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About Sarangeyo
- Birthday December 11
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I'm an artist, writer, and a republican.
Freelance artist, for now.
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I'm not fond of social stereotypes, but I tend to put things in classes. Popularity-wise, I think I am lower middle class. That prep that's wearing all the in styles and such? S/he's upper class. That jock? S/He's upper middle class. That punk-ish kid there? Lower middle class. That jerk who's too mean for anyone to like him/her? Lower class to upper class depending what type of a jerk s/he is.. I am an anime/artist/writer/book geek. Not low class, but lower middle class. I'm generally not liked by upper class, upper middle class, and such. I don't hang out with them, they don't hang around me. Middle class people know me, get along with me, but don't hang out with me. Low class people hang out with me and some of my buddies, but don't necessarily fit in. Not that we don't want them to fit in, they just don't tend to care for the anime thing. ._.;;;; I don't think there are many 'low class' people in our school anymore, just Lower middle class. meh Maybe somebody will agree with me on that. I doubt. But if I had to stereotype people socially, that's how I'd do it. *shrugs*
I believe in love, but not in 'love at first sight'. I just find that all too 'convenient' to me. And lusty, not true love. I don't think I've ever fallen in love...but I have felt a strong effection for someone. That feeling...was like a pit in my chest and something was caught... I believe love is greater than that, so I can only imagine and hope. I think when you find that special someone, you will know. You'll get that [I]feeling[/I] and it'll hurt to be away from them... Well. At least that's what I expect. That's what I felt when I had that strong effection for _______. [SIZE=1]I refuse to reveal his name. meh......[/SIZE]
To be honest...[spoiler]I am scared to grow up. It scares me, because that's when everything that can go wrong, goes wrong. Like loved ones dying, ...all that junk. [/spoiler]Also water so deep I can't see the bottom and places so high, if I fell from it I'd break a leg or arm or body...*shudder*. [spoiler]And the fact we really don't know what's after death. Nothing or...Heaven? ...or hell. ._.;;; [/spoiler] Meh. I'm not usually afraid of bugs (I love spiders and whatnot), animals, etc, but scorpions scare me. ._.! I hate those buggers. *sighs* Boy i suck. lol
What is my favorite anime??? Slayers. No doubt. Definitely Slayers. I love the humor, storyline, characters, villians, world, history, and spells. Not to mention the male characters are all bishounens. ^____^ But that's only one of my favorite animes. I also love Inu Yasha (I adore the characters (kouga!) and the storyline) and Trigun (Vash. You know the ending where they talk about the next episode? I love the fact that it is almost exactly like the Drizzt Do'Urden monologues in his stories! Vash is just too cool!). As for worst animes (in MY opinion), it would have to be...Furi Kuri (watch me get assassinated in the next two seconds) and...eh, I won't mention the other one. Why do I not like Furi Kuri? While it may be humorous, it's confusing, lacks plot, and overall kinda bores me. I may be killed for that, but this is me being serious. -_-;;; Oh, and I don't like it's perverted-ness. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but...bleah. Commence the shooting. :devil:
Well, when I play Suikoden II, I notice that Nanami is similar in appearance to Amelia from Slayers. Both dress fairly brightly, and have short crop hair in very similar styles. And both are uber genki! :D They both like to protect the ones they love too. Also in Suikoden I, Gremio looks a great deal like Himura Kenshin. Except Gremio has Blonde hair, and green cape. He even has the same type of Cross Scar. But he got that protecting the young master. ^^ They have similar personalities too. Both are quiet unless protecting someone they care for, and act like house keepers at times (laundry, cooking, apholstery...). [SIZE=1]Maybe because I was introduced to Gremio first, I like him more. ^.^ As you can tell I am a fan of Suikoden. ._.[/SIZE]
