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Everything posted by Pawn114

  1. Well... It would involve mice... with large bombs... strapped to their backs... war elephants, with mounted gattling guns... In all seriousness, I would do much the same as someone had previously mentioned.... get a couple thousand in each country to either suicide bomb, or just kill them to get power... then, I would build a wounderful army, and invincible citidal (preferably flying, all the scientists in the world -should- be able to make one, right?)... crush all opposition, and watch with an almost omnipotent contempt for the now weak. *insert evil laugh here* -Pawn
  2. I would have to say Duality by slipknot... everytime I hear it, it makes me cringe some... mostly because of the lyrics... the chorus "I stick my fingers into my... EYES! its the only thing, that slowly stops the ache" ... creeps me out from that alone. Duality - Slipknot I would have to say this song because of the lyrics on one specific part... I push my fingers into my... EYES! Its the only thing, that slowly stops the ache! That just makes me cringe... not too many other songs offhand can make me cringe or whatever... that just... does. -Pawn
  3. On my mood... Angry: Dig - Mudvayne ... If only because the amount of rage that seems apparent in the song is immense... I tend to bottle up my emotions, so they come out pure... and powerfully, so I feel it relates to the way I feel. Sad: Stitches - Scars of Life(?)... It seems almost like everything is trying to make it so depression is the only thing left "break my teeth and stitch my smile"... bringing in pain and sealing it up tight... my own take on that part, but it seems to be me when sad... everything seems to be bringing me down. Hyper/Normal - Coffee Mug - Rancid... If only because it is absolutely insane, and random... much like me when not in an aforementioned mood :) Anyways, those are my songs -Pawn
  4. I found them extremely hilarious... am I totally twisted? the answer: probobly... however, most everyone I have shown them to (and that has been a couple of people, so far) has laughed throughout the whole episode, every episode . :) Anyways, my bit of input, what episodes did everyone like the best, that are from the website? Mine would be the eye candy one... not sure of the title. -Pawn
  5. Pawn -=-=-=-=- Wishing I was gone, In this game of life, Nothing but a pawn, Constantly in strife -=-=-=-=- Basking in the hate, Bathing in the fear, Blackened deep inside, My heart this life did sear -=-=-=-=- Blood pooling on the tiles, Streaked across the floor, Will my spirit plunge, Or my spirit soar -=-=-=-=- For I am gone now, Given unto fate, Crawling towards destiny, Fueled only by hate -=-=-=-=- Note: I am not depressed, spiteful, hateful or anything, thats just how I write. Feel free to review, give thoughts on, or criticise it. Just wrote this in the 5-10 minutes (horrible with time) I took to write the entire post, so it might not be fantastic, either in spelling, grammer or such things. -Pawn
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