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Everything posted by ZakuSage

  1. Well I've neglected posting here for a bit, but I might as well now. I'm a 15 year old entering High School this September. If you're a little confused, no I didn't fail anything. High School starts in grade 10 here because our school board is insane. I live in Darmouth, Nova Scotia and currently have no job. I'm hoping to get some volenteer experience soon to fill up my resume, and soon enough a part time job. Right now I'm low on cash as my only sources of income are my parents and babysitting, and unfortionitly I spend money too quickly. I'd love to get a part time job at Electronics Boutique, Future Shop (same thing as Best Buy), or at Canadian Tire. My plan for the future is to get job in law or politics. I've thought for a while about being a video game designer, but I'd rather keep my hobbies and job seperate.
  2. Well if I were in your situation I would just go for it. Tell him how you really liked being friends more then going out, and that you'd like to go back to that. If you think he's alright with this, then do something as friends sometime within a few days with other friends. As for trying to go out with the other guy, remember to wait at least a little bit after breaking up with the first guy before you ask him out. Thats the end of my advice on the matter. I wish I could help you more, but I don't know the specifics of the situation and it's hard give anything more then a generic answer. :(
  3. Chaos: I don't even know where to start.... chronologically alright? [QUOTE]I understand WHAT you are saying, but it's faulted. Bullying does not cross over into a hate-crime; they are two seperate things.[/QUOTE]You don't seem to understand the difference between discrimination and hate-crimes. Checking the dictionary: Discrimination: [[color=black]n] [/color][url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/unfair"][color=black]unfair[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/treatment"][color=black]treatment[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/of"][color=black]of[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/a"][color=black]a[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/person"][color=black]person[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/or"][color=black]or[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/group"][color=black]group[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/on"][color=black]on[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/the"][color=black]the[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/basis"][color=black]basis[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/of"][color=black]of[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/prejudice"][color=black]prejudice[/color][/url] Hate-Crime: [[color=black]n] [/color][u]A crime motivated by prejudice against a social group[/u] [QUOTE] There is bullying; shoving someone around, making fun of them, and trying to exploit them for gain, be it mental or physical. There is hate; where you harm someone to a great extent, and openly admit, that you did it for discriminatory measures. [/QUOTE]Lets take another gander at the ol' dictionary: Hate: [n] t[u]he emotion of hate;[/u][url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/a"][color=black]a[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/feeling"][color=black]feeling[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/of"][color=black]of[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/dislike"][color=black]dislike[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/so"][color=black]so[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/strong"][color=black]strong[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/that"][color=black]that[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/it"][color=black]it[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/demands"][color=black]demands[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/action"][color=black]action[/color][/url] That sounds about right for discrimination and hate-crimes. When you talk about prejudice, you seem to be only thinking of hate. However, most prejudices are based on fear. Fear:[color=black] [n] [/color][url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/an"][color=black]an[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/emotion"][color=black]emotion[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/experienced"][color=black]experienced[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/in"][color=black]in[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/anticipation"][color=black]anticipation[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/of"][color=black]of[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/some"][color=black]some[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/specific"][color=black]specific[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/pain"][color=black]pain[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/or"][color=black]or[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/danger"][color=black]danger[/color][/url] [color=black][u]([/u][/color][url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/usually"][color=black]usually[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/accompanied"][color=black]accompanied[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/by"][color=black]by[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/a"][color=black]a[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/desire"][color=black]desire[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/to"][color=black]to[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/flee"][color=black]flee[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/or"][color=black]or[/color][/url] [url="http://hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/fight"][color=black]fight[/color][/url][color=black][u])[/u] [/color] Prejudices