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Everything posted by Narius
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by iggy [/i] [B]I liked the movie unlike most anime movies at least it had a plot [/B][/QUOTE] Someone please tell me I did not just read that! There is either something wrong with the board, or with your brain. anyways, it wasn't a bad movie, fairly, and I use that term loosely, good, not the best movie or anything, but it was fairly well through out.
.....read entire statement, then reply. Like I said you cannot stay on the fence forever, and even when you are on that fence, like I said you will be cutting parts of each side off from your point of view. And yes women encounter it to, I am also against walking around yelling out slanderous things about women. And though you apparently don't like it, what If I came up to you and a group of your friends and started saying how all women (which would include those present) are gutter sucking crack whores, how long would it take you to stand up and say. "Shut the **** up." not long whether you want to admit it or not, beleive me, I know some womanizing men and the moment they open their mouth and say something prejudice and ignorant like that they get slapped like rag dolls. Thats what African Americans get, most of the time more frequently, and like I said, if you are allowed to poke fun and make harrassing comment in "good times" kind of context, why aren't they? isn't that in and of itself being even more prejudiced against them, stating "Only we're allowed to make fun of you?"
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]Slow down and take a closer look. I didn't mean to offend (aha, that word) you, but no one on here has actually agreed with stereotypes. If I'm closed minded for accepting (and yet not fully agreeing with) two different points of view, then I'd hate to think what you consider people who only accept one point of view.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] your attempting to say that generalizing black people as criminals is open minded? Or as your freinds think it, hypocritical. I don't see how that is open minded. The problem with what your saying is the fact you say you are atleast to a slight point agreeing with both sides correct? in this case it is mainly impossible to truly be on both sides. If you were in a massive group of people yelling at each other from either side, one saying "Blacks allways do this, blacks always do that." and then the other side is yelling back their arguement as to why they do not do it, what would you do? stand in the middle and yell at yourself for making a view point for either side? You either beleive that stereo types are fact or you beleive they are not. There are of course varying things, but one saying stays true in this circumstance "In one ear, out the other." by leaning to one side, you mellow out or forget certain aspects of the other side, eventually completely disagreeing with the original side, or moving back to that side and disregarding the other. You can't stay neutral forever, the influence of one side will overtake the other. now as for your friend being harassed by those certain people. You should tell him if he ever sees those guys again, tell him to ask them how many time's they are picked on the exact same way by white people. When you work and or live in the projects of cities such as Detroit, or L.A., I'll try to word this as carefully as I can, you can't be there without realizing the black people are angry with you if you are white. Its a fact that in alot of places African Americans are treated unfairly, they are given lower wages for the same job, rejected for jobs, etc. etc. simply because the employer is some kind of biggot. Now, given they are also generalizing as all white people, but they have more of a reasoning behind it. Your friend is angry because one time someone used a slanderous remark, think about how many times they get slanderous remarks such as that in a day? Not to mention the guys were probably doing the same thing as everyone has no problem with which is just playing around. It was a joke to them, and the fact that you feel disliking the black community simply because of one "humorous" remark in their view is good enough grounds and then turn around to say that its ok to make fun of other people as long as its joking is very hypocritical. They probably should not have said that, but it gives no ground for someone to turn around and say. "I dislike black people now because a couple of them badmouthed me." That is how a supremist is born. That and the sense of self worth and all that crap, but hate is never an alright thing, I don't care what they did to you. If a hyspanic killed my entire family I wouldn't go around bad mouthing ever hyspanic I saw, its common sense to not pin something that has nothing to do with another person on them just because they look alike.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]He was merely giving an example. As for your opinion, I thought a lot like you did until I heard more of what these guys had to say. I slowly started to accept that, while you can't judge a person simply because of stereotypes on their race or gender, you CAN see why stereotypes were produced in the first place. If you let yourself be more receptive to other opinions, you may learn a thing or two.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I need not learn a thing or two from racists factions who dislike African americans, I would rather see people as what they are, not what other people pretend they are thank you very much, do not belittle my ability to judge people without the use of color of skin, it degrades me and make me wonder why I bother talking to someone so close minded that they would agree with people who are descriminate towards colors of people. Now You can't simply see why stereotypes were created through people of today, people of today ARE NOT STEREOTYPICAL. Individuality is at a point where if you follow a group you are an outcast. African americans are not all hanging out on the street shooting people, there are more well renouned, highly intelligent, hard working african americans than there are Gansters now a days, though you would not hear about them over the killings in South Central L.A. My point stands judging people by skin color is wrong and I'm amazed, appauled and sickened by the fact that so many people on this board agree with it.
plot holes my friends, its Dragonball Z, get used to them. Bejita blows up Arlia, he's standing directly outside of his ship, he apparently has no problem breathing in space, and yet he apparently can't breath in it according to Furiza. Not to mention Gokou seems quite worried that he would die if the planet exploded, but if Furiza can survive it why would Gokou be able to? is it because Gokou thinks he can't breath in outerspace either? Gotenks flies around the world like three times or whatever he does it, he's too far out of reach for him to still have oxygen and he has no problem, all strange coincidenses that don't make sense with the statement that they can't breath in space. But its DBZ, it happens all the time. and Like Transic Nerve said, the series is massively long, their's bound to be something things muddled here and there.
to think these stereotypes to yourself is natural, you can't controll what you think. BUT to say that These people brought the stereotypes upon themselves? I think thats the worst thing I've ever read in my life. Im sorry to trample on any view point you may have, but simply because the African American people these two knew were a certain way in no way intails that all African Americans should be seen the same. People are people, you don't get born and simply because you're black your a criminal, same with every other race, the way people are is a direct relation to how they were raised and who they associated with, Race has absolutely nothing to do with it, its been genetically proven that one race is not more likely to have personality "defects" than another. And to say most African American people are Criminals Breaks is possibly the most ignorant thing I have ever seen in my life.
my overall average so far in school this year is 61% and im damn happy with it. I may be intelligent, but it means nothing when you don't try at all.
