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Anime Samurai Champloo [from the creator of Cowboy Bebop]
Okita replied to Dagger's topic in Otaku Central
I'm beginning to see a pattern that while quite nice might turn some people off. Like Cowboy Bebop before this, Champloo tends to be episodic in nature, every episode tends to have a miniature conclusion upon itself like bebop this, though the plot is more inclusive than bebop. I really like this approach as it allows the episode to be treated both individually and as a whole (series), the series' great strength lies in it's diverse plotline and strength of character (again very much like bebop). It would be interesting to see it's conclusion as Bebop's was breathtaking... -
Suprisingly my favourite is a Oshii film and not Miyazaki as I would have expected of myself. Jin Roh (aka wolf brigade) is without a doubt the most amazingly crafted movie and literary adaptation I've seen to date, the amount of thought that went into the making of the dialogue and actions where amazing, it had just enough action get you hooked and a great plot that is deep and require thoughts and an aboslutely awesome climax that left me breathless. Ending is the only debatable point for me for this anime, while I love the way it ended, I can clearly see how many people might hate this approach, it's tragically beautiful and strangely fitting. Other movie that I love include, Nausicaa (a true classic) Mononoke Hime, Akira (the anime that started mainstream american awareness) and Voice of a distant star (extreme kudo to the director and his wife, for making their animated dream a garage-made reality!).
[quote name='wrist cutter']So what do you suggest? That all rich people be taxed to the point that they're lowered down to a medium level income, thus leveling themselves out with the middle class and raising the poor to the middle class as well? Hmm, a classless society. Where have I heard THAT before?[/quote] No, I'm just making an object statement, if their is no humanitarian around the world, and everyone think self > society then civilization collapse because self interest of the invidual outweight social security of the collective. In other word [I]someone[/I] has to think about the poor, [I] someone[/I] has to champion the needy, and if every middle to upper class person thinks that tax is a evil cancerous entity that was design by the government deprive them of their hard earn cash, (which I admit has some basis to the fact ;) ) and follow suit by acting upon that statement, then their would be nothing but anarchy. The statement was broad and general, based on a concept and not meant to be taken as a statement that attack specific people in this circumstance. I don't live in America, thus I cannot comment on how fair the tax system their really is (as I do not study law and commerce either) however I can say that morally it would be a decent society that can support everyone and not just the rich. However, since that is a pipe dream, government can only make so many people happy, no matter what they do their will always be people the b**** and moan about the current affair of state. I'm suggesting that you live with it because as an individual their is nothing you can do short of organising and supporting lobby against it. as I mention in my early post: NO it's not fair, but then neither is life.... (excuse the tirade, feel free to ignore the rant)
Unauthorized use of anime image in Bush campaign ad?
Okita replied to MillieFan's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Dagger IX1]The bizarre thing--one of them, anyway--is that they replaced Wolfwood's eyes with those of Yugi (the main character of Yu-Gi-Oh). I [i]think[/i] that portion of the ad was supposed to be funny, but I just found it extremely weird and unappealing. If my family is any good indication, most people aren't going to see it and think, "really screwed-up looking picture that isn't even immediately identifiable as a cartoon --> anime --> Japan --> ahahaha!" ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [B]Omg![/B] I went through the clip twice and didn't even realize that the face was Yugi!!! Personally I don't live in America so don't have much of an opinion in the subject but the comical appearance of Yakuza-san as a cross between two very popular anime show that KIDS watch (well in Yugi's case anyways) is something that I find really funny. just imagine the following scenario: ~*~*~*~ [I]"Daddy! Daddy! What's yakuza?"[/I] [I]"Why that's organise crime son!"[/I] [I]"What's oragnise crime daddy?"[/I] [I]"Thats very bad poeple son. poeple with no repsect for society and law, they're criminals son and should be arrested."[/I] [I]"OH MY GOD! Yugi is a cry-me-nal!!!! Nooooo!!!!"[/I] [I]"What are you talking about son?"[/I] [I]"Damn you Goerge Bush! This is all your fault!!!!"[/I] [I]"Son! It's not good to swear..."[/I] ~*~*~*~ well maybe not like that but I'll laugh when the first kid recognise Yugi's face on that add... and the parody value can be worn thin when considering the biased nature of the 'in-joke' personally I won't sue for copyright infringement, but rather malicious attack on the moral character of the company and individuals involved in the production and distribution of anime materials. -
ooc- this is happening at the same time as the conversation between Naomi and Yumil, so feel free to continue that conversation before converging. Act 3. Tottering along in the aftermath of things Lilith gave a brief huff of relief as the ranting ghost slowly died down to a sobering wreck. ?Well, all?s well that ends well!? She announced brightly, looking around at the increasingly larger troupe of companions. ?A lot you did to help.? Zeta muttered, looking at her in annoyance, the nonchalant attitude that Lilith exude was beginning to grate on her nerve. ?Well, it would hardly do for me sully my hand now would it?? Lilith responded indignantly. ?Unlike our troupe of excellent companion, I lacked the gift for physical violent, nor am I familiar with witchcraft.? She raised an eyebrow at Wynne, who was still busy with Ebony confronting the ghost. ?You?re a Vlad Tepes!? Zeta retorted. ?Surely your house has taught you a medicorum of self defence?? ?Yes.? Anwsered Lilith. ?They taught me to run very fast and never look back.? ?How very sensible.? Zeta exclaimed in amazement. ?And you actually follow this instruction?? Lilith fidgeted slightly and gave a cute blush. ?Well not always, er that is to say, some of the time... but everyone else was running so I thought I?d follow?? Lilith trailed of and laughed nervously, putting her left hand to the back of her head bashfully. Zeta gave a long suffering groan and smacked her hand in her face. ?Listen girly, I?ve nothing against you personally so I?m going