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Everything posted by Overlord_Ray
Who would you take a bullet for and who would you die for?
Overlord_Ray replied to Krycifer's topic in General Discussion
Heros are not icons they are just stupid. as are martyrs geez when will people learn that taking life is a pointless thin, we are all running from death as much as possible, in the long run. -
Ray Swung the sword absent mindedly, effortlesly as if it was an extension of his arms. He threw the Claymore up and it landed lade down in the concrete, he cracked his neck and looked around. It was a peaceful night he had been training for hours alone as he prefered, only the voices within the school wals could be heard, and by the sound of them there was a fight, Ray couldnt care. "trivialities" he stated his deep scots accent rolling on the rs. He plucked the Sword from the ground the long, thick blade cleaving the concrete like butter.
Carnifex stood at a distance scanning the Virus Busters, he clicked his mandables and walked away, the circumstances of his creation rippling through his body, he would not make friends nor interact with others, only to have them stolen from him. Life weather artificail or not means too much. Carnifex: let us find more viruses i grow hungry for battle Ray: only if you are sure you do not want to interact Carnifex: I am sure.... Ray: Very well
TATU = media compilled crap that was aimed at the young and impressionable and those with weak minds unale to repel the medias influence!
my top 5 bands are 1:iron maiden - they started heavy metal 2:metallica - they started thrash 3:megadeth- brilliant 4:slipknot-great when you are angry Vol 3 subliminal verses great album 5:Rammstein-German what can you say?
What in your opinions makes a good band for me, its sheer song writing talent, they have to write their own songs and be able to play them also sheer technical merit if they can talk the talk they need to walk the walk. Also they need to play their own instruments. Most bands nowadays especially in the pop culture have lost sight of these ideals hence why I am what is referred to as a "metal head". Iron Maiden, Metallica, KISS and Megadeth all great bands that write their own material and are still around, they are the true elite in the music culture!
(im bumping this post for a reason!!!) Sean all of SOADs songs have a meaning, you although sound are a little too unpolitically minded to understand the meanings of the songs and the punches they are throwing at the american government. Make sure you're claims have legi meanings sean or u know me i'll tear youropinions out of the sky!!!
Who would you take a bullet for and who would you die for?
Overlord_Ray replied to Krycifer's topic in General Discussion
I want to point this out it is very unlikely that anyone whom you would think would take a bulet for you would because the main part of the human brain says---Hmm life threatening situation = SELF PRESERVATION!!!!! -
1: assemly line work isnt challenging in the slightest lmao 2: here is something mentally draining imagin you are me my mum is slowly detiriorating interms of physical body, her muscles are eating themselves and her bons break really easily now imagine being me i do everything i can to help her to avail, that is mentally challenging because i can do nothing, i am helpless.
Who would you take a bullet for and who would you die for?
Overlord_Ray replied to Krycifer's topic in General Discussion
(( i always thought Jihad meant holy war meh ) I wouldnt take a bullet full stop fortunatly i live in britain were there are only 68 gun crimes a year so with the population of the UK at roughly 56 million my chances are very slim so im am very unlikely to be put in this situation therefore im not gonna answer. heh heh heh -
I was also thinking of a startrek rpg but i wasnt sure where to set it, i thought an after nemisis one would be good or a TNG (im not too keen on enterprise or TOS) but if someone was to start and RPG i would sign up instantly!!
Name: Barradune Apparent Age: 16 Eyes: Green with black slited pupil Hair: dark brown, down to shoulders Sex: male Elemental Affinity: Darkness Race: Halfdragon Class: Darkness class Knight Primary Weapon: Broad sword, the blade is pure black made of a substance no blacksmith can manipulate Secondary Weapons: Claws/tail/teeth Spells: darkness-Black matter-(throws a bolt of black matter at any object he chooses) Darkness wave-(engulfs the foes senses in nothingness for a limited time it also poisons the enemy or ally caught in its path Dark energy - once fired at an eney or person it absorbes their enery for a short time, granting it to the beams caster however if the energy is not totally used the taget gets the energy back 10 fold. lighning- lightning bolt fire- flame breath Appearance: Tall half dragon, he has the scales of a dragon and the long face, he also has a dragons wings and claws however the rest is human, his hair lookis like a long mane against his scaled carapace. Personality: He is short tempered and intellegent, his arrogance and constant optimism are an annoying contrast as is his seemingly inexhaustable energy, the gift or curse of youth? Apparent Biography: Grew up on the streets of jaden, he lived in an abandooned barn near the rain gods reincarnted self lives, he feels uncharecteristically linked to the person but does not know why, hence why he has stuck around instead of flying off into the horizon, he knows nothing of his parantage other than one of them was a dragon.
