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I'm very sorry about this since its my turn could you please skip me. I leaving today go see my mom and little sister and I can't make a graphic in about 10 mins that would look good. I'm also not bring my laptop either so I can't make it later. If you guys were to wait for me it would be around a month like I said before and I know no one wants to wait that long. Again very sorry.
I'm sorry about this but I'm going to be away to visit my mom next tuesday. I'll be gone until the end of July. I'm pretty sure my turn will come up sometime while I'm away. Even if I was able to go on the computer while I'm gone I won't have any graphic programs because I'm not bring my laptop on my trip. Again I'm sorry if this messes up the whole graphic worm but this was sudden for me as well. I just found out today that I'm leaveing next week. I'm hoping that since there is still a few more before that I can just be skipped.
Update: 1) I feel so much better now that the SAT is over. I didn't get much sleep last night maybe two hours worth. So, I'm also very tired right now. 2) Whats keeping me going right now I really don't know. I'm pretty much dead on my feet. So now its time for some rest and to just relax. I never want to see a test like that again for a long time.
1) I'm completely freaking out and nervous about the SAT tomorrow morning. I'm got to remember to set my alarm to get up a 5am and remember to eat breakfast for once. Then try and make it downtown before 7:45am. It doesn't help that I'm not a morning person. I walk around like a zombie most of the morning until the afternoon starts to come along which isn't really going help since the test is in the morning. I'm also still upset about my language class being canceled last Tuesday. I really needed the half-year of credit 2) School and graduating are what driving me right now. I need to work on being able to graduate on time. I just have one more year to make up a math credit and a whole year of language now. If I don't then I'll be graduating late.
I still say that Alice Cooper had some part in metal just like every band give something to the music they play. As for horror metal being real or not. I know its not real I was going off a website that i was looking at during the time I was writing the post. I was seeing what online stores put certain bands under and thats was what they had a few bands like Alice Cooper and such under at the time I looked. Sorry for the confussion.
Thank you both for the comments. I personally don't like the George Forman Grill one to much but it was the only thing I could come up with at the time. As for the Star-Dust Covered Cake is one of my favorites and I work the hardest on that one. Here are the remaining poems I did. [u][b]Measuring Cups [/b][/u]Measure the unearth. Driven not to be. Lampshades shadow the sun. All things said makes perfect since to me Forever More. [b][u]Whole Grain White [/u][/b] The final coutdown. For the end. White bleach in your food. Killing you slowly. Keep hold on until the waters drown [b][u]Parking Lot [/u][/b] I can memorize. Cars parked in the parking lot. Writing pretty words. Do you like to hurt? Than hurt the others around. Dance for the stars. [b][u]Brick of Butter [/u][/b]Fall into the luck. Learn to fly. Don't be held down by hell. Line the wall with home theater systems. The Hip Hop Block is dead. [u][b]Semi-Sweet Morsels [/b][/u]What is left after you watch someone lose? Do you think this is best for them or not? I see the way people can look at eachother. And like that the other is losing. Not even trying to help them find what they need. I can say that losing is not fun. There are too many times when I gave up. And this almost want as far as by not wanting to try. Tears will flow into the ocean. The sun will rise and dry the one left behind. And a smile can light up the blind.
Here is [color=#656446][color=black]15) Envy.[/color] [/color][color=black]I used the model from next top model that did the photos for envy when they did the 7 deadly sins photos. The words are from Wings & Hearts by The 69 Eyes.[/color] [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Envy3.jpg"]Envy[/url]
I'll do 15) envy now if no one wants it.
His eyes bother me as well. I think it might be that they're not as cat like as discribed in the book. One of his ears also looks a little weird to me but that could be of the lightness of the shading. You did a very good job on the nose and teeth. The only thing with the teeth however is the top row of teeth I don't think fits with the bottem row to well. All and all another great drawing.
