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Everything posted by otakulab

  1. I know Turdle is working on one... Im just UBER bored, so I took a stab at makin one as well. =^-^= (Didnt use the red font you wanted though... shrug)
  2. [quote name='InuyashaLvr']hey everyone! :wave: I need some help. I dont have any good Paint workshop thingy ma jigger so I cant make any banners. But I REALLY want one. So if anyone doesn't mind helping out a fellow otaku member, I was wondering if someone could make me a banner? If you dont wanna help, that's perfectly fine! :) But thanks anyway![/quote] Do you have any specific characters or colour schemes in mind?
  3. [QUOTE=hawke3000]I don't know if anyone knows this show but I absolutely love it and would like a banner of it. RRH himself has to be on it and I want it to say "Rocket Robin Hood - takes from the cosmic rich, to give to the Astro poor". Thanks alot! P.S. I usually forget about these threads, so could you PM me if you make one?[/QUOTE] Well, Im always down with a challenge and since today Im playin hookey from work.. your banner got my full attention.. hope its aight. =^-^= (I had to animate it cause of all the text... )
  4. Heres a stab I made at your request. Cool pics btw. =^-^=
  5. Ro-k; Ro-k... hope you like these.. made you a few banners to choose from, and I know u didnt ask for an avi, but I made ya one anywho.. =^-^=
  6. [QUOTE=Twisted_Smiles_]yes, I've made a mistake by posting in the wrong place. thank you for correcting me. Can someone please make me an Inuyasha Banner? or an Inuyasha/Kagome banner? please and thank you :love2:[/QUOTE] does any certain colour hit your fancy?
  7. [QUOTE=Twisted_Smiles_][FONT=Century Gothic]Hi, I'm new here and I was wondering if anyone could please make me an Inuyasha banner?[/FONT] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]please and thank you![/COLOR] :)[/QUOTE] Ill be more then happy to make one for you, but this thread goes in the Art Studio forum, then follow the "Art by request" link. You should prolly just delete this post, and make a new one there. =^-^= Ill look for your new thread, and start to work on an Inuyasha banner for you.
  8. Ooops. someone beat me to the post... Ill put mine up here anywho. Not the bestest, but I dun tried. =^-^= [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]EDIT: I made some adjustments to the banner with both Vash and WolfWood.. thought it looked a bit off for some reason. =^-^=. This second one I think is MUCH better.[/COLOR]
  9. So skeletor-ish... hehe.. I like it as it being your first banner. One thing I would suggest, that many people overlook on their first banners, is fixing up the text. I like the red font but its a bit hard to read, (maybe try a one pixel border around the font in a complimentary colour?) . Also, consider placing the.. "you make it sound' part in the upper left hand corner while keeping the rest where it is. Just my two cents. =^-^=
  10. Ello. =^-^= Ro-k, some crit. Your first pic: I like the way you're drawing and shading the hair. In most cases, I find that hair is what most people have the most difficulty with. (In my opinion) The body is a bit off, especially his left forearm; his right hand looks a bit odd as well. I like that staff that you added and you did well on the shading for the clothes. His face is nice and symmetrical as well. Le second pic: Again, I like the hair on this one. It reminds me of Gojyo from Saiyuki for some reason, especially with that devilish look on his face. I would like to see a bit more shading on his face, some darker colours to pronounce more of the shadows, such as on his neck, by his ears? so on. Last pic: This one I don?t like as much as your first two, but it?s still good. Again, best part is his hair. His shoulders look a bit off; it may just be his left shoulder that?s throwing me off. His chin kind of disappears as does his left hand pointer finger. I like the shading you did on his pants and his blue shirt, the jacket isn?t as detailed but still pretty cool. You did well drawing his glasses and I like the buckle you added on the jacket. All in all very nice. Keep up the good work! =^-^=
  11. [quote name='xTriGuNx']thanks that looks great are they both trasparent? ah don't worry about that i might be able too but thanks alot.. but if you have any more ideas on them i will be glad to use them :D[/quote] The first 90x90 one is transparent, the second is not. They were easy to make so dont feel like youre hurtin' me feelins if you dont use em.. heh. =^-^=
  12. Made some quick ones before I my meeting... hope they are aight.. =^-^= [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/strifeavi.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/strifeavi1.gif[/IMG]