to give you a VERY good advise which, if you are wise (I have my doubt) you?ll take heed, and if not then you?ll not last the year.? ?Oh please do!? Lilith nodded eagerly. ?I wish to be enlightened.? Coming closer to the petit blond, Zeta very slowly and very deliberately spoke in a slow and pointed tone, her words emphasized by her finger pointing sharply at Lilith?s nose. ?Grow. Some. Common. Sense.? She said, then left the seeming airhead to her own device. ?How do you grown that?? Whined the petulant girl, following Zeta as she made her way to Ebony and Wynne who by now had transformed back to her human self. ?Is everything okay?? Zeta asked, Ebony nodded slowly, still comforting the distraught and wayward soul, Wynne was about to reply also when she let out a gasp and jumped sharply. ?What?s the matter? Are you hurt?? Zeta asked in alert, seeing Wynne face suddenly contort with pain before paling noticeably. Ebony turned her head sharply, seeing her friend swoon on the verge of fainting. ?Wynne!? She gasped, a flood of terror welling in her heart. ?Something bit me!? Rasped Wynne, her lips already turning white as she slowly crumpled to the floor. Suddenly very business like, Lilith politely shoved Zeta aside and barged in next to the sitting girl. ?Where is the bite?? She asked sharply, her voice gaining a steel edge that momentarily stunned the three people that already know her. ?Down.? Replied Wynne weakly. ?Near the ankle.? ?Which leg?? Lilith continued. ?Hurry darling! I must examine the wound.? ?L- left.? Wynne spoke again, barely above a whisper. ?Don?t touch her!? Command Ebony angrily, her voice taking on a hint of panic. ?We need to find a doc-? ?Quite!? Snapped Lilith, her voice so authoritarian that Ebony paused and actually took heed. ?Lift up your skirt to the ankle lovely jewel, I must inspect your wound.? Lilith asked softly. Wynne complied, her hand trembling slightly in weakness. ?That?s enough sweetness, I?ll take care of things from now.? Lilith soothed gently. Bending down, the Tepes heir pulled down the stocking and inspected the now apparent puncture wound critically. ?Snake bite.? Muttered the girl in all seriousness, tearing a piece of her black laced gown to bind the leg from above the ankle ?Most likely from an Eyelash Cobra, quite fortunately as their bite will not kill.? ?It won?t?? Asked a concern Ebony, her voice desperately hopeful, she clutched the spectre more tightly. ?Not while I?m around!? Lilith proclaimed arrogantly, producing a small vial from the inner fold of her gown and putting it to Wynne?s lips ?Drink this angel, and in a few minute you will be as good as new.? Wynne drank the concoction with a grimace, not liking the taste at all. ?Yes I know, tis torture to the tastebud and agony to the soul.? Lilith sighed in sympathy. ?I?m most offended by the fact that I concocted this useful abomination.? ?What is it?? Ebony demanded shakily. ?Antidote.? Replied Lilith. ?Once applied we may take the second step.? ?That is?? Asked Zeta, her interest piqued by this new facet of the supposed airhead. ?We apply this.? She produced another vial. ?To the wounded area, where the toxin in most concentrated. Without further ado, she poured the content liberally to the bite mark, producing a sharp hissing sound as the acidic compound began their work. Wynne gasped and clutch Lilith?s hand sharply. ?The pain?s only passing!? Lilith assured. ?It will be gone before you know.? Biting her lower lips, Wynne nodded, her head suddenly dropping in exhaustion. ?She?ll be fine now!? Lilith announced brightly. ?Are you certain?? Demanded Ebony with an intensity that startled Lilith, raising an eyebrow in silent speculation, Lilith nodded her head. ?Yes, perfectly so, I?ve been a victim of poisons similar to this before, as I?m now well alive and speaking to you, I can assure you that you lovely companion is quite safe.? ?We still need to get her to the infirmary.? Zeta interjected. ?But of course!? Lilith exclaimed ?And she?ll be exhausted for a while yet.? She added innocently. ?Now we must find someone suitable to carry her.? ?I will!? Blurted Ebony without a second?s hesitation and Lilith blinked and look at her critically. ?Are you certain lady Ebony?? She asked teasingly. Ebony flush from apparent indignation (note: *cough*) and gritted her teeth. ?Of course! You think I can?t do it?? ?But of course not!? Lilith giggled while Zeta frowned in speculation. ?You are more than worthy to aid the lady Wynne in her time of distress.? ?What of her?? Zeta asked of Vanessa, still sitting their acting very un-ghostly. Ebony glanced back at Vanessa worriedly. ?Go!? She whispered with a tender smile. ?She needs you more than I.? Nodding reluctantly, Ebony lifted the very light frame of Wynne to her back. ?Quite a surprise you?ve got up your sleeve, I?ve mistaken you girly.? Zeta complimented. ?Why thank you friend Zeta! You?re most amiable when feeling generous.? Lilith gushed in delight. ?But truly tis not a talent, I simply learn from trial and error!? ?Oh?? Asked Zeta her face showing mild interest. ?Yes quite so.? Continued Lilith ?For you see, mama dislike me quite vehemently, and poison me often in spite, pretending that they are punishment for my misdeeds imagined or not.? ?She poisons you for punishment?? Zeta asked, slightly sick at the idea. Lilith nodded furiously. ?Yes! The silly cow believes that I?ll eventually recognize the difference between green punch and acetone toxin!? Her chin poked out in indignation ?Which I of course know from the start! The wretched old bat! I can?t help if the acetone tastes better.? There she gave a pointed sniff while Zeta looked on in disbelieve. ?Idiot savant.? Muttered Zeta. ?Yes that must be it, idiot savant.? Before the conversation could continue however, Ebony drifted close to the pair, Wynne?s light burden on her back. ?I wanted to say thank you.? She announced silently, split between gratitude and slight reluctance. ?If not for you, Wynne might be hurt a lot more.? ?Think nothing of it!? Lilith proclaimed cheerfully. ?Only be my guide and companion in the coming week. This boon I request of you and your lovely damsel.? Ebony flushed again but nodded silently, a touch of respect in her voice as she said ?You?re not a bad sort Lilith, a touch annoying but much more tolerable in hind sight.? Lilith blushed, unused to compliment on her personality as such and gave a cute curtesy. ?Tis a pleasure to serve in such a capacity!? She murmured. Nodding with a smile, Ebony walked on ahead. ?let?s gather with the others and get out of here.? She announced. ?There! There!? Cried Lilith and next to her Zeta gave a groan. ?It?s: Here! Here! You silly little sot!? She cried in exasperation. ?Pah! Same difference!? Shrugged Lilith. On Ebony?s back, Wynne giggle slightly.