There is Night Time. It might be alittle weird. I was trying to do a vampire anime mixed with bats sort of thing with the night sky in the background. The words are from the song Star of Fate by The 69 Eyes. [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/NightTime.jpg"][color=black]24) Night Time[/color] [/url]
Some of the bands/artiest that I think are the best would have to be Billy Idol, Alice Cooper, Black Sabbath, Poison, Bon Jovi, and similar bands to them. I feel that Billy Idol was one of the founders of punk rock. Hes been around since the early 70s with various bands. Alice Cooper and Black Sabbath are the ones I think have founded Horror Metal or the darker stuff when it comes to music. Poison and Bon Jovi are some of the best when it comes to Hair Metal of the 80s along with bands like Warrent, Aerosmith, and others.
For my theme song I would either have Gothic Girl by The 69 Eyes or Lost Boys by The 69 Eyes. Thats only if youhad to play one song for the whole season. If though I had a choice I would do what 2007DigitalBoy said and have a new one for each episode. That way it can keep the show feeling fresh good music and the people watching won't get bored with the same theme song. I'm not sure of all the songs I'd use but the bands would be The 69 Eyes, HIM, Wednesday 13, Cradle of Filth, Type O Negative, Eighteen Visions, Billy Idol, Murderdolls, and whatever else I can think of at the time.
I can go after Delta as #13.
I'll do 24) nighttime now if thats alright.
[QUOTE=kalon] [b]Cat14:[/b] If this was for creative writing, were some of the poems written from prompts? I just wondered if your teacher gave you the sort of food theme you have, or if you were just hungry ;). I like the way all of them are put together, although I can't reconcile the subjects with the titles in my head. It all seems stream-of-consciousness. Especially for "The Town Of Chew And Swallow," the phrases seem to have their own meanings depending on the reader. I can think of multiple ways to interpret each line, which makes me really enjoy them and want to reread them.[/QUOTE]Yes the titles had to be named that. You see we kind of had a day where we all brought food to class and we read the book town of chew and swallow. It was a eulogy a character in a movie name Harry that end up dieing in the end. I have a very weird creative writing class. Here are some more of the poems that I've wrote. Thanks for the comments kalon This one I did that I though was funny. [u] George Forman Grill [/u]What is that you need? You want a grill nammed after you George Forman? I think you are lost in your hobbies or career. Maybe you are too into making money. Watch were you are going. Or you will end up in a sea of greed. [u]Steven's Lasagna[/u] (he had brought lasangna) Try alone, the wind will blow. The moonlight sections brighten. Black cats screech to the lamppost. Out of time. Tombstones break and crumple. [u]Star-Dust Covered Cake[/u] It is wednesday 13. Is it the date or band or even the freaky lead singers name. Ear poping metal of difference to paint and make the face. Quotes are just other people's words rewritten. [u]Bratwurst [/u] Brat prince cries to be silenced by hums. Meowing in the distance. Lying in a cradle of filth. Voices are consumed by laughter. Snowboarders do not exists. We all get a chance in the eye of the storm. [u]Harry Eulogy [/u] Harry you are nothing but a waste. Some mental disgrace thinking that your imaginary characters exist. In the end it was your downfall. For to you they never went away. Than no one would ever be here at your eulogy. Thanks for whatever good you did if any. Not even your characters will remember you much about you.
Here are some of the poems I did for creative writing. There was 15 to begin with but I'm not going to post that many right now. I just post about 5 for now. [u]Bread Maker That Chose Not To Be[/u] Walking though the night the sun sets twice. Gloom and doom not to be. Fang Bang. Snake bite earrings. Work part time several times. Green furniture in the sleeping building ends all. [u]Town Of Chew And Swallow [/u]Two hands and one face. A box full of sharp objects. No better then the next town over. Morgue the words. Sleep moon sleep. Never come out. Like a slap on the face. [u]Do You Like My Shoes? [/u] Run and take it away. Too sweet to look at. Do you like my shoes? Sleep until 2 o' clock. You before. Live where the ocean runs dry. [u]Grill Cheese [/u] How do you make room for a bookcase? Never rid the world of writing. Need is the water that flows backwards. Sick is the flower by the field. Not able to be part of the group. [u]Apple Pops [/u] The apple is aways far from the tree. We have the knowledge thanks to the piece of apple. Black lipstick circles the bite missing. The serpent red handed covers theirs but not mine. Let me go to sleep. Its lipstick mark is far from bleeding. And its all I've got to show. The garden once existed. Be careful though for what you wish for... You might find it. Do Not Enter! Where can I find the end?