Name: Ray Age: 16 Gender: male Appearance: short about 5, 6ish, has long brown hair and wears a kilt, he is a broad male for his height and is deceptivly strong Dorm: north Bio: Was orphaned as a child and the tramua of loosing his parents unhinged him, his adopted parents sent the scots lad to the school inhope of knocking his violent tendancies out of him, the weapon he uses is a scottish broadsword that is the only thing left of his fathers legacy, he weilds it with unrelenting ferocity. Personality:Cold, Calculating to those that dont know him he apperars emotionless and violent although he is the opposite.
name: Grimloq dinosaur: something big....euoplocephalus weapon: hammerlike tail that replaces one arm when transformed Discription: His back is lined with rows of spikes as are above his eyes, he is very well defended, his eyes are a deep green colour with a green slash down te middle for a pupil, instead of one arm he has a huge club that can shatter bones and metal easily Side: Drangonzaur Strenght: Attack Weakness: speed Personality:power hungry and agressive, although he is slow moving this does not make him stupid, he thirsts for battle and although capable of diplomacy often will not choose to use that gift if he can win the fight.
OOC: need help eh link well the heavy ordinance is here now, sorry for the wait had to turn up stylishly late lmao. IC: Godzilla stomped towarsd the camp crushing the trees under his huge feet, he sat down crushing a few dozen more trees and pushing rocks deep into the ground, he looks around at the fellow members of team Itiawa none of which were doing much. He shook his head and crawled into the giant room, which contained a nuclear power plant for his food he cracked open the reactor and toop a swig absorbing the radiation so it couldnt hatrm anyone, it mearly serving to increase the king of monsters power.
OOC: eep sorry havent been online in a while my comps been out of comission but i hope its still ok i start. Ray sat chatting to Carnifex, discussing strategy and abillities. Ray: So were are these things Carnifex: I do not know Ray:hmmm Carnifex:... The monsterous Virus buster was cleaving a path through a wood on the screen. He was chasing a Virus but had lost its trail.. Carnifex:Viruses are so unnecessary, but i shall destroy them. Ray: right... Carnifex: The two stayed silent for a while, untill Carnifex discoverd the virus he was looking for. The Plant like Virus pulsed absorbing data through its roots, Carnifex raised his venom canon and squeezed off two rounds , severing the main body of the plant from its roots, It turned its petal head towards him. Vines flew forth and rapped him up, his claws maki ng short work of the digital tendrils. Carnifex contued with the tearing of the body and as the final blow he opened his maw and vomited on the Virus, its data being digested and consumed. Carnifex grew after feasting, his carapice becoming thicker. Ray was satisfied.
User: Name:Ray Age:16 Gender:male Appearance: 5ft 8inch tall, Shoulder length brown hair, Medium build and muscular, beginnings of facial hair on his face in a goatee, also he has black nail varnish on Personality:Harsh, rather blunt, speaks his mind and is a source of pointless information, too intelligent for his own good Bio: Born in scotland and raised by his mother untill cancer took her life, he spent his years from 10 up living with his father in america. The rest of his life was spent learning, he avoided social contact with other teenagers. He was teased and made fun of and in response to this he trained both his body and mind to its peak performance level. The main cause for this was he fell in love, the object of his affections didn't know he existed. Over time he got to know her, here is where the story begins he and Jenna were sitting at a computr when a silent killer entered it causing the moniter to explode, she died in a horrible mass of shrapnel and wire, So he created. Virus Buster: Name: Carnifex Gender: male Appearance: [url]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20330[/url] Personality: Quick temper, very hateful, is capable of compassion and shows it to those who deserve it, a very caring monster who was formed out of love the protector of this most sacred feeling, he is bound to that parogative Weapons: 1-Venom cannon(fires electofied crystals that lacerate and destroy the target struck, the electrical discharge from the impact can stun any surrounding friend or foe) 2-Claws(can tear apart any thing he chooses 3 -Bio plasma( as a last resort he can vomit a corossive ball onto the foes breaking down their programme for absorbtion Abilities: super strength(he can literally tear apart tanks if he chose to telepathy(can communicate instantly with his user or another virus buster regenerative programme( can repair damage to himself or other virus busters via a temporary interface