I've been working on a storyline for my newest manga, and I want to know what some people think of it! I need some help with it, and could use some feedback. :) Please be honest! ;) Lost Memories Prologue: [INDENT]?Vaneral!? the summons came from the innermost sanctions of Tri?esl Mez?nelai?the Fortress of Oblivion?and the Chaos Knight heeded the call. [/INDENT] [INDENT]Her face grimaced with distaste as she marched through the onyx halls. Vaneral noted the forge of Rya wasn?t lit as she passed it, and she couldn?t help but wonder about the weapon master. After all, she had helped her find the strange sword she now held at her side. [/INDENT] [INDENT]As she approached the main hall where the call came from, she thought about the sword. At the first touch of the blade, she was rendered powerless and out of connection from Trian the Queen of the Great Void, and only recently, she regained that power. However, she remained out of touch with Trian, and surely, that was the reason for this unexpected summons. The grand doors that led to the Main Hall opened dramatically once Vaneral stepped in front of it. [/INDENT] [INDENT]Inside sat Trian, her stark ivory hair framing her dark obsidian form. She radiated a dangerous calm and a cunning guile. She gazed upon Vaneral, the youngest of the Oblivion Knights who were the most trusted and powerful demons of her army, Vaneral was a particular favorite of hers as her ability to render entire armies obliterated when berserk was a talent highly valued by Trian. However, that all changed with the loss of contact between the two. It left Trian wary, and for the first time in ages, uncertain about the Oblivion Knight. [/INDENT] [INDENT]Vaneral instinctively crouched down in a bow of reverence to Trian, but a small thought suddenly tugged at her mind. Why? Why serve this cruel demon? Why bother submitting to such a?dare she think it??worthless being?[/INDENT][INDENT]Her gall shocked her, and she clenched her teeth as she waited for Trian to speak, praying fervently that she was not being spied on from inside her consciousness. [/INDENT] [INDENT]?Vaneral,? Trian spoke, breaking the silence of the room.[/INDENT] [INDENT]Vaneral jerked back into reality and said as calmly as she could manage, ?Y?yes milady??[/INDENT][INDENT]Trian took note of the lack of confidence in the Chaos Knight. She motioned for her to stand, and said curtly, ?Change has looked upon you unkindly.? Her blood red eyes flashed, ?You ignored my calls, went about on your own will as if you were greater than me! You dared leave amidst the most important battle we?ve waged against my Sister?s servants and then come back as if nothing happened!? Vaneral tried to interrupt and defend herself, but Trian continued, growing more and more angry by the minute. By the time she finished speaking, her eyes burned with intense ire, and Vaneral crouched on the ground utterly ashamed and fearful.[/INDENT][INDENT]Yet?again, a small voice questioned why she was afraid of Trian. Vaneral suppressed the thought in an instant and forced herself to listen to the Goddess of Oblivion.[/INDENT] [INDENT]Trian clutched her throne so tightly that her hands started to break the arms of it, and took control of her still rising temper. She spoke softly, belying the fury that welled in her, ?I took the liberty of finding what you were up to.? She raised her hand in the air with a wave of magical energy. Vaneral stiffened in shock.[/INDENT] [INDENT]The wall behind Trian opened to reveal Rya chained to the wall. Her form hung limp and inky black blood dripped from several wounds. She looked half-dead from the beating.[/INDENT] [INDENT]?Rya told me of this weapon you found, and explained in vague detail what it did. She said there were three types of the weapon.? Trian paused softly and watched the horrified Vaneral, and then continued, ?Now, do tell me?Where is the location of these weapons??[/INDENT] [INDENT]Vaneral fought the lump of fear in her throat and stammered out the location of the weapons. [/INDENT] [INDENT]The voice spoke up again angrily, Why should that fool know? What reason does she have that could explain her cruelty to Rya? [/INDENT] [INDENT]Explosive energy and anger burst out of Trian and Vaneral clapped a hand to her mouth. Trian had pried into her thoughts![/INDENT] [INDENT]?YOU DARE HAVE THE IMPUDENCE TO EVEN COMPLETE THAT THOUGHT!? roared Trian who now stood upright and magnificently in front of Vaneral who recoiled, ?YOU DARE QUESTION ME??[/INDENT][INDENT]The unbelievable power in those words knocked Vaneral off her feet. She struggled to stand, and felt a trickle of blood run down her face. What?s wrong with me? she thought desperately, What am I doing? She had never even criticized her Mistress much less insult her! [/INDENT] [INDENT]Yet the foreign thoughts that led to this trouble left a mark in her mind.[/INDENT] [INDENT]Why did she serve this monster?[/INDENT] [INDENT]For the answer, Vaneral decided to find out later, and focused retreating from Trian?s wrath. She staggered out the main hall, and out of Trian?s presence.[/INDENT] [INDENT]Then, for reasons she had yet to discover, Vaneral ran. [/INDENT] ---------- Any critique? Here is a pic of [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/4479318/][COLOR=Blue]Vaneral[/COLOR][/URL] if anyone'd care to look. There more in my Dev gallery.