I like the drawing alot. The only problem I see is the beard alittle uneven. The right side has less hair then the left and it looks weird to me. There is something about the nose that I don't like either. Maybe its because there is no bridge or sides. Shadowing might help so you won't have to draw it in. All and all its a great picture.
I called my mom to wish her a happy mothers day. She lives pretty far away. For some reason though her phone kept acting up so we didn't talk for that long. I think I'll send her an e-card as well.
What puts me in a good mood? Well reading a new book can do that. I'm a pretty big reader and like to read books that are over 300 pages the best. Listening to certain songs help my mood sometimes right after a hard day. Hanging out with good friends is fun to do to. Most of them are leaving for college this year though. Last but no lest just hanging around with my pets. They can be so sweet sometimes but others there like little monsters but their my babies. :)
[font=Arial][color=black]Here is mine. Its alittle plain for the other version is against Otakuboards rules. [/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=black]Warning: There is the use of the middle finger a few times so if you don't like that then don't look at the wallpaper.[/color][/font] [color=#656446][url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/WallpaperSexDrugsRocknroll.jpg"][font=Arial][color=black]21) Sex, drugs and rock n' roll[/color][/font] [/url][/color]
Could I do a wallpaper graphic? If so then could I please do 21) Sex, Drugs, Rock n' Roll?
My first concert was about 2 years ago. I went to this all day even and they had all sorts of bands. A few of them were Taking Back Sunday, Sum 41, and a few others that I can't remeber. The reason though that I went was to see Billy Idol. I'm a big fan of his. It was great. I was right upfront and he even pointed to me. Afterwords I got to see him up close when he was doing autographs but I didn't get a chance to sadly. I glad that I was able to go to it.
Why am I here on OB? Well in some ways it simple. In the begginning I wanted to post about anime. Now however I want to see what other people feel about issues. I also want to speak what I think on issues even if others don't agree or have a diffrerent way of putting things. I want to also see what I have common with other people. Another thing that i like to do is show off my graphics and get some feedback on them and help. I want to become better not only at my graphics but also as a person.
I would really like to know what you guys think of these grahpics. Some of them you have already seen me use as Sigs and avatars but I want to know how to get better. I'm not at the level I want to be. I use GIMP so that you can give me some tips in what i can do to become better at that program. Thank you very much for taking the time to look at my graphics. Some of the graphics on here I made for my MyOtaku site. Avatars: [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Cat14Wednesday13avatar.jpg"]Wednesday 13[/url] [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Crowgirlavatar.jpg"]The Crow[/url] [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Simpleplanavatar.jpg"]Simple Plan[/url] Sigs/ Banners: [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Cat14Wednesdaybanner.jpg"]Wednesday 13[/url] [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/TheCrowbanner.jpg"]The Crow [/url] [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/simpleplan67.jpg"]Simple Plan[/url] Wallpapers: [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Jyrkiwallpaper.jpg"]Jyrki69[/url] [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/The69Eyes5-1.jpg"]The 69 Eyes: Jyrki, Jussi, Timo Timo[/url] [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Simpleplanavatar.jpg"][/url]
I like the blue that you used in the banner. I think that it contrast well with the Doctor Image. I also like the saying that you used. It really matches the Doctor. This is one of the few banners that I have seen of the Doctor and It makes me smile to see one of my favorite shows in a banner. Great job I know how heard GIMP is to use.