Interesting enough ero-games have a tendency to translate to non-eros anime, take Pia Carrot for example, or a more successful show such as Kanon (yes there is a adult version of the kanon game availible for PC, or at least that is what I am led to believe) which was an anime that I enjoyed thoroughly. Most of the time, this type of show tends to boring as heck when turned into animation, but as Kanon prove, there are exception to the rule. One of the funniest show I've seen for ero-anime was called sex demon queen (or something similiar to that title) which had so much silly non-consequential humour in it to make me fall to the floor laughing. I don't particularly like shows like La Blue Girl because i neither find them funny or containing a plot (thus eradicating the two cases where I make exception to these type of show) I suppose Sakura Diary is in this category (maybe) I like that show alot actually, it was funny and had a plot I could tolerate, the echi feels almost like an after thought...
Many of you have brought up the fact that the two medium really can't be compare, however, when a show is represented in both format, and one has veiw both, it's hard not to draw comparison on the subject when plot are so similiar despite presentation. For example, while anime represent Love Hina in a far more appealing manner, I prefer the fuller story and plot of the Manga which ran longer and had a more satiefying ending. The same could be said for most of Takahashi's work, all of whom I would prefer to read than to watch. There are of course series that simply can't be compared, and it is easy for a series you love to be loved in both formate, but I as an indivdual can't help but play favourite in this circumstances. I love most of Clamps work, and while I like the anime, my favourites are all manga when they are concern. Other series such as Legend of Basara, Tenjou Tenge etc, all have critical flaw as an anime, whether this be a watered down plot of discotinuation. That being said, I actually do prefer anime on many occasions as well, anime such as Cowboy Bebop can only ever be portrayed with the same amount of class as an animation, manga simply lack the atmosphere it needs to thrive.
ooc- excuse any spelling errors, native language is not english... Act 2: Being left in the background wasn?t something she?s familiar with, in fact, having never interact with people her age, (or indeed people in general) Lilith was about as social a butterfly as her clan?s namesake, who impaled his enemy upon sharp pointy stake, hanging them out to dry outside the castle parapet and dipped his daily bread in the blood of his enemy and called it fine dinning. Having found her first lacklustre adventure being kicked apart (quite literally in fact) by the girl calling herself Zeta, she was all the more willing to tag along to find this ?goblin? that they seem so interested in. ?May I come too?? She asked excitedly, of the three still busily looking out the window. ?Do we have to?? Ebony whispered to her raven haired companion, the girl was a twit afterall, and most likely to get caught and then they?d all be in trouble. ?Be nice.? Wynne whispered back, her face guarded but seemingly friendly. ?Of course you may!? She replied, then blink as her silent companion, stood up and nodded it?s wooden head in agreement. ?Oh how nice! A haunted doll!? Lilith smiled, her eyes seemingly vacant in vapidity. ?Can it dance too?? The doll nodded, but much to Wynne?s relief refrained from dancing. ?Oh such a jewel! How lucky you are lady Wynne!? Lilith squealed, oblivious to the incredulous look that appeared on Zeta and Ebony?s face. ?I take it back!? Whispered Ebony ?She?s not just a twit, she?s a vapid psychotic twit.? Wynne couldn?t help but giggle slightly, the girl was either disturbingly stupid or simply far too accepting, either way she felt slightly sympathetic towards the attention starved noble. ?Who might you be?? Asked Zeta, looking at the girl with slight interest, she seemed harmless but then one must never judge a book by its cover. ?Oh where are my manners!? Lilith exclaimed ?I am Lilith Morganna of Belgrade? Zeta?s eye narrowed sharply. ?Belgrade? The future Baroness of Belgrade is also called Lilith Morganna, might you be one and the same?? ?Er, um well if you put it that was, I suppose?? Tittered Lilith, suddenly knowing that this is leading somewhere unpleasant. Zeta?s eye widen in absolute disbelieve. ?You! You are Lilith Morganna Vlad Tepes!? She cried in amazement. ?Aha!? Exclaimed Ebony. ?I knew I heard the title somewhere! She?s a Vlad Tepes!? Then her she gasped aloud at her own statement. ?Wait a minute! [I]This[/I] is the heir to house Tepes?? ?Vlad Tepes?? Asked Wynne, seemingly in the dark. ?A very notorious clan with a very sinister history!? Explained Zeta. ?They?ve had a bloody past that never seemed to have stopped, theres all sort of bad rumour floating around concerning them but no one dares to act.? ?Why not?? Asked Wynne curiously. ?People that act against them have a habit of ending up slightly dead.? Deadpanned Zeta. Ebony