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Dark Necrofear

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Everything posted by Dark Necrofear

  1. I love Evanescence. Unlike some artists taht I won't mention, they lyrics are real. What I mean is that they sing about real life. And if you guys think Evanescence is totaly christian, well I don't think so. They only mention christ in the song Tourniquet. Yeah sure, some of you may be getting sick of hearing them but I don't. And if you think they are better groups out there, I don't. But that's just my opinion. Evanescence was, is and will always be my favorite band. But I'll go check out Curve. It looks like it's a good band.
  2. Alright. Let's talk about my more crazy moment. In Bloody Roar, every single time i have to beat, Alice, Nagi or Uriko, I'm all like:I'M GONNA KILL YOU YOU STUPID B***H! DIE! and well you get the point... There's also in Devil May Cry 1, when you have to beat Nightmare LIKE THREE TIME! I was so sick of seing him I almost trew my playstation out the window... yes.. I tend to get agressive when I play... :D My most gorious moment would be this one time at school. Almos all of the others from my grade were at a trip so I was like the only gril there. One of my friends had brought his GameCube. So anyways, I was behing beaten quite badly by one of my other friend, Patrick. Then there's this OH SO ANNOYING dude that's all like:Ah! You dunno how to play! You know those dudes that say that girls can't play videogames. Then, cuz of him, most of the guys were laughing or making really annoying comments. Then Patrick said:Alright, why don't you try bloody roar then? And then the other SUPER ANNOYING dude said:yeah right. I'm gonna beat her anyways. Guess what: I BEAT EVERY SINGLE GUY! So to all those guys out there that think that girls can't play videogames, IN YOUR FACE! sorry.... I'm hyper on sugar... :D
  3. Heh... where I come from, if you like Anime and Manga, you're a geek... Well at least most of my friends like it(we're only like... 5?) My best friend dosen't really watch anime but she thinks Ryou is really cute! Me too! And here, never try to get Anime, YOU CAN'T! Well I've managed to find two Escaflowne DVD but they're in french :flaming: You can get mangas, but they're in french too :flaming: I was wondering, can you buy anime dvd at a blockbuster? Cuz there's one in a town that's about two hours of drive from where I live. We go there sometimes. Well anyways, At least I can get my Shonen Jumps! :D
  4. [COLOR=DarkRed]I think I identifie myself to Naruto. He's all happy and play pranks but inside he's lonely and sad. He'll never give up on any goals he sets is mind on and his really perserverant. I'm kinda like that...[/COLOR]
  5. In Yu-Gi-Oh, when they were looking for Joey who was dueling agaisnt Bones, that skeleton that fell on Ryou! His face was priceless! Oh and when that fake boulder ran over him! I was laughing so much that my sides hurt! Also, in the first volume of Naruto"manga), when he uses his sexy no jutsu(is it spelled like that?) in front of Iruka and gives him a nosebleed. TO FUNNY! :laugh:
  6. My favorite anime shows are Yu-Gi-Oh, Inu Yasha and Martin Misteries. Yu-Gi-Oh:I totaly fell in love with Ryou. I think the characters are well tough, they each have their past dificulties(Like Seto for example) with makes them even more interesting. Inu-Yasha:I love the whole demon thing! And I think the idea of a girl sudently finding herself in feudal japan is awesome! Marin Misteries:Most of you don't know that show. The style his anime but it's made in canada. I liek it because it's sooo funny! martin's always goofing around, java... well he's a cavemant and Dianna is always making stupid scientific theorie.. but most of the time, they do make sense... oh and Billy's one cute lil alien! The anime shows I don't like: Duel Monsters:I think they tried to merge Yu-Gi-Oh and Beyblade together and it didn't work... Any Mech anime show:I just don't find them interesting... I don't HATE them. They just don't apeal me...
  7. Unborn lord Xion, you rock! Finaly someone who likes Xion! I tough I was the only one! You said you playe the 3 and 4 and are gonna get the 1 and 2? What about Primal Fury people! Some say it's crappy but I it's because of it I discovered Bloody Roar! Oh and if Unborn Lord Xion likes Xion, he isn't in the 1 and 2... Oh and I hate Nagi.... [spoiler]SHE KILLED XION IN HER ENDING![/spoiler] Oh and I wanted to know what was your favorite Mortal Kombat:Deadly alliance character? me it's Kenshi because if I send my oponene flying with his sword, I can hit him like three times. I also Like Li Mei. he fatality is awesome! [color=indigo]Added spoiler tags. - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]
  8. I wanna know who's your favorite character ine Bloody Roar(if you at least know that game. Where I come from, where like five in the whol school who know what it is!) and also your favorite character from SoulCalibur and why. In Bloody Roar, my favorite character is Xion because I'm hard to beat with him, know almost all his moves and his beast drives are awesome!(he has white hair too. WHITE HAIT BISHIES ROCK!). In SoulCalibur, my fav. character is Nightmare(Siegfried. I heard that's his real name.) Maybe he's a little slow but his moves deals critical damage and he's just soooo cool! I luv his sword, Soul Edge complete too! It's soo freaky! :D
  9. Well this one has two game characters. Xion from Bloody roar and Dante from Devil May Cry. I mean come on! Cut Xion's hair and he's Dante's twin! With the red trench coat and all!
  10. I can't beat Riku for the second time! :mad: Anybody got tips on how to beat him? It would help! Thanks. :heart:
  11. Right now I'm reading Naruto. I have the three first volumes(in french, mind you. I'm from Canada.)and I also have three Shonen jumps. I just looooooove Naruto and Yu-Gi-Oh. And One Piece is soooo damn funny! :D :laugh: You know, they are some who don't like manga that were traducted in english, wait 'till you see those in french... In Naruto for example. They don't say Uchiha, they say Uchiwa! Oh and the first volume of Naruto was so funny! Like when Naruto gave a nosebleed to Iruka because of his sexy-no-justu(do you spell it like that?)
  12. I have that one on the PS2! It's soo awesome. The only problem is that it's... kinda short? I'ves beat it in like... two weeks? Something like that. But aside that, it's awesome! :D
  13. Help! I can't beat Omega pirate! I've tried like... twenty times... Y S'TUE POS!!!!!!(he's unbeatable for those who don't speak french.) He's driving me and my brother crazy! :flaming: :mad:
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