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Everything posted by Narius
'Tis an RPG character of mine, I'm redesigning him and this is the first re-design attempt. [img]http://www.members.shaw.ca/Defect/Shiroiredesign.jpg[/img] Yeah, I'll be posting all my stuff in this here thread when I get it done, any comments are appreciated. Mediums: Pencil and Photoshop.
Damn near the same thing happened to me, I mean she broke up with me before she technically got her new boyfriend, but she had been cheating on me for apparently two weeks before she gave me the respect to break up with me. Course I went out with her two times after this, not finding out she was cheating and all that until she broke up with me the third time. How I dealt with it....hmmmmmm, I don't think I did. I just ignored her from then on. Always crying on my shoulder about one thing or another and I was like "Oh yeah, I gotta go places, BYE!". Eventually she was completely out of my life, though she still tries to talk to me from time to time. Ignoring people is fun, believe me.
See you really didn't have to do that, ya just can't let it go. But it was still not used correctly in the sentence.
If you stop replying I wouldn't have a reason to reply would I? And yet you seem obsessed with making me out to be the bad guy. If you want me to stop replying here, stop trying to slam me so I don't have to reply. Simple as that, if you ignore this post and continue on with your day/ thread, then I will not reply, Its as simple as that. Yet I doubt you will do that some how. and uhh for the language thing...yeah the sentence that you explained the language was wrong...which is pretty bad. And yeah Frankly isn't an old word to try and figure out or anything, its still in use today.
[quote name='Mikkaddo][COLOR=DarkRed']because its a "disscusion" its not meant to be posted in if your going to continue to degrade people as you have. if you really feel I am so offensive to you, you can leave. I don't leave because I am actually stating helpful facts to people rather than using one tired example and ridiculing the people that speak differently than I do. you obviously haven't read my other posts. I am helping people that seek info on other religions, other than what I follow. where as you have lowered your posts to nothing more than insults now. you have less reason to post than anyone else here if that is all you now have to say. I however have a reason to stay. I know about more than just what I believe. because unlike you, even though I don't follow them I still read up on other religions. where as you just read up on one, and use it as your "proof" as to how religion is false. if anyone makes it easy to insult the other its you frankly. [/COLOR][/quote] Just wondering if your religious beliefs have something against the edit button...I mean....really. Anywhoo, To claim that I have nothing to contribute may or may not be correct. Since you already know all this stuff I suppose I would have more to learn about that you so I should be here more than you. Now you say I am only here to cause a ruckus, and yet you were the one to bring up the fight again. I was not planning on replying again, I had nothing to say until you took a cheap shot about "Acting Like Narius" if you hadn't simply decided to randomly flame me in the middle of one of your posts I wouldn't be here, so it your fault, not mine. Ridiculing the pople who speak differently than me......wait what the hell does that even mean? Are you failing at trying to to say that I make fun of other religions again or have to stated calling me a racists for no apparent reason I don't know. Seriously though I could technically go back and break apart every single post I made in this topic from beginning to end and point out the fact that I never stated anything against any other religion as fact. Its not all I have to say, its simply a preoccupation due to the fact that you brought it up. C'mon you make fun of me, then expect me to sit there and say nothing? OK buddy. -_-. Actually I never read up on christianity, one of my friends happens to be a devout christian, and I'm talking engimatic sort of devotion. I also know very basic ideals of Buddhism and Judism. I just don't feel like discussing them, simply decided to tell people my beliefs then people like you get all whiny and angry. I also never tried to prove religion is faulse, you're making things up again. [quote]if anyone makes it easy to insult the other its you frankly. [/quote] .....I make it easy to insult the other?.....uuuuuhhhh....I don't even think frankly works in that sentence context.
[QUOTE=Mikkaddo][COLOR=DarkRed]To Narius so says the man who reverts to childish "nany nany boo boo" tactics when faced with the truth, if you truly never belittled anyone but only stated your beliefs, than why did you make such an effort to try and belittle me? why if I am so miussguided do you feel that what is needed is moronic and thoughtless insults rather than actual thought out words? you say Im the one offending and saying that other religions are wrong. I am not, I said yes that it didn't make sense to me, but I never said that it didn't make sense PERIOD, where as you had stated many times that it was all wrong PERIOD, only once or twice saying that it was your belief. you obviously haven't even read your own posts, and have no right to rag on anyone else in this thread, what would be best is to leave the thread, if your so offended. afterall the best way for you to end this aparent endless offense you feel from myself and others is to simply stop posting, yet you continue. explain that.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] wasn't any effort at all, don't really have to try to do something that easy, you pretty much do my work for me. Anyways as I said, Up until now I hadn't, but since you neglected to read....again...what a surprise....I said that I'm simply retaliating because you are trying to do it to me. If you had stuck to the facts I would have as well, instead you made it personal, and now your critisizing me for making it personal? Thats the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I once again NEVER...ok seriously read very carefully, like I dunno what you can possibly do to try and understand this any better, I N-E-V-E-R said that they were false, period, I said that what I was saying was my belief, you simply assumed that since I didn't say I wasn't saying that what I say is absolute truth, that that was what I believed, which is stupid. I would know better than you what I meant to say, and since grammatically it never says what you claim I am saying, your entire arguement is fruitless and simply an annoyance. Why should anyone leave the thread? Its called a discussion for a reason, not "Don't post here unless you explisitly agree with everything everyone else says and if you don't then some moron is gonna flame you instead of sticking to the issue." I see no reason why I should be the one to admit I was wrong when I was obviously not in the wrong at all. Why would I leave the topic when you can do the same just as easily? Explain that.