nodded and urge Zeta to continue. ?Rumour has it that the Vlad Tepes, are the master of the Russian and Slavic criminal underground. They are the sole controller of illegal slave trafficking up north and they?ve also dabbled in narcotic and weapon trade.? Everyone stared at the nervous looking girl as she fidgeted with her hand. ?Erm, it seems my clan?s reputation hath preceded me once more.? ?She?s meant to be the future head of all that?? Asked Ebony with a look of dread (though for an entirely different reason than one would first presume) ?Oh dear.? Was Wynne only comment as anything else she might add would be a tad more colourful. ?Well I guess there?s always a black sheep in every family.? Zeta said herself, she was a good judge of character, and the girl that stood before her seemed just too... vapid, to be anything closed to malicious and sinister. ?Yes that?s right, she can?t really be all that evil!? Ebony herself supported, mainly because she just simply couldn?t accept the concept of someone so ?blond? running something like ?that? ?She?d burn down half of the Slavic nation in her first day on the Job?? Thought Ebony with absolute conviction. ?Well I suppose you guys are right.? Wynne reservedly answered. ?Oh how kind you all are!? Exclaimed Lilith. ?I?ve been having such a terrible time since papa and mama exile me here!? ?Exile?? Wynne asked, a slight cord ringing in her as she heard the word, she too had been exile here, but at least in this gloomy place of solitude she had Ebony as comfort and boon companion. The little girl seems to have no one, how very sad. ?That clinch it!? Zeta announced. ?I was wondering why a Vlad Tepes would be sent to a boarding school, they?re usually self tutored and very private individuals. ?They must have sent her here to get rid of an embarrassment.? Lilith nodded. ?This is such a depressing place!? She complained. ?It looks so terribly gloomy, and the food is terrible and I?ve not a single friend.? Feeling sympathetic, Wynne was about to give some word of comfort when lilith blithely continue on her tirade in an entirely different route. ?Though to be honest, my house looks not so dissimilar to this, and I?ve never tasted the food here, so I?ve hardly a thing to compare, and I?ve no friend at home either so that doesn?t count.? She paused tapping her feet thoughtfully. ?But at least back home I could amuse myself by setting mother?s hair on fire.? There she paused and look positively delighted. ?You set your mother?s hair on fire?? Asked a horrified Wynne. ?Yes, but only after she called me an abomination born through chance.? Lilith defend herself. ?She also said that I?m stupider than a single cell amoeba from a distant star that crash to earth and landed in the cradle of her baby girl.? ?Oh...? Said, Wynne, finding it hard to say anything else after that statement. ?Mama was always very blunt with her insult, that?s why I like papa better, at least he teach me as he insults, like how he told me to think in my head and not out loud when I was planning to behead him and mama when I come into power.? ?Erm.? Again Wynne didn?t speak, though she was getting slightly paler if that was possible. ?That seemed to have mollified mama somewhat, though not enough stop her from sending me here.? Another sigh. ?What has she got to complain about anyways?? Lilith moaned. ?The old bat is already uglier than sin, anything I do would be an improvement.? ?Right? Deadpanned Zeta and Ebony, while Wynne simply nodded. ?But enough of my silly family, we must be off to our adventure!? Lilith exclaimed happily. Her three companions nodded and proceeded to the direction of the shadow from outside. Ebony whispered to Wynne. ?I think we should get rid of her.? There the pointedly turn her eyes to Lilith. ?She?s harmless.? Wynne replied, a slight bit of sympathy going towards the lost girl, they where in similar predicament after all, as was Ebony. ?She?s a walking disaster waiting to happen!? Ebony answered back, her voice full of conviction. ?She has no friend, and she?s new just as I am, we could be nice to her for at least today.? Pleaded Wynne. Ebony relented at her friend?s plea. ?Alright but just for today.? Lilith walked slightly behind the pair, following close as she has no knowledge of direction in this place, with Zeta slightly to her right and ahead, almost catching up to Ebony and Wynne, of whom Zeta seems to take a special interest in. She walked passed a mirror, diligently following the three, when she notice that in the mirror her reflection pause and gave her a perfect curtesy, she smile and courtesy back, walking quickly to catch up to the three ahead. ?Such polite mirror you have here!? She complimented brightly. The three blink and looked at her strangely. Ebony was about to answer when Wynne touched her on the arm slightly, she sagged a little and nodded her head. ?Yes, yes very polite mirrors.? Ebony complimented half heartedly. Either ignorant or simply not caring, Lilith beamed and continued to follow the three. Back inside the mirror, the image of Lilith smiled and licked her lips.