often bulid because of sterotypical views on groups. If someone fears this sterotype, a prejudice could form towards this group. This prejudice (prejudice meaning pre judging) can lead to hate. This hate can lead to discrimination. If discrimintaion reaches a level where it's criminal (aka, commiting a crime), it is a hate-crime. I hope that clears a few things up. I'm talking about discrimination, not hate crimes. [QUOTE]A guy beating up another guy because he doesn't like the way he looked at him is bullying. Jumping a guy with six other dudes because he is black and breaking ribs, arms, etc. in the process is a hate crime.[/QUOTE]Howabout a mix of the two? A guy beating another guy because he is muslim and holds a discriminatory view towards that group formed from his prejudice of the person. The person may also mask his prejudice as something else, but it is still there (much in the same way many people mask homophobia as hate). What would you call this? I call it discrimination, and that is what I was talking about in my post. I was talking about somebody getting bullyed because they are muslem, or black, or jewish, or even because their family couldn't afford a very good pair of glasses. [QUOTE]If you're a fan of South Park, I suggest you look at the episode where Cartman hits Token. Wonderful example of how incredibly [i]stupid[/i] people can be regarding those types of situations.[/QUOTE]I am a fan of South Park. But I will tell you this: Cartman's motive in throwing a stone at Token was not because he had a prejudice and discriminated against Token (although he does hold many prejudices), it was because he wouldn't stop calling Cartman fat. In this case I'd actually say Cartman was discriminated againsts. Everyone assumed that because he was a white person throwing a stone at a black person that it must be racism. When in fact anyone deducting this is practicing racism. [QUOTE]My views are not limited. They're [b]real[/b] truths. Say a black kid beats up a white kid. Is it because the white kid called him a slur? Is it because the black kid doesn't like white people? Maybe. Is it because the white kid said something about the black kid's mom? Is it because the black kid wanted to steal something? Is it because the black kid was trying to get something back? Maybe. My point being: Racial issues and ethically issues are not as widespread as you see on Law and Order and all of that ****. Yes, they happen. Yes, they are controvercal. Yes, they can get ugly. But every case should not be treated like one.[/QUOTE]Refer to my above paragraph for an answer to this. You're reading out of context. Not once did I ever say that any crime commited between races is automatically a hate crime. [QUOTE]Another prime example; let's use Chibi's. Say I buy some clothes from Goodwill and some clothes from Hot Topic. You make fun of me for wearing used and resold clothing. Does that make it a discriminatory issue? [b]No.[/b] It is a simple outlet used by you to attempt to degrade me. When I wear new clothing from Hot Topic, can you then call me poor? A loser? No, because Hot Topic is over-priced and over-rated. Which is another rant. Forgive the sidetracking.[/QUOTE]Sidetracking aside, this does not apply either. Are they making fun of [b]your clothes[/b] or [b]you[/b]. In this case I'd say your clothes. The bully is not (here I go again with the stuff etched into my memory by my Social Studies teacher Mr. Herrit) discriminating against the person but against the clothes. They hold a sterotype that clothes from goodwill are bad, this develops into fear that they might one day have to wear it, this grows into hate, this hate turns into a discrimination against the clothes and not the person. Were it that the person held a sterotype that all poor people get clothes from goodwill, and then fears that he may be seen as poor and a "goodwill shopper", which creates hate towards the poor, and then he runs into someone he already knows is poor and asks them something along the lines of, "did you get those sorry clothes from goodwill?", then that would be discrimination against the person. [QUOTE]You think so? It's idealistic, I'll agree, but not practical. Because, eventually, someone is going to do something you do not agree with. And, also, according to that, you'd have to respect and tolerate the likes of Hitler, Charles Manson, etc. No, I think not. I'd rather not live in a world saluting Mein Furher with one hand and waving goodbye to hookers with the other.[/QUOTE]If you knew anything about Hitler and Manson, you'd know that the way they turned out was in fact because of peoples view towards them. Hitlar wouldn't have gone on to be one of the most ruthless men in the history of human kind were it not for so many people not accepting who he was or the things he did. If you've seen any documentaries about him, you'd know that the struggles he went through were brought about by things that are easilly changable: people's attitudes towards each other. I'll agree to you that it isn't the most practical idea, but it is indeed the only way humans will ever be able stop discrimination. [QUOTE]The most simplistic idea would work best; everyone minds his own ******* business. Keep opinions to yourself and friends. Granted, it goes against everything the human mind is built for, but we would survive within themselves. It's as simple as not caring if a gay couple gets married. Not caring if someone is black, white, red, orange, green, whatever. Not caring if someone dislikes your clothes. Hell, you shouldn't even care about someone else's clothing. Yes, you may still communicate and have a good time and all, just don't be ******* ignorant. You can say a lot more by staying silent in some cases.