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Everything posted by ZakuSage

  1. I guess thats a good point. I originally wrote 2 other stanzas, but I thought they sucked so I simplified it to 1. Anything else?
  2. I just woke up after a long sleep, and after getting on my computer these words are the first things the came to my head. I tread along a winding road Carpeted with thorns With bushes of tainted berries Without shoes, food, or sleep Well thats it. It's pretty short, but I'd like to hear some critique.
  3. ZakuSage

    Family GuY!

    Holy free holy! Why didn't I find out about this sooner!!! :eek: Wow, finally some new Family Guy episodes. All we need now is for Fox to finally cancel the Simpsons (great show that's going stale from being around way too long) and to bring back Futurama as well, and we'll all be set...
  4. No specific release dates have been announced for Japan yet, let alone North America. Square Enix has (ugh, you're gonna kill me over this... i know it) Dragon Quest 8 coming out in Japan this winter in November or December, and since they don't want to jam all their best titles so close together, they've pushed back Final Fantasy 12's release date to spring 2005 in Japan. Now for North America it's likely going to be the same order, so if you're looking forward to a release it'll probably be late fall 2005, winter 2005, or even early 2006 at the latest for North America (depending on how quickly they translate).
  5. Well if you're having trouble finding video files to download that will run on your computer, you probably need to have more media players. Quicktime is one of many out there, other such as Windows Media Player (don't be freightended of the name, it has a Mac OS X version too :P), and RealPlayer are the big ones. Quicktime is from Apple, which is why it came with your computer, Windows Media is obviously from Microsoft, and well I'm REALLY tired right now and don't really feel like looking for what makes RealPlayer. All these players have their own file formats that can't run on other players. You're almost definitely running into file formats that don't run on Quicktime... my guess is they're WMV files, as they offer good compression which is what most websites like. For that, try this: [url="http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=1e974157-5031-4ac6-840a-6e07547b6aeb&DisplayLang=en"]http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=1e974157-5031-4ac6-840a-6e07547b6aeb&DisplayLang=en[/url] Now, if you don't wanna download it, I can help you later on, or you could always download the videos at my house and play them here... it makes no difference to me, in fact I think I still have 2 or 3 trailers you downloaded earlier on my computer.
  6. I like your banner and avatar. They oddley seem to match, but I'm really not sure if they're from the same anime. Maybe it's how they're all carefree and happyish. 8/10
  7. I think you should add Star Ocean 3 and Dragon Quest 8 to that list. ;) Kingdom Hearts 2 won't be out for a while. In Japan, Square Enix has announced that they will release Dragon Quest 8 this winter, Final Fantasy 12 in the Spring - Summer 2005, and lastly Kingdom Hearts 2 in Fallish 2005. There's about a 90% chance it'll fall in this order when released in North America, so... that game will probably be out in early 2006 for North America. (sorry to bring you down)
  8. If you look carefully at the pictures of the DS, the A, B, X and Y buttons are too close together. It couldn't hurt to space them out a bit.
