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[quote][COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Times New Roman]Anyway I like blood because of the iron concentration [good for anemics], and because cows blood leeching from a deliciously undercooked steak is fun to sop up with your sourdough bread. Call me a vampire. But blood tastes good as a flavoring.[/FONT][/COLOR][/quote]I'd have to agree with Raiha blood does taste good as flavoring. Yummy. As for the vampire concept, I like the idea of something being unnatural to what we already know however a human vampire is impossible scientifically unless it feeds on more then just blood. Folklore is pass down and are told to explain what could not be explain in the past. If I'm remembering a history channel show right vampires were used when humans didn't understand how a corpse decomposes and were scared on how the dead still looked so life like after a time. The only explanation to town people was the dead was coming back to life and feeding on blood because of the lips being red. I don't know if this is exactly right but I'm pretty sure.
I had candy duty. I sat outside and passed out candy to the trick or treaters. We didn't get many this year, around 20 or so kids and still have a bag of candy in the fridge. I'm not complaining though that candy is mine. :catgirl: I was also dressed up sort of like a witch but all the kids thought i was a vampire. I can't get way from looking like a vampire I guess no matter what I do. :animesmil
I personally like Keith Haring work. An Activist graffiti and mural artist during the 80s and died in Feb 16, 1990. There is lots of information on him. Here is his official website in case your interested. [URL]http://www.haring.com/home.php[/URL]
This falls under other show. Vince McMahon VS Mick Foley. Its not completely perfect but I'm happy with it. The drawing actually look a bit like the people they are suppose to be. Sorry its a little slanted. [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/mvsv.jpg[/IMG] Left Mick Foley with his barbwire bat and Right Vince McMahon with a knife. (Tried drawing Vince with a gun but it just would not come out right.
I just didn't like being called a hater. I don't like being called a hater for anything especially music. I listen to so many genres and styles just so I won't be closed mined to bands like the Jonas Brothers. If I went with my first impress I would even listen to song like Love bug or SOS. The Jonas Brothers can increase their abilities farther and develop them. I listen to quite a few songs not just the music videos and I see potential in them. I understand where you're coming from Anime_girl5. I know I can't change your opinion nor want to. I want someone to pursaue me not by the look of the band however by their music. I hope you can understand where I'm coming from and I will listen to their first album, there is most likely a song that I do like on one of the albums. I'm willing to look for it.
I never said I down right hated the Jonas Brothers however I disliked them for past songs. I was actually looking forward to this song and video. I thought they had a great idea and the means to pull off in a grander way and get away from the expected. Then when I saw it I was let down terrible for me. Really I said I like the lyrics of song just not matched with the visual. The lyrics were good and I like them. Mixed with the video though it ruined a bit of the song for me. I also say this I'm listening to the song right now while not watching the video and I like it better. The song grew on me without the visual aid.
Here is the Wrestling. One of his hands is a little off however it works. He does not really look like Shawn Michaels who I was trying to draw. Hope it works. [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/wrestler.jpg[/IMG]
What are some of the strangest thing a family member has done? It was around midnight my dad got up way to early to go to work, not even paying attention to what time it was. He took his shower and everything half asleep. I was up I just thought he could sleep anymore, he had to get up an few hours any ways. He was about to go out the door when I asked if he was forgetting anything. He said no. I thought he would have notice the time by now but he didn't. So I finally told him to look at the clock, he was about 2 hours early to leave. I then went back in my room but yelled I thought people only forgot their pants in their dreams. My dad was about to go to work 2 hours early with just his work shirt and underwear. I had a good mind to let him go. I always wondered how someone could forget his pants.
[quote name='Calypso'][COLOR=Sienna] Cat, I would consider you a cousin!!!:catgirl:[/COLOR][/quote] I'm not completely orphaned now. Calypso has claimed me as a cousin. Thanks Calypso :catgirl: Edit: My list as I understand it. OB Family: [COLOR=black]Cousins: Calypso and ChibiHorsewoman[/COLOR][COLOR=black][/COLOR]
I'm pretty much an orphan. I disappear for periods of time and get busy. The members that I thought of as family are pretty much gone now I think.
I'll take wrestling. I have a few questions though. Is there a specific time you like the Art by? Also are we allowed to use any type of art sketching, computer graphics, and so on?