-ooc: this is my first time role playing, please point out error and PM me to correct them! aplogise if diversion to storyline is not meant to be done by me, if this is bad I'll delete and redo the intro! thanks for any help and pointers you guys can give! Act1: The black lacquered carriage in the colour of sable-in-shadow stopped languidly in front of the imposing mansion, the crest of the infamous Romania noble house Vlad Tepes shine in the dim twilight in it?s errie deep mahogany red, the colour of freshly offered blood. An imposing figure, a giant of a man with hunched back and a truly grotesque face stepped out of the carriage, one hand picking up the packed luggage with little effort, while the other made an elaborate flourish as he bowed low in reverence. Following him came a much more dainty and petit figure, with ash blond hair and eyes that shone violet. Her face showed serenity, and her eyes alight with unquestioning trust, an air of melancholy hung around her yet she exude the type of urban sensuality that only come with age and maturity, of both she lacks. This startling contradiction hung her head as she took in her surrounding and gave a great heaving sigh. ?What a gloomy place my sire has exile me to! Don?t you agree Igore?? The man servant gave a soft rumbling growl as a response, his eye narrowing in impotent fury at his mistress? distress. The girl giggle slightly and on impulse, gave the taller man a quick and affectionate hug. ?Oh how noble of you my faithful servant, to be pained by your mistress? sorrow!? The dainty girl cried dramatically. ?Surely when I come to power I shall reward you as you readily deserve.? Another growl, soft and almost embarrassed. ?Oh do not blush Igore, your face looks much more handsome in its paler complexion.? Teased, the girl, her face alight with mischief. This time Igore?s face went red to scarlet, and he was reward with tinklebell laughter from his eccentrics but very much loved mistress. ?Come Igore, we must find my room, and you will help me scare any who dare conceive the notion that my room shall be shared with another.? The giant simpleton nod with a low moan and lumber forward after his whimsical charge, who violet eyes darted from window to door in a habit that was very hard to break (and if broken could very well spelt her demise). Wondering alone with a giant however had the downside of terrifying just about every potential aid for directional guide, so after three fainting spell (one repeatly so) and four screams of terror following by a mad dash to the nearest exit, the slightly annoyed aristocrat huffed and began the search by herself. ?Come Igore! Who needs the aid of these simpletons anyways!? She announced indignantly. Igore chose wisely not to response, and follow in his mistress? wake. Twenty minute of foundering and his young charge gave a frustrated scream. ?By the scourge of hell! Does this place not offer guide to new student! How very rude of them!? Igore chose wisely not to point out that the guide had most probably being the first girl they met, who had fainted not once, not twice but thrice upon sighting him. Another ten minute pass with little success for the mismatched pair, and Igore has a suspicious feeling that he had been here before, but again, chose wisely not to tell his mistress as such. In the middle of his contemplation, he heard a delighted gasp from his mistress, and saw her approaching another two girls. One was ebony haired, a shade that was richer than sable-black yet not pure enough to be called midnight, the other a shade lighter than his mistress. The pair had their faced turn towards another door, their frame tensed with worry. Thankfully, they?ve yet to notice him. His mistress gave a polite cough and taped the blond on her shoulder. The girl whirled around and stare at her with apprehension then yelp as she spotted his lumbering form a few step behind his mistress. The ebony haired one turned as well, her eyes focusing on him immediately, widened as she gasped, disregarding the small dainty girl who had to clear her throat a second time. ?Wow? The future heir of house Tepes cried jubilantly, her face awash with joy. ?You?re the first that didn?t faint or run away! How very nice of you!? Recovering slightly, the blond gave her a weary glance. ?What?s it to you?? She asked, only to be placated slightly by the ebony haired one with a slight squeeze of her hand. ?Please, I apologise for my friend?s rudeness, she is a tad bit protective me think, but as for your question, let?s just say that we are use to strange occurrence, and your? friend is not our greatest of worry even now.? ?Oh please! I was the interloper to you conversation, all fault is mine alone.? The mistress announced sing-songly. "Though now that I?ve gotten you?re attention, I must ask for you noble aid." The pair looked at each other, then glance back at the door. ?Yes wel-? ?-Ah but where are my manners! I must introduce myself first!? She interrupted the pair blithely. ?I am Lilith Morganna, future Baroness of Belgrade.? Here she gave a perfect curtesy. ?Where have I heard that name before?? muttered the blond worriedly but the ebony gave a courtesy and introduced herself and her friend. ?I am Wynne December and my friend here is Ebony Raban.? ?Oh such pretty name!? Lilith laughed nervously, doing her best to divert the topic. ?And surely deserving of such flower as these, don?t you agree Igore?? Igore grunted, while Wynne gave Lilith a confused shrug, Ebony flushed slightly, then frown as she almost smack herself in the face. ?Hey wait! What about the blood?? She cried ?Blood?? Asked Lilith, her face now alight, completely forgetting that she still needs to find her room. ?There was blood flowing out of the kitchen door!? Supplied Wynne helpfully. ?Oh, our very first adventure, and I not even here a day! How very lovely this place is!? Cried Lilith excitedly. Igore gave out a groan, not daring to mention that not twenty minute early, her reaction to the hall had been less than friendly. ?Take the luggage to my room Igore, I shall I go with my new friends here?? Ebony muttered ?friends?? to Wynne as she looked incredulously at the silly little sot, while Wynne gave a helpless shrug. Igore nodded and left, not mentioning the fact that neither himself nor her, knew where the room was, sometime it simply didn?t pay to countermand his mistress? order. In fact it never pays?
[QUOTE=wrist cutter] So to sum up: rich people should not be forced to help the poor. Just because they don't need all their money [i]now[/i] doesn't mean they never will. [/QUOTE] If everyone thought as you did, this world is doom.... ...or we'd all become capitalist... ...wait we already ARE all capitalist (cept the commies) ...so where does that leave us? The rich helping the poor has so many argument for and against that to even attempt to debate will bring out thesis length document, we can argue all day and resolve absolutely nothing (and thus become politician). So i will say this, there will always be rich people that don't deserve being rich, their will be always poor people that are poor because of their own fault and none other, and their will always be poeple that are rich because they deserve it, and poor even though they do not. Our society try to recognise to later pair and pray the former pair doesn't come up, unfornately for our society, they do, more often than the later, so you'll never be able to please everyone. However, sometime, you have to please the majority and sometime you must appease the few minority. Recognise this for what it is and accept it, no it's not fair, but neither was the system before this so what makes this one less a pain than the one before? As a saying that I am particularly fond of remind us: Life's a B****, then you die...
