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Everything posted by Inuyasha311

  1. I just got this game today I'm really trying to like it. I guess I just need to build my level up like I do with all my other games. But is all you get to go is the forest? I think I would like to go online with it. But I need to get use to it first.
  2. I must say Gundam seed is a very good show. I missed the first couple of episodes but, thats ok. I think it has a very good story behind it. I don't like that girl Fla, I think thats her name. But I like it better than that Gundam SD, I'm so gald they quit playing that. So if I had to give this story a 1 to 10 I would give it a 9. It a good story and good anime, but Gundam Wing is were it all started.
  3. My greatest fears would have to be dead people,sharks,and large bodies of water. I don't like to go out to far in the ocean it really freaks me out. I hate not being able to see the bottom.
  4. [font=Times New Roman][size=2]My parents when I was little never really cared about anything I watched. It could of been anime to horror movies they never really cared. Well my mom cared alittle but my dad would always say "its ok, let her watch it." But now I have a son of my own and I let him watch anime with me. He loves to watch Inuyasha,Gundam seed,and Dragon ball z. I hope that anime will give him a open mind about somethings. So as a parent if he wants to watch anime he can and I'll watch it with him.[/size][/font]
  5. I don't know what messed up town you live in but,that is going to far. I don't know about anyone else but,when I'm mad or upset or even alittle depressed anime will always make me feel better. If parents don't want their kids to watch then block it. All the anime I have watched had a rating of teen14. And I hate it when they put the blame on something else instead of what they should.
  6. Well I can tell you how my boyfriend and me got started off.I like to be good friends before I enter a relationship so him and me have been good friends for I say about 2year before we started going out.I must say the first month was kinda rocky.But now we have been together for 4 years and that doesn't include the 2years we were friends.I'm not sure about all girls but, I like to be good friends before I start to date.So I don't your strategy is bad.
  7. Lets see......Its so hard but I would have to say Arc.From Arc the lad,I know its a video game but, they made a anime about it.Arc is the hero he is caring,brave,and kinda cute.:love: He is always saving somebody and looking for the best interest of the people!!Next to him I would have to say Inuyasha of couse!I had to mention Inuyasha because it is a great anime to get into.
  8. Well one of my moments was when me and my boyfriend just got started dating,and we were in a kinda dark room.So I went over to kiss him on the mouth and ended up kissing his nose. Which was gross and embarrassing!!!:drunk: Thats what I looked like afterwards!!!
  9. Yes, I think this movie will be a good one!I have been waiting for it to come out but, it takes so long.I wish I would of never seen the first 7 mins. Now I have beening waiting and waiting.:wigout: But I hope its not one of those movies that show good previews and then the movie is crap!!I hope not.
  10. [size=2][color=darkorchid]I would have to say mastershake! I love my chair and the tv.But I don't come up with idea's like he does.[/color][/size]
  11. [color=blue]I just got my copy of the game! I must say so far I'm in love.But you know something,the main charter in red that you will play. His voice sounds like Robin off of Teen Titans,maybe its just me:) .Well I won't say to much for those who haven't played yet. But the graphics and the anime is all soooo good. Yeah I beat my TOS game 7-27-04!![/color]
  12. You are very right!!!! I'm not sure how you would go about turning that in.But I hope someone does that is a very bad website!!!
  13. If I was you I would look into that! Because your boss sounds like a butt! When you go to a job it should not matter about anything you do on your free time or at home.you said you didn't bring your religion to work. I mean did your friend tell him that he asked you about it? I wouldn't let my boss get away with that!But it is best not to tell much about yourself to co-workers because you never know.
  14. My fave would have to be RPG's!!!!! But, the game I liked best of all was Skies of Arcadia. I know its not a computer game but its still a game!!!!!!
  15. I don't think any family is picture perfect,mine is not for sure. I have tried to work with them and work but nothing I do for my family ever works out. My sister is 8 and she acts like a 2year old my mom is so out of it dealing with my sister. My dad ,don't even get me started he is the worst and the cause of it all. Some days its nice others I wish I was dead.I'm 22 and I really can't stand to be 2 feet from my dad he drives me crazy. I have tried to ignore all the things that have happen in the past and so many bad things have happened. And I know to this day my parents feel bad about the things they have done or for that matter haven't done. So my advice to you is its family they will always love you no matter what. And I'm sure if you were ever in trouble they would be their for you. I know some days you want to just disappear but don't run off and leave then yes you may regret it. Thats what I did just ran off from my problems instead of working them out. But now even today nothing has been done but I guess time will have to take its place but in the mean time I have learn to live and forgive. I hope I could help you out alittle but I know some more people have some good advice too.
  16. Around here in SC gas got to be over 2.00 a galllon. Not to long ago it went down to 1.83 a gallon. I have to 89" in my car so I have to pay alittle extra anyway.But it only takes about 15 to 20 dollars to fill my car up.To bad for my dad who has a truck it takes 25 to 30 dollars to fill his up ha!!!
  17. Yes at my school alot of girls wrote on the walls. But really nothing to bad,they just put so and so was here! Or some would draw pictures of stuff. But it was something to read while you were in there.
  18. Yes the game was very short but, never the less it was a Inuyasha game! I still don't know how to get all the pics?But,I like the fact that you can listen to music!I hope they come out with another Inuyasha game,maybe for the ps2 this time.
  19. Lets take him down!!!! But I like the sprite you put up. I'm in!!!!I hate tea party's
  20. I liked Fooly Cooly. Even if I couldn't follow the story that well! It was still a good show!!
  21. I have no idea! But if they are you should hear something about it soon!
  22. They always do that wish a person back.So you know no one is really going to be gone forever. Not as long as they have Dragon balls. I like the new music for DBGT!!!! But what are lost episodes ?? Did I miss something?
  23. Well yeah if you put it like that about the sad part thats so true! You need that rock for Goku to get anger about killing one of his friends.But what about afterward?
  24. I would rather watch a Dubb video than a sub. Just for the fact I don't have to read and miss anything in the show. But it would be easier to get subtitle shows.They are faster to get than waiting for dubb show to come out.I learned on e-bay that you can get episodes 1-like 148 or something like that with Inuyasha. But if you want it were its dubb then you going to have to wait.
  25. I like hard rock for a hard fight! It kinda gets you pumped up! Like yea! Goku going to kick butt!! Or Inuyasha but for a sad part they should stick to the sad music.I would rather have rock to go with a action anime but, that me!!!
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