[/QUOTE]Well say one day all the world leaders get together for... a barbeque. They annouce one of 2 things: everyone keep to yourselves, and do not vent anything. or they all announce: everyone be accepting of each other. Which "new world" would you rather live in? The problem with simplistic ideas is that they aren't thought out. The only real way to solve complex social issues is to come up with complex social fixes (my political brain talking again). [QUOTE]A nobel idea. An impossible one, but nobel. I have to ask though, if preeching and practicing equality is stupid, what right have you to even discuss moral issues? Granted, I don't agree with an apologetic memorial dedicated to slaves who've been dead for over a hundred years, nor do I think we need to, for example, pay for grievences of any sort caused in the distant past, but with that quote of itself, that seems a little segregational. I know what you're saying, but it just caught my eye as odd.[/QUOTE]Woah woah woah! When did I ever say preeching and practicing equality was stupid? What I said (not my exact words, but better summed up) was preeching equality then practicing inequality (IMO, greedyness) is stupid. [QUOTE]You assume I've never known someone who has commited suicide? Or tried to? How naive. I've been in the company of death for a while; I've personally seen someone kill themself, I've personally prevented friends from killing themselves, and I've personally been to funerals of people who have killed themselves. And yes, some were from mental/physical abuse. I know what I'm talking about, and yes, I stick to the term that the world is better off without them. The bullies that "have to constantly rag" on people are weak as well. The ones that do it for fun or for a purpose, though, are part of the American dream. Killing them all serves a backwards purpose in the most golden route that can come from taunting. Like I said, if someone can't stick up for themselves or seek real help after having their *** whooped, then they deserve whatever they get. Instead of crying in your room and writing drafts for your suicide note, go out and do something. Either a) get someone to help/train you, b) ask help from a friend or family memeber, or c) grow some balls and stand up to whomever is doing all of this. The few cases, and, yes, face it, there are few, that result in gun rampages are by the ones who are too stupid to do anything else. I'll admit I've thought about killing people. I'll even admit that I enjoy these thoughts. But I will tell you that unless my life depends on it, I won't be killing someone who is trying to bring me down. It's utter stupidity otherwise. Darwinism presents itself here. Those that kill themselves often do not live long enough to pass on their genes, ensuring the survival of the ones who overcame. The strong outlast the weak. Even in abundance of infidelity, because the strong adapt and the weak put a bullet in their mouth. Simple.[/QUOTE]Darwin was talking about evolution. We are talking about advancing as a socieity. If we kill every person who was weak then everyone would be dead. Your idea of only the best should be living doesn't work... in fact it's about as narrow minded as the views Hitler had. [QUOTE]I make the world a not a better place to live in because of realist views? Pfft. Enlightenment starts with disregarding all idealistic views, friend.[/QUOTE]Realistic? What is so realistic about thinking that 1 human has more right to live then another? I'll tell you: nothing.The US constitution says it best: all men are created equal. [QUOTE]In Africa, before the malaria vaccinations, thousands died at the hands of tiny insects. After a while, being saturated in the virus, certain genetic lines began to fade out, while others meanwhile buffered themselves against the tiny strands of DNA and mRNA. The virus continued, claiming less lives by the generation, until the former strong were overtaken by a new, even more resistant bloodline of humans. The weak were weeded out and the strong prevailed to pass on their lineage Similarly, the weak-minded only see the world for torment and abuse and kill themselves, and others in the process sometimes, in a means to escape it like a coward. Inversely, the strong-minded take what they have and mold themselves to fit lock-and-key into life. And they are the ones who produce young and continue the ebb and flow of life.[/QUOTE]Please tell me you're not comparing a virus to society... I didn't think it was possible for someone to be so cold blooded as to compare the complex moral and mental issues in society to something as simple (by comparison) as immunities to viruses. You seem to see society as nothing more then mechanical. In reality, society is a complex web of human issues, human kindness, human hate, human love, human lust, and human desire (there are others, but it's late and I'm tired). You cannot reduce the shear scope of reasons as to why someone might want to kill themselves down to that.