  9. I never said it wasn't intentional, just that I thought it ws odd for them to go with such an old design.
  10. gameboy.ign.com Thats a good place to go to find images of DS in action, but you may have to do a little digging as the images and videos are from E3 in May. Oh, and about the DS. Does anyone else find it odd that Nintendo decided to go with the design very similar to that of the Game & Watch? [url="http://weblogs.jupiterresearch.com/analysts/laszlo/archives/game-n-watch.jpg"]http://weblogs.jupiterresearch.com/analysts/laszlo/archives/game-n-watch.jpg[/url]
  11. [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=#4169e1][QUOTE] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=#4169e1]While sony has announced some Im not really excited about any of them and the fact that Sony has released any good screenshoots that ive seen of the PSP in action makes me worry. The fact that they've tried to pass off doctored PS2 pics as PSP screens is...creepy...[/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] [/color][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=1][color=black][size=2]First of all there's this: [url="http://www.famitsu.com/game/news/2004/07/12/103,1089638299,28513,0,0.html"]http://www.famitsu.com/game/news/2004/07/12/103,1089638299,28513,0,0.html[/url][/size][/color][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=2]These are pictures taken at the Playstation Metting. There have also been pictures and videos of people playing the Tales of Eternia demo at E3.[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=2]Second, there have been MANY pictures of actual PSP games. It's a very powerful system, and if you mistook it's images for PS2 images it's your own fault. The reason a lot of the games shown at E3 were on screens and not on the PSP was (A) at that point the only development was done on emulator development kits and (B) because the plan for the PSP was always to show off the hardware at E3 and show off the software at the Tokyo Game Show (this september).[/size][/font]
  12. Oh! I have the perfect one... although it might be cheating as they're by the same artist: Game: Dragon Warrior 3 Remake's Main Character (it might be better to look at the box art) Animer: Dragon Ball Z's adult Gohon. I tell you these 2 look exactly the same... and so does Dragon Quest 6's Main Character! Akira Toriyama really didn't bother to make originality with these... Dragon Warrior 3's Main Character: [img]http://img41.exs.cx/img41/530/hero.png[/img] Dragon Quest 6's Main Character: [img]http://img41.exs.cx/img41/1026/dq6.jpg[/img] Gohon: [img]http://img41.exs.cx/img41/9045/gohan.jpg[/img]
  13. I am going to be buying the PSP, but I'm going to expand my games for my current systems first. There are a lot of killer app games coming out for PS2 this year, and I'm going to get some of those first, and wait for the first price drop in the PSP before I go out and buy. As for the DS, I'm still on the fence of whether or not to buy one. I have yet to see any games that truly make the 2 screens a revolutionary gaming idea, or do anything that can't already be done better on other systems (having a bigger map means nothing). The touch screen is a little more promicing, but the stylus could get lost, and I don't really know how well the idea of having 1 had on the system and 1 in the air will work (especially for a handheld). Basically I'm holding out until some games that intrest me arrive (I've even managed to come up with some great game ideas for the DS, although 1 would require more power then what the DS offers). I'm also trying to figure out what kind of Dragon Quest Monsters game is going to be on the DS; one like the first 2, or one like the more recent Caravan Hearts *Shudder*. I might get it a ways in the future, but until then I'll be happy with a PSP in one pocket and my good ol' GBC in the other (if there's any confusion, yes I do have a GBA but I have a lot more and better GBC games that don't play as well on it).
  14. [font=Verdana][size=2]Depends. They might, but I've seen no plans of this anywhere. Even if it could, it would mean only being able to link GBA games on your DS with another DS.[/size][/font]
  15. [font=Arial]Well I posted this earlier in this topic, but to quote myself:[/font] [font=Arial][QUOTE] [font=Arial]Uh, I'd hate to break it to you but... although DS will be compatible with GBA games (as it has a highly incorporated ARM7 processor), it will not be compatible with GB/C games (as it lacks the Z80 processor that the GB/C used). The Z80 is what would make the compatibility possible, but it's not there, so you'll have to settle with just GBA backwards compatibility. On top of that, the DS doesn't have the ext. port that the GBA had, so no linking with the old games.[/font] [/QUOTE] [/font]
  16. [QUOTE]They did, however, say they wouldn't be developing anything to allow the DS to go on the internet, which seemed to mean more like browsing and downloading random stuff. I could be reading it wrong, but that's now how I understood it.[/QUOTE] Ah that could be it, however after seeing Iwata's comment that "Customers do not want online games", I'd say it's unlikely to see online games for the DS (especially when looking at GCN's 3 online games).
