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Everything posted by Cat

  1. Cat


    I need some criticism on some of the projects I have done for my classes. I needs someone else critiques besides the teacher and my friends. These are just a few of the projects I have done and have gotten back. Once I get more the projects back I will put them here. These are all from my Typography, Design, and Color Rendering classes. Sorry, about the large images. A lot of the projects have been poster based. [b]Rendering Class:[/b] [b]Portrait of a Celebrity: Wednesday 13 [/b] [img]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/PortraitKirstinR.jpg[/img] [b]Design:[/b] [b]Concert Poster [/b] [img]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/bowieposter.jpg[/img] [b]Store Sign[/b] [img]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/112.jpg[/img] [b]Reid Park Zoo symbol for merchandising [/b] [img]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/RichardsonReidPark.jpg[/img] [b] Typography:[/b] [b] Type Poster [/b] [img]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Richardson111Poster.jpg[/img] [b] Book Cover[/b] [img]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/BillyIdolFan14/Richardsonbookcov.jpg[/img] (Yes, I know of the typos.)
  2. [quote name='chibi-master' date='31 October 2010 - 08:05 PM' timestamp='1288580738' post='701448'] I personally wouldn't consider it out of the ordinary. [/quote] I didn't think it was too strange either. I was talking on the phone with my mom and she was the one disturbed by it.
  3. [quote name='chibi-master' date='31 October 2010 - 07:54 PM' timestamp='1288580057' post='701444'] WELL THANKS! I thought siblings kind of [i]were[/i] enemies. It would only seem logical, given how many noogies I've had to endure from you. NEVER TOO OLD. [/quote] So 50 something grannies trick or treating with there grand kids is ok. Good to know.
  4. How old is too old for trick or treating? I just had one strange occurrence.
  5. [quote name='chibi-master' date='31 October 2010 - 10:04 AM' timestamp='1288544689' post='701424'] [i][b][color="#FF8C00"][size="5"][font="Century Gothic"]HAPPY HALLOWEEN, EVERYBODY~![/font][/size][/color][/b][/i] I got a rock. [/quote] Happy Halloween!
  6. [quote name='chibi-master' date='28 October 2010 - 08:10 PM' timestamp='1288321838' post='701365'] You need to be more active for the sole reason that I demand to see your outstanding banner more often. [/quote] I agree. Your banner is awesome, Yukazi.
  7. I find this article very funny [url="http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Vt-Log-Cabin-All-Natural-apf-1486808407.html?x=0"]Vt.: Log Cabin All Natural Syrup not the real deal[/url] [url="http://www.pfsugarhouse.com/images/5jugs.jpg"]Vermont Maple Syrup Product[/url] I was born in Vermont and I've learn you don't mess with the syrup. I personally thing Log Cabin ripped off Vermont's packaging, but I'm bias.
  8. [quote name='CaNz' date='02 September 2010 - 05:33 PM' timestamp='1283473991' post='700177'] oh goodness... why dont all you whiners drop out so Magus can get a better job! [/quote] No, I want to make things harder for him. Its fun.
  9. [quote name='James' date='31 August 2010 - 12:26 AM' timestamp='1283239584' post='700064'] [font="Palatino Linotype"] And Cat, good on you for being committed to school. Did you just start college? I always get a bit confused because the American tertiary system is different than ours.[/font] [/quote] I'm on my third year of community college in getting my associates in applied science, focusing on Graphics Design. Its taking longer then I expected, however my community college has the best graphic design program in the city. Its even better then the universities and the special art schools here. [quote name='Phenom' date='31 August 2010 - 01:43 AM' timestamp='1283244225' post='700067'] Ah, Ouch... No wonder you're stressing. [size=1]Still, you have my support for dropping out . [strike]I encourage everyone to dropout so it'll make it easier for me to land a job.[/strike][/size] [/quote] Well, you'll have me as more competition to your job seeking.
  10. [quote name='Phenom' date='30 August 2010 - 09:14 PM' timestamp='1283228069' post='700058'] Just drop out. School is overrated these days anyway [/quote] Nope, Nope, not going to do it. I want to be the first one to finish school in my family. I just need to manage my time better. It be a whole lot easier when my textbooks finally come. Then I wont have to go to the library at 7:00am to do papers.
  11. I'm so stressed out and its only been three days of classes.
  12. 1) Does being the only child in the family might actually cause her to act that way? This can apply to some case not all. There are also people who have siblings who can act the same way you have said. 2) How should we talk to her nicely about asking her to change or something like that? Like, how should we start and how to go on from there? Just calmly say it straight out and discuss what the issues are. There could be miscommunication happening some where and both of you just might not know it. The best thing is to take things gradually. 3) I know ignoring won't work, but we're pretty attached too, so, is there a way for us to avoid her or something? You shouldn't avoid her. Its just plain rude and mean. I understand your not getting along but this would add to the miscommunication. Its like adding more fuel to the fire. Eventually, your going to get burned. 4) Do you think that being seriously pissed while explaining to her, like yelling and maybe getting a little physical after a few days of explaining to her in a nice manner will work? No to yelling and no to physical contact. Again it going to blow up in your face. I have a feeling this is all a communication issue. Some where something isn't getting across. It also doesn't sound like she has harmed you in any way. Inconvenience you yes, but not harm. From what it sounds like your more annoyed with her then anything else. She sounds like she really hasn't done anything wrong. Your personalities just don't work. If it was me I wouldn't have got the rest of the group involved. You each should deal with it one on one with her. Right now it sounds like your all going to gang up on her, if she doesn't magically change overnight it through. Especially, if she doesn't know whats happening or the cause of your friendship breaking. No offense, it sounds like you want there to be a fight of some sort. This is the only thing I can think of when you ask a question like the fourth one you asked. I'm having a similar problem but on a far higher level. I'm dealing with it semi peacefully. It more complicated then your friendship. Lets just say "I'm running out of room for all these knives in my back." Quote from the Wednesday 13 song, With Friends Like These. I mean quite literal with the knife.
  13. Cat