[size=1][QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]You wrote this which is fine. Canon couples although at times boring can be nice and normal but then you have...[/color] [color=darkviolet]The way I've understood InuYasha is that the canon pairings are: 1.) Kagome/InuYasha 2.) Sango/Miroku InuYasha really can't end up with Kikyo for the simple fact that [spoiler]Later in the series Kikyo ends up dying again. For good this time. I don't know when it's going to happen I just know it happens. I don't think Rumiko Takahashi is going to make InuYasha stay with a dead lady. Especially one who's going to stay dead.[/spoiler] Nothing against Kikyo, but she doesn't actually love [i]love[/i] InuYasha any more. She died hating him and now her body still hates him. Besides, if she was so easily betrayed by him once who's to say she wouldn't be betrayed by him again? [/color][/QUOTE][/size] I know. I'm just saying that if [spoiler]Kikyou never died and naraku never tricked either Inu or Kikyou[/spoiler], they would've been perfect. I have nothing against Kagome & Inu Yasha. I love that coupling and support it a great deal. I just like Inu and Kikyou more. *shrugs* And I've watched most of the series anyway. I do know that the couplings are Miroku & Sango, and Inu & Kagome. :) --------- Oh, and to my double post. I'm very sorry! :( I should've edited and added. Gomen nasai! Thanks for telling me! [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Added [spoiler] tags. Be careful what you might reveal, heh ^_~ -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
Anime Ending that makes you want to strangle the director
Sarangeyo replied to Okita's topic in Otaku Central
The ending of Escaflowne the movie. Tell me that didn't disappoint you. Talk about anticlimatic. Now, I love that movie. I do. I like the series more and the manga (though it differs unbelievably with the anime), but that's aside the point. However, I expected a killer battle between Van and Volken. Or perhaps maybe a battle fo words. [spoiler]But the Lion-man attacks him and doink. He's dead.[/spoiler] WTF?! Also, the very end, while touching, was...well it left me...wanting something more...finishing I guess. Does anyone agree with me? I could be alone in this thought, but really... -
Anime Wow... they're just like me!: Characters you identify with
Sarangeyo replied to Balinese's topic in Otaku Central
Well, this would be difficult to say. I figure that I am remarkably.................normal. O_O; I'd say Kasumi from Ranma 1/2 or perhaps Sylphiel from Slayers. Except I'm not that nice or submissive(?). Ameria from Slayers is like my Idol--her morals match mine and are something I wish everyone in this world would get. And my relationship with my dad is very strong too. I'm also a bit like Gourry from Slayers--I have the memory of a goldfish (or I guess a Jellyfish :D), and have a friendly disposition. :blah: To be quite honest (though this isn't an anime), I'd say I relate to Ginger from As Told By Ginger. I have a weird younger sibling; I'm not popular, nor am I a total loser, and I have some really awesome friends. So if there's a character that is forgetful, has high morals, is somewhat normal, and is not popular or unpopular, then that's who I'd relate most to. :D -
[quote name='SephirothNIN']You really need to play the Suikoden games in order since it lets you load your date at the beginning of Suikoden 2 and 3 (and most likely 4). Saving at the last point and getting all 108 stars in part 1 unlocks an awesome secret in part 2. If you do the same in 2 and load it in 3, you don't get anything TOO cool, but they will refer to the past events of 2 using your character's name and such. Anyway, 2 is one of my favorite rpgs as well, the minigames were amazing and it improved over part 1 100x. Suiky 3 was good, but many characters were boring and uninteresting. They mangled the battle system with their buddy version, and completely took out magic combos. Speaking of combos, the unites in Suiky 3 was for the most part, pathetic. Luckily I heard that in part 4, they're ditching the buddy system and going back to the older style of fighting. I also heard that Suiky 4 takes place some 120+ years before the first game, and most likely deals with Harmonia itself, so not many characters will be returning =\. Probably just those with true runes or the teleporter because...well she's nuts. I just hope Suiky 4 comes out sometime soon, I'm in a definite rpg hole.