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Everything posted by Inuyasha311

  1. Here in SC Anime is not that big. I didn't start watching till I was 18.and that was all thanks to my b/f. who got me in to Aniime . As far as dvd's you better get online but,Best Buy does have a good bit of stuff.
  2. Hey that was good I liked that..!!!!But I have one ? if you don't mind??
  3. I missed the 1st couple of shows b/c I didn't think it would be any good but, one day I did sit down and watch.After that I saw it was a very good show but, I had no idea there were that many shows. Right now I watch Mon-Thur but it comes on at 1:00am now but. I do stay up to watch anyway!!!
  4. WOW chapter 2 was good I can't wait for chapter 3 good work I think its a great story so far!!!!
  5. WOW thats turning out to be a good story. I can't wait for the 2nd chapter. Its like what happens next? what did they do? Who are the men? I can't wait to see the next chapter. but anyway good story I liked the first part alot.!!
  6. I have been having sex with my boyfriend now for 4 years 4YEARS he is the only one and thats good for me. I couldn't even think about having sex with anyone else.But having sex with one person that you love does take all that other stress out.
  7. [QUOTE=Sesshomuru]If you want to join you must pick a character and pick a weopon for him or her.Oh and you can choose to be a villan to. Or if you want to make a character of your own here is what she or he requires: Ok if this is not what your looking for let me know b/c this is my first time ever! Name:Crystal Age:16 Gender:Female Weopans: Staff of magic that can cast fire,water,wind,life,and ice spells Occupation:demon Appearance:I would have wolf ears and tail but my tail and hair would be purple I would wear white cloths. History:unknown at this point maybe the story could help me alittle with that Side:Heroes Story: one day while traveling the Inuyasha gang came across all enemies that they had fought in the past so they have decided to fight but then they realized they were out numbered so they went back to the village to get some recruits.
  8. Does it really matter to be in or not. Sometime just having a few close friends are all you need. Thats how I made it , in school and it wasn't to bad, but sometime being an outcast is fun.
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