile. I'm Kojootti, its nice to meet you." Rose was still a stated of shock and didn't want to anwser the strange women who a few minutes ago was a coyote. Kojootti didn't seem to mind not being answered and kept taking "The reason I appeared before you little one is to inform you about your destiny. Your not the only one who has had a vision." "I'm not." Rose whispered. There were others like her. She was not some alone in larger a picture. "Of course not. If there was only one of you then the world will be in more trouble then what it is. The others and yourself are going play a large role in the future." laughed Kojootti. "Well I'm glad you have some much confidence in use" Rose replied sarcastically. Kojootti smiled kindly. "Its a lot to take in a short time, I know little one but it needs to be done. Now listen you are to head towards the sunset." "Will I find others there? Others who have visions like me?" asked Rose. "I can not say." replied Kojootti. "I shall leave you now. Remember to go to the sunset." The women image faded slowly, a sad smile was last seen on her face. There once again stood the coyote. "Kojootti?" asked Rose. The coyote only reply was a lick to Luna's face and a lick to Rose's. The coyote then ran off in a direction of where the sun was setting. "Well Luna, I guess there's no harm in doing what she asked is there?" Rose voiced. Luna gave a purr in return. "Lets go then." Rose said as she stated walking to the sunset. Luna trotting along at her heels.[/COLOR]
  4. I've been playing around with this idea of an animal spirit or just a spirit being the one to tell the character what they need to know. I thought it might work easier if you wanted to have the oracle help out the characters along the way. A spirit could appear before them at different times in the story with out much confusion I think. I'm still trying to work out some to the details with it but I wanted to know what others thought of the idea.
  5. Its one on my older signature but one of my favorites too. [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/labb.jpg[/IMG]
  6. Sorry, lots been happening. I'm also not sure where to go yet sorry. Writers block is a killer.
  7. We have a green Christmas mostly here. If you live up in the mountain you tend to get some snow. The temperatures are warm still in the 70's or warmer. This week is suppose be in the 60's though. Winter cold doesn't seem to hit until January or February time. In the 8 years I've lived in Tucson I've seen it snow twice. Once it was just a little light snow the other time it was more heavy. They even closed bridges cause of ice. For some reason though they were not using sand but some weird salt mixed with some kind of liquid to unfreeze the bridges. They switched over to something else lucky when the figured out the little mixture didn't work. :animesighIt was sight to see. I still don't know what to think of it. I personally thought they would use sand. It was funny, schools stayed open but only a quarter of the students were there. How can you pass up a snow day! Sadly I was one of the few that was actually at school instead of having a snow day.:animeswea
  8. Here is my entry. Not my best work at all since my computer system had to be reloaded and I haven't gained all my graphic tools back. I couldn't think of something I hated instead i used one of my favorite movies 10 Things I Hate About You and I think some has thought this part of Kat's poem themselves at least once. [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/hate.jpg[/IMG]
  9. [COLOR=Purple]Later that night, Mr. Price called Rose to the back of the stall. He'd closed the stall earlier then normal shocking most of the normal costumers. "Do you know what you have done?" asked Mr. Price calmly. Puzzled Rose could not answer. "This sketch is a prediction of what is to come, I fear. You know of the Brothers Legend?" Stated Mr. Price. "Oh course I do. Everyone has heard of the Legend as a child. Its used to scare children." answered Rose not understanding what the Legend had to do with the sketch. "You need to get out of here quickly! If the King we're to know what you have seen, he will have you killed for this!" cried Mr. Price. Rose was stunned. She could not help but picking up Luna and cuddling the small cat. This was her home and she couldn't just leave it. Mr. Price began to going through a large chest up against the back part of the tent only to pull out what looked to be a short sword. "Take this with you," Mr. Price tossed her the weapon. " Its called a Chisakatana. Its a type of shorten Kata[/COLOR][COLOR=Purple]na. Also take this." He then wrapped up the sketch. "Keep it with you but don't show it to anyone, got it. Now get going!" growled Mr. Price. "Wait, what about Luna? Will you take care of her?" asked Rose. "Take that dammed cat with you. I don't need the little monster. Now get going and be quiet about it!" Mr. Price scolded. "Thank You, Mr. Price" cried Rose and through her arms around the old man it a hug. "Dammit I said get going didn't I You stupid Girl!" growled Mr. Price however still returned the hug. Rose and Luna left quietly. Making their way through the town of[/COLOR][COLOR=Purple] Desdemona. She noticed however soliors we're following her. They must have found out about the painting. There were tons of people in the stall when she had gone into the trance. Anyone of them could have reported her. Rose manage to get of the town slipping past the gates just as they where about to close. "Come