[/quote] I agree Suikoden II was my favorite. And yeah, I really disliked the change in the battle system in III. It really made fighting less fun. :sweat: As for Suikoden IV, it takes place in the Island Nations. It does have a similar battle system to the 1st and 2nd games, just with...3 characters. :bawl: Ah well. It takes place 150 yrs in the past. Viki is in there, lol. What's interesting is that [i]Jeane[/i] (the rune mistress of all three games) is in it too. Does that mean she has a true rune? But Konami said she doesn't. So I wanna know what's up with her. :sweat: I really cannot wait til Suikoden IV comes out. Suikoden has always been my fav RPG series (I've never been a big fan of FF).
Writing Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time series.
Sarangeyo replied to Haze's topic in Creative Works
I love the Wheel of Time Series! We have all the books released! (My dad is a major fan). I've only read to book 5, but I'm working on it. :D I like Mat and Perrin the most. I like Rand al Thor too, just not as much. Egwene is pretty cool along with Elaine, but my favorite girl character would have to be a tie between Nynaeve and Min. Though Elaida...She really is such a...well I'll not go there. ^^ The storyline is so well developed along with the world. It's hard for me to not like the books. ^^ -edit-Sorry. This really was a sucky post, so I'm adding to it. Gomen. I don't think that Robert Jorden is a sexist or pervert. I think, though some of the female characters are...shall we say odd, he has a good idea of how some women think. Nynaeve is such a feminist. lol ^^ The difference between the characters are a lot greater than some people think. Nynaeve and Egwene are very different. Egwene is much more feminine and she doesn't really have that beef against men. Min is a major tomboy. Moraine is a strong woman, who believes in order. Siuan is a great leader. Also, since women were the only ones who could channel for such a long time (without going nutso in the least), it only figures that Women became the dominant sex. That's how it was in our world--Men being generally more strong (physically), and thus they became the dominant gender. That's changing thankfully. (Now, if you want total domination over men--read about drow. They get pretty hardcore.) To cut this short, I think R. Jorden got a pretty good idea ofhow the relationships between men and women would be in his world. -
This is being COMPLETELY and UTTERLY honest. If I were to see my favorite two characters (Zelgadis and Ameria from Slayers) I'd first freak out, see if they were real, freak out, run to a psychaitrist and then run back screaming OMG YOU GUYS ARE REAL?! And then proceed to become long-lasting friends with them (while at the same time asking how they came to this world, and if I could go with them when they went back to the Slayers world). If I were to see my LEAST favorite character (Shinji from evangelion), I'd look at him, realise he's real and then force him to go to a shrink so he can get some major help. HE acts so depressed, and so dull--he has real issues. So yeah. I'd tell the shrink that, and say PLEASE help him grow a backbone! :mad: Yeah, I know I am a goober. ^^;