  17. [color=#0000ff][QUOTE][color=#0000ff]It will support all 802.11 standards as well as the Nintendo communication system which means if you have a wireless LAN, you can play online. [/color][/QUOTE] [/color] [color=black]Well just thought I'd mention that both PSP and DS have WiFi using the 802.11 standards. As for the Nintendo communication system, I've never heard of it. i'd like to hear what it is.[/color] [color=#0000ff][QUOTE][color=#0000ff]Finally, the ability to send messages (like AIM) during gameplay. One screen can be used for gameplay while the other can be used to chat (for example if you're out of the current round for some reason). [/color][/QUOTE] [/color] If any games do this, they'll be rare. For instance, Nintendo has publically stated that no games made by them will go online, but will use the WiFi for communication between 2 DS' near each other. [color=#0000ff][QUOTE][color=#0000ff]I'll admit that the PSP has some nice looking graphics but if that's the entire selling point, so does DS but with more and better features.[/color][/QUOTE] [/color] [color=black]It also has a lot more power (for things like better AI, larger worlds, etc.), a storage medium with more then 14 times the space of DS' cards, and if you count up the 2 systems features 1 by one, they'd be about equal.[/color] [color=black][QUOTE]PSP does look cool, but all I have heard about it is that it has really good graphics and it can't play music.[/QUOTE][size=1]Have you been living under a rock? It can play music, in addition to videos via UMD and Memory Stick. Want a full list of the things PSP offers? [url="http://www.us.playstation.com/pressreleases.aspx?id=207"]http://www.us.playstation.com/pressreleases.aspx?id=207[/url][/size] [QUOTE]I have also heard that PSP isn't going to be getting a lot of games, so that is also a negative.[/QUOTE][size=1]The most recent list of both systems total games, credit to Golden1Sun1Fighter1 on the GameFAQs PSP board:[/size] [size=1]PSP AC Formula Front AI series Igo AI series Mahjong AI series Shougi Ape Escape ATV Offroad Fury Axel Impact International BBG Burnout Crazy Racing: Kart Rider Darstalkers Chronicles Death, Jr. Derby Devil May Cry Dokodemo Issho Dino Dini / DC-Studios Game Dynasty Warriors Fighting Spirits Formula 1 ?04 Free Running Frogger The Gaghary Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Gran Turismo 4 Mobile Harvest Moon series Hard Corps Hot Shots Golf Infected Johnny Whatever Legend of the River King series Makai Wars MediEvil Mercury Metal Gear Acid Metal Shell Milo and the Rainbow Nasties Mojipittan NBA Shootout 2005 NBA Street Need For Speed Underground NFL Street NHL Faceoff 2005 Pilot Ni Narou series PoPoLoCrois Powerful Pro Yakyuu series Project S PSP Racing Puyo Pop Fever R.A.D. Game Ren-Goku: The Tower of Purgatory Ridge Racer Rockstar Game (x2) RS Revolution Sarugee Spider-man 2 Shinten Makai Socom Sticky Balls Sunrise Interactive's New simulation game Syphon Filter: Logan?s Shadow Tales of Eternia Talkman Ten no Kaji, Chi no mo Team Ninja Game Technique Cute (working title), TGM-K (working title) This Is Football 2005 Tiger Woods PGA Tour Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Twisted Metal Tour Viewtiful Joe Vulcanus Online World Soccer Winning Eleven series Wipeout Pure WRC Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim Zero Hour Untitled FPS from Konami 75 games Breath of Fire (unconfirmed) DS Animal Crossing DS [Nintendo] Bomberman DS [Hudson Soft] Buzz [Nintendo] Castlevania DS [Konami] Cerulean Dreams [MezCo Studios] Dark Reflections [MezCo Studios] Dragon Ball Z [Banpresto] Dragon Ball Z [Bandai] Dragon Quest Monsters [Square Enix] Dynasty Warriors [KOEI] Egg Monster Heroes [Square Enix] Final Fantasy: Crystal Cronicals [Square Enix] Frogger [Konami] Gyakuten Saiban (aka Reversal of Judgment)[Capcom] Mario Kart DS [Nintendo] Megaman Battle Network DS [Capcom] Metroid Prime: Hunters [Nintendo NST] Mobile Suit Gundam Seed [Bandai] Monster Rancher [Tecmo] Mr. Driller [Namco] Need for Speed [Electronic Arts] Nintendogs [Nintendo] One Piece [Bandai] Pac n' Roll [Namco] Pac Pix [Namco] Pictochat [Nintendo] Project Rub [SEGA] Rayman [Ubisoft] Sonic DS [SEGA] Spider-Man 2 [Vicarious Visions, Activision] SpongeBob SquarePants [THQ] Super Mario 64x4 [Nintendo] Super Mario Bros. DS [Nintendo] Team Ninja DS Project Ultimate Brain/Card Games [Cosmigo, Telegames] Urbz: The Sims in the city [Electronic Arts] Viewtiful Joe [Capcom] Wario Ware DS [Nintendo] Yu-Gi-Oh Nightmare Troubadour [Konami] Zelda DS [Nintendo] From Software - multiple titles in development Hudson - multiple titles in development Majesco - One title in development Namco - Unnamed RPG VU Games - One title in development 45 - 53 Games Silent Hill DS [Konami] (unconfirmed)[/size] [size=1]In fact, there were more announced for PSP a few days ago that he hasn't added to the list yet![/size] [size=1][QUOTE] What screens have you seen? It's beyond N64 in polygon pushing power. Definitely well beyond the GBA's powers. [/QUOTE]Although DS is far beyond GBA in power, based on the "leaked" specs (Nintendo still hasn't released full specs, so this is all there is to go on), DS pushes less polygons than N64, and is less powerful by a bit. However because the screen resolution is much smaller than N64's, there is less pixles to manage, and because the screens are smaller things [i]look[/i] better.[/size][/color]
