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mr dude guy

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About mr dude guy

  • Birthday 06/21/1989

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  • AIM

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  • Biography
    umm there isnt much to say exept i like to play soccer and i have a broken arm so now i dont have a life and im stuck talkin on AIM all day and readin all the posts on OB
  • Occupation
    nothin much.... just chillin... stalkin the ocational chick, lol

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  1. i asked for a masuse, this is what i get may, the lord drop a bolder on you too. (it sucks but oooooo wellllll)
  2. It always makes me mad that i never see any anime movies in the theatre lists. This is like the only way that i kno what movies are out. And some of the anime movies could generate just as much money as regular movies. Now i dont know if its just in my city that they dont play anime in theatre. Does this make anyone else mad or am i just a big dummy?
  3. Thats the biggest problem, I've clicked on all of the things I need to, at least I think I did because I've read the entire page and it still wont come up. I was wondering if there could be a problem with the avatar, besides the size. That would be my only other guess
  4. I thought Grave Of The Fireflies ending wasnt that good. I mean there were [spoiler]plenty of families that died why single one out. It would have been a lot more uplifting if they would have survived.[/spoiler] At the end of that movie all i wanted to do was sleep for like 4 days it got me so depressed. [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Added [spoiler] tags. be mindful of what you could bge spoiling for other people who've not yet watched it, heh. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  5. I would really highly suggest Love Hina, its the best series I've ever read and its really funny. It is also really easy to read through fast if u dont like real complicated books like me. If you do read it I guarantee you will think it is the best to.
  6. [QUOTE=James][color=#707875]I fixed it for you. You forgot to add "www." to the start of the site's URL. Also, I recommend that you take note of your post quality (puntucation, capital letters), just to make your posts a bit clearer to read. I found your first and second PM to be a little confusing for that reason. It's just something to watch, is all. To make your avatar work, you only have to upload it by going to "Edit Avatar". It's pretty easy, but you have to ensure that your custom avatar meets the size requirements (if it's too large or takes up too much memory it won't be accepted by the software). ^_^[/color][/QUOTE] Sorry about the typing ptoblems and all the grammer im so used to bein on AIM and typin so sloppy. But what I really wanted to say was, I've tryed to putting my avi up on the edit avitar, and it still wont show up. It cant be that the avi is to big either because I've checked it and its the perfect size.
  7. hey, ive just recently watched akira and i have to say its one of the best movies ive ever seen. i was just wondering wat other people thought about it and wat there favorite parts of the movie are. also i have just started really watching lots of anime movies and i was hoping for some recomendations. so if u have any favorite movies spit em out i wanna see em all. thanx a bunch.
  8. umm my banner wont go up on my signiture. ive tried wat james told me to do but it still wont come up, so if anyone has any suggestions plz tell me. thanx
  9. thanx a bunch..... and if any one else wants to make one to its fine cuz i want lots of options. :) and im not sayin that i dont like the stuff u made turdle its great i just like options.
  10. can some1 plz be nice to me for once and make me an avi and/or a banner out of this pic. and some where in it i dont care where can u put mr dude guy. but i only want the name on the banner if ur gonna make that. or if ur gonna just make the avi then u dont have to put anything, just the pic. thanx a bunch :) [url]http://laine.anime.net/Illustrations/Naruto/riceboy.jpg[/url]
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