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Everything posted by Inuyasha311

  1. This show was very touching and had alot of feeling put into in.I was very upset when this show was taking off Cartoon Network because it didn't get to far into the story.The music to this anime is really beautiful I could listen to it all day.From what I could tell there are many shows to this one story and I want to see them all.I mean who could resist Kenshins face!!!!!!!
  2. [color=darkorchid]Well I like anime because its really exciting and much better than cartoons I guess it has more blood and the anime itself seems to be drawn alittle better. And some times you can really relate to that anime.I know when I get upset or depressed I watch Inuyasha and I always feel much better. It has more action than other cartoons and I think even when I'm 50 or 60 years old I'll still watch anime.I do tend to get mad when I hear some one put a anime down I guess thats how it goes. But I know if I find a anime I like,I always go and buy it so I'll never forget it.[/color]
  3. Ok do you really have to wait 4 turns before you can active a trap card?? 2nd How do I get my shining blue eyes dragon on the feild? I have all the cards I think but how do I put them together? Oh and with the filp effect cards can I put 2 filp effect cards down at one time or just one at a time I know I can normal summon and filp summon on the same turn but if I have 3 filps in my hand can I lay all 3 face down on the same turn?
  4. Yes I love this anime I'm watching now and I think its a very good anime. I still have some things to figure out but, I'm not at the end yet.And the best part they play 2shows every day. I love the song that plays at the start of the show I wonder if it has a sound track.I have went to e-bay hopefully I can buy this DVD it only has 26 shows but still its a good anime.I can't wait to see the end and find out what happens I kinda have a idea but I won't say anything for people who haven't watched.I think I would freak out if any of that stuff that happened to them would happen to me some stuff in that show was just freaky.
  5. I would have to say all the Dragon Ball's they are every where and Yu-Gi-Oh I mean thats the first time I have seen anime in the big screen.And now Inuyasha which is growing more and more each day.I hope out of all the anime Inuyasha will reach the top,I wish the same for Wolf Rain even if it is kinda slow going its still a really good anime.I watch the Cowboy Bebop movie on the Action Channel Tuesday night and that one looks like its going on out there with Ghost in a shell which played on the same channel not to long ago.So as I flip from channel to channel I keep see more and more anime coming on.
  6. "Well that was good I see." said Naomi She looked over to the side and saw the girls headed to the bath house. She took a glance at Ryu and Balmung they had some werid grins on there faces. "What are those dummys up too." said Naomi. So she got up and headed towards the other girls to the bath house.Zen looked very happy from where she was standing!
  7. I can't stress how much I HATE clowns I have hated them evey since I was little and saw my 1st one at a birthday party.They scare me I don't like the painted faces its like they are really hideing something.I don't even like doll clowns they freak me out too.And as far as clowns in movies I don;'t like them either and they are no way funny.............
  8. That was a very good anime movie but I watched it a very long time ago but I can remember alittle about it. I really like the way peolpe went to get a pet and ended up getting something really different it was kinda scarey.I like the rabbit one the best I wish they would come out with another one I bet it would be just as good.But, do you think that guy sold those pets just to teach a lesson or did he think they would really do as he asked on how to take care of the pets he gave them?
  9. I would have to say Acr the Lad could have another one I mean why not I want to see whats happens to the Arc and to the holy mother.Trigun even if it would only be a couple of shows I still want to see what happens.....And Vandread I now they are missing something in that show but I just don't know what!!!!
  10. Yes I pity 2 the 1st would have to be Vash from Trigun I hate the way people treat him.Its so sad he is so nice and caring and they don't take the time to see that.He hates death so much but yet it always follows him every where he goes but, yet he keeps on trying to do his best to bring love and peace to that world.The next would have to be Inuyasha even if he doesn't show it you know he is really hurt about what happened 50years ago.But I guess if it didn't happen then he would of never made the friends he has now. I only worship one anime character and that is Sesshomaru and for others who love Sesshomaru then you know why!!!!! I don't really fear any anime character well I take that back I do one Naraku he is so tricky I know I would walk right in one of his traps and not think any thing about it.
