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Firefox wasn't leting me put up the videos sorry. I had to get on internet explorer. Here they are if you wish to see them. Have fun with all them. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEKtxK6QtNM"]The 69 Eyes~ Perfect Skin[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OBaK1AoWnI"]The 69 Eyes~ Never Say Die[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9g-knX5hWA"]Wednesday 13~ I Walk With A Zombie[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMThm9juhwI"]Wednesday 13~ My Home Sweet Homicide[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfjL-yi5Fbc"]Wednesday 13~ Bad Things [/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FJxzjqsdzM"]Billy Idols~ White Wedding [/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsWtg11HBRs"]Murderdolls~ White Wedding[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNMcqpr3q_I"]Murderdolls~ Dead In Hollywood[/url]
My favorite would have to be the heartache one. I like the coloring and the words match the image. I think too it would be great to have SOTW. I would enter even if I'm not that good just for the fun. I have almost won one myself but then the Forum die or something. I hope you win your current contest.
I'm one of the people that have a few hundred videos that I like that go a far back as the 70s and 80s. I'll just name the most resent ones however. The 69 Eyes~ Perfect Skin video. It has a wierd theme to it then what I have see in other videos. It was also a great shocker seeing how they kind of had a new look to them. The 69 Eyes~ Never Say Die. This one though me for a loop too. Again it was different then their other music videos. The song its self is also I think a little different then the older stuff. Wednesday 13~ I Walk With A Zombie. Its a funny song to me and the video relates to the song perfectly. Its like an old zombie move where it looks to fake to be real yet fun. Wednesday 13~ My Home Sweet Homicide. Again I find the video to be funny. It goes though the life of a clown whose wife cheats on him. He then goes about all mad and basicly gets all the band memebers annoyed enough to call the cops. In the end the wife what cheating with the lead singer of the band and the husband gets arrested. Wednesday 13~ Bad Things. Its a concert type of video buts it funny with some of the things they do Murderdolls~ White Wedding. I like to compare it to Billy Idols White Wedding video. As of now I can't deside which one I like better. They both do a good job in their own way. Murderdolls~ Dead in Hollywood. Cool video that takes place in a metal hospital basicly. You have Marilyn Manson playing as the doctor for the band memebers at certain points.
Pretending~ HIM Good song to start of the list. From their greatest hits album And Love Said No. One of my personal favorites. I like the soft sound, a change from some of the harder stuff I have been listening to. Blood (Empty Promises)~ Papa Roach Alittle bit harder then the last song. I like how the it went from the softer him song to something harder to balance it out. One Last Time [Rockfield Madness Version]~ HIM A different sound compared to other him songs but still soft music. Minority~ Green Day I like this song. It kind of goes with my school class themes on becomeing your own self and how you can make a difference even if you are part of the minority. Living Hell~ Heartsbane Alittle known German band. They don't have a cd or what not but on thier Myspace page they give you a link to where you can get there music. They sound like Nighwish a bit. Wishmaster~ Nightwish Very good song of theirs. Fast keeping you with the song though random lyrics. Lying From You~ Linkin Park Harder song, good song to be on the list. Tight Wad Hill~ Green Day One of their lesser known songs. I feel is a great song to maybe dance to because of the beat. Ready, Steady, Go~ Generation X One of my Favorite bands ever. Its good to hear Billy Idols voice and see how he has changed over the years. Really sound wise he hasn't change but song themes have. Crazy Mama~ Billy Ray Cyrus No comment really except that I like Billy Ray Cyrus music. All Jacked Up~ Gratchen Wilson Great country song. Tells you what not to do when your drunk after partying to hard. Blanket of Fear~ Papa Roach One of the hardest songs that made it on to the list. I like the song personal and think it fits right after the country music to give you a faster song to listen to instead of the slower ones. Longview~ Green Day One of their best songs really. That doesn't get much credit any more. A song that you can relate to on some level. High In The Sky~ Heartsbane Look at the other Heartsbane on the list above. The Sacrament~ HIM To end it with a soft song brings it back to the beginning. It kind of winds down the list and bring it to a close None of my dads songs made it on the list this time which is good. A completely new list compared to the last one. I like this list better then the last one. There is a better mixs instead of mostly having just one artist.
