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Everything posted by Pawn114
I donno wristcutter... [Quote]I think it's immature to think it's immature to think it's immature to like something immature.[/Quote] That sounds pretty immature... :laugh: Anyways, I'm inclined to agree with what Blueyoshi said... the gangster thing. What is so cool about getting shot? What makes you think god loves you (in one of 50 cents song... many men or something), when god's trying to put a bullet in your head, sounds like he messed up the job or something. 2.) Religous fanatics. Now I'm not talking about the go to church every/every second sunday casually... I mean the Ned Flanders type. Also the people that try and force you to join there religion by shoving it down your throat. I'll darn well like whatever religion I like without you shoving it in my face as so far up my... I'll stop now... 3.) Barney... 'nuff said
It may be just me, but I cant only see something that doesnt seem like the picture you describe. For one, it has no skies, or a boat I can see... or a sword. Maybe you attached the wrong picture? The one there is pretty cool, but I cant critique what I cant see
All right, before I ask my question, may I say a few things? 1.) Please, serious answers, I am well aware OtakuBoards doesn?t let answers such as "Omg This R0>
I dont think reading really dying out, however, I do think the physical literature (books) are going down in popularity. Literature -is- advancing with society and technology, E-Books are quickly becoming a reality (apparently affordable after you buy the E-Book reader). I personally love to sit down and read a book, though I have slowly been reading less, and less. And for ages, I think this generation is less and less apt to willingly pick up a book and read it for their own enjoyment, but rather unwillingly get the book, slug through it to please a teacher or parent (generally treating the novel like trash: ripped pages, pop spilled over, and various other things arent uncommon). So to sum it up: I do indeed think physical literature is dying out, to be replaced in the near future with E-Books (Electronic Books), Much in the way most letters are obsolete, and E-Mail has taken superiority. I'd also like to say that it is mostly in the 'new generation' this is happening, as they dont get much exercise and opt instead to read a computer screen, rather then a book.
Alright... 1.) Make sure the white window you can work in is only as big as your banner, thats first. 2.) Make sure your banner is 500x100 (or different for other sites) 3.) Save it as a .PNG file (using the drop down menue to save with) 4.) Go to [url]www.imageshack.us[/url] and click browse, find the banner, upload it, and copy the image url, bravo, paste it in your sig or wherever you need it. viola, a banner -=-=-=-=-=-=- So I'd make sure the white window (you can adjust the size in image.attributes and put that as how big your banner is, so for a maximum OtakuBoards banner, 500x100 (500 wide, 100 high). Or just drag it using the bottom right hand drag-handle (a little blue square) so its at the edge of your banner, so theres no giant unused space -Pawn (Wow, so many people use paint, I do... mainly because I'm far too lazy to find a paintshop or whatever :laugh:
1.) Erm, Rachael... Isnt the -point- of fanfics, is to use the same characters, and placing them in a different plot and situation. 2.) Onto the critique: Erm, I found... wait, no I didnt... Maybe you did this wrong... no... no you didnt. The only thing I can possibly see right now is nothing and a little more nothing. Its flawless! Or close to! Nice job with the story, 'tis a pleasure to read! I like how the story seemed to flow at one point, and how using even small things, such as junk junk letter etc really added to the story!
All right DW, I'll support you... Maybe I'll be a secret double-double-double agent hmmm? Or even a super secret one... nobody'll know... except him, and him, and possibly him.
Wow, I can see why this got published! Absolutely amazing! Nice rhyming scheme, and for some reason, I like "Dancing under the Christmas lights? soft glow." and I have no reason why. If that's the first song you ever wrote... bravo! Amazing! I think it gives off a feel of the romance in a perfect winter night. Excellent! -Pawn (I didnt think I'd ever use so many excellents and amazings in one reply!)
