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About Overlord_Ray

  • Birthday 12/11/1987

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  1. Heros are not icons they are just stupid. as are martyrs geez when will people learn that taking life is a pointless thin, we are all running from death as much as possible, in the long run.
  2. Ray Swung the sword absent mindedly, effortlesly as if it was an extension of his arms. He threw the Claymore up and it landed lade down in the concrete, he cracked his neck and looked around. It was a peaceful night he had been training for hours alone as he prefered, only the voices within the school wals could be heard, and by the sound of them there was a fight, Ray couldnt care. "trivialities" he stated his deep scots accent rolling on the rs. He plucked the Sword from the ground the long, thick blade cleaving the concrete like butter.
  3. Overlord_Ray


    Carnifex stood at a distance scanning the Virus Busters, he clicked his mandables and walked away, the circumstances of his creation rippling through his body, he would not make friends nor interact with others, only to have them stolen from him. Life weather artificail or not means too much. Carnifex: let us find more viruses i grow hungry for battle Ray: only if you are sure you do not want to interact Carnifex: I am sure.... Ray: Very well
  4. Overlord_Ray


    TATU = media compilled crap that was aimed at the young and impressionable and those with weak minds unale to repel the medias influence!
  5. my top 5 bands are 1:iron maiden - they started heavy metal 2:metallica - they started thrash 3:megadeth- brilliant 4:slipknot-great when you are angry Vol 3 subliminal verses great album 5:Rammstein-German what can you say?
  6. What in your opinions makes a good band for me, its sheer song writing talent, they have to write their own songs and be able to play them also sheer technical merit if they can talk the talk they need to walk the walk. Also they need to play their own instruments. Most bands nowadays especially in the pop culture have lost sight of these ideals hence why I am what is referred to as a "metal head". Iron Maiden, Metallica, KISS and Megadeth all great bands that write their own material and are still around, they are the true elite in the music culture!
  7. (im bumping this post for a reason!!!) Sean all of SOADs songs have a meaning, you although sound are a little too unpolitically minded to understand the meanings of the songs and the punches they are throwing at the american government. Make sure you're claims have legi meanings sean or u know me i'll tear youropinions out of the sky!!!
  8. I want to point this out it is very unlikely that anyone whom you would think would take a bulet for you would because the main part of the human brain says---Hmm life threatening situation = SELF PRESERVATION!!!!!
  9. 1: assemly line work isnt challenging in the slightest lmao 2: here is something mentally draining imagin you are me my mum is slowly detiriorating interms of physical body, her muscles are eating themselves and her bons break really easily now imagine being me i do everything i can to help her to avail, that is mentally challenging because i can do nothing, i am helpless.
  10. (( i always thought Jihad meant holy war meh ) I wouldnt take a bullet full stop fortunatly i live in britain were there are only 68 gun crimes a year so with the population of the UK at roughly 56 million my chances are very slim so im am very unlikely to be put in this situation therefore im not gonna answer. heh heh heh
  11. I was also thinking of a startrek rpg but i wasnt sure where to set it, i thought an after nemisis one would be good or a TNG (im not too keen on enterprise or TOS) but if someone was to start and RPG i would sign up instantly!!
  12. Name: Barradune Apparent Age: 16 Eyes: Green with black slited pupil Hair: dark brown, down to shoulders Sex: male Elemental Affinity: Darkness Race: Halfdragon Class: Darkness class Knight Primary Weapon: Broad sword, the blade is pure black made of a substance no blacksmith can manipulate Secondary Weapons: Claws/tail/teeth Spells: darkness-Black matter-(throws a bolt of black matter at any object he chooses) Darkness wave-(engulfs the foes senses in nothingness for a limited time it also poisons the enemy or ally caught in its path Dark energy - once fired at an eney or person it absorbes their enery for a short time, granting it to the beams caster however if the energy is not totally used the taget gets the energy back 10 fold. lighning- lightning bolt fire- flame breath Appearance: Tall half dragon, he has the scales of a dragon and the long face, he also has a dragons wings and claws however the rest is human, his hair lookis like a long mane against his scaled carapace. Personality: He is short tempered and intellegent, his arrogance and constant optimism are an annoying contrast as is his seemingly inexhaustable energy, the gift or curse of youth? Apparent Biography: Grew up on the streets of jaden, he lived in an abandooned barn near the rain gods reincarnted self lives, he feels uncharecteristically linked to the person but does not know why, hence why he has stuck around instead of flying off into the horizon, he knows nothing of his parantage other than one of them was a dragon.
  13. Name: Ray Age: 16 Gender: male Appearance: short about 5, 6ish, has long brown hair and wears a kilt, he is a broad male for his height and is deceptivly strong Dorm: north Bio: Was orphaned as a child and the tramua of loosing his parents unhinged him, his adopted parents sent the scots lad to the school inhope of knocking his violent tendancies out of him, the weapon he uses is a scottish broadsword that is the only thing left of his fathers legacy, he weilds it with unrelenting ferocity. Personality:Cold, Calculating to those that dont know him he apperars emotionless and violent although he is the opposite.
  14. name: Grimloq dinosaur: something big....euoplocephalus weapon: hammerlike tail that replaces one arm when transformed Discription: His back is lined with rows of spikes as are above his eyes, he is very well defended, his eyes are a deep green colour with a green slash down te middle for a pupil, instead of one arm he has a huge club that can shatter bones and metal easily Side: Drangonzaur Strenght: Attack Weakness: speed Personality:power hungry and agressive, although he is slow moving this does not make him stupid, he thirsts for battle and although capable of diplomacy often will not choose to use that gift if he can win the fight.
  15. OOC: need help eh link well the heavy ordinance is here now, sorry for the wait had to turn up stylishly late lmao. IC: Godzilla stomped towarsd the camp crushing the trees under his huge feet, he sat down crushing a few dozen more trees and pushing rocks deep into the ground, he looks around at the fellow members of team Itiawa none of which were doing much. He shook his head and crawled into the giant room, which contained a nuclear power plant for his food he cracked open the reactor and toop a swig absorbing the radiation so it couldnt hatrm anyone, it mearly serving to increase the king of monsters power.
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