I don't get it, what's so appealing about watching two spin top htting each other? special effect aside, the idea behind a spintop fight is that you lose control as soon as you spin the top and it's out of your hand. From their the design of the spin top comes into effect and with a heavy does of luck one win over another. the so call 'battle' last for a few second and to base a anime THAT long on this very simple concept and without a decent plotline isnothing more than a marketing gimmilk. I have nothing against kiddy, or even gimmik show, pokemon was at least tolerable for it's concept of monster dueling as is series like Yugi-oh (erk) which at least REQUIRE a definite amount of time planning for an outcome to build suspence. The series has so many fault I'll not bother to point out them all, only the most obvious to show you how bad it is. 1 - Key concept is base on a 30 second game 2 - Plot has absolutely no depth 3 - Possible loss of IQ after watching the show for an extended period of time to be fair, I belive the third point is the case with most serialise anime of this nature, (Yes even your mighty dragonball Z). But I simply can't get into the concept of an Anime base on SPINTOP. Plus the show's plot made it the pit... now for a well execute absurdity that I find actually enjoyable: Hikaru no Go, a show based on go, it has just about every single flaw that Beyblade has, but it has one thing that Beyblade lacks to make the catch enjoyable: A decent plot. Finally, not having a decent plot isn't the end of a series, but it is very detrimental to a show's quality, take pokemon, plot is so cliche you could guess every episode by the title alone, but I still enjoyed it because it was fun... Beyblade lacks even that, which is why it's utter crap...
Thankyou for clearing that up, one last question, please have a look at my bio and find if it is okay or not, since in it I gave mention of my kindred spirit already interacting with my character, though not in a full capacity. Again much thanks! [B]Name[/B]: Lilith Morganna Vlad Tepes [B]Age[/B]: 12 [B]Gender[/B]: female ~.~ [B]Description[/B]: [URL=http://www.sonymusic.co.jp/Animation/cossette/image/top04.jpg]click for image[/URL] [B]Bio[/B]: Lilith Morganna was born to the noble house of Vlad Tepes, who trace their ancient route to Walachia?s most fearsome prince, the clan?s namesake Dracula. Here was a clan with a bloody history, full of death and ruin. Perhaps it truly had become a game to the players involved, when poison is taken for norm and none dare leave the safety of their premises without arms or guards. Siblins, parents, children and elderly; all were fair game in the eye of the Tepes, for to a Tepes, the prize, the succession, was deemed a prize worth any risk. Being raise as such, and having suffer through the consequences of error most painful, Lilith learn little by little, how to survive in a den of viper. Raised the heir to the great Vlad Tepes empire, Lilith childhood held precious little joy, from birth she was trained, groomed and savagely shaped to fit the ideal of the Tepes, physical perfection, mental dominance, spiritual solitude. Intelligent, astute and very much world weary from indoctrination of treachery and deceit, Lilith was well on her way of becoming a perfectly vicious Baroness to Vlad Tepes? throne. All that change however when she first heard his whispered melody. Vladimir the Impalar, Dracula to the world, ancient, powerful and very much dead. The spirit of her ancestor hath chosen his vessel! And so our little princess of solitude made her first friend. Time change, and so did Lilith, guided by the voice that was not there yet always there, she turned from rattle snake to majestic swan, the hauntingly graceful mirage that stood before her stunned kin could not be less a Tepes if she try, or so it was deemed. But alas descendent of descendent having lost their way, know not their daughter?s guide. This was the first, the ONLY true heir to Vladimir?s throne. This was a true Tepes Urban sophistication, unsolicited and mild of manner, never jovial but then one could hardly call her merely cordial, she radiate sobriety yet exude sensuality, liquid eyes that move like ocean wave, expressive, passionate but with oh so many secrets to tell. Enigma of enigma trained by voice of a distant yet remembered past: this was Litlith Morganna who bore the house name Vlad Tepes. Perhaps shuttling her to this boarding school was her parents last ditch attempt to correct their horrible error (where have we gone wrong? Such love! Such trust! Where have we gone wrong??), but so long as the voice object not (of whom she affectionately called uncle and he reluctantly answers) Lilith fears little and worry less. It was time to show the world what Lilith Morganna could do! And her dearest uncle was even kind enough to guide her to that book on exotic poison alchemy. What could go wrong? Note: this character has two unique 'gifts' One: she had heard the voice of her kindred before in her mind, though she knows not who he is or why he had aided her, she talks to him regularly though he rarely replies. Two: She is an expert in poisons and antidotes both exotic and mundane, she is virtually immune to most common type of poison due to long term exposure to them building up a resistance and she recognise most poison by sight, taste or smell. [U][B]Kindred Spirit [/B] [/U] [B]Name[/B]: Vladimir Tepes, the Impalar, prince of Walachia, Knight of Dracul [B]Age[/B]: born 1431 so assuming current year is 2004; 573 years old [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Race[/B]: Vampire [B]Description[/B]: well the link is stuffed so I'll just attach it....
Anime Which manga/manwha do you want to be animated?