Wow, I like it alot! I use MS Paint, too. And dont think 'its a cry for help' when posting your art, your just looking for critique. I like the pencilly feel of it, kinda neat, and who -doesnt- like panda's? I also like the little border-y things there, they work well with the piece. No real critism here, so hopefully that'll suffice. (If it didnt, pm me or delete my message) -Pawn
Alright, second banner, made fairly quickly using MS Paint and some spare time. Revel in my uber-crappiness with banners! I'm trying to get better at banners, so I'd like to know what can be changed etc. [IMG]http://img11.exs.cx/img11/5929/Banner_3.png[/IMG]
1.) You might want to try and give an explanation as to why you think that, Alright, for my contribution: I tend not to watch alot of anime, so I cant say with certaincy about every anime, but I think only in extreme situations should they have that kind of music, be it rock, heavy metal, black metal (who knows) or the like. Generally I see most anime as a more peaceful music, but yeah, some heavy metal in the backround would make for a good fight seen, possibly even some dance/techno if it wasent too prominent compared to the rest of the fight. -Pawn
[COLOR=SeaGreen]Alright, although I disapprove of replying to everyone's topics to get people to read yours, i'll comment anyways. 1.) I dont like the rhyming pattern at all, seems almost like a 'patty cake, patty cake' rhyme that kids sing. Not everything has to rhyme, and effective rhyming pattern is: [B]A[/B] - First line, Doesnt rhyme with anything [B]B[/B] - This one will rhyme with the last line (B) so make it end with something easy to rhyme with [B]C[/B] - This doesnt rhyme with anything [B]B[/B] - This one ends the stanza and rhymes with the first B So an example would be:[/COLOR] [CENTER][B]A[/B] Darkness reigning over all, [B]B[/B] Lurking in my head, [B]C[/B] Tainting my very soul, [B]B[/B] As I lay here, on my death bed.[/CENTER] [COLOR=SeaGreen]Thats simplistic and thought up on the spot. But it shows the rhyming pattern, A, B, C, B. Also... 2.) Use stanza's, if you dont know what one is, its basically like a paragraph in a story. It seperates different Idea's. A,B,C,B could be one stanza, then put a space, then A,B,C,B again with a different part of the poem. Sorry if that didnt make sense, but I tried! Also... Please dont reply to everyone's topic again, really annoying... -Pawn[/COLOR]
Yes, I agree... that was a very very good story. I dont know if alot of kids would understand some of that though :). Onto the critique: I know it was intentional, but the mention of average that many times actually detracted from the story. The first bit it was good, but after that it kind of got repetative using that. 2.) Thats mostly all the critique I could find about it. It did seem fairly low on the maturity level as a childrens story would be. Overall: I like it. Interesting to read, aside from the average amount of averages :laugh: -Pawn
I like that, though I am not, and have never been a big fan of dragon ball Z, you did put all the images together very well. It has very nice color usage and seems almost... peaceful. The colors seem very easy to look at and nothing clashes in my mind. Overall, a very nice piece. I havent gotten around to trying any wallpapers, I just tried my first banner yesterday. Maybe I'll give it a shot, though... -Pawn Edit: forgot to mention the one thing I dont personally like. The left side of the wallpaper with all the symbols seems to ruin the flow. That might just be me, however. Maybe remove them or change the symbol? I also like the grainy-like effect used with the fading of the back-images. Works quite nicely
Yeah, dont try and deal with it yourself, thats why the police are there. Call them and you'll be fine. Just dont try and deal with it yourself, that can only lead to more problems, including you getting hurt as well as your friend. Safest bet is the authorities. -Pawn
I like it, and hey... I saw confuzzeled! that is totally my term... Thief! :laugh: The only problem that hits me is the color, I dont know if its just me or what, but the beige seems to be a little off. That might just be personal preference, or might be something to do with the actual color you selected. Aside from that, nice work!
