[QUOTE=Sesshomuru]If you want to join you must pick a character and pick a weopon for him or her.Oh and you can choose to be a villan to.
Or if you want to make a character of your own here is what she or he requires:
Ok if this is not what your looking for let me know b/c this is my first time ever!
Weopans: Staff of magic that can cast fire,water,wind,life,and ice spells
Appearance:I would have wolf ears and tail but my tail and hair would be purple I would wear white cloths.
History:unknown at this point maybe the story could help me alittle with that
Story: one day while traveling the Inuyasha gang came across all enemies that they had fought in the past so they have decided to fight but then they realized they were out numbered so they went back to the village to get some recruits.