Name:Carnifex Gender:Male Age:6,800 Class Type: Prince of Hell Weapon: Venom Cannon - long powerful bio-weaponwhich fires salvoes of highly corrosive poison crystals encruseted with a metallic residue. the symbionte fires using an electro-static charge to accelarate its deadly ammunitionto super aonic speeds. A target struck by the venom cannon is either killed by the impact or the blast of electrical energyor by the corrosive fragments from the poison crystals as they shatterthis happens to vehical armour as well. Description: ~(Will post a picture)~ Personality:Carnifex is a demon of war, he is built for destruction albeit this belighs his true nature, he is an intellegnet and calculating Beast, do not mistake him soley for an engine of destruction, that would be your last mistake. Although through his eons of existance those who know him know of a thirst to do good, however he hides this well from his few superiors and his numerous undelings. Powers: Carnifex has the powers: [Super strength] he can literaly tear apart tanks [psychic scream] his mind constantly eminates an anti psy "scream" and psychic trying to use a power on him will fail, and allow Carnifex into his/her mind unchallenged [Warp blast] summons mental energy into a physical form and blasts it like a weapon [bioplasma] he can vomit forth an acidic ball of plasma from his gullet
NAME:Vertigo AGE:16 DESCRIPTION:medium height, always wears black jeans and a t-shirt that depicts a heavy metal band, Long brown hair to his shoulder blades along with deep brown eyes(human form) BACKGROUND: Ray is a reptile Demon cast from hell to earth for unspeakable crimes against the dark lord, he wishes only to do good and deplores death although will kill people who hurt the ones he loves, when he was first on earth he was looked after by an old homeless woman know as agnes, she taught him all she knew, she was far from a stupid woman, soon thugs tried to hurt her and make her leave the warehouse she called her home, and they killed her. He hunted them down like the dogs they are and slaughterd them, in memory of agnes, to this day he lives in the warehouse protecting the homeless community SPEICAL TECHNIQUES:can become his Demon form know as a kroxigor(picture attatched has super strength prportionate with the size of his kroxigor form while in human form. telekenisi is also a power of this demon boy and like all hell spawned beings he primarily communicates via telepathy WEAPONS:only in kroxigor form, weilds a double handed axe designed to kill anything it cuts, it uses a form of black plasma to do damage depending on the targets weight, less than four strokes to kill a demon the size of an elephant
Name:Raymond Hogarth Nickname: Ray Age: Gender: Species: Salt Water crocodile appearance - Human:well built, short guy about 5ft 6 ish he has brown eyes and brown shoulder length hair, when not in uniform he is usually clad in black jeans and black t-shirts that usually dipict various heavy metal bands Animal:a 13ft long salt water chrocodile the only distinc differences are the length of the teeth they are longer and his colouration is darker War Form: Basically a bipedal crocodile that is 13ft tall and has brown hair, he sees the need for no cosmetic changes to this form as he feels it is powerful enough (skin that can repel most projectile weapons) Personality:Easy going, has a druy sense of humour not many get, also doesnt like large groups, prefers the company of fellow reptiles eg his pet royal pythonl- victoria Bio: Found life hard before he discovered he was were, his youth was plauged by predatory instincts towrds people, once he discovered his transformation abillity he learned to control these instincts and how to focus them to his advantage, Has had to move many times due to unexplained attacks during blackouts. Since the discovery prefers the compnay of Reptillians mostly other crocodillians. Dues to his sense of smell being hightend he has the abillity to read emotions, and this makes him a good person to talk to and is easily trusted despite his dislike of close personal relationships they make him feel vulnerable.
