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Everything posted by Cat

  1. Cat

    Yes, I'm staying. However I am going on two month trip soon. XD

  2. [quote name='AvalonAngel' timestamp='1302721348' post='706528'] I predict that in a few month's time we will cease to post in this thread and solely come on to OB for the Status Updates. [/quote] I can see this happening. Status Updates are addictive.
  3. This show is addictive. I never thought I would like it as much as I do. I thought the Ponies day (April 1) was awesome and I like avatars that where used.
  4. The podcast is awesome. It was really funny. I couldn't stop laughing. Congrats to everyone on the Nifty Fifty.
  5. Cat


    Name: Luna Gender: F Picture(s):[attachment=15110:IMG00413-20101030-1645.jpg] [attachment=15111:IMG00393-20101029-0534.jpg] Breed/Species: Turkish Angora mix Age: Around 6 or 7 Likes: Cuddling, food, biting, and meowing at 8am Dislikes: Being woken up and her back paws tickled. Name: Socks Gender: F Picture(s):[attachment=15112:Yearbookandother-05.jpg] [attachment=15113:pets001.jpg] Breed/Species: American Short Hair Age: Around 14 or 15 years Likes: Food, sleep, being grumpy, and begging for food. Dislikes: Being picked up and being pet when she doesn't want it
  6. I'm finally back!

    1. CaNz
    2. Lilt


      'But the Cat came back, the very next day'

      I mean, welcome back Cat!

    3. Korey


      But the question is, are you going to stay? I can't take long hiatuses :<

  7. Cat


    [quote name='CaNz' timestamp='1302229104' post='706340'] Vector: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson I like the picture you chose, 'cause his smile is pretty unique. Anyways I like the hair, vector images usually seem to lose detail there but yours still has detail. I also really like the dimples. I really cant think of anything you need to improve upon, but the eyes kinda look strange being two colors.... but I haven't seen the original photo. Advertisements: I really like the way you got rid of the sky, because white looks really good with your horse blur, text, and the logo. The horse blur/ transparency is pulled off well. I like how all parts of it are transparent, giving it the spirit look, and insinuating the car has the wild horse spirit too. Text wise I like the fancy cursive... I don't really like the bottom text, because I usually feel that those bold texts only look good very big or very high contrast. Also the pasting of the car doesn't look all that professional because the wheels are not covered by patches of grass and there is no shadows.... but editing those details can be difficult and I donno what project it was for, so it might have been perfectly okay to skip it. Also, the ford logo could have been bigger, there is a lot of open white space. EDIT: just noticed your lower text is the same as the one you used in the frosted flakes one. I am all about time conservation so I take back my comment about it. the task of finding a new text probably wouldn't be worth the benefits. The frosted flakes one is classic. My favorite one this round. Excellent vector work , and the picture of a tiger eating is pretty hilarious. The font looks good and the color scheme is perfect since e it reminds me of the box. I don't really know what the symbols are for, but they provide decent filler, though I would have liked to see more on topic stuff there like perhaps flakes or milk or something. also there wasn't any old logos. a Kellogs thing would be fun to see. Really I think this add could easily be used today though.... fantastic work here. Photoshop Class: I am not sure what is going on here but I like the Text, since it makes it look like a book cover. I like how the color tone between the three images (butterfly girl and knife) blend, however the outlines on both the knife and the girl might be a little too much at this magnification. I like that you put the shadow behind the girls head, because it does help it blend well. The dark cloudy background in general works well for the tone. My favorite part has to be her dress, as it its perfectly shaded. Illustrator Class: I dunno how to look at these, but as for simple drawing details I like the stitching on the Voodoo dolls, and the patterns on the snake, and the translate well with the image size change. [/quote] His eyes are off. Mostly cause I don't really see them. Here is the original image. [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/the-rock-game-plane-premiere-03.jpg"]Original image[/url] For the type on the advertisement, The teacher told me to clean it up some and use a solid font for the bottom. Before it had cursive font similar to the other font. I had issues shading and stuff. It was fine before I was forced to make the car smaller. The Frosted Flakes one still isn't really done. Its a work in progress. I'll take your comments into consideration. As for the old logos were not allowed to use them or the original slogans. That was to first true photoshop project I had to do. The goal was to create an image based on the story the teacher gave us. We also had to make sure the image looks painted instead of like a photo for a challenge. Those were voodoo clip arts done from a original sketches. I'm not to good at drawing and I was limited on subject matter.
  8. Cat


    I hope its ok that I double posted. My last post was from a while back. Here are some projects I have done these last few weeks. Comments and critiques are welcome. Vector: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson [img]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Kirstinvector-01.jpg[/img] Advertisements: [img]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Kirstincarad2.jpg[/img] [img]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/kirstinfoodad.jpg[/img] Photoshop Class: Bookcover/Book Image [img]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/KirstinKnifethrower.jpg[/img] Illustrator Class: Voodoo Clip Art [img]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/122P2KirstinRichardson.jpg[/img]
  9. Killer Tomato movie is awesome! Who doesn't love the movie? Yes, I am Otaku Jeopardy Champion forever it seems. I don't mind though.
  10. [quote name='Magus' timestamp='1299113108' post='705444'] I didn't disappear at all and I still don't know what's going on, but I'm just gonna pretend like I do and move along. [/quote] Yep, Its all you can do to keep what sanity you have left.
  11. I disappeared for so long, I have no clue whats going on anymore. It is awesome!
  12. Cat


    It be nice to get them on there. I might listen to the podcast more often instead of just now and again. It'll be rare to get both of them on the same podcast. You might have to do one per episode.
  13. Cat

    I have a new graphics design project up. Hope you like it.

