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1. What is your birthday? Feb 17, 1990 2. What is you zodiac sign? Aquarius 3. What does your zodiac sign discribe your personality? [QUOTE]Aquarius is symbolized by the Water Bearer. You possess a quick intellect and an expansive mind keen on innovation and progressive thought. You're a rebel, but one who really needs people around. You have tons of friends, but you tend not to get too intimate with any one person. From [url="http://www.astrology.com/"]www.astrology.com[/url] [/QUOTE]4. Does the description of your zodiac actually describe you? Yes, I think it does. It tells alot about me really. 5. How does your zodiac sign PWN over the rest? Not really. Each sign has its own traits that are good and some that are bad.
I have a few more good quotes. "In order to live free and happy you must sacrifice boredom. It is not always an easy sacrifice." ~Richard Bach "Not that you lied to me but that I no longer belive you-that is what has distressed me" ~Friedrich Nietzsche "Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, Love is a war; Love is growing up" ~James Baldwin
I haven't made graphics in few months. I would like to know what you think of my newest creations. Also I would like to know what I could do to get better. Now I use Gimp because I can't afford the better programs. Two of the graphics are what I'm using as an avatar and signature. Thanks in advance for the help. Avatars: [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/The69Eyes-1.jpg"]Jyrki69 [/url] [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/FriendsAvatar.jpg"]Pussycat Dolls[/url] [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Dadsavatar.jpg"]Doctor Who[/url] [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/afiavatar.jpg"]AFI[/url] [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Avatar-2.jpg"]Model[/url] Signatures: [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/The69Eyes.jpg"]The 69 Eyes [/url] [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Cat14-1.jpg"]AFI[/url] [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Kensig3.jpg"]Model/Ken[/url] Wallpaper: [url="http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Jyrkiwallpaper.jpg"]Jyrki69[/url]
To tell you the truth I wouldn't hang out with either one. Since that is not a choice however I would hang with Hillary Duff. I mean not all her music is bad or movies. Also it would be interesting to see how she is outside of what the media makes her out to be.
The best songs that would decribe me are Gothic Girl and Christina Death both by The 69 Eyes. In Gothic Girl I share the same interests as the girl in the song. In Christina Death again its about the same interest as the girl in the song. Also the way both girls are describe sound kind of the way I look as well. I'm not going to put the lyrics or videos for either song because some of it I don't think is allowed. If you are interested in either one of the songs then give me a pm and I'll give you the lyrics to the song and/or the video to Gothic Girl.
Well on the weekends my neighbors like to blast their music. The thing is the live up stairs, so when their stero is on then all the walls move thoughout the apartment. The music they listen to I happen to hate because I don't like hip hop to much and when It starts at around 8 something in the morning you tend to be upset. What I do is I turn up my stero or tv with rock music and make sure its loud enough for them to hear it. This will go on for hours until I put on some music with the tons swear words. They then stop and I stop my music as the winner. As a award I get whatever time is left for peace and quiet.
I listen to mostly punk rock and goth metal. I think that Billy Idol needs to be knowledge when it comes to vocals. I have never heard anything that can match his voice in punk. In fact I can't even really describe. In some songs he has a low voice but then in the middle of the song it bacomes almost a scream. When it comes to goth metal, I think of Ville Valo (HIM), Jyrki (The 69 Eyes), Tarja Turunen and Marco (both from Nightwish. The reason I put Ville on my list is most because of the earlier stuff and some new. He seems to be able to go like Idol from a low range to high range in no time at all, and if you notice it most of the time he goes high when the song does, both sounds mixing well. Jyrki, you might know has a very deep voice when he sings but in the first cd they made you would not think it was the same guy. He has one range that sounds more like it belongs in the 80's. The other range is the deep voice we hear most often in songs like Lost Boys and Gothic Girl. Last I Find that Tarja has a lovely voice. One of the best female singers for a band. Her voice stays in a stage range for an opera. This adding to Marco voice that is in a mid range mixes to a sound that shows how both ranges can be combinded even if it doesn't seem like they would.