All right, I lightened up the color. With my monitor, its not hard to read the writing, but my computer might be lighter then most. The writing on the right says 'embrace the fear' if you can't read it. Anything else I should change? Btw: the new one is in my sig, not much of a change, just color, and a bigger border (I realised I had a pixel wide line of black before the red). Also I lightened the border considerably. Edit: The image I used was from a silent hill 3 picture of a pendulum. I absolutly love the creature, and so decided to use it. Do a quick google image search of silent hill pendulum or something similar to get some more images.
[COLOR=SeaGreen]Lets see: [B]Nes:[/B] I cant remember any of my old nes games, so I cant pick any bad ones... however, I loved Duck Hunt, mainly because I was a young 'un and repetitive wasn?t a word [B]Snes:[/B] Through recently playing an emulator with a couple hundred snes games... Robocop... oh gods that game made me want to vomit... [B] N64: [/B] I played alot of pretty crappy games, any pokemon game, really. Stadium was fun just to mess around with until about 1 hour passed... then you just stop playing... [B] Ps1: [/B] the worst: Some wrestling game I got free with like 2 rentals from blockbuster... oh god... The worst graphics, I could do a total of 1, yes 1 move the entire 15 minutes I played (10 making my character, 3 starting the game up). Only redeeming factor (aside from free, but that?s understanding, after playing the game) was that you could be an evil clown... which is always cool. Also... the blasphemy, Final Fantasy Tactics was nothing short of awesome! I lost my game recently, but after seeing my friend play his burned copy, it's pure agony of not being able to. Fairly time consuming, with training taking a long time, that downs it a little, but everything else was splendid. [B]Ps2:[/B] I've played my fair share of bad games, though one recently springs to mind... Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel... Fallout [B]Tactics[/B] was always cool... but if you have ever played Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance then you're basically replaying the game, but in a different time era. Graphical matters aside... It has the exact same characters, just renamed with new graphics... same idea of :One strong, one fast, and one all around. Then, once your in the game, same old repetitive hack and slash that got bored [I]Very[/I] quickly due to the fact that it is repetitive (duh) and I own Balder Gate: Dark Alliance so it was increasing that game by a few hours. That and the story was -weak- ... Everyone suspects [Spoiler]the mayor to be the evil one, I mean... c'mon!! [/Spoiler]. Pointless, horrible, repetitive... and utterly crappy game. [B]X-box:[/B] don?t own, so I can?t comment here... [B]Gamecube:[/B] See above [B]Pc:[/B] I actually cant think of any bad PC games off the top of my head, guess I'm lucky. -=-=-=-=-=- That?s my list, sorry for the long ps2 one.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen]No problem... But the text seems to bring another small set of issues: [B]1.)[/B] I think it seems cluttered now, maybe space it out some more, maybe not quite to the previous extent, but to unclutter it. [B]2.)[/B] I also think that the text seems... wierd. The font is very simplistic, and It almost doesnt fit the theme... though it really should, being smooth, plain lines and all, but it seems [I]Too[/I] simplistic. Not exactly sure what would be a good font and such, but experiment a little. Of course, I'm nitpicking to the max, but hey, why not, the small things make big differences. Anyways, Nitpicking over ^_^. And yeah, I have to agree with Hayashi Hansuke about the changes giving new life to the picture. I'm was asking what to change about my image and some hints on how to go about it, but all I got was too responses saying "Ooh, I like, good job." -_- . Thats for another thread, however. -Pawn[/COLOR]