  11. I would have to say the 1st anime movie I watched was Akira ,I still like it.Then Sin that was a good anime movie kinda short like most of them are.And Spirited Away and may I add was a VERY good movie I know I watched that movie 5times.Yu-gi-oh was the most recent movie I have seen and it was very good too. There is one movie that I have its ok I would never recommend is Blood,not because of its shortness but, the anime looked all wrong. [color=navy]Your posts are somewhat difficult to read. Please try to clean them up a bit. ~Dagger~[/color]
  12. Trying to hurry Naomi quickly got done she had picked out a white Kimono with a little purple on it to match her hair. "Alright I'm done."said Naomi she started to walk towards the girls when she tripped and fell right on her face."Oh that hurt,oh I'm am so graceful."said Naomi."Its ok I'm fine."yelled Naomi.She got herself up and brushed herself off. Looking up at the other hoping they wouldn't laugh to much at her.The others asked if she was ok"Yeah I'm fine lets get going."Said Naomi.So they started to walk to where they had left the boys.
  13. Before she was about to go Naomi noticed that everyone was haveing a really good time. And maybe it was best to at least try to get to know this people better they seem really nice but the new guy Blynd kinda gave her the creeps. She even saw that Ryu was haveing a good time now. "Wow maybe I should be more sociable I don't want everyone to think I'm rude." said Naomi. So she started to walk towards the crowd of people even if she was not with anybody. "Wow thats a beauiful kimono,Zen."said Naomi. Then Naomi noticed Ryu and Ouka " wow they look like they were made for each other,I wonder if I could rub there ears they are so cute!"said Naomi.So Naomi walked towards Ryu and Ouka and asked very softly "do you mind if I could rub your werewolf ears for luck please,they are so cute!!!!!!"Said Naomi
  14. As Naomi watched everyone get there kimono and get ready for the event she just wondered if she could find someone to go with but, being the shy person that she was there was no way she would ever ask anyone out. But never the less she was happy for Lyn, Lyn looked really in love with Balmung it was so sweet. Naomi started to walk to the Chaos gate to see if maybe she could pass the time fighting some monters b/c thats about the only thing she is good at.When it came to her twin blades she was never shy....
  15. As Naomi entered the bar she saw the people from her party looking at her very strangely. Not knowing what to do or say she just sat down and very softly said "Hello, my name is Naomi. Who are you people?" Said Naomi "Oh sorry not trying to be rude but, I don't think I have every seen any of you before. So what is going on here?" Said Naomi. Not beening able to make any eye contact with any of them.
  16. Before Naomi was about to leave she got a PM from Zen saying where she could meet the other party memebers. Looking at the PM very confused she went anyway. Naomi arrived in a beach area looking around she started to walk around and look for Zen. Naomi came to the bar and found the girl that PM her. And walked over to find out how she got on her party list.
  17. "Finally, I didn't think I would ever get here." said Naomi. She looked around and wondered what to do next in Mac Anu so she started to walk to the armor shop to buy some new leg armor. "Hm... lets see I'll take the deluxe boots." said Naomi. After getting her new boots she goes to the Chaos Gates but, before she goes to fight some monters she see that her level has increase to 200. "I wonder how this happened and I have new people on my party list thats freaky."said Naomi. So she goes to see if she can find and rare treasure today and to see who these new people are on her party list and how they got on there.
  18. Name:Crystal Age:17 Gender:Female World Info Name: Naomi Age:17 Gender:Female Rank: Twin Blade Level:200 Item:Tiger Claw App:Purple hair with a white shirt and a pirate belt that hangs around one side of my waist white and on the belt are long white strips one in the front and 2 on the side and one in the back like a long dress that has been cut. Signs:A purple jew in the middle of my forehead Story: Crystal came home from school feeling alittle down about the whole homework thing. She tossed her bookbag on the floor and walked over to her computer but, for some reason the computer was already on and ready for her to log in to the world. "oh well." said Crystal. So she logged in User Name: Naomi Password:****** loading......