    Fave 'Toons

    I have a few cartoons I wish to get. At the top of the list is [b]X-Men: Animated Series[/b]. It was one of my all time favorite cartoons. I like [b]X-Men Evolution[/b] and [b]Wolverine and the X-men[/b] too. They are have good points to their series however you can't beat the original X-Men cartoon. Another Marvel based cartoon I like with [b]Spiderman: The Animated Series[/b]. It was interesting and kept you entertained. I also like the guest appearances of different heroes from other comics and shows. Everyone can probably guess what my favorite episodes are. [spoiler]Yes, the ones guest staring the X-Men.[/spoiler] I've also been watching[b] Gargoyles[/b] again. I had thought I had seen the whole series when I was young but now I'm not so sure. I have been seeing episodes I didn't even know existed.
  14. [quote name='Beretta' date='17 August 2010 - 09:08 PM' timestamp='1282104517' post='699567'] Man, I need to get myself a car. I hate having to depend on others for a lift, especially when that ride is unreliable. I don't mind people being 5-15 minutes late, but 20-45 minutes late is ranging from "pushing it - pissing me off". School closes between 10:45 - 11:00 (depending on how many folks are left in the building), and I get out at 10:20. [/quote] I'm usually the one giving people rides but I have been in you place before. I finally just gave up and just did the 45min walk to school because I couldn't take it. Some days she didn't even show up. There is only one time I didn't not want to drive someone, but ended up doing it anyway. Of course, I was the one that had told him go to the doctors the night before, when he called at 1:00am. That was one phone conversation I wish I never had. It was also the one doctors trip I wish I never went too. I'm glad he thinks of me as one of his best friends but I didn't not need to know about his male issues. *shutters*
  15. [quote name='CaNz' date='16 August 2010 - 04:19 PM' timestamp='1282000773' post='699508'] yeah... now i am all unsure about asking women out while wearing my prom queen dress! [/quote] You should go for it. Never know, she might be the one.
  16. [quote name='Sangome' date='16 August 2010 - 03:44 PM' timestamp='1281998670' post='699506'] [color="#9932CC"][font="Microsoft Sans Serif"]Ahh, my apologies. I wasn't trying to step on anyone's toes or sound offensive, if I was. [/font][/color] [/quote] Don't worry, you weren't offensive at all. My wording came across wrong and sounded a bit angry. For that I'm sorry. I agree with you, chibi. It could very well be the funky nose.
  17. [quote name='Sangome' date='16 August 2010 - 01:19 PM' timestamp='1281989949' post='699496'] [color="#9932CC"][font="Microsoft Sans Serif"]You sure it's not the fact that the one in pink is a guy? [/font][/color] [/quote] Nope, don't mind that at all. Guys in drag don't bother me. In fact, I support it. There a street where I to shop and there is a drag bar there. The "Ladies" are supper nice, though I did get asked out by one. I have to admit, one of the top strange thinks to ever happen to me. Nope, I think its the pink.
  18. Very cute drawing, though one of the characters kind of scares me a little bit. I think its all the pink. I'm not a fan of pink.
  19. *Happy Dance* A/C Fixed. After only two hours of sleep and dealing with a/c man, I very tired. Kitty Cats are all happy again too. I gave them a pat to try and cheer them up like you said to CaNz while it was broken.
  20. Cat