[QUOTE=Unborn Lord Xion][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]I'm here to represent Taiora fans everywhere by saying that Sora/Matt (Sorato) is just stupid. Digimon Season 2 really went to hell in the end, especially with those carriers (except Joe, he got a pretty good job). Back on topic, I just can't see Sora and Matt getting together. They had almost nothing in common. Sora just went after Matt because she's a teenage girl and he's a teen-dream rockstar, which is no basis for a lasting relationship. It's just wrong. I've noticied a trend in this thread as well. Most of the couples listed you hate because you hate one of the people. Just because the people in it suck doesn't mean they can't have a relationship. I find Serenity (chosen at random) as annoying as anyone, if not more so, but that doesn't mean I think she doesn't belong with anyone. Personally, I think that if Tristin/Honda wants her that much, he can have her (just to see Joey beat the crap out of him. That would be fun to watch.) I don't really hate that many couples, at least canon ones, simply because that's how the creator planned it. The majority of the couples I hate tend to be shonen ai/shoujo ai, because most of those are non-canon, and feature obviously straight people. Oh, and I'm in agreement that Tenchi doesn't really deserve any of the girls that fawn over him, simply because he hasn't grown a spine and chosen one. He's an indiscicive loser. I'm done ranting now. You may commence the stone-throwing. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] My goodness I agree with the Sorato thing. I mean, I went through the entire first season thinking that Tai & Sora were soooooo cute with each other, and come next seaon, they broke up and she marries Yomato. What the heck?! *cries* It went from perfect to bleah in only a few episodes. For digimon, I'm not a big fan of Ken and Yolanda. I can see it happening, and all, but it just doesn't settle right for me. *shrugs* I also agree with being a fan of canon couplings. The creator made it that way, why should I a mere fan, say no to it? Canon all the way baby! :D
For myself, I've never really had anything against the canon couplings. Fan-created on the other hand... HEheh...let's just say I [I]really[/I] don't like the Zel and Lina coupling. (Slayers) I honestly think Heero and Relena work perfect for each other. They're both boring, never seem to smile, and thus are perfect for each. :p I think Usagi and Mamoru work really well with eachother. I've never seen the anime, but the manga really shows their relationship very nicely. What's wrong with Kenshin and Kaoru??? :eek: I think Tenchi and Aeka make a fine couple--Aeka is not that bad a character at all. Ryoko, while she is fun, she is also very inconsiderate. Like with the episode where they sent her to get food? She spent all the money pigging out and gambling, while they starved. Aeka would not have done that. Now, don't get me wrong, I have no beef against Ryoko & Tenchi either. ^^; To be quite honest, I agree with the idea that most of the girls of Tenchi Muyo deserve more the Tenchi. He's so...boring. O_O; And for Inu Yasha--I've always liked Inu Yasha & Kikyou. Before Naraku tricked them. Before Kikyou was resurrected. I mean, Inu Yasha & Kagome work really well with each other, I just think that Inu Yasha & Kikyou would've been better. Ah well. Kagome fan may now proceed to murder me. ;) Now for my least favorite anime coupling (besides Zel/Lina), would have to be Shinji and Asuka. I mean, Asuka has so much power in her personality and Shinji is just...bleah. She deserves much more. Then again, if you go witht he opposites thing, it could work--She might give him a backbone or something, and maybe he could calm her down a bit, but... *shrugs* [SIZE=1]Darn, I wrote a lot. Sorry if this bothers some people. Gomen nasai! :( [/SIZE]
A good anime? For myself, I like animes with personality. Characters that draw you in, a decent storyline, and a unique world. But then, that's just me. I have a thing for fantasy and situations that I am not very familiar with. Weird. I love animes that have characters that I get so attached to, that if someone killed them off, I'd cry. But overall, a balanced mix of romance, adventure, drama, action, etc is good.