  19. Lets see I would love to see another Inuyasha game for the PS2 this time. As far as other anime I would have to say Betterman or Vandread they would have to be RPG and have to stick to the story. Betterman I would like to play as the girl or the man changing dragon known as Betterman. Vandread the guy but I can't spell his name.But if the video game looked just like the anime that would be one good game. And thats all I can think of right now!! [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Please don't post erroneous attachments. OB isn't a picture hosting site, heh. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  20. To tell the truth I hope that the aferlife will be like the one in yu-yu hakusho. But you never know ,I do think there is a heven and a hell. As far as how to get to them I don't know. And nobody will every know untill that time comes. As for right now I'm not going to worry about that as long as I do what right thats all that matters. But I agree with KnightOfTheRose this will most likey turn into a religious debate.
  21. Well I have to say 14 is to young. I didn't have any tell I was 17 and I still don't think I was really ready. I wish I would have waited longer but ,its to late now. But I can't tell you if your ready but, I would hold off for alittle long. And if your g/f really likes you she will be ok with that. But, if you have to please please use protection. Just be careful ok!!
  22. I have played a few games this year but, I'm only going to give credit to one and thats Tales of Symphonia. I really love this game the anime at the start of the game is great. The whole story line of this game is top rate. The fighting and leveling up is very nice. This was one of those games that I could not put down.
  23. [font=Arial Black][size=2]I'm not sure if this would be considered pushed to my limit but, if anyone would of crossed my path that night I don't know what I would have done. To start I stopped at this gas station in the middle of nowhere going see my b/f. Time I got back in the car it would not start.:flaming: No pay phone in site and my cell didn't work out there. So I walked I did't think about it at the time about the path I had to go. I had to go on empty unlit streets no lights at all. And on top of that my b/f was leaveing town the next day and tonight was last night to see him for awhile. Anyway to make a long story short I walked for 5hours in the dark before I even came close to his house.The walk wasn't bad but, by the time I got there he was asleep. So I took his car and went home and he didn't leave the next day anyway. His train was delayed!! But the next day I bit his head for not coming to look for me. I was very upset for a couple of days. Plus, the next day I went to check on my car at that station and guess what?? It started right up!! Thats when I had reached my limit I couldn't take anymore. But, thats life!:D [/size][/font]
  24. Lets see I live in Florence SC, around here there is not to much to do. The best thing is to get some friends and start to hang. Around spring break is the best time to head to the beach. Everyone goes to the Blvd. during this break you can look at really nice cars. Thats why I like to go. As for me I like to read get on the computer play pool, work, and take a swim in the pool. I hope I will be moving to Uath soon I guess. I never really have been out of state before, except that time I lived in Va for about 6 months and that wasn't to bad. They had alot more places with pool tables then down here. [url="http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001"][img]http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/3/3_8_10.gif[/img][/url] Thats what I'm going to do with my computer in a min later!!
  25. Coolest: I would have to say Seto Kaiba, [yu-gi-oh]. I like the white coat he wears and how he has everything under control. [color=royalblue]Dorkiest: I would have to agree with Archemorus its the Ginyu force [DBZ]. I hate the way they would do that pose.[/color] [color=purple]Smartest:Sesshomaru [Inuyasha] He always gets around to what has to be done. And no one will take him as a joke.[/color] [color=#800080]Dummest: I would have to say Majin Buu [DBZ]. He may of had alot of power but, brain wise I don't think so.[/color] [color=magenta]Best:Clide [Arc the lad] In this dvd he rules, he got everything he wanted and did it in his own little sneaky way. But you know what happens to them all right. but still he was a good villain.[/color] [color=#ff00ff]Worst:Bakura [yu-gi-oh] I just don't like him,maybe he is one of those slow villains that take their time with there master plan or something.[/color] [color=#4169e1][/color]
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