Okita replied to Dagger's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE=Dagger IX1] By the way, I believe that the Vulgar Ghost Daydream OVA came out in Japan several days ago. Here's a link to Bandai's official site. [URL=http://www.bandaivisual.co.jp/dbeat/teizoku/]http://www.bandaivisual.co.jp/dbeat/teizoku/[/URL] ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Wai!!! thankyou thankyou thankyou!!!!!!! you have no idea how happy you've made me! I will now begin looking at baka update none stop until I see a group out with this!!! Again thankyou so much for pointing this out! edit: hmm realizes that this is most likely considered a spam, so will add something valid or otherwise along with my vocal jubilation. anyways another series which I remembered fondly was called Yamato Gensouki, again I'm not just hoping for it's animation but rather it's continuation as a Manga, I love the series protagonist and the heart warming plot stuck to me for days... it's very sad that such a nice series would end without a proper resolution! -
uh sorry for asking but when you say girl's only, do you mean in the sense of characterization or are actually only accepting girl members of this board? the setting is gothic horror so i took notice and like the dark feel, but before I go any further I would like to ask a few question and establish some facts firstly, me = male secondly I wish to create a character that is female alla 'sad sad gothic queen' thirdly does your kindred spirit have to be the same gender as you? and finally is there an overly large problem with the above proposal? while it is role play and I usually treat character identity as protagonists in a novella, the concept of charaterization might be too personal and I'm not familiar enough to know whether this might be offensive or not... (before you ask, I've never role play on forum before so yes I am noob, but at least I'm honest) if you can help clear up these points I'll be eternally greatful...
Anime Which manga/manwha do you want to be animated?
Okita replied to Dagger's topic in Otaku Central
Dagger IX1: can you provide a little info on Princess Ai? basic story and such. I've never seen the series but you've got me intrgued, and I'm a sucker for gothic setting work... [B]Legend of Basara[/B] Firstly it is ALREADY animated, or at least the first 5 volume, i want it to CONINTUE because there wasn't an ending and it's driving me crazy.... [B]Zomebie Powder[/B] This is rather sad, beacuse I not only want it to be animated but also for the manga to continue pass it's VERY short 5 volume finale, the series is very similiar to 'Trigun' and has the 'western' feel of thing, the main character even act very similiar to Vash, the show has some very nice villains too, I'd relly like to seen some of the fight scene animated! [B]Anne Freak[/B] I don't know why, but the prospect of seeing psycho teens killer without moral seems so cool, this is one series that seriously disturbed me, especially it's main character, I mean how many series make their main character an outright villain? I really wish someone would pick this series up. [B]Vulgar Ghost Daydream[/B] Another extremely weird and disturbing series, (the main character is a necromancer/s&m queen for crying out loud!) at first it seems like a slightly twisted version of the "detective; who done it" theme, with a lot more sex, drug and violence *cough* but as story and plot progress, you'll find out that this series packs punches that can knock you for a spin, some unique plot device and some very refreshing character (hoo boy are the resfreshing) [B]Ludwig Kakumei[/B] My final venture into weirdness, if you thought the last two were strange wait till you hear this one, essential it is an EXTREMELY loose adaptation of classic fairy tale such as Snow White and Sleeping beauty, with the "prince" of each story being replace by the main character: a effeminate narcissist prince who is a tad bit pyschotic and enjoy killing off the 'damsel in distress'. Story are very twisted; from the incestuous evil seductruss called 'Blanche' alla Snow White, to Red Riding Hood, the axe murderer (don't ask just read and find out... ;) ) -
Anime Samurai Champloo [from the creator of Cowboy Bebop]
Okita replied to Dagger's topic in Otaku Central
thank you for enlightening me, the word now sound far more like Nihongo when you translate it. I've never study japanese, and my only source of the language is anime, so I wouldn't be too familiar with it's sentence structure (though I did understand all that you said). Now that I actually understand it's meaning and it's unique Okinawan origin and pronounciation I find myself more and more appreciative of the little unique flavour that anime contains! -
PSP really can't flop unless Sony forget something very fundamental such as 'fun' or 'gameplay' or perhaps the 'on' button. Just the fact that it will be PS3 compatible alone will drive it into the market, that and sony has a huge market base of PS2 gamer that will convert to PS3 anyways. (and before you ask, yes I believe the PS3 will succeed too) I am not pro sony, I infact own a GC and enjoy the game it has very much, what I'm basing this thing from is statistic, market share and ability to market a product to success. Sony simply put has the market cornered in that respect. And while this is lightly off topic, I'd just like to say that sadly, gaming console are dying, the GC will prbably be the last gaming console that we'll be able to plug into our TV, they are being recplace by 'multimedia entertainment system' that are music, video, internet and gaming station in one. They are compact and expensive, and while the focus might still be on games, I feel very sadden that the days of pure gameplay I enjoyed on a SNES will be well and truly history...
I actually did saw the first episode for this series, but got turn off by the very 'onegai sensei' feel of it, the series looks so much like a no brainer bump & rump that I burnt it to disk and forgot all about it... I currently have all of AKeep's sub for the series, but don't plan to watch it soon. Your comment have intrgue me somewhat, so i might give this series another go, but it's first impression wasn't very impressive, and made doubly worse because I just finish watching the first episode of Yumeria and was dying from tooth decay....