  4. Well this contest is over, and I obviously wasn't involved, but I think it's important that people know the correct answer to this: Meg wanted Lois to fix it so Meg makes home coming Queen. There. Just to settle things up. Too bad nobody got this, this contest is a good idea.
  5. Well it just shows that a lot of guys are attracted to a pretty face more then breasts. I don't know the people you're talking about either, but they may be nice people as well.
  6. [QUOTE=Chaos]Please, stop your hippie conservative rant. There is a fine line between abuse and bullying. If it was some racial issue or ethnically-driven dislike, don't you think they'd be doing something more than making fat jokes? God almighty, when did everything turn into "race" this and "race" that? Lawfully, it's abuse when it mentally scars and phsyically incapacitates you. Other than that, it is settled out of court. Usually in class when the teacher steps out. People are too quick to throw around controversal issues when they are not needed. [b]You[/b] are a fine example of someone who has not learned much from REAL life. How old are you? Fourteen? Fifteen? And you don't know now that people don't one day up and say "You know, I don't like you because you buy clothes from WalMart,"? Bullies are bullies for two reasons: 1)They enjoy doing it, or 2) They are bored. Racial and ethnical "hate-crimes" comes when **** happens after school with someone burning a cross on your front lawn or throwing a brick in your window with a note taped on it saying "Go back to your caves, cameljockies." Bullying in the school environment usually takes place because a person generally does not like a person for a reason. I don't go up to random Freshmen and shove them into a locker face-first. I do that to the smartass ones that talk ****. [/QUOTE] Did you even read the post I was talking about? Here, let me give you a part of it: [QUOTE] [color=#9400d3]WC I agree with you that some bullying can be stopped by just adjusting your actions, but what if your individuality isn't your hobbies or the way you dress? What if it's something like your religion, or your ethnic background, or your sexual orientation? Or what if it's how much money your family has?[/color] [/QUOTE] If somebody is "bullying" you based on religion, ethnic background, or sexual orientation then I'd say it goes beyond simply bullying. This would be a case of sombody with a previously bad experience or only knows of a sterotype (or in some cases just their parent's programming of the person) who develops a prejudice towards some group of people going up to one such person, and unfairly discriminates against this person because of their religion, ethnic background or sexual orientation. You seem to have this really ****ed up view on discrimination and think it's limited to the very social extremes. That is quite false. Although those types of things are a lot more drastic and require much quicker action, there is still tons of discrimination outside of them. If someone is "bullying" (and I put it in quotations because it really is more along the lines of discriminaion) on someone else because of a sterotype, then this person is really messed up. The "bully" is not just bored, but is down right idiotic and rude. Showing respect and tolerating each others non-changable differences is the only way society can get along and advance further. If these scabs on society keep going around breaking these rules then I'd say they're a big problem. You seem to have a problem with the fact that most of the groups I was saying someone in this situation should go seek help from often preech about equality then turn around demanding something extra like tax breaks or simply blame some other race/group. Well I have a problem with this as well. But the only way to continue life fairly as a society we have to learn to accept other types of people. Only then with the stupidity of preeching equality then turning around and asking for something totally unfair stop. Anyway, I've dragged myself off topic.
