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Everything posted by Phantom00~***

  1. Hey this is a poll to see if you want Kari to continue her stories with Ashley.
  2. I am soo sorry, I am soo mad! I am mad, but I dont want to start a war! We have to live, and WE CANNOT STOOP TO THEIR LEVEL!
  3. I didnt know that you shouldnt ask Serphiof or whatever, I am sorry and I wont do it again! Oh ya: Flash, AWSOME avitar!
  4. Sorry! I am sorry, please dont be mad at me. I wont do it again.
  5. Hey! I was just wondering how you become a Mod? I think that it would be fun!
  6. Thanks! Well actually, I want to say something to Kari first. Kari, do you mind if Ashley becomes a part of my stories? I would love it! Are you going to restart new stories? Alright, AW's continued stories (by me) will be restarted on friday. (oh yea, Digimon Season 3 rocked!)
  7. I dont get it? Help! I am incredibly blonde! LoL;)
  8. Please dont hate me for AW's mistakes. I am taking over his fanfictions for him. I am nothing like him, I am easy going. I did read his posts, and thought that he was acting totally irrational. If you hate him I understand, but please dont hate me.
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