[b]People who assume they know more about what you mean than you do.[/b] Par example; When you say one thing and cut it off rather bluntly and don?t continue on the post, but leave it as a basic generalized statement that could technically mean a lot of different things, then people get pissed off at you for something you didn?t even say, but their pissed off because it sounded to them like that may have been the direction you were going in. That pisses me off. [b] Overtly stubborn people.[/b] A certain degree of stubbornness is fine, but to take it to a point where when you assume something and are corrected on it, but refuse to stop arguing a point you were already corrected on, that?s just annoying as hell. [b] The sound of eating.[/b] Seriously, I hate the sound noisy eaters make, erk?s me to no extent, just wanna stab them in the temple.
Once again the degrading flames of a childish fool. Perhaps you want to remain on topic rather than trying to belittle me hmm? Or is your arguement so flimsy you have to use personal attacks to keep up? That would make much more sense in this case. Lets see here. I made no generalizations at any time, I said some of them, or I said it is stupid to be like one, once again your reading comprehension is just so pathetic it almost makes me want to cry. I mean have you passed grade three english? I would seriously love to know if you have, cuz it would amaze me if you did. Uh yeah, you offend me, by continuously flaming my person in a thread where until now I simply stated my beliefs then you went on a rant about me being contradictory, childish etc. etc., so yeah you are being quite a dick, not to everyone just to me. Ooooo somebody has a belief that contradicts mine! Lets whine and not give anything contributing towards the discussion, lets just make stupid snide remarks towards his personality because we have nothing better to do. And I'm supposedly the bad guy here. Strange how that works out. Now back to you, yes you stated your beliefs, and stated that you believed that a certain religion didn't make sense, which is of course what I had said which started this entire arguement, and you know the downward spiral of people just being rediculously childish towards the entire situation. ...and as for the last sentence...Isn't that precisely what you are doing right now? I believe that religion is not true, once again I state BELIEVE, incase you guys miss that again, so to say that I treat people with differing views childishly or with aggression would double back on you quite a bit more, since you are personally attacking me for my beliefs. I on the other hand am now personally attack you because well, your a hypocrite like I said before and quite a dumb one at that.
[QUOTE=IceWolfEyes]Hey, guys, I think you conveniently forgot to read some of my posts. I AM JEWISH. There, I feel better now. Narius--Please do not compare you to me. I did say that I didn't understand certain religions, but I also asked for explanations by the people who practice them. Note the difference. Icewolfeyes[/QUOTE] The post was quite obviously pointed towards the post directly above it...it in fact reffers to specific things in said post. And who's to say I haven't heard explanations of others religions? You assume too much of me.
What I do, draw a lot. and I mean a lot. Understandeable since I intend to go proffessional in the not too distant future. Oh and find my old forums that I was a member on a long time ago and see how far downhill they went, then say something, then make fun of the people who are far too aggressive for their own good who reply whining about me posting my opinion. Wastes a good couple hours at least.
Funny because you just said the same thing I said about my beliefs, but about your own, only less bluntly. You say A certain religion didn't make sense to you, as did I, You said you believed in something else that pretty much went completely against the teachings of another religion, as did I. Strange how someone who did the same thing as me would actually then judge me in the same post. Guh, some people's children.
