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Everything posted by Cat

  1. Cat

    no comment.

  2. [quote name='chibi-master' date='09 December 2010 - 04:51 AM' timestamp='1291895503' post='702563'] I love the Santa hat on the OtakuBoards banner! XD [/quote] I do too! XD Its really cute.
  3. Cat

    Close, I'm more of a punk now though. I used to be goth when I was younger. I think that's where my sister got the idea to dye her hair black.

  4. Cat

    Its fine. I don't blame you any.

  5. Cat

    I'm hair is dark brown/black color. My sister was the blonde in our family until she dyed it black recently. There are pictures of me floating around on OB. They are from years ago though.

  6. Cat

    All my friends have dirty minds. I didn't even mean to set up that way. I guess that was a "blond moment" I have heard so much about.

  7. Cat

    Your terrible. I knew you would go there. lol

  8. Cat

    You can if you want however you'll have to find your own hole.

  9. Cat

    I still have one more class and exam. My plans crawling in a hole and sleeping until the next semester school. lol

  10. Cat

    Yep, until January when I start classes up again. ^-^

  11. Cat


    [quote name='CaNz' date='08 December 2010 - 06:58 PM' timestamp='1291859891' post='702537'] i think the problem is more the background. maybe a few adjustments to make the scenery look less like a picture with a drawing put in it, and make it more like just a drawing. [/quote] Yeah, tried doing that then turned it back. I didn't like it. lol Oh well, I really hated the project anyway.
  12. Cat


    [quote name='Boo' date='08 December 2010 - 09:42 AM' timestamp='1291826542' post='702523'] I could imagine that Motel sign to be featured in the Jetsons. [/quote] Thanks! [quote name='CaNz' date='08 December 2010 - 10:56 AM' timestamp='1291831008' post='702524'] CR: well I do see where things need a bit more blending, but i am very impressed with how well the creature turned out! you mixed in a lot of stuff, yet it doesn't look blocky or too strange. honestly the only thing that really stood out at start is the realistic background. other than that it blends pretty well. P1: I couldn't disagree more, I think this one is brilliant. the box looks ridiculously professional, i could easily see this at a toys 'R' us store. plus the product you made up looks adorable... i kinda wan't one even though i know it isn't real... i guess the box looks kinda wordy, but that would probably be a hook for parents that would potentially buy it. (if they already read all that i guess buying it would be the next logical step) I think this is my favorite real life application yet. P2: the color scheme kinda looks like an inversion and the Text seems a little less unique... maybe that is the future! i dunno, you picked a really cool retro sign and i think you mad kinda more of the same really cool retro sign. I like your color scheme better as well as how the Capri text seems to glow, but i think but its not a giant improvement. maybe only fifty years in the future rather than a jetsons age (for that i would want to see it being propelled by rockets and use holographic imagery) [/quote] CR: I really couldn't get him to blend any better today. I just turned it in looking pretty much the same. P1: Seriously, I thought it was completely horrible! P2: Yay, that was my last project, I had to do. I admit I was pretty tired and was having a hard time with it. Typography isn't my strongest classes.
  13. Cat

    Thank your for the comments on my projects%Pr

  14. Cat

    What did you think we were? Last group of my projects are up from my classes. Hope you enjoy them.

  15. Cat


    Last group of projects for this semester. These projects are from my Color Rendering class, Basic Graphic Design, and Typography. Next semester, I'll be posting my projects in this thread. This way I won't have to make a new one. [b]Color Rendering: Composite a creature made up of real creatures and place it in its natural habitat.[/b] This one isn't completely done. I'm still trying to blend him more into the background. My creature is made up of a giraffe, shark, two different types of eagles, and a lizard. [img]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Richardsoncreature.jpg[/img] [b]Basic Graphic Design[/b] [b]Project 1: Create a package design for a product.[/b] I did a the packaging for little dinosaur stuff animal. I don't think it came out to well, however I'm still learning. (created everything except the leaves and volcano images. All dinosaurs I created) [b]Outside Box[/b] [img]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/dielinephotoshop654.jpg[/img] [b]Inside box[/b] [img]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/stagedieline23.jpg[/img] [b]Company logo for product[/b] [img]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/dinologo.png[/img] [b]Project 2: Create a tee-shirt design[/b] [b]Gambit Tee-shirt Design[/b] This has probably been done before, however I like the simplicity of it. (Gambit is also my favorite X-Men character) There is more detail you can't see cause photobucket made the image smaller. [img]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/teeshirt1.jpg[/img] [b]Typography[/b] [b]Project: Re-design an old vintage sign[/b] [img]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Richardsonsigns.jpg[/img]
  16. Cat

    True, most of my friends are older then me though. lol

  17. I have no clue, who the oldie members are. (For all I know I'm one of them and just don't know it.) I like to stay in the present. All I know is, I'm not being scolded as much for my grammar and spelling like I was when I first joined.
  18. Cat

    I don't know if I fall into the old members categorize, yet. There are still some who have been here longer then i have.

  19. Cat

    Well, I joined back in 2004. Different rules and such way back then.

  20. Cat

    I'm only changed my username once a long while back. All I had them do was take of the 14 in Cat14. I like being just Cat. I don't think I will change my username. I'm be posting more projects during the next couple of days. I'm pretty much finish with school now.

  21. Cat

    Oh, its back to normal again. I was getting confused cause everyone was changing their names at once. lol

  22. Cat

    Its, alright. Dogs are cute too. ^-^ You changed your username.

  23. Cat

    Luna is a bout 8 or 9 years old, I think. I have another cat that is 14 or 15 years old named Socks too.

  24. [quote name='Lyndy' date='06 December 2010 - 07:26 PM' timestamp='1291688786' post='702458'] Okay, so... I was looking for stuff on my bed, and I looked up at my shelf...and that same bug that I talked about before was there... But when I posted the picture of it in theO Chat, Kei said "That ain't no damn cricket, that's an eldritch abomination." And then Gome told me it was a camel/spider cricket. Oo ._. No wonder I hate them so much. I hate spiders! And I also got some "ewwww" reactions...lol. But I totally thought those were brown crickets. :V And the bug is on tape, so it can't move that much!... but I still can't get myself to kill it. >> But yeah, [url="http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg53/lyndy05/browncricket.jpg"]here is the bug[/url]. O_o [/quote] That is no cricket. I don't know what it is. I just know its not a cricket. All you need to do is step on it. If its on the tape it wont jump on you. If I was there I would squish it for you. This reminds me of when there was a grasshopper in the girls bathroom at the college and no one would go in there. All the girls were just waiting outside. I went in squish the little bug and problem solved. It was the funniest think ever cause the looks on their faces was priceless.
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