How I have change? Now that is a hard question for I don't think I have changed very little in a good way more in a bad way. As good changes I have done well in school compared to last year when I almost never went and its starting to look like I wont have 5 year of highschool. I also have gone to all the school dances so far and plan on keep going. Now the bad changes are more noticed. I seemed to have started to push people away and will rarely talk to my friends any more. I also have lost interest in my hobbies. For example I have only started to make graphics again yesterday after a few months of not caring. I still havn't started drawing or writing again though, another bad change.
These are two of my favorite quotes. "Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to nurture it in solitude and follow the talent to the dark places where it leads." ~Erica Jong "The artist should be a seeing-eye dog for a myopic civilization" ~Jacob Getlar Smith
I really don't care that she died. I not into celebrity lives. Thats their own personal buisness and not mine to have to snoop in. My friends and I all felt that way and the only reason to feel sorry was for her baby that was just born. As for her death and how she went. I thought she died of taking to many cold meds at once because her doctor told her to or something like that. If thats true then her death was more of accident then a sucide. Which that then shows a big difference from Marilyn Monroe who was purposeful in her death.
I wouldn't say your being heartless at all. Your friend is going though a hard time and is draging you down with them because you aren't at the same level as them at that moment. Its not your friends fault for doing this either. They see it as some nasty joke has been played on them and you don't care as much as they want you too or thought you would. If it was me that had a friend that loss someone. I would look at it the same way you do, DaSilva. Many people die every day and if you feel sympathy for all of them you'll never feel happy again. That in its self I feel would be even worse then not caring about your friends dead loved one.
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2]Luna left the clearing to walk around the park some more. This place is beautiful she thought. Calm and collected was how she thought of this place. Luna stopped at the biggest tree she ever seen. Its branches blocked the sky for view. She the sat down under the tree. It got even calmer even though it was impossible for it to do so. A heavy sleep came over her.[/size][/font]
Luna awoken the next night to find her self in a inn. "Where am I?" she said. She looked around the room to see the note. Luna picked it up and the necklace. After reading the letter she looked at the necklace. I'll keep it safe for you she thought. Luna then took the necklace and put it around her neck, then left puting the note into her pocket. Later she was walking the streets. I don't what I'm to do now, she thought. She just walked around, the stopped at a park. She entered it and looked around at the trees and flowers. Stopping at a clearing of trees, she looked up at the sky at the moon. I miss the suns warmth she thought, I'll always be in the cold light of the moon.
[font=Comic Sans MS]Luna woken to find herself in Cryeon's arms. " Where am I? What happened" She asked. " Where is he?" She asked. "The battle is over for now. We need to get you to a safe place where you can heal." said Cryeon. " I'm alright. Don't worry to much." Luna replied. "Still we need to get out of here." Cryeon. They then left. "I'm very tired." said Luna. "can't...stay...awake..." She feel back into the healing state. I lost to much blood. was her last thought. She began to dream.[/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS]Her dream:[/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS]Luna eyes opened, there was no one around. A blinding light raised far of. "No" she cried. "Not the sun." She waited for her skin to start to burn but it never happened. "What? Why am I not dead." Luna asked out loud to herself. "The sun is so warm. I miss it warmth." Luna stood up raised her arms to feel the warmth. She then began to dance in its light. [/font]
Luna saw the bullet as Cryeon loaded it into his gun. What the hell is that thing she thought. Because she wasn't paying attention to the battle the guy sliced her shoulder. Blood began to spill out of the cut making her weak. Luna tried to stop it but couldn't. I'm sorry Cryeon I could stop him she thought as she fell to the ground. Her eyes closed. Finish him Cryeon was her last thought before her body went into a sleep like state to heal the wound.
[font=Comic Sans MS]So, thats who this guy is thought Luna. And Secret of the Sacred and Gospel, are there such things, she didn't know. "I'm ready." Luna said to Cryeon "Your going down" called the guy. What kind of teacher would want to kill their students she thought. " I'm the one going down, ha ha ha no it will be you." said the guy. "I really am starting to hate this guy." she said to Cryeon.[/font]
Lunas hand had healed. She helped Cryeon stand. Luna was alittle weak from the lack of blood but was still strong. Her sword and her were ready for the battle that was going to come. "Who is this guy?" Luna asked. "Why did he say that he taught you everthing you know?" She very confused to what was going on. What connection did this guy have with Cryeon.