Okay, the title has warning bell written all over it so before I get myself blacklisted by a mod, I'd like to ask people NOT post here if there only going to announce that "manga is better" or "anime is better" The reason I ask this is because of I pattern I'd like to clarify. Being a long time fan of anime ever since the age of Doraemon and Saint Seiya, I've being watching anime and reading manga for all my childhood in Asia. Things change when I moved to Australia when I was around 10 and ever since moving to no-anime land, i've being isolated from any decent source for a long while until evangelion was screened on our local free-to-air TV. I fell in love with the series straight away, and went on to obsessively purchase every anime I could get my hand on (which where very expensive R1 import), then I joined my local Animeclub at Uni (no I wasn't attending Uni yet, just a memeber of the club located at uni) and was introduce to Fansub, I began to download them like crazy and never did stop, by now I believe I have close to 10 terrabyte worth of DVD and burnt CD anime collection that spans 2 bookshelf and a trunk full of CD spindles. I was latter introduce to manga that are aviailible both as english translation and Chinese (which I'm not very good at anymore but get by) and at first I find that I like them less than anime, but lately i've slowly began to change my mind until suddenly I find myself prefering the manga in most cases over an anime. The reason for my preference to anime to begin with was simple; it's moving picture, the actions are better and watching a series take less effort that the manga. But I find lately that the more anime I watch, the more picky I get, and more and more series I now find wanting in one way or another, rewatching as series will have me see flaw that I didn't see before and more often than not I find that the more intricate plotline and more detail story of the manga is better than it's water-down anime cousin. There are exception to this, such as Bebop and Last Exile, superb anime that shine like beacons, but overall I find manga to be far superior and more satiesfying in the long run. Alot of my friend agrees with me on this, and I find that all those who do are those that have been watching anime as long as I have (5 yrs + minimum) and that most of those that disagree are those that only recently got into anime. (under 2-3 yers) So essentially i thought that: anime fan will inventually prefer manga or anime. I'd like to hear your view on this, mainly to justify a pattern or to see if it's a just group of like minded people that have a lot of thing in common (including rate of change in taste...) cheers!
Anime Samurai Champloo [from the creator of Cowboy Bebop]
Okita replied to Dagger's topic in Otaku Central
thanks for the information on Champloo, Hittokiri Zero, it sorta makes more sense now, and sorry i didn't mention this before but does anyone know how 'champloo' is meant to be pronounce? I thought at first that it would be like 'Shampoo' but then realize that Japanese phonetic does not have double 'o's that pronounce to 'u' sound and that the closest to double 'o' that I can think of is instances like Ho-oh, kyo-oh and Ookami, where the 'o' is stretched. So what how does the word 'champloo' sound? like a literal english pronouncement or following the Japanese phonetic? -
Firstly I must congradulate the show's attempt to play on words :rolleyes: Now that I've gotten over the extremely annoying title (call it a pet peeve, but switching the words like that really annoyed me) I must say that I was beyond shock, when after watching the first episode of Samurai 7 and realize that they actually got it right!!! I'm not talking about Samurai's 7's great animation and action scene, I'm not even talking about the plot (which is future-tec anyways) but the series actually manage to capture the *feel* of Kurosawa Akira's classic, the atmosphere was so nolstalgically familiar but at the same time different that I could not help but enjoy this (well executed) bastardization of one of my all time favourite film. In term of literature, the series cannot compare to it's predecessor, but I must urge poeple to give this amazing show a try. Trust me it's very enchanting, (though somewhat less effective in drawing sympathy due to the unreal environment) Yes I know that it's only one episode, but I give high regard to the director, for this homage to the classic I can gladly accept. edit: sorry i didn't see this thread... much apologise...
I really hate to be cliche, but my favourite character would have to be sephiroth, albino aside, and megalomaniac aside, sephiroth has a flare about him that just inspire awe, many have tried to emulate this aura of menace, some with great success, and other with not so much, but the most touching aspect of him is that his sin was concieved through love and devotion, Jenova was everything to him, and our loveless tragic villain would bring the world to it's knees to please his false mother...
Anime Samurai Champloo [from the creator of Cowboy Bebop]
Okita replied to Dagger's topic in Otaku Central
This seems rather stupid, but after watching two episodes (repeatly) I've yet to find the connection for the anime to it's title, just what does champloo mean? and what role if any does this 'champloo' play in the series? I'm sorry if the question seems either silly or an unknown but if anyone has an answer that isn't a spoiler for future episode, can you please tell me? -
[QUOTE=r2vq] Dagger-dono you give some really good descriptions. ;_; It makes me want to see. And so, as always r2vq will follow Dagger-dono's recomendations. :) (except for Maria-sama... I don't plant on watching the first season) --- So... assuming these are series, what about the new movies for this summer? One was already mentioned... -ArV[/QUOTE] Firstly, Maria-sama is very Yuri and girly to the max, if you want a sugar fix, it's actually not that bad, however, i cannot recommnend in as I have the first season and didn't enjoy it at all. Secondly be sure to check out the two big Shiro Masamune based movie coming out this year, Appleseed the movie and Ghost in the Shell 2: innocence, of the former all I've seen is a VERY nicely done intro (the show will be fully cg I am told). I must also say that while GITS 2 is arguable bigger in name, I do not like it as much, it story is typical Mamoru Oshii, which is to say, deeply plot driven with alot of in character dialogue that makes little to no sense and introspective monologue enough to fill half the flick. Also Makoto WILL NOT appear for most of movie. The saving grace will of course be the typical last 20 minute action feista like mosh other Oshii flick, and of course the stunning graphic And finally YOU WILL CHECK OUT FINAL FANTASY ADVENT CHILDREN because it's simply that good (even if it's crap I'll still say it since I'm basically blind to any fault related to FFVII ;) )
Anime Ending that makes you want to strangle the director
Okita replied to Okita's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='kat4000']i the ending i hate the most is to cowboy bebop. i mean its good in all but i think the left alot of things unanwsered and the don't tell what happens to the people after the end which really sucks! :flaming:[/quote] I must strongely disagree on that one as I feel Bebop had one of the most conclusive and fulfilling ending in anime bar none, firstly the series is episodic in nature, every character in the show had his or her own life to live and was brough to into the bebop through circumstances and chance, they where partner in venture that exist so long as it suits them. Thus it makes perfect sense how the ending turn out as it did, each character got his own finale, and each character learn to move on, whether through death, redemption or otherwise, each person was given an ending that fits their character exceptionally. Spike's conclusion is something that I will always remeber, even up to the last action you see him do before the curtain close, everything about it fit the show and gives a sense of closure.