    Photoshop CS5

    I love illustrator, maybe more then photoshop. I mostly use it to do digital drawing with my bamboo pad and vectors. I like how clean it makes lines. I do like photoshop more for coloring my sketches. The masks make it easy for shadings. Examples of Vectors [url="http://www.theotaku.com/fanart/view/333755/billy_idol_vector_art"]vector 1[/url] [url="http://www.theotaku.com/fanart/view/337868/solitary_man"]vector 2[/url] (The background was raster. I got sick of this one real fast) Digital drawings with bamboo bad. [url="http://www.theotaku.com/fanart/view/339162/oc_kirstin_lebeau"]DD 1[/url] [url="http://www.theotaku.com/fanart/view/337862/the_heartbreak_kid"]DD2[/url] [url="http://www.theotaku.com/fanart/view/339653/david_bowie"]DD3[/url]
  21. The A/C in our house broke down. Its not going to be fixed hopeful the end of the week, but the wait could be longer. Its 102 my cats and I are really annoyed right now.
  22. Satu called back her Pokemon. They were tired from the battles they had been going through. Thankfully, none of them had been badly injured. She might have some healing supplies with her, but not enough for a huge wound. Satu was able to make it to route 36 without incident. 'Good thing we didn't go through the park.' she thought to herself, 'we would not have made it out there alive.' Satu stopped when she realized she had no idea where she was going. 'I could go to Violet City from here.' She thought, 'Or I could towards route 37 and Ecruteak City.' Even though Ecruteak was farther away, the more distance she put in-between her and Goldenrod the better. Route 37 was mostly quite. It seemed to have very few Pokemon, no matter if they were wild or not. 'Once I get to Ecruteak, what do I do?' Satu thought to herself. Being so close to Goldenrod, she doubted it had not been attacked. 'My best bet would be to take Route 42.' This way they wouldn't have to go near the cost. There was a whole mess of Pokemon on land. Satu didn't like the idea of being caught at a port. More then likely tons of Pokemon would start coming from the sea, at least the ones that could. Satu knew some would think of her as cowardly for running away. She, on the other hand, just wanted to keep her self and her Pokemon safe. If this meant moving from city to city, Satu gladly would do so. In this new messed up world, this is what you had to do to survive. 'I will not team up with anyone.' Satu thought, 'You can't trust anyone.' The closer Satu got to Ecruteak, the more anxious she felt. Even though the city was farther from Goldenrod, Satu had no doubt it was attacked. It began to get dark as day turned to night. 'I must be some place I can rest till the morning.' Sadly, in the area she was in, no such place existed. The trees provided the only shelter. After checking for any sort of Pokemon, Satu settled in for the night under a large pine tree. She didn't really sleep, but it felt good to rest after a long day.
  23. [quote name='Lawliet' date='13 August 2010 - 10:05 PM' timestamp='1281762328' post='699379'] Is this a thing that is still going on? Usually I try to post once every two days, but it seems like its been a while since I last posted and no one has gone after me I was just going to edit my post and add the post I was going to do tonight so I don't double post but I won't bother if it's not going to progress any further . [/quote] I was going to post tomorrow. I'm still fine tuning what I want my character to do. Sorry, its taking so long.
  24. Congratulations on your one year anniversary. You look very cute in your pictures. Especially, the one with cake all over your face. What keeps me coming back to OB? Well, I have asked the same question myself. The answer is I don't know. This the only forum board where I never completely disappear from. This place is like a drug. I go in rehab for a few months. but if I get even just a little taste I'm back for while. I don't think I'll ever leave here completely. At least not for a while.
  25. [quote name='chibi-master' date='09 August 2010 - 03:42 PM' timestamp='1281393773' post='699167'] I lived in El Paso, texas until I was 12. There is no word in the English language that can describe my feelings toward the desert and all that comes with it. The sand, oh, the sand! The dry heat that is reminiscent of taking a stroll in an oven! The fact that only the most adapted and hard-willed animals may survive in the harsh environment that swallows up everything in a golden sea of sand and sun! Oh, to be in the desert once more before I pass on into death! The sweet embrace of a tree-less wasteland filled with many a creature that could end your life with a single attack! These are the things that make the desert a beautiful and sadistic place to live! It is the most glorious environment that our blessed planet gifts us with! Just the thought of it all sends delightful shivers scurrying up and down my spine! [/quote] All the reasons why l like it. Plus, the winters are so nice. Perfect temperature to be out in. In the summer the the lovely heat. I like it when it never gets colder then 40. Yes, the sunsets are beautiful. I just love it here. [quote] CaNz: long as the desert reaches the ocean right? [waves from southern California!][/quote] I can't go in the ocean however I don't mind it there. According to my doctor I'm allergic to something in the water. She not sure what though. Whenever I go in the ocean I break out and hives instantly. The longer I stay in the worse it gets. One time I ended up in the hospital because of it.
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