EDIT: I completely neglected to mention the other images :o so I scrapped the first part of the post, and organized it better. I read the stickies, and am pretty sure that I'm not breaking any rules, but if I am, please PM and I'll change it post-haste. -=-=-==-=- [B]Outlaw Failure:[/B] I don?t think you should scrap it at all, I rather like it, actually. I didn?t quite get a message from it, but I also don?t watch too many anime's (I probably should, but never get around to it ^_^). So the joke may be an inside joke to the series, on terms of color, etc: I feel that the space that is used with "You are the only one for me" Is a little off, it just strikes me like that. I think it is because the bottom (to me, at least) extends out past where the top reaches the furthest, if that got changed, I think it would be more pleasing to the eye. Question; did you use stock images and cut/paste them, or draw the images yourself? -=-=-=-=-=- [B]Boogie Time:[/B] I like this piece the best, Where normally, Purple or different tints shades thereof (to me, its pretty much all purple ^_^) is not exactly my number one choice of color, but that?s only me, I think it does work well with the character. It may just be a tad long, but that is easily changed: just cut a little of the transparent-like space to the right off, and to the left off, and I think that would work. Alternately: Just Include some words, a quite by the character, an inspiring line from an anime/movie/game etc. That would work well, too. I actually prefer the white on the lines, instead of transparent. -=-=-=-=-=-=- [B]Oh, so Pretty:[/B] All right, I like this one, as well, although, I liked all of your images here ^_^. I think this one has a totally different feel, as though you can almost tell time has gone into it, whether it has, or not is a different matter, It's whether it feels as if. It also appears to have finer lines to give more exquisite detail, whereas there other 2 seemed a little more unrefined (in line shape and size, but in now way worse, just a different 'feel'). I have to agree, the red line on the right did, indeed seem tacky ^_^. I didn?t notice and color bleeding into the words at all, actually. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Anyways, Kudos to you for 3 wonderful images, I hope I presented my thoughts in an organized and easy to read way, and as constructive as possible. -Pawn
I tried making a banner, and I was woundering how you guys think it came out, and what I can improve on in it. i was using a software with lots of limits (MS Paint), so I obviously dont have numerous fade effects etc. I plan to just use paint, as I am too lazy to go install whatever paint shop pro I have lying around... somewhere. Anyways: Call it good, call it crap, Like it, Hate it... I dont care if you say any of them, just truthfully for whatever you say. [IMG]http://img44.exs.cx/img44/3338/Banner_Pawn.png[/IMG]
Yeah, DnD or ADaD both look quite intriquing. However, I dont think I'm going to start playing them now. I, too, have played games using the A/DnD rules, Baldurs Gate, A little of champions of Norath etc. But for now... No. I have, too, glanced through the rulebooks, but only when browsing my local gaming store with my friends. I've played a few games from my friends NES emulator, ADaD and some other I believe, and I truly think: Pen and Paper is way... way cooler then any NES or computer version. It just isnt the same when your with your friends, questing away :laugh: (Wow... Nerdism!). -Pawn
Continuing the rpg style battle, the different attacks: >Uber Sexy Strike >Sexybeam [B]>Girlish Giggle[/B] Having selected the girlish giggle command... which gave the following status abnormalities:
Yeah... also, the little messages on their shirts... we have to look at them to read them, we arent superman(men)! Then they get insulted/angry or whatever at you looking... whats the point of them!? Anyways, I have to agree with many of the posters. I 1.) Dont like giant breasts... their rather naseating (a personal choice) 2.) I couldnt care less what they looked like, as long as their appealing to me. Unless their like extremely overweight (once more, a personal preference [to not go out with an extremely obese person]). Also, as someone previously mentioned, the way they carry themselves does alot, too. It can show inner fortitude, confidence and the like.
Wow, I like it quite a bit. Nice use of relating sweat to acid, oxygen to glass and such things. Right now I cant seem to remember the proper name for that, metaphor or something. Anyways, I think it showed the effort that one puts in when they have a goal to reach, and will go through any hardship to get there. To give an example using karate. The way you feel when your in your last race (recreational) or have been fighting all day, or even at one of the training camps. One in perticular... Gassaku (sorry, improper spelling, I know). At the end, across a large soccer field, you have to run over and over again the length, pushing yourself, for if you didnt, you'd have to do more workout. The feeling is much the same. Anyways, sorry for all that ---^ but I felt it emphasized my point some. Nice work, a pleasure to read.