:D Well, I'm pleased to find that there is a thread dedicated to the .hack project. I have spent days researching .hack//SIGN, and many things don't make sense without the game, so I can't say I'm a complete expert on the entire project (I don't have any video games at all), but I can answer any questions that are strictly //SIGN related...and I didn't bootleg the series, it came from a Best Buy in Japan (the labels were still intact
Mia, and several other characters in the game, come together at the very last episode of //SIGN, Unison #28. [spoiler]When Mia and Tsukasa see each other, they act like they'd known each other before, so I think that was Maha in a different form, and this is two years after Aura is awakened, or so I was told. It's kinda cool to see Mimiru with Black Rose, and Tsukasa with Elk! :)[/spoiler]
[COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Try not to double-post, please. if there's something you want to add to an original post, use the 'Edit' button underneath it. Also, be mindful of any spoilers you might reveal in an episode you talk about. I added the [spoiler] tags for you. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]