on Luna. We need to go some place safe. That is once I figure out what place is safe." Rose told Luna as the ran from the city. Luna was pretty sure no place would be safe for the two of them now. [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Purple]"Desdemona!" cried Rose étoile. "What beautiful day we're having!" Luna by her feet stared at Rose as if she had just grown another head. Sometimes the little cat could not understand her mistress when she just started talking to no one. Rose and Luna were standing on Wind Hill, on the outskirts of the semi large town Desdemona. A breeze blow back her bright pink hair and her dress skirt danced around. "We need to go Luna or we wont be able to get back to the art stall in time. I personally don't want another scolding from Mr. Price, you Luna?" Luna gave a evil hiss, the fur stood on end. Luna hated that man. He always seemed to be angry and took it out on her poor mistress. The two started to run in the direction of Desdemona market place. [center] ******Vincent Price Art for All Stall****** [/center] Rose ran up just as the first customer left. Mr. Price stood on the threshold of the stall, glared as he noticed Rose and Luna come running up. "Your late you ungrateful girl! Get inside now!" growled Mr. Price. The two slipped by the extremely tall old man and seated at the canvas. Of course most seemed tall compared to Rose 5'4 height. Rose began her duty of starting the next painting to be sold and showing the proses the painting goes though to any curious customer. Luna settled by Roses feet. During her sketching of the new painting, a trance clouded Rose's mind. Her arm moved on its own accorded, sketching a bloody scene. A battlefield with both sides having one soldier left still trying to destroy the other. Blood poured from wounds on both and armor torn in various places. "What the hell are you doing you stupid girl!" cried Mr. Price. Rose came out of her trance like state. Luna had manage to climb onto her lap and was hissing at the canvas. "Sorry, Sir. I don't know what came over me." spoke Rose. "I'll take the sketch out back for now. Get to work on the night piece your suppose to do." moody Mr. Price stated. Out back of the stall, Mr. Price took a better look at the sketch. A look of shock and fear crossed his old face. "Lord, help the poor girl." whispered Mr. Price as he set the canvas down facing so the sketch was not visible.[/COLOR]
  11. Congratulation [COLOR=Black]Nathan and Indi!! I wish you both happiness. :animesmil [/COLOR]
  12. I'll take [COLOR=Black]Desdemona. This is going to be a fun RPG. [/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Black][B]Name: [/B]Rose [/COLOR]étoile [COLOR=Black] [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Gender:[/B] female [B]Appearance: [/B][URL="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/goth9088.jpg"]Rose[/URL] [URL="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Lifeasacat.jpg"]Luna[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Even though Rose looks to be some one quiet and serious, she really is a fun loving girl. Most of the time she's hyper and will talk someone ear of when she gets the chance. Rose has small cat with her named Luna. Luna just like her owner is also a little strange and tends to meow at random things. Luna is lovable sometimes but can be mean depending on how she feels. [B]Power/Weapon: [/B]Luna can change into a full sized panther. Rose can Phase though solid objects. Other weapon of Rose is [/COLOR]a Chisakatana shorten Kata[COLOR=Black]na. [B] Interests:[/B] Playing with Luna and drawing. Its been a while since my last RPG. Let me know if anything needs to be changed. [/COLOR]
  14. This is not my best work. One of my hobbies is tarot card readings. In The Tarot Cafe the deck I have is featured in, the Vampire Tarot deck. [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/tcb.jpg[/IMG]
  15. [center][B]Narimiya Hiroki [/B](Smile is too cute) [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/3333.jpg[/IMG][B] Koike Teppei [/B](Another cute smile) [B][IMG]http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f292/w-inds_4ever/WaT/WaT2-1.jpg[/IMG] Marilyn Manson [/B](Yes another weird one to add) [B][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/marilyn-manson0.jpg[/IMG] Jason Michael Carroll [/B](A country singer surprisingly) [B][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/l_020e642d3c69a1841a02d135c7b49cfc.jpg[/IMG] Ville Valo [/B](There so many dorky pictures of this guy) [B][IMG]http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll282/poisongirl1007/angel15.jpg[/IMG] [/B][/center]
  16. I'm am surprised to hear of Tennant leaving. He was pretty good doctor and brought the new Doctor Who to a new life. I knew though it was about time for there to be a new doctor. [SIZE=2]Even though I have not seen Children in Need I have heard of David Morrisey. He doesn't seem to me like a he would fit the part of the doctor to me. [/SIZE]
  17. [center][B]James Marsters[/B] (Yes I know not many like him cause of Dragonball) [IMG]http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g4/spikespet_2006/buffy/james-marsters-smallville-tv-series.jpg[/IMG] [B]Joseph Poole aka. Wednesday 13 [/B] (Not everyone taste however he is good looking) [IMG]http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc110/trevintieken/w13.jpg[/IMG] [B]Billy Idol [/B] (William Michael Albert Board. Needs to be someone with a little more experience) [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/billyidol_sxsw2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jussi, Jyrki, and Timo-Timo[/B] (Three birds with one stone. Again not everyone taste) [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/The69Eyes5-2.jpg[/IMG] [/center]