My entry: [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/warba2.jpg[/IMG]
The most stupid thing I have ever found on the internet
Cat replied to Ikeor's topic in General Discussion
It has to be a joke. If you teenage son starts acting like a teenager then then he must be a hacker. All of it is just to funny. -
I listen to the song and watched the video and I have to say its not that good. The song its self has the same style of their past songs. Lyrics wise its alright however they don't match the music. In the end I wished they had kept the slower rhythm. I can understand the message of the video however it not all that original, I feel I have seen it before. I wished that they had done something else. With a song called Love Bug you already expect this kind of video setting. To break away from the expected is more of what I wanted to see. All in all its not my taste. Its an alright song without the video to me.
Well its been a little while. I'll claim next. Edit: Here it is. Let me know of any problems. [URL="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/gwv3.jpg"]Graphic Worm:Vampire[/URL]
Not as bad as I had feared. I did break out laughing though at piccolos first expression in the trailer. Trailers is a little more dramatic then what I thought it would be.
I have to say I fully surprised at how many have said they like Billy Idol. Usually most people I've talk to have either never heard of him or only know two song being White Wedding and Rebel Yell. [QUOTE][SIZE=1]Buzzcocks! Blitz! Blue Orchids and the Fall (I have to like them because my friend's mother is the founder - I'm honestly not kidding, mentioned this a million times - Una Baines, look it up!). Depeche Mode of course, Christian Death was pretty good, Human League and the Homosexuals... JOY DIVISION, New Order, Poison Girls, Theatre of Hate, Sisters of Mercy...[/SIZE][/QUOTE] You can hear the Sisters of Mercy influence in a few bands now a days. There metal bands even in Brazil having used some of their style. They made quite an impact when they only released a few albums.
[quote name='AngryBarista'][FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Lol WHAT have we done to our entries Boo? I wish I could enter again with something better, because yours rocks my socks off![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/quote] wtf?? I'm wondering the same thing. Even though it is funny, something to lighten up signature of the week.
I think I have finally found one that matches me. Feel free to disagree though. [center][B]Cat[/B] [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/robbin-001-1-1.jpg[/IMG] [/center]
I'm a large fan on 80's rock or hair metal. I think the song generally have a better sounding then some of the rock songs now. I can identify better with more 80's songs then others. I do have personal favorites and at the top of the list is Billy Idol. Love the lyrics and the way he sings. I also love Steve Stevens guitar playing. I do also like the other bands that were part of that time. Poison, Motley Crue, Faster Pussycat, Bon Jovi, Gun's n' Roses, Sisters of Mercy, David Bowie (even though I like more of the early albums then the 80's albums he did) and so many more. I think you get the picture.
It sure does seem like it. Good luck to you too Jeremy.
My entry: [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/friendship.jpg[/IMG]
[quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][COLOR=#9933ff]Oh and I think I found the reason we don't have a ceiling cat: [IMG]http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f272/Chibi_horsewoman/Funny%20pictures/noceilingcat.jpg[/IMG] [center]Ceiling cat= bad influence[/center][/COLOR][/quote] That could explain it. This one reminded me of the cats from Lady and the Tramp. [IMG]http://lolcats.com/images/u/07/25/lolcatsdotcomgd8odjujp6n59og1.jpg[/IMG] My cat Luna likes to get into the laundry basket sometimes. This reminded me of when my dad was doing laundryand Luna decided to sit in the basket the whole time. [IMG]http://lolcats.com/images/u/07/35/lolcatsdotcom0q0iplj9w594v8vf.jpg[/IMG] Luna also used to look like this as a kitten. [IMG]http://lolcats.com/images/u/07/40/lolcatsdotcomf8gg0b0qu4on6xko.jpg[/IMG] Now these last three are cause there are not enough vampire kitty yet. [IMG]http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/funny-pictures-happy-vampire-cat.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.lolcats.com/images/u/07/23/lolcatsdotcomr3o77mmg9xmhpl4n.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/funny-pictures-vampire-cat-bat-nap.jpg[/IMG]
I really don't see how the Jonas Brothers are cute in anyway. I looked at the pictures and I saw nothing attractive at all. As I said before most of the song I have heard all sound the same. For me the music comes before the way the artist looks. Their music needs to change for me to be able to listen. If their songs did not sound the same as the others they have done then I might listen to them.
Have we found a Ceiling Cat yet? I thought this one was cute. [IMG]http://lolcats.com/images/u/08/21/lolcatsdotcomu26q4suap8l3q7ah.jpg[/IMG] I think everyone has thought this at least once. [IMG]http://lolcats.com/images/u/07/32/lolcatsdotcomnskayciqdhkvu28n.jpg[/IMG] Dog Breath, nasty. [IMG]http://lolcats.com/images/u/07/38/lolcatsdotcomdfxywp513skhkw2f.jpg[/IMG]