  7. [QUOTE] [color=#00bfff]But anyways, I don?t think a girl should worry about size, if a guy judges a girlfriend on their breast size rather than personality then they don?t deserve to have a girl in the first place.[/color][/QUOTE] Thats a great way to some up exactly how I feel on the matter. If someone is shallow enough to judge someone on how big their breasts are then they're extremely patetic and don't deserve to have a girl. Nicely said. :wigout:
  8. [font=Arial][size=2]Well I've only been anticipating and gripping on to everyword about Star Ocean 3 from the first time I saw it's name mentioned on Enix of America's webpage alongside Grandia Xtreme and Robot Alchemic Drive back in... late 2002? Well I'm sick of it being delayed and I am getting my copy of SO3 the day it comes out so I can enjoy it in the few days I have left in summer... WHY COULDN'T THEY MUSTER JUST A LITTLE TRANSLATING SKILL AND GIVE US ALL A LITTLE MORE OF SUMMER!?!? Oh well.... no use complaining about it.[/size][/font] [color=#008080][QUOTE]The damn thing was delayed so long in the first place [i]because[/i] of the Director's Cut -- something I detested when I first heard about it merely because I wanted to play it straight away, but now that wait really seems worth it. The main reasons for its step-back were originally due to translation issues and a few encounters with various bugs, but gladly, Square-Enix took the opportunity to make so much more out of it by adding a few supplementary features like new characters and dungeons, and a versus mode. Considering the engine that the battle system runs in SO3, that should be really cool.[/QUOTE] [/color] [color=#008080][/color] [font=Arial]Yeah, I feel almost the same way. As soon as I heard about the Director's Cut I didn't know how to feel. I knew there were 2 options: 1 being we'd never see it which would bite the big one, and the other being that it'd be delayed to include which obviously was extremely difficult to wait for but is wourth it.[/font]
  9. I don't think breast size matters in the slightest (unless they get way too big). The thing is that if somebody doesn't like you because of your breast size, then they're a REALLY ****ed up person.
  10. ChibiHorsewoman: Well what I'd like to know is why you're still considering that bullying, and not more along the lines of prejudices leading to discrimination and just plain old abuse? When do we cross the line from whats considered bullying and whats considered those two things? In the case of what you're offering in that post, I'd say that goes well beyond the realms of bullying and more into discrimination. In this case, you shouldn't tell your principal that you've been bullied, but that you've been deiscriminated against because of your ethnic or racial background. That will prompt him/her to do something about it. I'd also suggest telling a type of community leader in your race or ethnic background about the discrimination and trying to get their advice, and see if they any type of group can try to take action on this type of thing.
  11. Well there were 3 Torneko games made, but only the 2nd ever made it to North America. The game is best described as a Dragon Warrior spinnoff, but not in the same sence that DWM is. T:TLH is a game with a lot of dungeon crawling through randomly created floors in dungeon, like DWM, but unlike DWM it the battle system is done right on the map. It is still turn based, and you can do one thing each turn. You can also run into several monsters in a room at one time, and walk up to which one you want to fight first. When you're walking around the dungeon your hunger meter goes down. You must replenish this in order to survive by eating bread every now and then. An interesting feature in this game is the fact that every time you leave a dungeon you go back to the town at level 1, [color=black]although later on in the game you can talk to a mage who casts a spell to make you as high as level 5 for the start of a dungeon.[/color] I'd say if you really want to get info on the game, chech out reviews at ign.com or gamespot.com. There's also a lot of info and help into the game at dragons-den.com (which could be helpful in deciding about it).
  12. [quote name='Sesshomuru']Well I like the nintendo ds since it's gonna have a lot more cool nitendo games.Like the legend of zelda where Link looks more mature.And I'm a big fan of nintendo and all the playstation systems have bad graphics.And another fact Veiwtiful Joe is a nintendo only product yet psp is going to get Veiwtiful Joe 2.Which they get easy mode and an unlockable character from Macross.And I'm going to stick by nintendos side.And I hope this post was a bit better.[/quote] First: Saying all Playstation systems have bad graphics is ignorant. PS2 for example is a very powerful system, and any differences graphically in the current generation of consoles is very tiny. This article is very enlightening on the power of the system: [url="http://www.cybercrash.be/xboxvsps2h.html"]http://www.cybercrash.be/xboxvsps2h.html[/url] Also, as has already been said, the PSP is a lot more powerful then the DS. Second: Viewtiful Joe is not a Nintendo only product. Check it out: [url="http://my.ign.com/my/sb?pageID=2003&nuaction=gameSearch&gameTitleSearch=viewtiful"]http://my.ign.com/my/sb?pageID=2003&nuaction=gameSearch&gameTitleSearch=viewtiful[/url] Also the Viewtiful Joe game to be released on PSP is not confirmed to be the 2nd.
  13. Well I guess I'm just not experienced enough in the knowledge of markets, but say a few years from now I walk into EB and have $200, and am ready to buy 1 (and only 1) portable gaming device. I know that I'm going to be looking at all the ones that are available. I can imagine lots of people doing this too, although I'm not sure if this is considered competition (or more precisely [b]direct [/b]competition).