Luna snapped her eyes open when she heard the gun shot and there was Cryeon on the floor. " No!!" she cried. Luna then went to Cryeon. "You can't die." she cried, " You haven't had your revenge. Why would you do such a thing?" What do I do Luna thought, How can I save him. She then took out her sword and took the bullet out, it had missed the heart Luna thought he still alive. After doing this Luna took the sword and cut her hand. She let the blood drip over the bullet mark, it began to heal untill it was gone. "Now open your eyes." Luna said to Cryeon. "How touching," said the guy "A vampire gives some of her blood to heal the wounded Cryeon."
Luna heard what Cryeon said one the cellphone.Hes going to retire but he hasn't killed that vampire yet. She went and followed him to an old building. Luna looked through the the window to see Cryeon take a picture. From the shock on his face she knew that something was wrong. Luna then cought saw the picture. It was her, she was the last assignment. Luna listened careful to what they were talking about. I see she thought. Luna then broke thought the glass and stepped into the building. "You need that formula Cryeon. Just go ahead and kill me. I'm willing to die to let you have your revenge." she said. "I will not even fight back." Luna then closed her eyes waiting for the bullet to come.
"It was many years ago. I was 16 when I became what I am. Me any my parents where walking home after seeing some sort of play. We had went down an ally, it was a short cut home. We where half way down the ally when he attacked. This unknow vampire killed them both. It wasn't until he turned to me when I saw that he was crazy. He kept asking if he was the one that killed them. I could answer just cry. He then asked me if I want all the pain to go away. Of course I did but I didn't tell him that, he still knew though. He told me he would make the pain go way. That was when he bit me and drained me of almost all of my blood. I knew I was going to die right then and there no matter what. You see you do not just get your blood drain and your a vampire. That vampire has to give you some of their blood to become a vampire. So, as you can guess he did. At that moment I knew that I was dead to the world but yet have been awoken to another. He left me there after the deed was done. I have been that way ever sence." Luna said. She then ordered her third drink and took a sip. "I have seen the world change over the years but its still the same. People are still fighting over stupid things. Sometimes I think that the world is going backwards instead of forward. Well, any ways thats my story."
"Yes one time I was. It was a very long time ago." said Luna "Every vampire was once human. They become vampires for many reason. Most of the time its for either power or they are afraid of death." She then drank the last of her secound drink. "Its kind of interesting that humans would do anything for power or to live for ever. Of course I didn't really have a choice. I just want the pain to go away but it didn't go away even after I became what I am."
"No thanks. I got my own." said Luna. "You and I have a similer past. Both end with parents being killed only differece is that you are still human." She then took a sip from her own glass. "So much death. I don't think that your family or those nuns would want you to kill for them." Luna said. "Alright so your looking for the King of all Vampires. Thats no easy task." She then took another sip. " I wonder though why he didn't kill you like the rest. You better be careful." Luna said. "I try and help you but I don't know how much of a help I can be."
"Humans are far to proud." Luna said with laugh. She then ordered another drink."You do know that revenge will get you now where in the end. You'll be the same only with more blood on your hands." She said. "So, who is this person you are after any ways? What did he do to make a nice guy like you so mad?" Luna asked. She then took a drink while waiting for his answer.
"Plans, I don't have any." Luna answered. " I feed up with plans. Feed up with everything. I just want to be free." " You don't have plans. I find that hard to believe." said Cryeon. "And you just want to be free. I again don't believe you" "Why do you find that hard to believe?" She asked "It is because of what I am, right? I'm thing that does not have feelings. I can never be free." She then took her drink and drank it all down in one glup. "You are free to do what you chose, while others can not. What are your feelings on that?" She asked.
Luna know whos motorcycle that was. Great she thought Cryeon back. She heard him come up beside her and ordered a drink. "What so you want?" Luna asked. Cryeon didn't reply. "Look," she said " If you have a problem with me just say it. Sence you came all the way here from god knows where, you must have something you want to say." Cryeon still didn't reply. "I give up." Luna finally said. She took up her drink but then put it down. I don't feel much like drinking.