Name: Jin Binzuru
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Islanders or Chaos: Chaos
Wepon: A sycthe that has blod of 1000 people caked on it
Apperance: [URL=]Jin[/URL]
Pesonallty: He is completey crazy. Love to tourture prople by cuttin of their body parts and dancing in ther blood (While there still alive). He loves the look on their faces as they cry.
Bio: When his mother gave birth to Eragon they left. She only took Jin with her. None Knows why that is. but when they settled down in another village, Becase he didn't have a father he was picked on, beat up by the time he was eight his body from neck down was covered in sacrs from people beating him for no reason.when he turned ten his mother's body was found in a ditch. a week after that some men started to talk aboutit when he was near they the said she was a fithy whore and got what she desverd. after hear that his mind snapped he fond a piece of long galss and cut the man's head of the other villagers witnessed it but it was to late he wen't on a bloody Massacre by dawn he killed them all . so he decided to look for his father to kill him and eragon ,but decided why stop there why not kill them all dragons included