Here is what I got. 1. HIM~ The Path 2. HIM~ Lose You Tonight 3. Bon Jovi~ You Give Love A Bad Name 4. Bon Jovi~ Always 5. Green Day~ No Pride 6. HIM~ Buried Alive By Love 7. HIM~ Gone With the Sin 8. Gretchen Wilson~ Raining On Me 9. Gretchen Wilson~ We Ain't Even Cold Yet 10. My Chemical Romance~ This Is The Best Day Ever 11. My Epipany~ Perfect Fit 12. HIM~ Solitary Man 13. Linkin Park~ Numb 14. Billy Joel~ The Night Is Still Young 15. U2~ Love and Peace or Else Its a pretty good list to me. Alot of HIM came up. I didn't know I had that many HIM songs on the computer. I happy that some country got into the list too. Also the Billy Joel isn't one of my songs but my Dads.
Thanks for your help I'll try and work on them some more. There due this wednesday though and I have a lot of other finals to work on. For the third present one. What I was going for was to show what children might be looking forward to in the future. As for the future one with the hearts. I wanted to show with the font some sort of hope for the future though love. The writing is what the song lyrics said. I used a Bob Marley songs. Some times his lyrics are alittle messed up. Your graphic is beautiful. I like it very much. Good luck in your project. I'm sure you will get a good grade in the class. Again thanks for taking the time to comment.
The employer does own these people in away though. If a company can own water that falls from the sky (which has been done) whats to stop them from own other humans in a different way. Most people can't leave a job for they need the little money they get. However the company can take away all health care, if the people wanted to create a Union they will threaten them by saying we will take away your jobs if you do. Some companies have been know to hire assassins to kill labor union leaders. Isn't that not a type of slavery where you can't do anything that the company controls all the strings and can take away your hope. Its either do what they want or have your children starve. Wal-mart makes its employs stay and do over time (3 or more hours) and not pay them at all. What would you choose? I know that I would give up my rights and freedom to a company if it means keeping my family from starving.
humanity still has away to go. I feel that slowly we are learning but it not fast enough. If you want to get into really we haven't got rid of slavery. For example there are still sweat shops in New York City and the United States has other such shops around the world. These sweat shops have mostly children working in them as well, being payed around 30 cents or less per day. The United States are after money. The only thing is United States is just creating bigger debt. The third biggest lender to the United States is Mexico!! We are taken money from Mexico to support our country in certain areas of the budget. The United States tried to keep them out with a wall idea but we will take money from when they should be the ones using the money. As for the Global Warming issue the United States isn't going to do anything for a while. In fact they cut back I think it was half a billion on the environment to put into the war in Iraq. About Every 3 seconds the United States is spending about 10,000 dollars on the Iraq war. That is alot of money that could be put into education, environment, and Aid to other countries.
I have this project where you can do basicly whatever you want and I did graphic design. The only catch was that you had to choose a politcal issue and apply it to the past, present, and the future. As you can tell for the title I want to do Anti-War. What I would like from you all is for you to not only comment at the graphics but tell me if I put them in the right catagorie. Warning these graphics are not for weak at heart. Even when I was making them I almost end up crying. [b][u]Past[/u][/b] [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Histoy1.jpg"]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Histoy1.jpg[/url] [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/history2.jpg"]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/history2.jpg[/url] [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/History3.jpg"]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/History3.jpg[/url] [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/History4.jpg"]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/History4.jpg[/url] [b][u]Present[/u][/b] [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Present1.jpg"]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Present1.jpg[/url] [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Present2.jpg"]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Present2.jpg[/url] [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Present3.jpg"]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Present3.jpg[/url] [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Present4.jpg"]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Present4.jpg[/url] [b][u]Future[/u][/b] [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Future1.jpg"]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Future1.jpg[/url] [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Future2.jpg"]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Future2.jpg[/url] [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Future3.jpg"]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Future3.jpg[/url]
Its not boring here at least to me. I love to see other peoples work and to wonder how did they do that. As for events your could start up something. With some type of game would bring the spirits up right now for the art studio. I have personal been working of some graphics that I'm going to be using as a school project. I was going to post once I'm done before they are due for that class. That way I can see what others would feel to make the graphics better.