The powerlevel through Fusion, both the Fusion dance and the earings do not simply add the powers together, they grow exponentially thus why the fusions are so strong.
just like dot hack's first season is actually called .HACK//SIGN, but most people just say Hack. anyways I've also only seen the first ep, thats siomply because im lazy, and the one I got was off of mIRC so it was pretty long wait to get it. But yeah, Shockwaze of the Blitz' are sweet, and Kazuma's the man.
yeah, pretty much all of the cards in the show are in the game, they just aren't here yet, though it would be cool if the God Card's weren't restricted to 0.
God of Obelisk. Kuz Kaiba's the man, and he only becomes more so in Battle city (just by style of dress, havent technically seen any episodes of it, heh). but as for whats out now, Relinquished it pretty kewl, in combination with a Majic Jammer that things a piss off.
I saw the box set at HMV (strange place to find it indeed) and I was planning on getting it, then realized that I don't have a hundred and 8 dollars Oo. But it looks interesting thats for sure.
lapses in judgement are the worst enemies of calm collective mutual respect. Example you walk down the sidewalk and turn onto the street, not at a crosswalk and just walk across the street. Everybodies done it at some point in time, and a car screeches on their breaks honking the horn. Do most people stop and ask to be forgiven? no most people give the guy the finger and continue along. You were obviously at fualt, you yourself knew this from the start, but the fact the guy was angry at you gave you some sort og right to be angry back whether you actualy had a stance or not. In those circumstances Humanity truly does lose what most would signify as respect. on another spectrum you could go as far as to explain that you have the respect for a person as far as you don't pull them out of their car and beat them sensless with a baseball bat. I mean to an extent that is respect, to give a person their dignity to drive away in the situation. So it truely could be argued from many different points of view and perspectives. In my case I give people the "Respect" that I don't kick them in the face just for walking by me, as far as that will take you, but if you want respect, you want me to stop and talk to you because I respect you whenever you walk by, you gotta give me a reason, I don't stop for just anyone. Unless their hot, inwhich case I stop whether they want to talk to me or not. Oo.
Well its half of a roleplay character put with "Peacecraft" because I was a little too obsessed with GW at the time. The actual Characters name is Yorimitsu Mushigori. other Screen Names: Narius: one of those ones that just pops into your head. Defect: Heh, I like the word what can I say? Manic Delusion: Depressing view of the world at large creates names like this, never get so cynical as to make your name show your disgruntled attitude, it never helps Oo.
dbz is the most redundant anime of all time. Incase some of you didn't know, it was originally supposed to end after the furiza saga, then Toie wanted more money so they had it continue. Also if you didn'f notice, every single saga (other than the filler saga's which in my book don't even count) is the exact same frame work for the storyline, every time what happens? big bad guy comes in, beat up everyone, one of the group gains some rediculous power up and kills the big bad guy. There I just created a Dragonball Z saga.
Its personality, alot of people do dislike the fact that they have to grow up, its natural to them, they were raised in a very nurturing environment and feel that there is no way it can get better than it is currently. Now Other people were brought up to stand on their own two feet, growing up always being told that someday they can't be around their parents anymore, so they are more well adjusted to be able to take this challenge on. Then theres people like me. I don't want to live at home anymore, but I don't want to have that much responsibility on my head. So im stuck inbetween. ^^.
Yep, limbs annoy me. I used to have problems with firearms and mech type stuff as well, then I went to a couple sites and stole their styles =P. ANd Piro of Megatokyo is really good at guns Oo. anyways I'll prbably upload a scetch or two sometime and show it here. I'm just lazy right now....and tired......and lazy.
My guess is they were reffering to the company (Manga Corperation) Either that or their stupid, very very stupid.
I would go back and live my life exactly the way I lived it the first time. No point in procrastinating about mistakes you made in the past, because chances are if you went back to correct them, you'd make more mistakes and want to fix those aswell.
It depends on how you use it. If you flaunt it around and sticking it in peoples face then there's a problem. If someone who killed your family wore a symbol of some sort would you want a bunch of people walking up to you with the same symbol on them? I know I wouldn't.
Well theres the one in my sig (w00t, Saiyuki Rulz) - Rahxephon - possibly Serial Experiments lane....but alot of people have heard of that... - Angelic Layer - Project Arms - Arc the Lad - Nadesico
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B][SIZE=1]... There are different skins...?! I never knew that... [/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] stole the words out of my mouth.... we have other skins? :worried:
....it looks nothing like sephiroth. HIs eyes aren't formed the same, his hair isn't the same, his clothes are definately not the same. if it turns out to be a fan art drawing of Sephiroth, someone should show the person who drew it what Sephiroth looks like. O_o
if it were my 21st......probably alot of drinking.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]The idea of staring at the Rock's(stupidest wrestling alias ever, by the way) [/B][/QUOTE] its worse than Coco Beware?