Sign Up Nintendo Vs Sony: The Game To End All Games
Overlord_Ray replied to Engel's topic in Theater
Name:Godzilla Age: this is the new Godzilla ie Godzilla junior afte rhis fathers meltdown so he is about 19 Game:Godzilla:destroy all monsters melee Side: Nintendo Appearance:[url]http://www.kaijuhq.org/gheiseigs2.jpg[/url] Weapons/Items: Claws/teeth, Atomic Breath weapon , nuclear pulse and Tail Bio: Returning thirty years after first attacking Tokyo in 1954, Godzilla suddenly appears in the Bering Sea, bigger and more powerful than before. After his first appearance, Godzilla soon attacks a nuclear power plant on the coastline of Japan in order to feed off the radiation. However, the radiation does not satisfy him for long and soon Godzilla goes on a rampage in Tokyo, destroying the city once again, just like he did back in 1954. However, Japan deploys its latest weapon, the Super X, to battle Godzilla and temporarily defeats the Monster king with its cadmium missiles. However, Godzilla was revived by the atmospheric detonation of a Soviet nuclear missile sent to destroy him by the Russians. Once revived, Godzilla instantly attacked the damaged Super X and destroy it, but was suddenly compelled to leave Japan and head for Oshima Island by the effects of Professor Hayashida's sonic transmitter. The transmitter lured Godzilla all the way to the crater of Mt. Mihara on Oshima Island and explosives at the rim of the volcano send Godzilla crashing down into the heart of the volcano. Godzilla remained trapped in Mt. Mihara until 1989, when terrorists of the BioMajor Corporation freed the King of the Monsters with a second explosion, creating a path for Godzilla to follow out of the volcano. Godzilla immediately traveled toward Lake Ashino, sensing the presence of another creature like himself, his clone, Biollante. After a brief battle with Biollante, Godzilla seemingly killed the plant monster and continued on to Osaka, attacking the city and destroying the new Super X2 while he was at it. However, during his attack, Anti-Nuclear Energy Bacteria is fired into Godzilla's body, but his body temperature was too low for the bacteria to work. So the JSDF lures Godzilla to the Wakasa plain where they have set up a Thunder Control System in order to try and raise Godzilla?s temperature so the bacteria can take effect. At the same time, spores rain down from the sky and form into a new, more powerful Biollante. The two kaiju get into another battle, more vicious than before, but Godzilla eventually gains the upper hand with a point-blank blast of his radioactive heat ray right into Biollante?s mouth. However, the ANEB suddenly begins to take effect and Godzilla staggers off into the ocean and swims away as Biollante disintegrates into the sky. Two years later, travelers from the future (Futurians) used one of their time machines to transport the Godzillasaurus on Lagos Island to the Bering Sea, thereby avoiding the atomic test that would have transformed him into Godzilla. However, the site that they chose to transport the Godzillasaurus to was also the site of a Soviet nuclear submarine accident and modern radiation of the sunken ship mutated the dinosaur into an even more powerful and much larger Godzilla. Godzilla soon set foot on the Japanese mainland and was quickly confronted by the Futurians' bio-engineered kaiju, King Ghidorah. Godzilla took out the three-headed monster, severing his middle head in the battle before making his way toward Tokyo, destroying the city of Sapporo along the way. However, Emi Kano (good Futurian) returned to the future and revived the remains of King Ghidorah as Mecha-King Ghidorah, sending the cyborg kaiju to stop Godzilla from destroying the city. Mecha-King Ghidorah succeeded in this, but was finished off by a blast of Godzilla?s radioactive heat ray as he flew the Monster King out to sea, sending both kaiju crashing into the Pacific Ocean. During the next few years, Godzilla returned to Japan many times, battling many other monsters during this time such as Mothra, Battra, Fire Rodan, and Space Godzilla each having their own conflicts with Godzilla. During this time, the UNGCC was founded to try and end to Godzilla?s attacks, sending their own robotic kaiju, MechaGodzilla, Garuda, and MOGERA to attack the King of the Monsters, but Godzilla always managed to overcome the odds and defeat his opponents. However, in 1995, Godzilla met his end when his nuclear reactor-heart malfunctioned, causing his own nuclear energies to go out of control. His radiation eventually causing the uranium deposits on Birth Island to detonate, destroying the island and mutating Little Godzilla into Godzilla Junior. Godzilla, in a blind rage due to the pain he was experiencing, attacked Hong Kong, his body glowing and skin steaming as his radioactivity ran wild, slowly approaching meltdown. The JSDF and UNGCC tried many tactics to try and prevent Godzilla's meltdown, but at the same time, crustacean creatures which were aroused by the Oxygen Destroyer that seemingly killed Godzilla back in 1954, were attacking downtown Tokyo. It was decided to lure Godzilla to Tokyo so that the Destroyah-creatures would kill him before his body reached 1200 degrees Celsius, when his body would go into meltdown. In order to do this, psychics Miki Saegusa and Meru used their ability to get Godzilla Junior, who was