I don't think there are any fads going on right now that I'm aware of at least. There is the Big OB Event that you could join though. The Music, Movie, and TV seems to be busy lately as well. Other then that things have been alittle dead. I too recommend the Members and Popularity! thread to find out who is popular at the moment. Link provide in Desbreko post. I have been here on Otakuboards since 2004 and have not made a big popularity mark on otakuboards. I voice my opinion on matters no matter if they are small or big. I do however tend to go away for periods of time when I get busy though.
My name seems to be hard for people to not only spell but to say as well. My name is Kirstin. It took one of my teachers 3 years to say it right and now he working on the spelling. Only one person has ever gotten it right in saying and spelling. That person was my creative writing teacher/english teacher. My school is small so you get basicly the same teachers every year only teaching different stuff. I personal hate it when my name is spelled or said wrong. I mean I have had a doctor go so far as Christian and spelling it that way. I think thats a little off. The most common mistake in writing my name is Kirsten or Kristen or Kristin. I get really sick of it some times.
Thank you so much. You did alot better then what I came up with using GIMP. Again thank you.
Well my parnets just got divorce a few months ago and I'm still going though the motions. My mom moved 100 and 100 of miles away. So, I never see her or my sister who she took with her. I live with my dad because I want to stay in my school and not get farther behind in my school work. (I'm a year or so behind) I call my mom every day untill all it seems like all we did was fight on the phone and my sister never wants to talk to me after one point. Now I call every 3 days but that too has turned into fighting and my sister doesn't even bother to talk to me. As for affects it has been emotional for me. My physical health was aready messed up thanks to some issues with doctors and I hadn't gotten over that and this was just adding to it. I felt like it was my fault being the oldest daughter, I could never have this type of thing pinned on my little sister. Whats been getting me though this time is friends more then family. For family tries and get you to join their sides when you don't want to. If it hadn't been for me wanting to leave a mark in this world and friends that showed they cared I wouldn't really be here in mind or body. Thats my story. I'm glad to share it with you.
Could someone pleaes make me a Wednesday 13 banner and avatar out of these pictures. I tried to do it myself but they wouldn't come out right. Thank you to anyone that would make me this set. [u]Banner[/u] Picture: [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/l_776c0cbf6950e1871cd80c2e5d33c52c.jpg"]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/l_776c0cbf6950e1871cd80c2e5d33c52c.jpg[/url] Size: 500x100 I would like this writen on the banner: [font=Verdana]"I'm your nightmare in shinning armor[/font]" I also would like the bands name writen somewhere on the banner. Bands name Wednesday 13. [u]Avatar[/u] Picture: [u][url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/l_b76fea412c0b7767c88ae420f3298453.jpg"]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/l_b76fea412c0b7767c88ae420f3298453.jpg[/url][/u] Size: 150x80 I would like there to be a small 13 writen in the corner of the avatar.
[img]http://www.silverbulletcomicbooks.com/rage/images/060312/gargoyles01coversm.jpg[/img] One thing that I remember from the 90s was Gargolyes. I use to think that show was the best. Whenever I came home from school I would watch it. When I missed an the show I would always be upset about it. It was the first show that I had to watch no matter what. My favorite character was Elisa. I thought she was the coolest cop at the time.
I have to take the oh so wonderful test that will tell your whole future called the SAT in June. I also have to do my French language class for two months starting a few days after school ends (May to July) at the community college. After the language classes I need to get on a plane to visit my mom and sister in VT for a few weeks. After that school is pretty much going to start for me I might have a week or so after I visit my mom to relax do some school shopping. Thats my summer plan.