  18. [color=black][font=Arial][size=1]I could just tell you this tomorrow (well later on today technically) while we're playing Norrath all day, but I guess I can just put it here now.[/size][/font][/color] [color=black][font=Arial][size=1] [/size][/font][/color] [color=black][font=Arial][size=1]The reason breasts are considered "taboo" is because they're covered up. They're covered up because of old religious beliefs in which people believed all things erotic or appealing in a woman would have to be covered up as to not temp a man before the 2 became married (think of those full body coverings some people still wear in the middle east). In places where people lightened up over time, and breasts less and less covered up, they became less "taboo". If they weren't covered up, they wouldn't be so taboo.[/size][/font][/color] [color=black][font=Arial][size=1] [/size][/font][/color] [color=black][font=Arial][size=1]It's just plain de-sensitization. If you were to watch violent killing movies you're whole life, the killing in all movies would be less shocking to you.[/size][/font][/color] [color=black][font=Arial][size=1] [/size][/font][/color] [color=black][font='Times New Roman'][font=Arial][size=1]Perhaps breasts being covered up are for good and bad. I can understand that it's less liberating and means less freedom in public places for women, but it also means that they have a greater shock value to those who only see them in covering.[/size][/font][/font][/color]
  19. Everquest and Final Fantasy XI are the only online games that have you paying a fee.
  20. I'd have to say my greatest fear is loosing everything I know. Possibly extreme amnesia where one day I just wake up and no nothing and nobody. But another thing is just walking down the street one day and everything that was the way I knew it completely changes... like all my beliefs and the way I view the world is completely changed in an instant. I'd have no idea where I am, what I'm doing, or why I'm there... to me that's true fear.
  21. Paul McCartney and John Lennon. Their lyrics are always full or thought, meaning, and raw emotion put into words and/or just plain fun. One of my favotire lyrics that they wrote together is in the song Across the Universe. Here's my favorite section of the song: Sounds of laughter shades of life are ringing through my open ears inciting and inviting me Limitless undying love which shines around me like a million suns It calls me on and on across the universe Or there's Paul's Mull of Kintyre. Here's my favorite section of the song: Smiles in the sunshine and tears in the rain Still take me back where my memories remain Flickering embers go higher and higher As they carry me back to the Mull of Kintyre Then there's the entire song Imagine by John Lennon. Do a search to find lyrics for this, or simply listen to the song... it's quite moving.
  22. Well I won't give up my banner, but you have a terrific name so I will give you real estate in my sig. And that's prime real estate, the first time I put anything after my: This post will self-destruct in 3 seconds. *Brainwashed*
  23. I'm living proof that literature is a dieing form of entertainment. In the past 3 years, I feel ashamed that I've only finished 2 novels that I've read for enjoyment. I'd like to read more, but I find it to be dull. Unless I find something that really captivates me (and even then I have to push myself into reading), I don't like reading. *Offically ashamed*
  24. Well I just took the last little bit to make a banner of my own. I used Paint Shop Pro, and it made it pretty easy. If you can't tell already, big Dragon Quest/Dragon Warrior fan here. ;) Anyway, it's already in my sig and I'd like to hear what people think of it!
  25. Unfortionity, no. I've wanted to learn Japanese for a while (ever since the Dragon Warrior IV PSX remake was cancelled) now, but it'll still be a while before I take any lessons. However I do know 1 or 2 swears in Japanese. :rolleyes:
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