heading to Adona Island, to Tokyo and Godzilla followed. Junior battled Destroyah and defeated him in his crab form, but Destroyah them merged into the huge, final-form Destroyah. Destroyah instantly attacked Godzilla Junior, taking him into the sky and dropping him onto the Haneda airport, seemingly killing the young kaiju. Then, Destroyah attacked Godzilla, eager for revenge on the vile kaiju who killed his friend. The battle was long and vicious, but in the end Godzilla's anger and power with the addition of the Super X3 put an end to Destroyah. However, once Destroyah was killed, Godzilla's body began its meltdown, ultimately turning the King of the Monsters into a puddle of slime as the radiation from his body sprayed into the air, threatening the people of Tokyo with certain destruction. But suddenly, the radiation levels began to plummet rapidly and Godzilla Junior arose from the ruins of Haneda Airport, having absorbed the radiation from Godzilla and becoming an adult Godzilla, becoming the new Godzilla, King of the Monsters. -
Ray stood watching the grass, scanning for a pokemon he wanted. This approach was not working so he and Jupiter ventured into the grass. Ray was not picky about pokemon, infact he liked all types but in this case they were avoiding him. After then mins of searching he finaly found a weedle. "cool i love bug pokemon, Jupiter watergun". The Squirtle did as he was asked, and quickly too. The wWedles retalliation was pitiful as it's poision sting rebounded harmlessly from his shell. Jupiter clamped down on the weedle with his newly learned bite attack, this was too much for the weedle as it attempted to escape. "go pokebal" the pokeball fly straight at it, unfortunitly it wasintercepted by a beedrill that was checking on the larvae pokemon.The beedrill enetered the pokeball but it put up a huge fight and was rejected. The Beedrill enraged by the attack on its offspring and on itself fly at jupiter using its tackle to knock him to the side.Jupiter answered the attack with on of his own, it resulted in the beedrill being tossed againsed a nearby tree, slightly shook the Beedrill charged again. It missed Jupiter by inches and again the Squirtle attaked, this time with his bubble, this was all the beedrill could take as it collapsed to the ground. "go pokeball" if there was a fight against the pokeball it wasnt evident as the bedrill was caught. "yes you did it Jupiter" Ray ran over and hugged his friend. The Squirtle was tired so Ray carried him back to the path where they sat down and awaited the other trainers.
Ray loked round as the boy with the stick approached. "yes we are in the process os signing up for the league". Ray walk toward the boy and shook his hand. "I'm Ray and this is Jupiter" he notioned his head to the Squirtle that was sniffing the evee. The pokemon looked round and waved to Isaac and continued looking at the otner pokemon, the likes of whom he had never seen before (he was on a squirtle, wartortle and Blastoise only island) Ray put his pokedex away and notioned for Isaac to hand his pokedex to nurse joy "nurse joy, Isaac wil need an upgrade on his pokedex too". Nurse Joy smiled, and took the pokedex from the boy, after the upgrade process he was handed it back. "thanks" said Isaac.
Ray stood on the beach, Jupiter by his side. "Squirtle...Squirt" The sudden outburst by the small pokemon startled Ray. "yes i think today is the day that all aqautassiean gyms are officiated" "Squirtle". Ray looked dumbstruck, he raised and hand and slapped himself "come on then if you so wana go we better find Blastoise to get us there". After an hour or so of searching the island Ray and Jupiter found the Blastiose eating in the coral den. The two boys approached him with their arms held together in a mock praying pose, The Pokemon turned round to get a better look at this spectacle approaching. "Squirtle, Squirt,Squirt,Squirtle" "Yeah come on Blastoise you gotta help us to get to Aquatisea" "Toise..." "thank you, thank you, thank you" The Blastoise smiled and followed the boys to the beach closest to Aquatissesa, he waded in and lay down ushering the two passangers onto his shell. The journey was long and arduous but over the length of it Ray had learned much from the Blastiose and his many adventures as a trainerless pokemon. Jupiter and Ray climed off the Blastoise and waded back to shore, they waved goodbye to their large friend who saluted their goodbye with a hydro pump into the air, But before they journey could begin Jupiter and Ray figured it would be a good idea to enter the pokemon center to get information and a check up.
Name: Ray (in all the games my character was called this lol) Age: 16 Gender:Male Appearance:Tall, scruffly looking long brown hair, always wears the same black t-shirt with an indescript logo and on his legs he wears jeans not too baggy but a comfy fit for this larged framed male. Personality:Easy going, But rather arrogant, is convinced him and jupiter are the best Pokemon: Squirtle (i love Blastoise yay) called jupiter (named after my pet tortoise) Bio: grew up on the island near that of the blastoise (one of TOS episodes) anyway, his parents studied these pokemon and he knows them well, his friend and pokemon partner is never in his pokeball as he doesnt have one, the two boys know each other to the extent that Ray undersands squirtle speak.