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]Here is my own CD list. I won't list all the CDs that I want to get for then the post would be way to long. [/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][b]Wednesday 13~ Transylvania 90210: Songs of Death, Dying, and the Dead- [/b]I have heard two of the songs from this CD, I Walked With A Zombie and Bad Things. The singer is greatly influence by Alice Cooper and you can hear it in his songs. I also already have Fang Bang, which is their second CD.[/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][b]Murderdolls~ Beyond the Valley of the Murderdolls- [/b]This was the band before Wednesday 13. They bands were both founded by the lead singer most commonly called Wednesday 13. I have heard a few songs of from this album as well, their cover of Billy Idols White Wedding and Dead in Hollywood. [/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][b]Wednesday 13's Frankenstein Drag Queens[color=black]~ [/color]Little Box of Horrors[/b]- I want to collect all the CDs that singer Wednesday 13 has done. This way I can compare and contrast between when he was with each band and if he has changed or not when it comes to his music. [/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][b]Wednesday 13's Frankenstein Drag Queens~ 6 Years, 6 Feet Under the Influence-[/b] Same as the above comment for Little Box of Horrors. [/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][b]Lacuna Coil~ Karmacode[/b]- My friend showed me this band. Once I heard the songs Our Truth. It got me hooked. I have heard the other songs by them but this is their most resent CD. [/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][b]Nightwish~ Highest Hopes: The Best of Nightwish-[/b] I kind of already have this album for I ripped it on to the computer from the library. I like to have the albums in my hands to just saving them onto the computer. I also already know that I like the songs.[/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][b]Type O Negative~ The Best of Type O Negative[/b]- I have been told by my friends to get the greatest hits album before I start to buy the rest of their albums. This also gives me a chance to see if I really like them besides the small glance of the songs when I hear them on Music Choice Metal. [/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][b]Cradle of Filth~ Thornography- [/b]I again what to have one of their albums instead of having to hear a song here and there on Music Choice Metal. [/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][b]Sisters of Mercy~ A Merciful Release[/b]- A few of the bands I listen to are greatly influenced by Sisters of Mercy. To get to the roots of some bands you need to go and see what they think is good music. This can also show what the influence did and to see if you can hear it in the other band. [/size][/font] [font=Times New Roman][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][b]Jason Michael Carroll~ Waitin' in the Country- [/b]Time to throw in the oddball in my music CD list. I have always been a fan of country music, which some people find strange. This guy has a nice voice that I could listen to when my heard hurts and don?t feel like listening to any type of rock music.[/size][/font] [/font]
I can't stand hip hop/ pop or whatever it called. My Humps being one of the most terrible. Then you have Rap which is almost always about some new bling bling they got or some girl they just did. In rock music I dislike Fall Out Boy. In most of their songs I can't even understand what they are saying and when I do understand a little of what they are saying it just doesn't make since when I put the song together.
I found that music helps me with anger. Loud heavy music is the best to use for as Sazumechan has said you can sing along with the screaming or loudness. I also found that some times soft music can calm me down. The peaceful beat and words say that anger isn't going to get you any where.
I think my girlfriend is cheating on me, how do I go about this?...
Cat replied to a topic in General Discussion
I think you should just say goodbye to her if she is really cheating on you. If she really cared she would wait and find away to be with you not some other guy. Long distance rarely workout and she showing that she doesn't care enough to make it work. Its sounds like she has moved on. Of course you should find out first if she really is cheating on you first before doing anything that you might regret later. For regret is the worst feeling. -
I hide some cds so well that they are lost now. For example all my Brittany Spears and Nsync are lost somewhere never to return. The ones I still know where they are that I hide are my Dream Street cd and Pokemon cd. Those I got right around the time as the Brittany Spears and such. Those cds just don't fit with all the puck rock, metal, and country cds. I also I hide this one cd right in the open because the cd art fits with the rest. Its The Lords of Acid greatest hits cd that my dad found at the airport. It has some of the dirtest songs and I would never want any one to listen to them. Luckly no one I know ever wants to listen to that cd.
Since you have already said that your not really her friend than don't get involved. To tell you the truth she shouldn't be so upset over a guy dumping her. He was only going out with her because he was bored. Plus the issue with the hat seems extream to me. Was the hat made of gold or something? You don't need to hit someone for they took your hat. Childish is what that is. I would say leave dating until college since this story sounds like a highschool kind of drama that always happens no matter what. There are more important things like acutally getting to college. (If thats any of your goals and/ or hers. I hope it is.) Even I am waiting untill Highschool is over to get in romance type of relationship with a guy. And if she really is a "nobody" (no one is a nobody) then getting the skills she needs to go on in the world is what should be important right now not relationships with guys that couldn't care less.
For me most of the music I listen to comes from Europe in general. I ques if you want country wise then then the majority of what I listen to comes from United Kingdom and Finland. There are a few good bands in Italy and Germany to that I listen to as well.
They're an alright band compared to most artist right now. I think they sound like most other rock bands. The record labels are getting any band that sounds like the new thing in rock music. They have another music video out too besides Face Down but I'm not sure what its called.