[QUOTE=James][color=#707875]I fixed it for you. You forgot to add "www." to the start of the site's URL.
Also, I recommend that you take note of your post quality (puntucation, capital letters), just to make your posts a bit clearer to read. I found your first and second PM to be a little confusing for that reason. It's just something to watch, is all.
To make your avatar work, you only have to upload it by going to "Edit Avatar". It's pretty easy, but you have to ensure that your custom avatar meets the size requirements (if it's too large or takes up too much memory it won't be accepted by the software). ^_^[/color][/QUOTE]
Sorry about the typing ptoblems and all the grammer im so used to bein on AIM and typin so sloppy.
But what I really wanted to say was, I've tryed to putting my avi up on the edit avitar, and it still wont show up. It cant be that the avi is to big either because I've checked it and its the perfect size.