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About gothicanimechic

  • Birthday January 31

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  1. Saddam Hussein pic: Saddam: "Y...M...C..A..." Crowd: ? *everyone starts dancing* Saddam:*singing* "you can do what ever you feel..." *gets gun out and shoots everyone* "damn that felt good" *runs off* ok maybe that's stupid but it was funny the first time
  2. that is pretty sad. boo hoo :( . but seriously, those people mustn't have much to do if they're teaching their children to be witches. it's confuddling. :confused: aren't we glad we don't live there? please excuse my confuddling talk. i'm still asleep. :sleep: but it IS sad.
  3. well i have been bullied before (real bullying) and all i can say is that these people are sad. the bullies, i mean. they have nothing better to do or they feel bad about themselves and so they go and hurt someone. you might say something that is a joke and you meant it to be one, but they blow it all out of proportion and go mental. this happened to me for 10 years and it has only just stopped now. you know how it stopped? ill tell you. you be nice to them, yeah, its hard, but it really works. honest!! im not lying. if you don't believe me, fine. it doesnt work for everyone. and if it doesnt work, you could always ignore them, that works too. or you could throw a mental right back and get in trouble. not that im advising that. but you get the picture.
  4. personally, i dont think that it makes you bisexual or gay/lesbian (take your pick!). it is just a natural thing-not that i do it! lol
  5. hehe well you know you're easily amused when... 1)someone does something that is in no way funny but you laugh 2)you do something that is in no way funny but ppl laugh 3)you watch a virtual aquarium on your computer or your ps2 for 5 hours straight and still laugh at the little fish that pops out of the volcano 4)you watch ants carry pieces of bread 5)you think boards like this are the best thing since sliced bread 6)you think the badgers on [url]www.badgerbadgerbadger.com[/url] are so funny you watch them for 4 hours straight and still laugh at the song even when you have turned it off
  6. hehehe this is good! let's see, some stupid stuff i have done... 1) standing by the side of the road and every time a car comes along that has a window open, yell, "I'm going to get you!!" and make as if you're going to jump at them( it made this one car speed up!!! lol) damn ive g2g got to post more stuff on here
  7. i've always been an outcast. right from my first day of school, i knew. you can see what people think-it's in their faces. "eew, look at her, she's FAT" "omg, she is so ugly" "where did she get her fashion sense from? a cereal box??" i never had any friends at primary school. that went on for 10 years. then i went to high school. at least here i had some friends. but the teasing never stopped. it's hard to accept that you are never going to be what you thought you would. it's hard to forget the teasing, the pain... even though i'm only 14, i've experienced a lot of things. and it's all because of my looks. no matter what people say, no matter what they try to do, they can never change people's opinion of you. it's hard to forget the pain. i never have. i never will. 14 years. it'll never stop.
  8. i have to agree with the person who started this board since my parents make me do everything. and since im not the only person in the house capable of doing the chores it makes it even worse! grrr :flaming: it's really annoying and im sick of it, but when i tell my mum that i shouldnt be the only one doing the chores, she just says that you are the only one that can do it since i and your stepfather work all day. well what about my brother? that's what i want answered. he's perfectly capable of doing the chores-in fact, yesterday he wanted to help, but no says mum you have to go outside and play. play i ask you!!!! what about me? and i have so much homework that it isnt funny, and i HAVE to do it or else i cant go everywhere, and she also expects me to do all the chores as well! honestly! :flaming: grrr ok i have said everthing now. but you see what i mean?????
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