Does anyone actually read through what I said before replying or just feed off of others flames and pretend to know what they're arguing against. Once again I stated I don't BELIEVE in it, I never once said it is false or something to be wiped aside without a second thought. I use Christianity as an example in my posts because its the mostly widely spread religion out there. Now you misconstrued the meaning of make sense. In other words to make the world bareable. Its impossible for one to not go insane without believing in something, if you believe in absolutely nothing at all then you would drive yourself insane trying to figure out whats real and whats not. If you believe the sky is blue then you believe it because that way it makes sense to you, and since I have yet to contradict myself in any fashion you need to look up the meaning in the dictionary. Contradiction would be for me to say "You're religion is for a fact unfounded." and then say "but it could be true." I never said that it is for a fact unfounded, I simply said I believe it to be nothing more than a fairy tale, never claiming my beliefs are to be construed as truths. I never said you were all the same, Obviously not but to believe in a book is fairly ludicrous in my mind. You see now you are claiming that what you believe is the truth, which is far more closeminded and contradictory to your reasoning behind the agruement than anything I ever said. I said I don't believe, you're saying that atheism may have been created by someone who was jealous of the "truth." Thus claiming there is some monumental truth that all must follow which is in fact quite contradictory to claiming that you accept other people's opinions. Hmmmmm...hypocritical as well I see. Since Athiesm isn't an organized belief that entire statement makes no sense, atheism is pretty much saying you believe whatever you want to believe without boundaries, not a group of people who hate god. Also since I still do not claim anyone elses beliefs to be false for them there is no plausible reason you can believe that I am smothering other people's beliefs. Just because I don't welcome it with open arms and decide to believe in what everyone else believes doesn't mean I don't accept their right to believe it. Seriously, read then reply.
[QUOTE=Baron Samedi][color=darkred][size=1]I'll just have to pick an argument here too. This isn't controversy. This is a disagreement. A minor skirmish if you will. Controversy is a ten page debate on the ethics of abortion. This isn't worth.... peanuts. You come in, make a vague insult about the Bible and how every religious person blindly follows their faith, and expect controversy? If you hadn't acted like such a big-head then people wouldn't feel the need to take you down a peg or too. I wouldn't even have considered your post insulting, indeed, it was rather lame. YOU are closeminded. You won't even accept the fact that religion could be true. Me, I don't really care either way. I am open-minded. But, whether or not others are, you are truly close-minded. Speaking of which, close-minded is a popular word isn't it, eh wristcutter? ;) "Just because some guy called 'Narius' doesn't believe in religion, doesn't mean it isn't true" Right? [b]E D I T[/b]: Inuyasha[number], did that post run you out of breath? Because it certainly ran me out of it.[/size][/color][/QUOTE] [quote]Even if you did, it would more than likely be a bunch of nonsense[/quote] Wow, you were right! You know only with more flaming, but ya got the nonesense part right on. Ahem The meaning of conroversy obviously escapes you, a working usage of the english language would be beneficial before you post random inane spam flames. -_- I never said every person blindly follows it nor was what I said an insult rather an insight from my own beliefs. Once again that english language thing, hard language I know but try to keep up. I'm fairly sure if I hadn't said anything about my high self esteem people would have still disagreed with my theory, just people would have done it in a more polite manor. rather lame indeed, such is the fate for the replies to a lame post. Think about it. Never said it "couldn't" be true...I in fact would like you to point to anywhere where I said it was impossible, I simply stated its improbability. By your logic, to claim someone close minded and not be open to the fact that he is open minded would make you close minded, hey its you're logic, not mine. I also explisitly claimed my beliefs are not truth, just beliefs. I also don't ask anyone to follow my beliefs...so yes just because I say it doesn't make it true, and just because you reply trying to get a rise out of me for no apparent reason doesn't mean your intelligent.
and you are claiming that no one else would have done the same thing? If I had left it over night say for example it would have ended with those few members trying to disprove me and no other conflict would have gone on? That is to say the least foolishness. Everyone in this case reffered to the majority of the posters who posted after me...other than Altron, had conflict to be raised against my opinion, since conflict is the route of controversy it became a controvercial topic to be discussed, are you following so far? Now as for my inflated sense of ego, it doesn't stop with this topic, I'm an egomaniac, what did you expect? It isn't precisely relevant to anything that was important. To point out such a miniscule grammatical(thats right it is grammatical I will explain why) error in the midst of a three paragraph post and not shed light on anything else was both irrelevant and pointless. It was a grammatical error, grammatical in the sense that I used the wrong word in this case, I should have used something to the affiliation of "So far everyone" or "The respondants". So it was in fact a grammatical error since grammar is allocated towards anything technical about the written english language. You just like to get in arguements don't you? EDIT: Oh and Semjaza, I m against religion because of the amount of assimilation involved with it. That is to say I don't believe that any form of beliefs should have constants, beliefs should be as diverse as personality itself.