  18. [B]Raiha[/B] has been done tons of times however this cat picture reminded me of her a bit. Cute with a bad side. [center][B]Raiha[/B] [IMG]http://lolcats.com/images/u/07/46/lolcatsdotcomkj9qqzegnrahk8de.jpg[/IMG] [/center] I remember [B]Dragon Warrior [/B]in another thread saying he was a pirate. [center][B]Dragon Warrior[/B] [IMG]http://lolcats.com/images/u/08/33/lolcatsdotcom9rsf9jmm2bybqb3c.jpg[/IMG] [LEFT]This last one seems the most like[B] Europa. [/B][center][B]Europa [IMG]http://lolcats.com/images/u/08/41/lolcatsdotcomhkoar3id3t4stums.jpg[/IMG] [/B][/center] [/LEFT] [/center]
  19. friends don't let friends....I mean cats don't let cats.... Oh just read the cat image. [IMG]http://lolcats.com/images/u/08/31/lolcatsdotcom121xp4c824bvu5qc.jpg[/IMG] Cute mad kitty. [IMG]http://lolcats.com/images/u/07/46/lolcatsdotcomkj9qqzegnrahk8de.jpg[/IMG]
  20. I knew they had the rights to the squeals already to cut out Vegeta is like cutting of both your arms. I personally never was a big fan of Krillin to begin with so him being cut didn't bother me to much. Vegeta being cut is the end of the world to me. :faint:
  21. That got to be the most messed up looking ape thing I have ever seen in my life. I'm complete amazement they are trying to pass that off as an ape. I was still had a small bit of hope they would get one tiny thing right and they blow it. I don't even know what to call it. I agree with Boo, mutant fish head and its got an identity crisis thinking its an ape.:animedepr
  22. My entry: I might change it though. [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/heavenly.jpg[/IMG]
  23. [quote name='James'][FONT=franklin gothic medium]There are plenty of policy areas where I disagree with Obama, but also several where I agree. That aside, Obama has achieved a historic victory today. No question there. Congratulations to him - he's an honorable man and he does deserve this victory. I'm sure Martin Lurther King would feel like his dream had been fulfilled, if he could see this election. That can't possibly be understated. I think even if you disagree with Obama politically, you'd at least have to acknowledge the enormity of his victory and what it says about American society at this point in time. As for McCain...he's also a highly honorable man. He's been terribly misrepresented by many on the left, but he's also made his own poor choices during the campaign. And I think the times just do not suit him at the moment. Still, he's been a strong candidate and a skilled politician. As I said in another thread, America was very lucky this time. There were two great candidates. It was really about who was better, rather than who was the lesser of two evils. That's really a great thing. [/FONT][/quote] I agree whole heartily with James. It was not about which one is better but the lesser of two evils. There is no question in today being historic. I voted based on the policies both men brought in their campaign. I also voted on based the running partners of McCain and Obama. During the end of the presidency race I didn't like either one. Each candidate had pros and cons and one candidate out weighed the other for me.
  24. I'm also first time voter. I didn't have to wait at all to get everything done, no line or anything. Everything went well during voting. Afterword I ended up tripping ripping the knee of my jeans and now one of my knees is pretty messed up. One of them I'm still icing. I knew something was going to go wrong. All in all though it was a good first time voting.
  25. [B]Date and Time:[/B] November 3rd 2008 11:07am [GMT -7] [B]Username:[/B] Cat [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Location:[/B] Tucson, Arizona [B]How long I've been on OB:[/B] I think its been around 4 years. [B]Submission: [/B]There is just something about the OB keeps me coming back. In the new few years I hope to have transferred out of the community college to a University continuing my studies in Graphics Design. I will also finally be able to drive in two years and not keep putting it off. I want my graphics to evolve from the state they are now to become better and to have a different program. Right now I currently like drawing and writing and for those hobbies to continue on in the years. Hopefully I wont leave the OB permanently only to take breaks when life becomes to busy. Its to much fun on here with the weird Who Would You Do? thread and Bloodsuckers! For Real's. Also the fun art studio activities like Signature of the Week and the Graphic Worm. One of my published works in an online magazine. I don't like the title of the poem however I don't want to change it. I like how its a random title. [center][B]Bratwurst[/B] Brat prince cries to be silenced by hums. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2] Meowing in the distance.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2] Lying in a cradle of filth.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2] Voices are consumed by laughter.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2] Snowboarders do not exist.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2] We all get a chance in the eye of the storm.[/SIZE][/FONT][/center]
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