  13. *grin* heh... very amusing. you've gotten his lingo down pat. Luv the [Spoiler]got served[/Spoiler] part, and [spoiler]how when they are free, will still own their bases.[/spoiler].. a jolly way to begin the workday. =^-^=
  14. QUOTE: Since Xxxholic and Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicle--I refuse to monkey around with those titles' silly "official" capitalization--are set to become a movie and a series (respectively) in 2005, I have high hopes for Legal Drug. damn i wish it wasn?t so early and I knew how to properly translate that setance, but Im pretty sure that you?re not to favorable on those titles. I thought it was pretty cool to have to diff titles telling the story from two diff perspectives. I read holic first then trc and really enjoyed reading them. don?t know if you have read them or not, but I think it has a good story premise and that characters are well thought out and drawn, (I even like how they work in other names and characters of old clamp titles). Worth a read. ANYWHO. back to the question posed by the thread... which titles would make a good series. Lets see. Id like to see anime that actually follows along with the original manga, but again I digress. OK. First is Battle Vixens. Don?t know why I like this title so much, I surprise myself every time I find myself like a girlie title. The main character Hakufu is hot and kicks major ***. The books (so far two volumes) have non-stop action and the perverted humor that I like as well. Hakufu is sent away by her mother (who also kicks some boot-ay) to go to school to train to fight better and smarter. Earrings that the students wear tell others of their rank and strength. Second would be Baby Birth. This whole series is only two volumes, but a very good series indeed. Good vs. Evil. Ancient Seals being broken and demons flooding the earth. Takuya Hijou (the male lead), finds Hizuru Oborozuki (the female lead) and tries to talk her into helping him save the world as they know it. As Hizuru fails to step into action quickly, people she knows and loves are used as pawns, and sometimes killed. Very awesome series. Third title is Kagerou-Nostalgia. I must admit, the most pressing reason I want this one as an anime is that its SO DAMN CONFUSING at times. There are so many characters to keep track of that it gets a bit overwhelming at first, but you get so engrossed in the story that you forget about it. The setting is medieval Japan and the lands have been plagued by conflict (shocker huh?.. ). The fighters of the great wars have been resurrected into new bodies aiding them to seek revenge upon their killers. The characters (though many) are thought out well and each given their own personality.
  15. [QUOTE=Swordmaster13]thanks I like the inner shadow one. though they're both great. EDIT: I tried to put it as my avatar but it said that it was a valid GIF, JPG, or PNG. Can you fix it so that it will work?[/QUOTE] Its the right size so as long as you save it to your computer (the computer may be trying to save it as a bmp, in which case, if you right mouse click on the image and choose send as email, you can email it to yourself as a jpg or gif.) once that is done you can upload the image from your desktop. More then likely, its the bmp thing.. if not, i have no clue.. its a giffer and the right size. =^-^=
  16. Sup Leh.. tis I Juna.. with a differant handle... back in full force.. heh. =^-^= ANYWHO.. about the grafx.. le first one.. I agree with hack.. when you click on the link, the effect that you gave the banner makes Rogue face look all broken out and bumpy.. heh. Just do the effect on the BG only. le second one.. I like this one.. until figuring out why her face looked off, I didnt really notice how half of her is also gold, the other silver, like the BG you used. For some reason, it doesnt look like the sides of her face were matched up right cause if you look at her mouth in the first pic its fine.. if you look at the second one.. she looks all... ermm, politically correct way to say this..*scratches head*. handicapped?.. her lips are all weird.. I love the idea on this one though.. nice job... =^-^= xoxox
  17. Here you are.. hope its kinda what you were looking for.. made a few changes so both the characters could fit.. =^-^= [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/sm13avi.gif[/IMG] and one without an inner shadow... [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/sm13avi2.gif[/IMG]
  18. I got the avi done.. still working on the banner in between me real jobber. =^-^= let me know if you want anything done to this avi while I still have it in psd format.. [IMG]http://www.otakulab.com/yotskaavi.gif[/IMG] EDIT: I just took a look at the banner pic you want to use.. a bit difficult to get in all the characters from that image.. do u have another one to use.. or do u mind if another one is used?..
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