  14. [font=Verdana][color=gray]The only "playable" things we've seen are the technology demos for DS...and a couple of very simple "demos" for PSP (namely, Metal Gear Acid and that Tales game; the name eludes me right now).[/color][/font] [font=Arial][size=2][color=black][/color][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=2][color=black]Tales of Eternia. Just thought I'd let you know. ;) [/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=gray][/color][/size][/font][font=Verdana][size=2][color=gray]The only thing I'll say in defense of DS is that the difference comes down to hair-splitting, mostly. [/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=gray][/color][/size][/font] [size=2][font=Arial][color=black]In terms of things like size, or the light used in the screen, yes. However in terms of system power and graphical power, it's huge. Thing the differences between N64 and PS2 huge (as those are the rough areas where each systems power lay).[/color][/font][/size] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#808080][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=gray]So I don't think most consumers are going to get into the nitty gritty details of which screen is better/worse.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=2]When he said screens up there, he was talking about screenshots. I almost made the same mistake too. :P[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=gray]That's kinda a cop-out. Yes, all games load. But not all games have noticeable loading times -- key distinction there. [/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=gray][/color][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=2]Ah, but even a nanosecond is an amount of time. No matter how short it is, it's still a load time. Thats all I'm trying to say.[/size][/font] [font=Arial][font=Verdana][size=2][color=gray]Very, very few. Most cartridge-based games feature immediate loading. I can't think of a single N64 game that actually had a loading screen, for example. Mostly, any transitions you see in a cartridge-based game were put there by developers simply as some kind of effect or visual cue;[/color][/size][/font][/font] [font=Arial][size=2]Yes, but they do exist, and it's because it used the higher capacity carteridges and had very large worlds. The exact name excapes me, but I've heard this from many sources who are credible enough.[/size] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=gray]I'd also take this opportunity to repeat something that I mentioned earlier; PSP and DS are [i]not [/i]direct competitors. Yes, they're both portable. But that's literally about the only thing that the two have in common. Even their target markets are radically different, which is why the specifications on both machines are also quite different.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#808080][/color][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=2]Well even though Sony and Nintendo both state that they won't be competeing, they will still be stitting next to each other in the store where you're buying them. They're both portable 3D gaming systems aimed at people who buy games. Thats enough to put them in some competition.[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=2][/size][/font] [/font][font=Verdana][size=2][color=gray] If you want a true competitor to PSP, you should wait for the next Game Boy console; apparently Nintendo [i]is [/i]making a next generation Game Boy, which has no relationship with DS [/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#808080][/color][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=2]Sorry if I'm bringing up an old debate, but... who's to say that PSP, DS and the GBX won't be competing against each other. This is the way it seems to me...[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=2][/size][/font] [color=#707875]The brain wave that many might be missing is simply this; [i]there is plenty of room for PSP, DS, GBA and then some[/i]. One machine being successful doesn't necessarily kill off another.[/color] [font=Arial]Well I've never said it would. In fact, these portables competing against each other will bring new advancements and the best games we've seen in years as they try to out to each other. The reason portable gaming has been quite dull and advancing very little over the past 15 years is because Nintendo's held a near monopoly.[/font] [font=Arial][size=1][color=#4b0082]As far as I know, no release titles have been announced yet, so I can't pass judgement, though I can see myself prefering the DS, because of its backwards compatibility, which gives it an extensive back catalogue from the getgo.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=1][color=#4b0082][/color][/size][/font] [url="http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=984&topic=14088784"]http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=984&topic=14088784[/url] That has a complete list of the games announced. Just look nearer to the end of that topic, thats where the most recent list is.