Either way some form of a mechanizm within you gave you the feeling that you had to defend the right to believe in what you want, thus blanking out me saying that I in fact support people believing in what they believe. The close minded comment still stands, though I suppose we are all close minded in our own way. And by creating conflict over an issue such as this without just being an idiot that would be controversy. Also never said I was a superior in any way to anyone, just claimed I have a high opinion of myself, which is seen more as a plus than a minus (I'm also dead sexy incase anyone wanted to know). And I thought it was written by one guy. Meh, what can you do when you've never actually looked into other people's religion due to disagreeing with organized religion. I just happen to put my beliefs a little more bluntly than most in this topic to begin with thats where the hostility came from, but I in no way meant to tread on anyone elses beliefs, just claiming why I don't agree with them. and yes everyone is included in those three people, thank you captain sarcasm for your interjection to point out useless grammatical errors that have nothing to do with the topic at hand. I await anxiously for you to find some error in my sentence, I'll even leave a few for you so you can find them, its like a game. -_-;;
See? Contraversy. And You thought I overestimated myself. Its funny that everyone did exactly as I suspected, defend their belief without truly reading what I said. In fact I said multiple times that this is what I believe, not fact. I also said that you can and have the right to believe in anything you want, I don't condescend your ability to do so, I am simply stating what I believe. I believe the book is a fictional work thought up by some guy, everyone thought he was serious and knew what he was talking about so they started worshipping the main focus of said book, that is my belief. Once again not stating it as fact, simply stating that that is what I have been brought to theorize by my relation to those inclined to religion. I am not divulging myself as some form of superior being, just one with a different track of thought, though since your blinding defence mechanism for your religion has made you apparently blur our half of what I said there is no pleasing you. I did not say everyone does, nor did I say that any of you blindly follow your faith, I said that people in general should not, never specifying the percentage, nor any specific person who does, just saying it should not be done. There is no denying the fact that somewhere out there there are people who in fact blindly accept whatever is fed to them, though once again I will state and hope that you read it this time, I am not specifying any group or any individual who does, just stating that they are out there, and should not do so. So to say that I am close minded would be truthful, though not to a point. You see I believe in a million different possibilities, I believe in possibilities that could plausibly come about. Not things that have no possible ability to be proven. Until the truth behind everything is shown to me I will assume what I must to make the world make sense, just like everyone else does. You see the reason why I claimed I would create controversy is not because of my views, but because people would jump to conclusions and try to belittle these conclusions without thinking it through. Cold Reading I believe is the technical name for it. Anything else anyone wants to randomly yell about?
[QUOTE=wrist cutter]Interesting, considering you just made a post that not only called every religious person close-minded, but also said they're all blindly following their chosen faith. What makes YOU any more enlightened than any of us? Besides, it's not controversy in the first place. Anyone who is religious has undoubtedly heard much worse things said about them.[/QUOTE] To claim that everyone's religion is a blind following of some crazy guy's book that was written a really long time ago and really shouldn't have any bearing on today's life would generally cause controversy amongst those devout to their beliefs, so I was in the right in assuming such things. Never said I was more enlightened, but to believe 100% that everything had to start some where is infact close minded....in fact it could be used to define the word. Anything else you want to bore me with?
[QUOTE=wrist cutter]OMG, the controversy!!!1 Don't overestimate yourself.[/QUOTE] But I have all the reason in the world to. You on the other hand don't have reason to assume things about me. Ahem. Now stay on topic!
Eh, your all far too close minded. I'm a devout athiest, therefor I disbelieve in the fact there is a god, or anything else the "Holy" book tells about. To say there has to be a beginning is false, you simply believe there has to be a beginning. Just because some guy wrote a book about his beliefs doesn't make it true. Organized religion is a ludicrous idea to me, it assumes a certain faction of assimilation that should not be followed, to blindly believe in what somebody tells you is the truth is pointless. Now I'm not saying that I risregard your right to believe in what you believe, but believe in it because you want to, not because your family does and you got dragged along for the ride. I believe that we are here simply because we are, there is no concrete proof to tell me otherwise so I don't believe it. When we die I don't believe we get judged and sent to either heaven or hell, I believe consciousness simply ends, we no longer exist, its as simple as that. Oh creating controversy, I love it.
Very kewl, love the folds man very well done. The only crit that I can think of is there seems to be something wrong with Evene's head. I think it could be moved back into the hair a little bit. Other than that looking great.
Art Does anyone know of a Kiss Drawing Tutorial?
Narius replied to Rurouni Kenshin's topic in Creative Works
Perhaps it would be best to simply do some life studies on the subject. -
Well done, basic critiques though, like the left boot's perspective seems a bit off, and the glasses on the forehead seem to be slightly wayward. But like was said before, very clean lines, I like it.
Warehouse worker, it was technically an under the table kind of job, but still, I was on the payroll so. Possibly the laziest job ever created, when you ship Avon, no body cares how crappy you treat the cargo, you can throw it around, hit eachother over the head with it, bury the forklift in boxes etc. etc. Great pay, great work, too bad they let me go then disappeared, now I'm stuck with nothing....grrrr...
Doesn't mean I can't enter drawings at random. Oo;
Wow this got a looooong ways back. anywhoo finally got my last drawing up, it isn't complete I haven't had a lot of time on my hands but its about the best I can get done for now. More my style rather than Anime style but it should suffice, enjoy. [img]http://www.members.shaw.ca/Defect/drakos.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.members.shaw.ca/Defect/drakos.jpg[/url]