  14. Cat

    Thanks lol Expect some new graphic design projects of mine this weekend too.

  15. Cat


    [quote name='CaNz' timestamp='1296688248' post='704643'] Though I am disappointed that the number I have been calling is fake... It looks really well done. I am not very ond of cursive writing in things that are meant to be read often, but It is still rather legible because of the dark font on the light background. Well, since I have been made aware of David Bowie's eyes, you captured an interesting part of his likeness. I like the gray, and the Quote is nicely placed. The cursive goes well with it in this case but it is kinda hard to read in white... though not horrible. Well the college template looks really impressive! very professional :P Anyways, the first thing that stands out are the opposing colors, Dark cold colors for sad, bright Warm colors for happy just makes sense. The Jump for joy works really well because it specifically asked for joy. The sun... is kinda just there... but It makes the jump look like its really high I guess! as for depression I really like how its mostly a black canvas. It looks a little bit too much like an inversion with the white hair I think.. but other than that I love the tattered feel. The picture looks like its falling apart like people suffering through depression. Crying is nothing super original, but I like how the tears are a different color. It really makes it stand out. Anyways great work again Cat! you are constantly bringing a variety of awesomeness! [/quote] Sorry, can't have too many people bothering me. I write in cursive, it second nature to me. The bookmark image is from a vector I did a while back that I liked. You'll never get over those eyes. The quote is the title of my favorite song of his. I just forgot to take it off. A community college isn't that impressive. You are the first one to get the Jump for Joy reference most have not understood it until I explained it to them. The sun was just add perspective to his jump. Plus, who doesn't love a sunny day with the weather everyone been having. The white hair was my biggest risk. It does look a bit like an inversion, I kind of like it that way though. ^-^ As for the crying those are eyelashes but being mistake as tears work too. :P
  16. Cat


    I'm back with some very basic projects that I have done. These are from Product Advertising and Indesign classes. The Indesign stuff is terrible. It is my weakest subject. [b]Indesign[/b] [b]Business card: None of the info is real. I made most of it up except for my name.[/b] [img]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/KirstinBC226.jpg[/img] [b]Bookmark[/b] [img]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/KirstinBookmark226.jpg[/img] [b]Product Advertising[/b] [b]Emotion Opposites Symbols: Depression and Joy[/b] [img]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/oppositesymbols.jpg[/img]
  17. Thanks, everyone. I'm hoping I'll get better soon. I'm going to make attempt to go to college on Tuesday or Wednesday. As for the whole nipple bit. Guys don't need them, might as well just get rid of them. As for breast feeding vs Bottle feeding, I personally think bottle feeding is better. Breast feeding is just gross and this is coming from a girl.
  18. I won't be on much for the next couple weeks. Not even to check some of the topics I have posted in like this one. I was in a nasty car accident last night. It was the other persons fault not mine and I totaled my car. If I hadn't been wearing my seat belt I probably would not be here right now. I'm lucky, I only have some extremely bad bruises and a few places where I was cut open by the seat belt. Sorry, for any grammar or spelling errors I can't really see because I lost my glasses in the crash.
  19. [quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1293319321' post='703290'] I'm making myself sick with so much food... On the plus side, I FINALLY HAS AN ALLAMORPH PLUSHIE~!!! [attachment=14982:045.JPG] [attachment=14983:047.JPG] The last pic is just to give y'all nightmares. [/quote] The last picture reminds me of my kitty cat Luna. Its kind of spooky.
  20. [quote name='CaNz' date='16 December 2010 - 01:47 PM' timestamp='1292532457' post='702824'] Does anyone here know how to wrap presents? (probably all of you, and I am the only incompetent one... but still) whenever I try it just makes a ball of mush and lose... so if anyone has a few tricks of the trade it would be appreciated!! [/quote] Nope, I just go with the flow of it. If it looks funky then oh well. They just going rip of the wrapping paper off anyway.
  21. I'm finally on winter break. No more all-nighters studying and graphic projects for me.
  22. [quote name='Magus' date='10 December 2010 - 12:24 AM' timestamp='1291965862' post='702576'] You hush. That was terrible. [/quote] I agree. Caramelldansen skin was terrible.
  23. Cat

    I bet she will enjoy it.

  24. Cat

    That's cool.

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