  15. [color=black][font=Arial]Don't you hate it when you type a whole post up only to have it lost because your browser didn't save it? :flaming: [/font][/color][color=black][/color] [color=darkred]I doubt that the PSP will load faster then the DS. .[/color][color=black][/color] [color=black][size=1] [/size][/color] [color=black][font=Arial]It really depends on the type of game (like if your playing Pong), but on average it won't.[/font][/color][color=black][/color] [color=black][size=1] [/size][/color] [color=darkred]I don't know how well the optical reader will be, that, if I am not mistaken, the PSP is goig to be using. I know that those break down pretty easy, but who knows. I think I read somewhere about them using an optical reader, but I don't really want to qoute on that, in case I am wrong. . [/color][color=black][/color] [color=black][size=1] [/size][/color] [color=black][font=Arial]It will use an optical reader. However, they've become quite tough over time. Take for example that I've countless times knocked over my PS2 by accident, and it's laser still works great. Or the type of beating I've put my discman through, and it works fine.[/font][/color][color=darkred] I keep keys, change, and other objects in my pockets. Things that normally would kill a game with an exposed screen. [/color][color=black][/color] [color=black][size=1] [/size][/color] [color=black][font=Arial]Heres a little secret: Put them in different pockets. :P[/font][/color][color=darkred] I know that Nintendo has said that they are going to have a slot for both the new DS game cartridges and the old Advance and lower cartridges - saying that you could pop in old games with new upgrades.[/color] [color=darkred][/color][color=black][/color] [color=black][font=Arial]Uh, I'd hate to break it to you but... although DS will be compatible with GBA games (as it has a highly incorporated ARM7 processor), it will not be compatible with GB/C games (as it lacks the Z80 processor that the GB/C used). The Z80 is what would make the compatibility possible, but it's not there, so you'll have to settle with just GBA backwards compatibility. On top of that, the DS doesn't have the ext. port that the GBA had, so no linking with the old games.[/font][/color][color=darkred] I have heard estimates of the PSP running anywhere from $200 - $300 (with the higher price being the more probable)[/color][color=black][/color] [color=black][size=1] [/size][/color] [color=black][font=Arial]Just remember that Sony intends to take a loss on hardware, and to make a profit on software. I expect $200 us dollars, but I'd say it could go as high as $250 us dollars at launch.[/font][/color][color=black][/color] [color=black][size=1] [/size][/color] [color=darkred]I don't know how you guys are saying that the PSP screens are so much better then the DS screens. . Your seeing totally different styles of games in screen shots. . Show me the same game, or same types on either system and how it looks, and then maybe I'll try to make up my mind. As for right now, both have some nice screens out for many of their games. . It's just a little too early to tell right now. [/color][color=black][/color] [color=black][font=Arial]It is early, but if you look at the officially released spec sheet of the PSP and compare it to the "leaked" spec sheet from Nintendo (because that's all we have to go by, although so far it's been right on the money with the little tidbits Nintendo officially released) and you'll see just how powerful PSP is by comparison.[/font][/color][color=darkred][/color] [size=1][color=black][font='Arial Black']can you think of ONE Game Boy game that had a load time? [/font][/color][color=darkred][/color][/size] [color=darkred][size=1] [/size][/color] [color=black][font=Arial]Yes. All of them. Let me repeat that... ALL OF THEM. They were just really short. If they didn't load, theres no game. If you're trying to tell me theres no games playable on the GB, I'd like to hear that. I have a GB right next to me and I can prove THAT wrong right away.[/font][/color][color=darkred][/color] [color=darkred][size=1] [/size][/color] [size=1][color=black][font='Arial Black']Cartridges have little, or no, load time. [/font][/color][color=darkred][/color][/size] [color=darkred][size=1] [/size][/color] [color=black][font=Arial] They have little. However, there are a few N64 games that have substantial load times.[/font][/color][color=darkred][/color] [color=darkred][size=1] [/size][/color] [size=1][color=black][font='Arial Black']And when your playing a PORTABLE game, you don't want to have to wait for it to load.[/font][/color][color=darkred][/color][/size] [color=darkred][size=1] [/size][/color] [color=black][font=Arial]Well that?s your opinion. Personally, I'd rather wait a couple seconds every now and then to get huger worlds, more vivid characters, and more interactive... well everything. Then there?s the fact that PSP's load times on average will be quite small.[/font][/color][color=darkred][/color] [color=darkred][size=1] [/size][/color] [color=darkred][size=1] [/size][/color] [color=black][font=Arial]Now, just for the heck of it, I'll introduce something new: the DS and PSP's medium sizes! PSP will use the UMD (a new format developed by and for sole use from Sony), which has a capacity of 1.8 Gigabytes. The DS will use a card (that?s with a D, not a cart. Think of Memory Sticks, Smart Media, and SD cards) that has a capacity of 128 Megabytes.[/font][/color]
  16. Actually, all things electronical have load times. Some just have less then others. And PSP's load times won't be any longer then say GameCube's (in fact, they're likely to be shorter on average), as the disc's radius is quite small, meaning the laser has only a small distance to travel to find the info. (The PSP doesn't use CDs, it uses a new medium thats sorta like a minature dvd encased in plasic, called the UMD) It also has a large bardwidth from the disc to the PSP, and 32 mb of RAM, so load times shouldn't be a problem.
