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Everything posted by Overlord_Ray

  1. Name: Baros Gender:male Appearance:like one of the alens from the films but with a book body Skills:wall climbing, being small, multiphasic vision Personality:layed back not like what ud expect a book that looks like this to act like at all fears: Bats and other flying things
  2. Name:Raymond Age:18 Description:long brown hair tied into a pony tail, always, brown eyes wears a torn t-shirt and long baggy jeans, that betray his real physique Country:European Super State or the E.S.S Class: KX479 omega leader Background: Born in Edinburgh Scotland, The second City of the European Super State that arose around 2010 due to the EU constitution, With the beginning of the Second Brittish Empire as the state was dubbed emerging quickly as the second most powerful Nation both Economically and Millitarily. Raymond came from a millitary family, his father was a General in the Brittish Expiditionary Force (BEF) or the cmobined Brittish regiments of the European SS . Ray Suffered greatly as a Child losing both his parents due to the outbreak of war led him on a campaign, against the U.S. that stole his life from him, He devoted himself to Becoming the best in both mental and physical attributes as a result the millitary snapped him up, he rose quickly through the ranks and at only 19 is the comander in the classified project know only as KX479 omega, this was a project into the genetic reconsturction of men into super soldiers. He was The prototype and is as a result his abillities are unstable and go to extremes rather than remaining at stable levels. (if this is unrealistic i will change)
  3. The Alternate ending to Neon Genisis Evangelion, as in the film, what the **** was with that, i understand most of the plot with the angel and first impact, second imapct etc but in the film what the hell does the eva-series have to do with Unit 1 having the [spoiler]soul of Shinjis mother and Shinji becoming god due to Units 1s ingestion of an s2 engine i mean, and to add insult to injury what is with Auska having the sami injuries as Rei (in the beginning when u first see Rei she has the Same injuries Auska has after the Eva-SEries tear unit 2 apart) meh[/spoiler]
  4. Shinji from evangelions my most hated aniume character, i hate him all he does is whine and moan, "oh dear blah lah blah" Sure hes had it bad but come on when it gets down to it, aint we all got problems i hate him sooo much
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