Name: Satu Lin
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Current location/situation:
Goldenrod City
Satu was currently making her way out of, Goldenrod City, after the attack. On her way out of the city she spotted the local store. â??I better stock up.â? she said, to herself. Quietly making her way across the open area near the store and manage to sneak inside unnoticed. Once inside Satu breathed a sign of relief. The building had seen better days. The roof was fallen in some places; shelves were trashed and broken items littering the floor. On the far wall was a partially blocked opening to a staircase, leading to lower levels of the building. Satu made her way to the staircase and glance down its depths. Carefully, she put one foot on the first step, testing to see if the step would hold. Taking a deep breath, Satu, carefully made her way down the staircase to the next level. â??At least Iâ??m safe enough until I manage to get out of this city.â? Satu, muttered. Along the walls were large, garage type doors, leading to storage areas. One of the garage doors was left open. Inside, was various basic supplies, everything from potions to paralyze heal could be found. â??Jackpot!â? she, whisper shouted, in excitement.
The noise brought a response from behind a row of supply boxes. Out stepped a Houndoom, growling ready to attack. Satu started to back slowly away, as she quickly grabbed a Pokeball from belt. â??Help, Umbreon, use Shadow Ball!â? Umbreon open her mouth, gathered the dark energy and released the attack. The Shadow Ball hit Houndoom as he tried to dodge, throwing him back, but not causing any substantial damage. â??Now, useâ?¦â? Satu shouted, however before she could finish, Houndoom had countered with Crunch. â??Iron Tail!â? finished Satu, as Umbreon manage to escape Houndoomâ??s attack. Her tail glowed white, charged with energy. Umbreon charge toward Houndoom and landed a hit successfully. â??Come back, Umbreon.â? said Satu, as she held up Umbreon Pokeball for her to return. â??Vaporeon, use Water Gun!â? Vaporeon released a high powered spray from his mouth, hitting Houndoom. The water gun was powerful enough to finally, knock out Houndoom. â??Vaporeon, return.â? commanded Satu, holding up his Pokeball.
She quickly ran to a box labeled Potions and Recover items. Satu quickly took as many items as could fit in her bag. With her bag now full, she ran back to the stairs before Houndoom woke up. Halfway up the stairs, Satu let Umbreon out of her Pokeball. â??Two sets of eyes are better then one, right girl.â? she said to Umbreon, as reach down and gave her a pat. Umbreon happily accepted the pat before, both heading up the stairs.
[url=""]Satu and her pokemon[/url]
Pokemon team
Personality: When a crisis erupts, Satu keeps a calm face, however behind the calm mask is a coward. If she finds the situation too dangerous for herself or her Pokemon, she will leave the area as soon as possible.
Please let me know if something needs to be change. I didn't add much to the current situation being Goldenrod was already detail described.
Edit: Story and background have been edited.