  17. ZakuSage


    I like listening to oldies. It's not that I hate the music lately, it's just that I don't like it either. I'm neutral on it. I like listening to the tunes of a 20 - 40 years ago. Unlike Rachael, I happen to quite enjoy listning to The Beatles. I find that their melodys and lyrics are catchy and all around great.
  18. Well I've been following PSP and DS info since day 1 for each. I would have to say that I'm looking forward to PSP more, but if I have the money I will get both. If anyone has any questions, I know tons about both of them. And the best places to find info for both PSP and DS (and a ton of videos) is Ign.com. Pspinsider is also a great another great place for PSP info.
  19. Yeah, I've attempted/am attempting (it's a work in progress) working on a Dragon Warrior based game. I named it Dragon Quest Revolution. I don't think I'll ever finish, but working on an RPG every now and then is fun. There are quite a bit of Dragon Warrior RPGMaker resources on different sites.
  20. No sales numbers were actually released for Dragon Warrior 7 from Enix of America. There have been many estimates. I've seen as low as 200,000 to 800,000. I saw 700,000 quite a bit though, so I just went with that.
  21. No, I've never seen it. I've heard of an effort to post some episodes on the internet once, but I never really looked to far into it. I did however manage to pick up a Fly manga (based on Dragon Warrior stuff) while I was in Quebec a few months ago. It was interesting to read, as it was in French and I only have a loose knowledge of the French language.
  22. [QUOTE=Dragon Warrior]Unfortunately, I have yet to play DW4, 5, and 6 since Enix (now SquareEnix) decided to be goofy and cancel it, as ZakuSage stated. DW7 is on my list as well. I mean, I've played a bit, but I have yet to purchase it. DW games aren't exactly easy to come by for Nintendo anymore. Isn't DW8 for Gamecube?[/QUOTE] No. DQ8 is quite for PS2... I hope that was a joke :P. I've played Dragon Quest 5 and 6 only through emulation (with a translation patch, it's great). As for DW games being had to come by for Nintendo, maybe you should look into getting a PS2. They've gone down in price, and on it you could play DW7 and DQ8. BTW, did anyone else hear the rumor that Enix may change the Dragon Warrior name to Dragon Quest in North America? I think this would be a great thing, as Dragon Quest is just a better name, and it's the original name. I also like the fact that the T is a sword in the Dragon Quest symbol.
  23. I too hope for the Dragon Quest V remake to make it's way to North America. I was really pissed about the Dragon Warrior IV remake getting cancelled... However, unless DQ8 sells at least 1 million coppies in North America, Square Enix won't bring it over. Dragon Warrior VII was apparently a low seller (I heard around 700,000) in North America. I have also seen those videos, but ony in a low resolution at IGN for free. (I should really look into getting a membership there.) I'd say that of what I've seen, it could be the best looking game on the PS2. Oh, and the music is amazing as well!
  24. This is to Dragon Warrior: DWM holds the nostalgia card for me, it'll always be the game that I remember the most. I played it non-stop back in 2000. Now, about DQM:CH, I doubt it will ever come to North America. Unless DQ8 is an amazingly huge hit here, Square Enix won't bother with it. Like I said, it's quite the dull and horrible game. If you ever play it, you'll understand what I mean. It does no justice to the first 2. Look into some reviews or videos of this game, you'll be enlightened.
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